Investor Shayle Kann is asking big questions about how to decarbonize the planet: How cheap can clean energy get? Will artificial intelligence speed up climate solutions? Where is the smart money going into climate technologies? Every week on Catalyst, Shayle explains the world of climate tech with prominent experts, investors, researchers, and executives. Produced by Latitude Media.
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News and features from Israel
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We cover the Kansas City Royals.
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Radio programs in Kannada / ಕನ್ನಡ / Kannaḍa for Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, India, by Adventist World Radio
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ספרדית Kan en Español
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Here we bring you reviews about Kannada novels, short stories, dramas, kavana samkalana, poetry and other books from voracious readers; bookworms; upcoming writers. ಕನ್ನಡ ಕಾದಂಬರಿಗಳು, ಸಣ್ಣ ಕಥೆಗಳು, ನಾಟಕಗಳು, ಕವನ ಸಂಕಲನ, ಹೀಗೆ ಹತ್ತು ಹಲವು ವಿಧಗಳ ಪುಸ್ತಕಗಳ ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ ಓದುಗರ ಅಸಮಾನ್ಯ ವಿಮರ್ಶೆಗಳನ್ನು ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತಪಡಿಸುತಿದ್ದೇವೆ. Write to us: [email protected] Now available in Youtube :
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Tervetuloa Menestystä Etsimässä podcastin pariin kuuntelemaan inspiroivia vertaistarinoita yrityksistä ja yrittäjistä matkalla menestykseen, erityisesti B2B:n kuninkuusluokasta, SaaSista. Juontajana toimii Loyalisticin ja SaaS Finlandin vetäjä, Antti Pietilä. Podcast tehdään yhteistyössä Loyalisticin ja SaaS Finlandin (osa Software Finland ry:tä) kanssa.
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צרפתית | Kan en français 21:00 - 22:00
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For more than a century, Kansas Farm Bureau has served Kansas farmers and ranchers through advocacy, education and service. This podcast provides an in-depth view of issues that impact Kansas farm and ranch families.
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Kansas City Today is a daily news podcast from KCUR Studios bringing you all things Kansas City, wrapped up in 15 minutes or less. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, it’ll be waiting in your feed every weekday. Hosted by Nomin Ujiyediin.
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Abspecken kann jeder! Ja, auch du! ;-) In diesem Podcast nimmt dich Dirk von mit auf den Weg zu deinem Wunschgewicht. Dirk ist leidenschaftlicher Esser und hat selbst 20kg abgenommen, die er dauerhaft unten hält. Dabei ist er weder besonders diszipliniert, noch Leistungssportler! Von daher steht er voll hinter der Aussage "Abspecken kann jeder!" und wird dir Schritt für Schritt zeigen, wie du das Thema "Abspecken" in deinen Alltag integrieren kannst.
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Kansas Backcountry Hunters and Anglers presents the Kansas BHA Podcast. An entertaining show about all things related to the preservation of the wild being wild.
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The Kansas City Weather Report is a quick listening, to-the-point weather forecast for the Kansas City area. Put this podcast in your listening rotation to stay updated on the weather
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Hosts Alex Goering and Bobbi Howe talk with expert guests on relevant real estate issues and strategies.
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The newest sermons from Reformed Baptist Church of Kansas City on SermonAudio.
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FanSided's Arrowhead Addict Podcast discusses the latest Kansas City Chiefs news, analysis and more from Patrick Allen, Matt Conner, Sterling Holmes, Adam Best and Matt Verderame.
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מבחר תכניות מיוחדות משידורי כאן תרבות
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We cover the Kansas Jayhawks.
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אנגלית Kan English News, 21:00 - 20:00
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Willkommen beim KI Kann Ich Podcast Was ist los in der Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz? Wie betrifft dich das und wie wird sich unser Alltag und unsere Arbeit dadurch verändern? Jede Woche entführen wir dich in die faszinierende Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz. Im "KI Power Podcast" verbinden wir klassische Erzählungen mit den neuesten KI-Innovationen. Neueste KI-Trends: Erfahre alles über aktuelle Innovationen und wesentliche Diskussionen in der KI-Branche. Good News, Bad News: Jede Episo ...
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Weil dein Geld mehr kann! Und du auch! Herzlich Willkommen, mein Name ist Mario Lochner, ich bin Spiegel-Bestseller-Autor, Investor & Unternehmer – und ich begleite dich auf deinem Weg zu mehr Geld, Motivation und Erfolg! Dazu spreche ich mit den besten Experten der Finanzszene und mit erfolgreichen Unternehmern & Influencern.
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I denne bokpodcasten bytter Alexander Sandtorv og Kristopher Schau på å gi hverandre lesestoff og inviterer lytterne med inn i lesesirkelen. En bok pr måned. Dette klarer vi! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Listen to powerful and inspiring messages from our weekly worship services here. Learn more about NewSpring Church in Wichita, Kansas, at
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אירוחים, מצעדים ותכנים מיוחדים של כאן 88. לתכנית הספיישלים השבועית בקרו בעמוד של "ספיישל 88", להסכתים המוזיקליים בקרו ב-"כאן 88 הסכתים"
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Welcome to Cool Coffee with Kansas Principals! By and for school administrators, this podcast is intended to promote candid discussion and offer insight from a building leader’s perspective. Just as the job provides, topics will vary and may even be random. The goal is to bring timely, interesting, comical, and/or relevant conversation for the building principal to enjoy. Brew your coffee and take a sip before it cools...this is Cool Coffee with Kansas Principals.
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Powercat Podcast: A Kansas State athletics podcast
247Sports/, Kansas State, Kansas State Wildcats, Kansas State football, College Football's podcast covering everything Kansas State sports, featuring publisher Tim Fitzgerald.
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Kansas has always been more than just wheat fields and conservative politics, it’s been a battleground for radical change. From Indigenous resistance to abolitionist uprisings, from labor and tenant farmer strikes to disability rights, everyday people in Kansas have fought back, organized, and reshaped history. Hosted by lifelong Kansan, Lindsay Love, and brought to you by Radical Civics, this podcast tells the stories of real people who stood up, fought back, and changed Kansas history. You ...
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Dr. Karen Kan, medical doctor, Doctor of Light Medicine™ helps spiritual conscious sensitive souls harness their Superpowers so they can resonate at their highest light and help anchor in a new future reality of joy, peace, love and harmony for all. For her Free Sensitive Soul Empowerment Guide, go to
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ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಕ್ರಿಕೆಟ್ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಮಾತುಕತೆ, ಹರಟೆ, ಸಂವಾದ ಇನ್ನು ನಿಮಗೆ ಇಷ್ಟ ಬಂದ ಹಾಗೆ ಕರೆಯಬಹುದು....
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RGR Football is the companion to the leading Youtube channel covering the Kansas City Chiefs, NFL and NFL Draft. Hosted by RGR Media.
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The Kansas City Real Estate Podcast is all about helping you learn everything you need to know about real estate in the Kansas City area. Hosted by KC expert and REALTOR®, Joe Stephenson, and his friend Bryan, this podcast will teach you how to buy and sell homes, invest in property, maintain a current home you own, and talk about living the life in Kansas.
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Ist Robert Lewandowski wirklich der beste Spieler der Welt? Was macht die Pässe von Toni Kroos so unvergleichlich präzise? Warum sind Thomas Müllers Qualitäten erst auf den dritten Blick erkennbar? Wir reden weniger über Taktik als über das, worauf es im Fußball wirklich ankommt: die Individualität der Spielerinnen und Spieler. Die ZEIT-ONLINE-Sportredakteure Oliver Fritsch und Christian Spiller besprechen in jeder Folge einen Fußballer in all seinen Facetten und lassen dabei auch Scouts, Tr ...
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Vi tror på at design kan være mere end bare smukt. Det kan få folk til at føle noget og det kan gøre en reel forskel. I podcasten udforsker vi alle aspekter ved det kæmpestore emne, som branding er. Vi dykker ned i idéer og projekter, taler med fagpersoner og virksomheder, og vi samler dem, som arbejder aktivt med design og branding hver dag, og som ikke mindst har stærke holdninger til emnet. Podcast host: Kristina May / CEO AM Copenhagen
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The podcast about the everyday heroes, renegades and visionaries who shaped Kansas City and the region. If these stories aren't told, they're in danger of fading into the past. Made by Suzanne Hogan and Mackenzie Martin.
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Der Podcast vom Für und Wider zwischenmenschlicher Interaktion - Mit anderen Personen zu interagieren, ist nicht immer einfach. Spoken Word Artist Jule Weber und Pädagoge sowie Bühnenkünstler Malte Küppers können davon ein Liedchen singen. Überforderung in sozialer Interaktion, Fassungslosigkeit beim Verhalten mancher Menschen oder großer Spaß, wenn das Miteinander mal ordentlich in die Hose geht - so vielseitig die hier geschilderten Situationen auch sind, sie haben eines gemeinsam: Jule un ...
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Hosted by Nick Haines, Kansas City Week In Review offers an in-depth view on the top stories of the week with newsmakers and guest experts sharing their insight and perspective. Haines and local leaders in both politics and public life look beyond the soundbites and behind the headlines to discuss stories affecting our metro. Watch Kansas City Week In Review Fridays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 11 a.m. Be a part of the discussion. Weigh in at #KCWIR.
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The official home for audio programming from Arrowhead Pride, SB Nation's community for fans of the Kansas City Chiefs.
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Jason Nivens is a Kansas City native who spent nearly 20 years on terrestrial radio. Now he's exploring all of the places and things he loves about KC, and the people behind them.
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We talk about the Kansas City Chiefs every day. We've finished as the highest-ranked Chiefs podcast network in each of the past four years (Chartable - 2021-24). We have something for everyone with 10+ shows each week from a squad of more than 15 hosts that include former players, the top beat writers and analysts, and plenty of well-known content creators. Check us out!
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Der erste Fotografie Podcast, bei dem Fotografie soviel mehr ist, als nur das Auslösen, die Bildbearbeitung und am Ende das fertige Bild. Ich bin seit März 2017 Selbstständig im Bereich Foto & Video, würde mich aktuell eher Content Creator nennen und möchte dir auf ehrliche und authentische Weise näher bringen, dass die Selbstständigkeit nicht immer nur ein Zuckerschlecken und mit Spaß verbunden ist. Themen wie Mindset, Familie, Kommunikation und viele weitere, sind genauso wichtig, wenn nic ...
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Welcome to the Kanna podcast, where amazing things happen.
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A podcast about Cricket in Kannada produced by Talents' Day Films.
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A weekly podcast dedicated to the Kansas City Royals. Get in-depth commentary and analysis on team and player performance, prospect development, team signings, and so much more. Royals Weekly is a podcast meant to help all fans increase their knowledge of the game and stay informed about the state of the Royals organization.
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Three guys talking about sports and looking to make that long shot at big time. But we mostly focus on Kansas City sports teams and surrounding areas.
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Am Sorry Da Kanna is a Tamil podcast where laughter meets contemplation. Join us for spontaneous, comical discussions that unravel a tapestry of diverse issues and taboo subjects. We venture into the unexplored realms of taboo, opening up candid conversations that challenge norms and ignite curiosity. ASDK where every episode is a journey through the unexpected, a blend of humor and diverse perspectives that make life interesting. Tune in, and let's explore the uncharted territories with you ...
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Hur skulle du göra dina relationer om du valde helt fritt? Vill du möta en, flera, många? Kan du älska, åtrå, ha lust till fler personer än en? Är du nyfiken på hur polylivet kan se ut i praktiken? Välkommen till Polyprat- en podd om att göra relationer utanför normen. Minna och Karin pratar om kärlek och rädslor, sex och normbrytande. Att göra poly innebär att leta sig fram till sin egen relationskarta. Det finns inte lika många förebilder- men vi har förstås människor vi inspireras av på m ...
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7.3.2025 - ספרדית Kan en Español See for privacy information.Από τον כאן
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6.3.2025 - צרפתית | Kan en français
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1:00:006.3.2025 - צרפתית | Kan en français See for privacy information.Από τον כאן
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6.3.2025 - Kan English News כאן חדשות אנגלית
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1:00:006.3.2025 - Kan English News כאן חדשות אנגלית See for privacy information.Από τον כאן
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In a first, the Beer Sheva-based Kamea dance company season premiere is bringing the works of sought-after creators Jacopo Godani and Andonis Foniadakis to the Israeli stage. Performances begin March 6-8 at the Suzanne Dellal Center in Tel Aviv. Kamea dance company artistic director and resident choreographer Tamir Ginz spoke to reporter Naomi Sega…
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Discernment vs. Judgment: A Path to Empowered Decision-Making Many spiritual seekers struggle with the concept of judgment versus discernment. In this episode of Light Warrior Radio, Dr. Karen Kan clarifies the key differences and why shifting from judgment to discernment leads to greater personal sovereignty. In this episode, you’ll learn: ✅ The i…
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20 שנה לאלבום הבכורה של אפרת גוש
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1:55:46אפרת גוש בשיחה אישית עם נוגה קליין על האלבום בן ה-20 ועל מה שהגיע בעקבותיו See for privacy information.Από τον כאן | Kan
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32. The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
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1:11:21Live fra Flammen kulturhus Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Velkommen til 3. afsnit af vores serie Design Kan "Tæt på" Vi udforsker essensen af det at være designer – det kreative, det menneskelige, følelserne, usikkerheden og alt det, der følger med. Værterne Kristina May og Tobias Røder deler deres personlige perspektiver på livet som designer, om tvivlens rolle i den kreative proces og glæden ved at skab…
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בימים האחרונים מופץ ברשתות ציור המיוחס לאמן גוסטב קלימט, ובו אם ושני בניה, תחת הכיתוב: "בשנות ה-30 של המאה הקודמת, גוסטב קלימט, צייר בוינה דיוקן של אישה יהודיה שאחר כך נספתה בשואה. הציור הזה חוזר על עצמו. סיוט". פניהם של שירי, כפיר ואריאל ביבס הפכו למזוהים כל כך עם אסון 7.10, ועם המאבק להשבת החטופים, ובסוף השבוע הרשת הוצפה במחוות לזכרם. אנשים שיתפו…
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A 5-minute radio program featuring a recap of the week's agriculture-related news and commentary.Από τον Kansas Farm Bureau's podcast
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A retired Kansas City fire captain is on a yearslong mission to honor every firefighter in the department's 157-year history who has died in the line of duty. Plus: A Kansas cemetery holds the stories of Black "Exodusters" who moved north after the Civil War. The Kansas City Fire Department has responded to all kinds of emergencies since 1868. Unfo…
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Winners of two straight and now 15-15 on the season, the Kansas State Wildcats wind up their regular season with a Senior Day game with Iowa State inside Bramlage Coliseum. This weekend's games will decide the seedings for next week's Big 12 Tournament in Kansas City, Mo. The Friday Shoot Around, hosted by Ryan Gilbert with GoPowercat basketball an…
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Only Weird Games 3/6: The Chiefs made a tough but necessary decision
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1:14:04Nate Taylor, Seth Keysor, and Joshua Brisco react and break down the Chiefs trading Joe Thuney to the Bears, then discuss what KC does in free agency now. — Pre-order the 2025 KCSN Draft Guide NOW! — We are living in the Good Ole Days (celebrate accordingly!) — Sign up with promo code KCSN to claim your Fr…
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SE06 - Mar, 2025 ಮೊದಲ ಮಾತು | First words of Mar month, 2025 ಸಕ್ರಿಯ ಲೇಖಕಿಯರು - ನೇಮಿಚಂದ್ರ Podcast also available on Youtube Write to us: [email protected] Co-sponsored by: Prathama Srsti - Buy authentic, hand picked GI TAG products of India and support local art and artists. To know more visit htt…
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Should the Chiefs trade for DK Metcalf? | OG Hour
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1:22:38The Kansas City Chiefs’ offseason is in full gear despite the new league year not starting until next week. Join hosts Patrick Allen and Adam Best as they explore some of the moves the Chiefs could make, including the potential pursuit of Seahawks WR DK Metcalf. The guys will also react to the Trey Smith Franchise Tag and the Joe Thuney trade. ~~~~…
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The Kansas State women's basketball advanced into the quarterfinals of the Big 12 Tournament at T-Mobile Center in Kansas City, Mo., with an 80-65 victory over UCF on Thursday.. This edition of the Powercat Podcast features publisher Tim Fitzgerald and GPC women's hoops analyst Ethan Fitzgerald. The Powercat Podcast is part of the 24…
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ನನ್ನ ಜೀವನದಲ್ಲಿ ನಾನು ಮರೆತುಹೋದ ಹಲವಾರು ವಿಷಯಗಳಿವೆ. ನಾನು ಅವರ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಎಲ್ಲವನ್ನೂ ಹೇಳುತ್ತೇನೆ ಆದರೆ ನಾನು ಅವರನ್ನು ನೆನಪಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.Από τον Adventist World Radio
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Egypt has proposed a 53 billion dollar plan to rebuild Gaza that would not require resettlement of the population. It was presented as an alternative to US President Donald Trump's idea for reconstruction of the enclave. Shraga Biran, President of the Institute for Structural Reforms, spoke to KAN reporter Naomi Segal about the institute's model fo…
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Hier geht es zu Indeed: Teste Shopify kostenlos und bring’ dein Geschäft auf das nächste Level – auf Gemacht für Deutschland, powered by Shopify --> 📖 Mein brandneues E-Book "10 ETF-Denkfehler, die dich ARM machen" hier GRATIS downloaden: 🛠️ Unse…
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Sijoittaja arvostaa kassavirtaa – Vieraana Mr Cashflow, sijoittaja Ali Omar,
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2:21:30Menestystä Etsimässä -podcastin uudessa jaksossa keskustelemme kassavirran merkityksestä niin yrittäjän kuin sijoittajan näkökulmasta. Vieraana on Ali Omar, sarjayrittäjä, enkelisijoittaja ja perustaja, joka tunnetaan myös lempinimellä Mr Cashflow. Ali Omarin tausta on poikkeuksellinen – harva lääkäri päätyy kasvuyrittäjäksi, enkelisij…
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The predictions are coming in hot. Data centers could grow to consume more than 9% of U.S. electricity generation by 2030, according to EPRI. That’s more than double its current estimated data center load. AI will increase global data center power demand 165% by 2030, says Goldman Sachs. And billions of dollars are at stake. Utilities, megasite dev…
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6.3.2025 - ספרדית Kan en Español
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1:00:016.3.2025 - ספרדית Kan en Español See for privacy information.Από τον כאן
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US confirms envoy engaged in direct contact with Hamas terror group. Released captive's provides first public sign of life of hostage Rom Braslavski since his abduction in October 7t attack. Justice minister moves to oust attorney general See for privacy information.Από τον כאן | Kan
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President Donald Trump came into office promising to deport immigrants without legal documentation. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents have already arrested people in the Kansas City area, and rumors of raids have spread online across Missouri, leaving many in Hispanic communities afraid. As KBIA’s Tadeo Ruiz Sandoval and Cristal Sanchez of…
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After a major winter storm we are looking at a major warm up
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Hier geht es zu Indeed: Teste Shopify kostenlos und bring’ dein Geschäft auf das nächste Level – auf Gemacht für Deutschland, powered by Shopify --> 📖 Mein brandneues E-Book "10 ETF-Denkfehler, die dich ARM machen" hier GRATIS downloaden: 📱 HIER …
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— We are living in the Good Ole Days (celebrate accordingly!) — Sign up with promo code KCSN to claim your Free Pick + First Time Deposit offer up to $1,000 in bonus cash! — The best Kansas City sports coverage in one place. Download our app now! Apple:…
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KC Laboratory 3/5: Chiefs send Joe Thuney to Chicago — Now what?
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1:01:11Kent Swanson, Matt Lane, and Matt Hamilton give their thoughts on the Chiefs trading Joe Thuney to the Chicago Bears and discuss what's next for the offensive line. — Pre-order the 2025 KCSN Draft Guide NOW! — We are living in the Good Ole Days (celebrate accordingly!) — Sign up with promo code KCSN to cla…
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ms@ಕ್ರಿಸ್ತನ ನೀತಿಯ ಸಂದೇಶವು ಕರ್ತನ ಹಾದಿಯನ್ನು ಸಿದ್ಧಪಡಿಸಲು ಲೋಕದ ಒಂದು ಕಡೆಯಿಂದಮತ್ತೊಂದು ಕೊನೆಯವರೆಗೆ ಮಹಾಧ್ವನಿಯಿಂದ ಸಾರಿ ತಿಳಿಸಬೇಕಾಗಿದೆΑπό τον Adventist World Radio
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Join Adam Best and Sterling Holmes for another installment of Wacky Wednesday! In today's show: Adam & Sterling break down the Joe Thuney trade! Did the Chiefs get out right on time - or too early on Thuney? And does this signal that Kingsley Suamataia is their new left guard? Plus, Ranking the 2024 Chiefs Running Back Group! ~~~~~~~~~~ MERCH? http…
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That Football Show 3/5: The Chiefs face some major unknowns in 2025
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1:03:15Matt Verderame and Tucker Franklin react to the Chiefs trading left guard Joe Thuney to the Chicago Bears, discuss the latest on Trey Smith's contract negotiations, and what the Chiefs do next at the offensive line. — Pre-order the 2025 KCSN Draft Guide NOW! — We are living in the Good Ole Days (celebrate accordingly!) https://…
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5.3.2025 - צרפתית | Kan en français
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1:00:005.3.2025 - צרפתית | Kan en français See for privacy information.Από τον כאן
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In today's preview, Pete Sweeney and John Dixon break down the Chiefs' trade of Joe Thuney to the Bears. To get the whole Editors Show, subscribe to Arrowhead Pride Premier! You can do that at this link: With the offer code “PODCAST25” you can get 25% off for a full year of Arrowhead Pride Premier. L…
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5.3.2025 - Kan English News כאן חדשות אנגלית
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1:00:005.3.2025 - Kan English News כאן חדשות אנגלית See for privacy information.Από τον כאן
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The KCSN Breaking News Team goes LIVE to break down the Chiefs trading left guard Joe Thuney to the Chicago Bears. — Pre-order the 2025 KCSN Draft Guide NOW! — We are living in the Good Ole Days (celebrate accordingly!) — Sign up with promo code KCSN to claim your Free Pick + First Time Deposit offer up to…
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5.3.2025 - ספרדית Kan en Español
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1:00:015.3.2025 - ספרדית Kan en Español See for privacy information.Από τον כאן
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In first speech as Israel's 24th IDF chief of staff, Eyal Zamir urges all segments of society to serve in military. Outgoing army chief Herzi Halevi in parting speech calls for state commission of inquiry into October 7th attack. Funeral held for Ohad Yahalomi, murdered in Hamas captivity whose remains were returned to Israel last week See omnystud…
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Jackson County legislator Sean Smith says it's essential for the county to "straighten out the property tax debacles" if it wants to keep the Chiefs and Royals local. Smith was one of two county lawmakers to meet with Missouri Gov. Mike Kehoe last week for closed-door discussions over the matter. Nearly one year ago, Jackson County voters rejected …
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I hope you made it through the night without power outages!
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— Pre-order the 2025 KCSN Draft Guide NOW! — We are living in the Good Ole Days (celebrate accordingly!) — Sign up with promo code KCSN to claim your Free Pick + First Time Deposit offer up to $1,000 in bonus cash! — The best Kansas City sports coverage in one place…
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SE06-10. ವಸುಮತಿ ಉಡುಪ ರವರ "ಕಾಕಿಗಿಡ" | Vasumathi Udupa's "Kakigida" | kannada pusthaka parichaya | ಕನ್ನಡ ಪುಸ್ತಕ ಪರಿಚಯ
ವಸುಮತಿ ಉಡುಪ ರವರ "ಕಾಕಿಗಿಡ" ಕುರಿತು ಕೇಳಿ ಸುಶಾಂತ ಕುರಂದವಾಡ ಅವರ ಅಭಿಪ್ರಾಯವನ್ನು ಶ್ರೀ ಲಕ್ಶ್ಮಿ ವಿನೋದ್ ರವರ ಧ್ವನಿಯಲ್ಲಿ. Listen to Sushant Kurandwad's opinion on 'Vasumathi udupa 's "Kakigida" in Sri Lakshmi Vinod's voice. Write to us: [email protected] Co-sponsored by: Prathama Srsti - Buy authentic, hand picked GI TAG products of India and support local…
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ms@ ಪ್ರಕಟನೆ 14ನೇ ಅಧ್ಯಾಯದ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳನ್ನು ದೇವರು ಇದು ಜಗತ್ತಿಗೆ ಕೊಡಲಿರುವ ಕೊನೆಯಸಂದೇಶವಾಗಿದೆ.Από τον Adventist World Radio
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See the Video at Kansas City Chiefs need an Offensive tackle. Did The Chiefs Just Find Their Next Star OT At The Combine? Get Autograph app FREE for the TOP Chiefs content in one place! 🏈 Get your Collectible Chiefs helmet at 🏈 ** 👕 GET RGR Chiefs Kingdom Merch …
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Only Weird Games 3/4: Trey Smith's huge payday coming soon? Latest Chiefs contract negotiations
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1:03:44Nate Taylor, Seth Keysor, and Joshua Brisco react to the latest in Trey Smith's contract negotiations with the Chiefs and give their final thoughts on what we heard from the 2025 NFL Combine. — Pre-order the 2025 KCSN Draft Guide NOW! — We are living in the Good Ole Days (celebrate accordingly!) — Sign up …
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Local broker Fran Sutton is working with the Wyandotte County Land Bank Program to help create attainable housing the KCK. She talks with Bobbi and Alex about how it works, how it benefits the community and how others can work with the program.Bobbi's Book Bit: The Upside of Stress by Kelly McGonigal(Jump to interview at 13:27)More about the WyCo L…
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The NFL Combine created plenty of buzz, and we’re here to break it all down! Plus, who should the Chiefs target in the NFL Draft at Pick 31? Is wide receiver the move, or should Kansas City focus on another position? ~~~~~~~~~~ MERCH? Arrowhead Addict's YouTube:…
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4.3.2025 - צרפתית | Kan en français
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1:00:014.3.2025 - צרפתית | Kan en français See for privacy information.Από τον כאן
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4.3.2025 - Kan English News כאן חדשות אנגלית
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1:00:014.3.2025 - Kan English News כאן חדשות אנגלית See for privacy information.Από τον כאן
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4.3.2025 - ספרדית Kan en Español
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1:00:004.3.2025 - ספרדית Kan en Español See for privacy information.Από τον כאן
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