Pondering Thoughts In My Head δημόσια
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Who is that guy drew anyway?!

Who is that guy drew anyway?!

Refreshing thoughts, ideas, questions to ponder, and light subject matter in a real, unedited, non pc kind of way. Chances are, you have thought about what goes on in my head, and maybe even agreed! Come on and listen, we will figure it out on the way! Contact - justaguynameddrew@gmail.com Instagram - just_drew_podcast
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Crazy Good God

Nancy Teague

Crazy Good God, do you know Him? He's somethin' else! And He thinks you are AWESOME! My fifteen minute Episodes eventually became five minute Quick Deep Points. The QDPs will make you ponder! Episodes launch every Wednesday morning 5am. Since a child I was told about Jesus. Over the years there have been difficulties and losses that have heightened understanding of who He is. I was involved in numerous ministries and church leadership for several decades. There were many opportunities to see ...
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show series
E68 Ever wondered how big God and Jesus are? If They are big, think really big, and you are made in Their image and likeness then how big are you?! Do you even realize you also are a “Wow!”? Well, you are. Find out about all kinds of BIG in this episode. Oh, and there is also a news flash about me and this podcast.…
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E67 Do you get caught up in negative thoughts? Learn dynamics of negative thoughts and what kind of thoughts God has. You don’t have to be ruled by or stuck in negative thoughts. Discover the power of God’s thoughts and a strategic win win!Από τον Nancy Teague
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E66 Have you ever noticed the conflict and competition between religious Christianity’s gospel message and the message of the Gospel of pure Grace? What a contrast! Is Christianity the best of all religions in the world? No wait, Jesus actually nullified all religions! So why are there over 40,000 Christian denominations?! What does grace proclaim …
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E65 Jesus used leaven to perfectly illustrate the Kingdom. Why is hidden leaven so effective in its influence? What does this tell us about who is called with a holy calling and why Jesus chose us we didn’t choose Him? The leaven of the Kingdom is really happy about you and humanity. Oh my, we are part of a huge lump of dough!…
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E64 Have you been called of God? Perhaps you know some who have. Is there a higher calling, but we just haven’t heard of it because the traditional Christian gospel is focused on sin? What does it mean that Jesus and God chose us? Discover how intentional and deliberate God is!Από τον Nancy Teague
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E63 What is God’s purpose? Does His purpose determine your purpose? Is intentional important to God? Two dreams show He is very intentional about you. He really loves your presence and you don’t have to nor can you do anything to make it happen. Oh the closeness of God!Από τον Nancy Teague
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E62 Do you really know your thoughts? What are God’s thoughts? What if they’re not the same? If your thoughts undermine you about who you are and who God really is, then discover you are not stuck in your thoughts. You can renew your mind to His fullness of life. Oh my goodness, the multitudinous wonderful thoughts God has about you! Positive trium…
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E61 Is God offended at us? Who was Jesus hanging on the cross? What enabled Jesus to endure the cross? Paul said, “I’ve determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. That sounds morbid, but it must really be pivotal! Does the traditional religious celebration of Easter lack deep understanding of what really was happeni…
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60 Have you ever noticed all the happy verses about God judging the earth? Men and nature rejoice like crazy! Would you do that about God’s judgment? Hmm, have we been fed a negative bill of goods when it comes to Jesus coming back a second time? It actually is good news as it connects with what He did while on earth! Get happy when you heart that …
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E59 In January 2022 I saw a vision of four things unfold one at a time. The previous episode #58 was about the last thing I saw in this vision – the great cloud of witnesses. Today I share about the other three things from the vision, a large multiple angled structure, baby elephant, and dog. After pondering these three, amazing understanding was d…
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E58 Who are the Cloud of Witnesses What are they doing Vision reveals Be really encouraged Ever wonder about the great cloud of witnesses? What are they doing? A most astonishing vision I had in January 2022 brought some answers. You will be encouraged in your faith and running with endurance the race set before you. This cloud of witnesses even te…
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E57 What is God’s lovingkindness? Is it important in your life? How does His lovingkindness affect your life? Have you ever felt you need to really seek after God? I did. Now I see a decades old dream was actually showing me the futility in trying to run after God. How patient and kind God is in our journey to really know Him. God’s lovingkindness …
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E56 Have you considered or experienced being astonished by God, about God? Do you know this happened to Augustine on his death bed! With all the Isaiah proclaims about your beauty, how to get free from hindrances, and the glad tidings of the Gospel – who would have thought it would end with astonishment? Listen in and discover there is more to expe…
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E55 Why Jesus' Good News Gospel really happy Is our gospel not glad Have you ever pondered the very happy gospel that is prophesied in Isaiah 52 and Jesus’ declaration of its fulfillment in Luke 4? My goodness their words don’t look at all like the traditional gospel preached by religion. Listen in to be wowed by Isaiah and Jesus. Don’t let religio…
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E54 How loose bonds not what you think God makes huge way out Gosh, how many obstacles are there in Isaiah 52! Ever sold yourself for nothing, descend into Egypt, try to loose a restriction? God sees our plight and has nothing but abundance for us. It’s amazing what He did to make a way out of bondage for us! By the way, do you know how important “…
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E53 Why God says awake What needs shaken off Why sit down really good Isaiah 52 God spoke to me in a dream in May 2000, “Isaiah 52. The Lord says, “Remove the obstacles.” Little did I realize way back then and not until the last several years that Isaiah 52 was full of our true identity, how we got our false identity, and the huge good joyful news …
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E52 Ever had a ‘word dream’? God succinctly spoke loud and clear. It abruptly woke me up. Find out the serendipity about the number 52 and my long lonely trek to discover grace. Hey, do you know that grace is powerful against obstacles? We don’t even have to lift and finger. God just wants us to SEE clearly. Hmm, what are those obstacles anyway?…
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E51 How does a dream from twenty years ago about horses, wagon, reins, being in control show us many kind aspects of God’s good will and grace? You may have had dreams a long time ago, but Holy Spirit can expand your understanding years later. Always be open to seeing more, especially if you are growing in the knowledge of His will with all wisdom …
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E50 What is God’s will? Do you see it as demanding and to be obeyed, or is God’s will higher, benevolent, and freeing? Does man’s will and religion’s will overlap? Do you know your true identity fits perfectly in God’s will? Listen and get excited about God’s wondrous kind will that is already accomplished – in fact before time began!…
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E49 Has religion hijacked God’s mercy? Do you beg for mercy? Only by looking at who God really is can we understand and truly enjoy His mercy. Hey, do you know mercy is about new? In God there’s always new everywhere!Από τον Nancy Teague
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E48 What is the meaning of NEW in the Bible. When Jesus talked about new wineskins and new wine He was using two different new words from the Greek. When you understand the meanings and Jesus' prophetic implications you will be in wonder! The Lord reminded me of a vision from 1988. That's a long time ago but He sure made it relevant to today and Je…
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E47 What does the Incarnation mean? Is it a quick transition to the big purpose of Jesus coming to save us from our sins? What if we underestimate the magnitude of what the Incarnation shows God to really be? There are many ‘wows’ to discover about Jesus becoming Man. Two dreams I had decades ago unknowingly at the time, point to Jesus’ incarnation…
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E46 Do you laugh? Does God laugh? Hmm, laughter must be good because we are created in His image and likeness. What happens when we laugh? Do you know about the laughter in the Old Testament? Hmm, maybe God isn’t as scary as some believe. Have you ever thought that faith and laughter go together? And find out about Walter C. Lanyon’s encounter with…
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E45 When you hear the Gospel, the Good News, is it about joy? Have you ever thought about the joy that jump-started Jesus’ incarnation. Do you know the key ones who encountered effusive joy? If joy is not part of the proclaimed Good News, then we are missing something really important. On another point, would you have ever considered yourself a joy…
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E44 Many translations say we will stand before the judgment seat and give an account of what we’ve done, good or bad. (2Cor 5:10) But, scary implication does not fit in the context of what Paul was writing in this chapter and when you hear the Greek understanding you will be amazed and thankful. Ultimately this verse is about grace and the result J…
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E42 Have you ever wondered what those mansions are that Jesus talked about? Are they literal? What if it’s something bigger and better!? What kind of preparation did Jesus do to make a place for you? What is the biggest thing about the core of your being? Jesus was trying to show that.Από τον Nancy Teague
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E42 The Lord reminded me of my dream from 2006 as I was considering Jesus' words "In My Father's house are many mansions." He began to give me deeper understanding of this dream in light of Jesus' finished work. He even connected it to mansions! It is the most strange and amazing dream about buying a new house and begins with me checking out the ba…
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E41 Jesus said, ‘Heaven and Earth will pass away’. If God said His creation was very good, why would He want it to pass away. If Jesus Incarnate came down from and ascended back to Heaven, then why would He want Heaven to pass away? Is Jesus' finished work part of the mystery for Heaven and Earth passing away? Could it be really good news for manki…
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E40 Someone asked Jesus, “Lord, are there few who are saved?” Jesus said “Strive to enter through the narrow gate. For many, I say to you will seek to enter and will not be able.” This sounds hopeless! Is this what Jesus meant? Leaven (or yeast) is key to understanding what He meant. There’s even a comical aspect in how the disciples couldn’t under…
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E39 What is the narrow gate and difficult way? What is the destruction for choosing the broad way? Are these two ways contrasting life and hell or is it a wondrous good news for all? Have you ever considered the narrow gate and difficult way has to do with death? Also, I share a personal story about my grandma with dementia. She died then back to l…
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E38 Blindness and seeing are very important to God. Jesus said I judge no one, but later He said, ‘For judgment I have come into the world that those who do not see may see, and those who see become blind.’ Is that fair? Indeed, because in essence everyone will see! God will see to it! If you think you’re blind ask Him to open your eyes. If you're …
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E37 Are these words difficult for you – command, repent, judge? Paul spoke of these things to the philosophers in Athens when he referenced their idol “To an Unknown God”. If we understand a few Greek words, we’ll discover Paul was telling them really good news – for them and everyone. That means us too!…
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E36 The elder son had a false identity that was wrapped up in works. All his hard work blinded him from how really loved by his father. His works were like idols. Jesus trying to help us see what idols can be and was confronting the Pharisees with theirs as they listened to the Prodigal son parable. The kind father to his wayward son and judgmental…
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E35 Do you know how important sonship is to your being? Jesus has shocking things to show us about our Heavenly Father through the Prodigal son’s father. Discovering the significance of putting the best robe on the Prodigal certainly confronts religious mindsets. Get ready to be wowed at our Father’s crazy goodness and your own significance!…
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E34 God is all about receiving. Jesus told several parables to make that point. It is important to know the meaning of the word ‘receive’ as it helps brings revelation of how much the Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit wants us and enjoys us. Jesus even used a parable about the poor, maimed, lame, and blind to show God’s full house receptivity. What a pict…
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E33 Who is the Prodigal son really? Was he a loser destined to be a winner? Why did the Prodigal want to leave the farm? The father was hands off in his respect of the sons’ wills and choices. Yet there was a greater value the father had for his sons, that enable him to be Hands off.Από τον Nancy Teague
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E32 Why did Jesus teach in parables? To understand them you have to be open to more! There are three characters in the Prodigal son Parable and one mystery character. Who is the most important character? It's actually connected to why Jesus came! What to look for can help understand other parables. Have you ever found Jesus' parables confusing?! Th…
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31E What word does religion use to describe God and makes us think we have to do something to get back to Him. But, from God’s perspective there is a very small word that has huge ramification in truly knowing God and ourselves. Take the quiz to see if you know this biggest smallest word about God, His kingdom, and us.…
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30E What did Eve really eat when she ate of the tree of knowing good and evil? What was the first thing Eve did that led to harm for herself, Adam, mankind? What true knowledge did Eve lose? If we eat of tkge, what can we do to stop eating from it?Από τον Nancy Teague
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29E Part 3 How could God possibly use the tree of knowing good and evil for man’s glory? What does man’s will, mystery, choice, God’s hidden wisdom, a non-intervention God have to do with the tree of knowing good and evil? What is it about God that lets Him live in the tension of opposites and seemingly not intervene? Is God’s goodness so big it tr…
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E28 Part 2 We call it the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But that description is misleading and a poor translation. Find out the correct Hebrew word or knowledge and you’ll understand what this tree really is. Do you eat from it? But, surprise - the foolishness of the wisdom of God shows up and it’s for our glory!…
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E27 Part 1 What is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Is it a list of good things to do and evil things to avoid? Was it there to tempt Adam and Eve to see if they would obey? If God said everything was good that He had made does that mean the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is good? If God is good how can He know evil?…
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E26 How did driving out Adam and Eve from the Garden give a prophetic picture of Jesus’ resurrection? If Jesus died while we were yet sinners and His death completed God’s will, then how does His gift of life by grace have anything to do with our cooperation, repentance, or having faith? If One died for all and all died, then how are we to see othe…
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E25 God drove out Adam and Eve from the Garden. Looks like God was angry at them. Does religious teaching make you believe that? But, what if God wasn’t angry. Could it be His kindness on display, as well as the beginning of the Good News? Could the Cherubim with the flaming sword turning every way show us that Jesus was present? Indeed, it does! E…
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#24 Why do we have trouble believing Jesus is everywhere throughout all of human history. Time and place is our go to reference for life. It's natural to only insert Jesus, thus easily limiting presence in our minds. If Jesus is everywhere, how did He show up in the garden? Why is it so easy to underestimate God and His goodness?…
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#23 Many believers study the Bible and dig deeply in the Word AKA scriptures. But, we sure don’t want to end up like the Pharisees who searched the scriptures continually to find God. Shockingly, Jesus told them, in their fervid pursuit and striving – they never found Him! Check out a surprising vision that helps see who He really is. Jesus wants t…
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#22 Holy means other than, nothing like it! Have you ever considered that reading the Old Testament can mess you up when it comes to knowing Jesus “The Holy One”, let alone knowing God? You just might be surprised how the Old Testament skews your understanding of the New Testament, the New Covenant. If holy God is kind of scary to you, this might b…
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#21 God is holy. Does that make you want to keep your distance, fear Him, or draw close? Man’s definition of holy is different than the Biblical meaning of holy. The true meaning of holy totally changes the way God is understood! In fact, understanding holy changes the way you see yourself because holy is directly connected to how God sees you. Two…
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#20 Scars are part of our stories. Most have at least one. Jesus has five scars and they are eternally significant. Jesus surprised the living daylights out of His disciples when He suddenly showed up. They were hiding in a locked room which would have added to their shock. No wonder the first word He said, was “Peace…”. Do you know the Greek meani…
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#19 Quick Deep Point plus! How do taint and scars fit into understanding hell, religion and the Gospel? Jesus became sin and He took away the sin of the world. Does that mean Jesus was tainted? What is the sin Jesus took away. Why does religious Christianity have hell as part of their good news? What is the mystery of the Good News? What do Jesus's…
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