I am really excited for this episode We are going to talk about current covid 19 incentives, rates, and scams. Unless you are living under a rock we are all experiencing this pandemic. I think right now is a great opportunity for businesses to shine and show you what they are made of. Even capture your loyalty forever! But there are some things out there we all need to be aware of Before I get into that a quick word from our sponsor. You need to access and secure your digital life. Did you know you hotels, airlines, and more have different prices based off where you are connected from/ did you know the someone in Canada gets different programing on Netflix and other stream services than usa? I want to introduce to you. Surfshark VPN.When I'm using public wifi, hotel wifi, at the airport, and on my mobile device I need a VPN to secure and then encrypt the data I'm sending. A new feature when using surfshark VPN is called hack lock. It provides an extra layer of security, hack lock scans databases for possible email and password leaks also providing you the user real time alerts with Any personal information that was leaked and found available on the internet. So here's the best VPN deal for my viewers. Get surf shop vpn at surfshark.deals/ChevyDude enter promo code chevydude, you will get 83% off and a one extra month of free subscription. The minimal cost you spend with surfshark will outway the benefits and piece of mind with your personal and private information. Use the link you in the description with code Chevydude for these amazing savings. And thank you surfshark for sponsoring this video. You can text your TOPIC related questions to 502.909.5192 if you want to guarantee your questions gets answered feel free use the super chat feature or become a member of the channel here on YouTube. Join us Live every Tuesday night at 7pm on the Chevy Dude YouTube Channel for our live broadcast. A couple of the topics we are going to talk about in this episode: ⁃ Is 0% really the best deal ⁃ I am going to show you a real world scenario of the difference between 0% and traditional finance ⁃ Why dealers may sway you away from 0% ⁃ What vehicles these deals are on ⁃ How to safely buy a car during this crisis Car buying Template: http://chevydude.news/Buying-Template FOLLOW ME HERE TOO: 🔵Follow me on Instagram http://chevydude.news/Instagram 🔴Like my Facebook Page http://chevydude.news/facebook Mike Davenport Chevy Dude Louisville Ky.…