US-Truppenpräsenz in Deutschland und der Green New Deal der Demokraten
Manage episode 291128573 series 2918874
Folge 4: US-Truppenpräsenz in Deutschland und der Green New Deal der Demokraten
(aufgenommen am 11. März 2021)
· Online-Talk: Hate in the Homeland. How to Understand and Combat Far-Right Extremism
· Screening and Conversation: Ground Control to Madame Mars: The Future of Diversity in Space
· Online Teachers Seminar: What will the future look like? The United States in 2021 and beyond
Erik Prince und der Umsturzversuch in Libyen
- Erik Prince, Trump Ally, Violated Libya Arms Embargo, U.N. Report Says (The New York Times)
- Blueprint for a raid: Documents shed light on plan to buy U.S. helicopter gunships for assault on Tripoli (The Washington Post)
- PROJECT OPUS: Erik Prince and the Failed Plot to Arm a CIA Asset-Turned-Warlord in Libya (The Intercept)
- Blackwater von Jeremy Scahill (Perlentaucher)
- Privatisierung von Krieg? Problemfelder des Einsatzes Privater Militär- und Sicherheitsfirmen in der modernen Kriegführung (Schneiker/Krahmann in APUZ 35-36/2016)
- Fotolizenz: ”Reading” (CC BY 2.0) by Osbornb
Energieversorgung in Texas
- No, frozen wind turbines aren’t the main culprit for Texas’ power outages (The Texas Tribune)
- AP PHOTOS: Winter storms spread power and water woes (Associated Press)
- Report on outages and curtailments during the Southwest cold weather event (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Report 2011)
- His Lights Stayed on During Texas’ Storm. Now He Owes $16,752 (New York Times)
- Texas disaster puts Beto O’Rourke back in business (Politico)
- Texas After the Storm (New York Times, The Daily Podcast)
Deep Dives
US-Truppenpräsenz in Deutschland
· Tweet vom ehemaligen US-Botschafter in Berlin Richard Grenell vom 8. August 2019
· Gegenwart und Zukunft der US-Militärpräsenz in Deutschland (Atlantischer Blog, 22. August 2019)
· Trump to Pull Thousands of U.S. Troops From Germany (Wall Street Journal)
· U.S. lawmakers hammer Pentagon over lack of detail on Germany troop cuts
· Senate Overrides Trump’s Veto of Defense Bill, Dealing a Legislative Blow
· Remarks by President Biden at the 2021 Virtual Munich Security Conference (The White House)
Green New Deal
- Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Green New Deal - Revival eines Begriffs (Heinrich Böll Stiftung)
- The Sunrise Movement
- The Green New Deal, explained (Vox)
- Democrats Establish a New House ‘Climate Crisis’ Committee (The Atlantic)
- A GREEN NEW DEAL: A Progressive Vision for Environmental Sustainability and Economic Stability (Data for Progress
- H.Res.109 - Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal. (Congress)
- What Is the Green New Deal? A Climate Proposal, Explained (The New York Times)
- The Surprising Origins Of What Could Be The ‘Medicare For All’ Of Climate Change (Huffington Post)
- Was Umweltökonomen gegen Ocasio-Cortez' „Green New Deal“ haben (Das Handelsblatt)
- Vom New Deal der 1930er-Jahre lernen (Deutschlandfunk Kultur)
- Stanford energy and environment experts examine strengths and weaknesses of the Green New Deal (Stanford News)
- Senate defeats Green New Deal, as Democrats call vote a ‘sham’ (Washington Post)
- Der Green New Deal zeigt die Spaltung der Demokraten (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
Transatlantic Treats
Renegades: Born in the USA
· Podcast Video Trailer (Spotify, YouTube)
Ms. Marvel Comic
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