Brenda Shoshanna Phd δημόσια
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Zen Wisdom for Your Everyday Life

Brenda Shoshanna, Phd

So many are saying Where is God when I need him? Especially today. Many feel deserted and alone. But it is only that we have been looking in the wrong direction, searching everywhere but at home. The surprising answer to the question tells us instead, that all we need is right here with us in our everyday life. In fact it is right at the kitchen table. It is only that we have been looking elsewhere, searching all around. These episodes offer specific ways in which we can encounter God, fulfi ...
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Many of us fear change, because we experience it as loss. We do all we can to keep our world stable, secure, and as we want it to be. Most of our time is guarding against change, fighting and refusing it. But the truth is that life itself is constant change. It is growth, discovery, and the precious unfolding of who we are. Change is the way we lea…
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We are driven by the need to be right, not wrong. And many of the conflicts in our relationships are caused by this, as well. When a difference of any kind arises, we immediately insist that we are right, the other is wrong. These labels cover the larger truth of the matter, as we enter into conflict, anger and often loss. There is another way to h…
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So much of our lives are filled with questions that have no answer. We go around and around in our mind trying to figure everything out. These questions about ourselves, others, what will happen, and what's the best road to take, plague us endlessly. They prevent us from being present for what's going on and fully experiencing our lives. In fact th…
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No matter what's going on, how we see the event or person, determines what they becomes to us. We can find that which is devastating about them and ties us in knots. Or, we can let go of opposing and rejecting what's going on, and experience each moment fully, just as it is. When we do that we make room for things to change and flow. As we let go, …
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We're all looking for thrills and chills as we go through life. Our ordinary everyday life seems too simple, dull and repetetive. To make life special we feel we have to jazz things up, create dazzling goals, become someone special, receive all kinds of acclaim. Or else we've failed, missed our chance. Zen practice shows us just the opposite. Every…
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We live most of our lives surrounded by Dire Predictions, a snowstorm is on the way, huge winds, dangerous conditiions. And, then, before we know it, the snow has turned to light rain and the sun begins breaking through. Dire predictions come from all directions regarding most aspects of our lives. When we focus upon them, believe them, guard again…
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How many of us can really allow ourselves to really live, feel the sun, hear our neighbor, be present and available to all that arrives. This is actually a great art, and in order to do it, we must learn the great secret of "Allowing". It is rare that we allow anything to happen, just as it does. Immediately, we want to fix it, judge it, take contr…
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We are always waiting for something to happen to make things right. There's usually something missing in what's going on right now. We want it to turnout differenly and won't stop until it does. There's a picture in our mind of how everything is supposed to go. Most of us refuse to feel satisfied until our picture is fulfilled. Then we'll feel as i…
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We are not aware of how much we reject life. A gap takes place before we are willing to notice, engage with and accept what's going on. Often we just block things we don't like out. Or, our initial response is to judge what's taking place, filter it through our past experiences. Take a few steps away. It is rare to simply to be present for whatever…
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True communication comes in many forms. So often we present an image of ourselves, play a role or speak to impress, or influence. This type of interaction causes division, not only within ourselves, but in our relationships. All long for true connection, to be seen, known and heard. And how is that possible, when we are not interacting simply and d…
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We all wish each other a Happy New Year, and mean it. But what does it mean to be truly happy?? Usually we think it includes lots of laughs and smiles, a happy face and demeanor. Certainly, it is a pleasure to feel that way, but how long does a feeling like that last? It comes and goes due to circumstances. When things go our way, the smiles appear…
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Even though everyday is new, we drag the old along with us wherever we go. Then, longing for a new start, we look for it everywhere. Some move to a new neighborhood or relationship, profession, even new haircut.. As we approach the new year, we reflect upon the year gone by and dwell upon how we want things to change. However, one thing we overlook…
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We're always waiting for things to be fulfilled, for the job to be over, for good news to arrive, or for our long wait to be over, for our needs to be met. As a Zen Master saw his driven students, pushing and striving for results, he always said to them, "Not Yet." However much they strained and hoped, he always simply shook his head and said, "Not…
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Caught in our thoughts we feel that we know what's going on, and respond accordingly. Instead of paying precious attention to what's right in front of us, our attention is caught and trapped by our endless obsessions. What a pity. Our trapped attention hasn't a chance, can't breathe, live or even see the beautiful sun that is just waiting for peek …
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It's so easy to become upset when things don't work out our way. Many feel like failures, that no matter what they do, but life just proceeds as it wishes. Nothing to feel badly about. We do all we can and certainly can bring benefit, but let's take a moment and dwell upon the most significant koan, question of all. Ultimately, Who's In Charge? You…
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We have so many expectations about what is going to happen, what needs to happen and how to manage everything. So many hours are spent planning how to navigate the twists and turns of life, to be ready for everything. Yet, most of the things we expected, don't happen. And what we don't expect arrives on its own. Our reactions to this dominate our l…
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Thanksiving is here, a yearly time to remember, thank and reach out. But this practice is so powerful and central to our well being, our lives would turn around if we took a day or two each week, (or more) and gave thanks all day long. Normally, our brains are wired to focus upon what is wrong, what's lacking and who did us harm. That seems to be o…
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Where is God when I need Him?? This cry is heard so loudly these days and during times of trouble. Let's explore the feelings of abandonment, loss and the confusion we experience as things seem to go out of control. There is a secret answer which is here right where we stand and live. Especially at the kitchen table. The problem is not that God is …
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So many phrases we use are routine, casual, empty comments to daily questions. For example, how are you today? How's it going? Fine, fine. Really? How's what going? Nothing has really been asked, and no answer given. We hide behind words, slogans, easy responses, use them as a way to get by, to be accepted or admired. In this way we create our own …
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Everyone wonders where to go, how to get to our destination. We try to figure out all the twists and turns in the road. So often there's a fork in the road, or our journey is not what we expected. As we figure out what to do, we lose touch with the very step itself. We're not right here experiencing the step, or moment, fully. Instead most of us is…
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In the midst of the chaos we are going through, it seems we've left sanity far behind and it will be so difficult to return to it. Living in a world with mixed messages, confusion and emotions flaring high we wonder if we will ever find the road to clarity, and simple moments of joy. The truth is that sanity is right here, all the time, impossible …
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In these enormously difficult time the first thing we ask is Where Has God Gone? Endless prayers are offered, vigils and all of us instinctively turn to the divine at a time like this. In fact, God has not gone anywhere. He/she is right here, always available and present. Right Where We Are. Actually it is said that "We Are the Temple of The Living…
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In order to break out of the spell of fear, it's necessary to learn more about fear, meet it face to face. We are all senior to fear, there is no need to get caught in the great undertow it brings and lose our clarity and mobility. Fear never keeps us safe, it does just the opposite, creates confusion, obstruction and illusion. Divides friends and …
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We love to make our lives more and more complicated, fill them with "problems and fears" and then spend the entire day trying to find solutions. At the end of the day, tied up in knots, we wonder what we've gained. Actually, we have not gained anything, but lost the strength, power and beauty a simple, natural day can bring. We have grown out of to…
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We spend so much time waiting for things to turn out as we want them to. There is a constant demand made upon life that it fulfill "my" wishes... And when it doesn't, when something unexpected or unwanted wanted happens, we start to fight it, try to change it, feel like failures. Then we spend endless time trying to figure out what things turned ou…
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Devotion is an odd word these days when change and variety have become something many strive for. But even when we go from one experience and project to another, a deeper sense of satisfaction and fulfillment are often missing. The power of devotion is different. When devoted to a person, cause, vision or activity not only are we committed, but enj…
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The world seems upside down today. The lines between sanity and madness are blurry and many feel anxious and confused. And, all the while harmony, clarity and even joy are right here with us. It is not difficult to step out of the world of madness, can be done, breath by breath. The path to sanity is right where we are every single moment, and we c…
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Usually whatever happens we want to change it, fix it, do something about it. We want to control our experience, take charge and even dominate it. When we react in this manner, we are always looking for what's wrong. Our day becomes a battle between one problem and another. Rather than just "allowing" the day to appear as it does, for experiences t…
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So often we go searching wildly for something we think we lack. Suddenly, we want it badly, and we'll do everything we can to find it, look everywhere. Hours can go by as we engage in the search, even days. Perhaps we are reading a book and an idea hits us. We feel we must know more, find another book with more information about it. Swept away in t…
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We all believe we are outside, looking in. There's a sense of separation from what that which we want to belong to. We have to earn admittance, be approved of, or struggle hard to join in. But our Zen practice tells us that we are already part of life, on the inside. We all belong. Once this false sense of separation and unworthiness dissolves we c…
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It's impossible for the Truth or Reality to be hidden or hide forever. For a certain period of time we can run from it, pretend things are different than they are. We can live in dreams or fantasies, or try to explain everything that goes on. Sooner or later, though, the bare truth of our lives appears. For some this is shocking, hard to absorb. Fo…
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We usually think that life (and practice) must be filled with suffering, struggle and strain. There is so much we must do, and so little time to do it. And, what if the opposite is true? There is so little to do and endless time to enjoy each moment, person and day. What if all was already done and here for us to enjoy it? When we enter the true sp…
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We all long to be unshakeable during a time of shaking and change. The search goes on endlessly for a place we can stand firmly, something we can trust and depend on to navigate through uncertain times. It is natural to run here and there trying to find a safe and sturdy place. Where we belong. Yet, the unexpected truth is, the more we search, the …
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So many of us feel stuck, unable to move on. We are clinging to the way things used to be or the way we feel we need things to be in order to move on. Somehow we have not realized that we are only clinging to a dream. Each moment must be different, life is a process of endless change. And that is beautiful, giving us room to to live anew, again and…
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On Independence Day, a celebration of freedom, it is crucial to see that we are all intrinsically free. We are alive, awake, breathing. We come to this life with all we need to sing, love, give, thrive in everyway. And yet we suffer greatly, ruled by the idea that we are bound, enslaved, harmed and victimized wherever we go. We believe that we must…
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We often long for wisdom to get through our lives. It seems as if there is something missing in ourselves and we must find the answer somehow. This feeling drives us to search all over, in books, people, news. We constantly compare ourselves to others, and find outselves lacking. Or we idealize others, and feel deeply hurt and betrayed when they do…
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We all believe that we are bound by external forces, relationships, circumstances and situations of all kinds. However, the truth is that we are only in bondage to our confusion, our lack of understanding of the simple laws of love. Once we discover the difference between real and counterfeit love, we can easily see that all our pain comes from liv…
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We're all so busy trying to accomplish this and that, and figure out what must be done next. Seems it's never enough. Swept up in the rush of activities and and demands of our conditioned mind, it's rare to pause and notice what's the most important thing. where are we headed. We rarely wonder why the rush, or why we must listen to the mad mind wit…
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So many of us become distraught, thinking that life is brief and that we must hold onto what we have strongly. The fear of loss and change, along with a sense of failure can haunt our entire lives. It seems as if we've missed the mark, as life keeps turning around and aruond and we cannot control any of it. What we do not realize is that everything…
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Our lives are often a frantic search to find and reach our destination. We take one road after another in search of where we want to go and where we think we belong. We also demand that our relationships lead to our destination, to what we want to receive and to be. When one road or relationship fails us, we quickly search for the next. And then th…
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An epidemic of isolation and loneliness is sprouting up all over the world. A sense of separation, along with division and fear has taken hold. It certainly seems as if this is understandable. And yet what is not so obvious, is that fundamentally, it is impossible to be truly alone. We are all incredible united, connected and living in one another'…
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Most of our lives we struggle with problems of all kinds. Our energy, focus and days are revolved around, what's wrong and how we can fix it. All day long we are protecting ourselves from danger. However, the true solution of all our problems is far too easy for us to believe. We long for complication, difficulties and to be stronger than life itse…
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Most of us battle time, try to make it go slower, go backwards or forwards. We try to hold time in our grasp. Time seems dangerous even, as it flows inexorably onwards and we are unable to stop the flow, always wondering where we are headed, and what will happen when we arrive. As we constantly weave back and forth between the past and future, time…
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When disturbed we search here and there for all kinds of cures and medicines, not realizing what is medicine and what is poison.. What creates more confusion and upset, and what truly heals. It is amazing to see that true healing is simple, easy, available all the time.. Zen practice returns us to the basic, natural, rhythms and gifts of life. We t…
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So much of the time we are rocked back and forth by disappointment and confusion. We may blame others, or life itself, but in truth distress takes over because of where we have placed our trust. We are trained to put our faith and trust in authorities of all kinds, teachings, teachers, newspapers, and so called experts in every area. And all the ti…
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So many resist change, as if the only way to stay steady and strong is for everything to be stable. Then we'll know who we are and how to behave. We live inside the illusion that security comes with being in an unchanging, familiar world. However, this illusion is disrupted all the time, as our lives consist of nothing but change. And, the great ar…
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We all feel we have so many burdens, one thing to do after the next. And it never ends. Day by day, hour by hour, we search around for what's next. How can we improve things, what needs to be done now? Zazen practice comes to tell us to sit down quietly, breathe, realize that it's all done. Our racing minds and hearts have been playing with us, thr…
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This is a holiday season of freedom from bondage of all kinds, a time to step bravely into The Unknown . Many cannot make that step, as they feel safer with that which is familiar, even if it is hurtful to them. It is a question of which messages we listen to. Do we listen to the call of our spirit, the deep inner knowing of where we belong? Or do …
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We all want to be Unshakeable, to be able to weather any storm that comes. Most of us think that the way to do so is to resist difficulties, remove ourselves, focus on something else. When we do so, that which is troubling us doesn't disappear. It simply goes underground and gives fuel to underlying anxiety and fear that can hit at any time. The tr…
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