Ep. 176 Toys on Tap w/ Funky Maclunkey
Manage episode 422842225 series 2950348
If Kenner were in the digital age of sculpting their figures, Funky Maclunkey would be the sculptor! He is bringing the original kenner line of Star Wars into the digital age. From sound engineering to 3d sculpting he does it all! Listen up to this week's episode!
On instagram @funkymaclunkey
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Thank you to our supporters:
DKE Toys @dketoys
Eric Nichols @massiveminihorse
Toyz(A)live @Toyzalive
Dimension X Toys @dimensionxtoys
Bootleg Toy Co @bootlegtoyco
Pocket Salsa @pocket_salsa
Dirty Yetti @dirtyyetti
Dan Overdorff @dan_overdorff_art
Zimot Co @zimotco
Barbarian Rage @Barbarian_rage
Manny Cartoon Studios @Mannycartoonstudios
Tim Gee @puzzled.panther
Pickmans Vinyls @pickmansvinyls
Shaun C Downey
Brandon Barker @manormonster
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