Hacking the secrets on bouncing back from setbacks, turning failures into fuel, and navigating life's twists and turns with class, panache and resilience.
Manage episode 420934971 series 3518234
Have you ever wanted something to happen – been disappointed it didn’t
and then were very grateful things turned out the way they did ?
Today, we’re going to talk about something a little different – Letting go and trusting life
releasing the need to control every outcome
understanding that not everything will go as planned, and that's okay.
-we may think of something as a ‘failure’ or a setback,
later we will realize it all happened perfectly!
By letting go, we make space for growth, learning, and unexpected opportunities.
It’s a practice of patience and openness, allowing us to find peace and contentment in the journey itself, rather than being fixated solely on the destination.
Example I started my own business but I’ve faced
Many setbacks not least Cancer, covid
But I’ve stayed committed to my vision,
learning from ‘failures.’
Each setback becomes a lesson, not a defeat, bringing them closer to their goals.
Stay motivated, confident turning roadblocks into stepping stones
Present moment awareness keeps us grounded amidst life's changes.
Here are 3 simple steps to bring you right back into the present moment
1. Scan your body. Take a moment to conduct a quick body scan, starting from the top of your head and slowly moving your attention down to your toes. As you scan each part of your body, consciously release any tension you notice. For example, drop your shoulders, unclench your jaw, and soften your facial muscles. Letting go of physical tension helps to anchor your awareness in the present moment, promoting relaxation and mindfulness.
2. Pause and breathe. Box Breath.
3. Make time for mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine.
· such as meditation,
· yoga,
· or mindful walking.
PS. Affirmation of the week
Say this out loud with me now Frank (and anytime you feel overwhelmed)
‘I release and let go.
I Move with the flow!’
P.S. “You can’t connect the dots looking forward,
you can only connect them looking backwards”
- Steve jobs
1. Set your intention.
2. Imagine it in full technicolour.
3. Write it down as if its real now “I’m so happy and grateful now that ...”
4. Read it out loud every day.
5. Take action.
1. Breathe out slowly, releasing all the air from your lungs.
2. Breathe in through your nose as you slowly count to four in your head. ...
3. Hold your breath for a count of four.
4. Exhale for another count of four.
5. Hold your breath again for a count of four.
6. Repeat for three to four rounds.
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