Chris Nowinski is a former football player at Harvard University and professional wrestler with WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment. After enduring a career-ending head injury, Chris has dedicated his professional life to serving patients and families affected by brain trauma, particularly Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, a progressive neurodegenerative disease that develops after repeated head injuries. Jay and Chris discuss the state of head injuries in American athletics, the difference between advocating for head safety at youth and professional levels, Chris’ newest research, and much more. Episode Chapters (00:00) Intro (00:50) changes in the culture around concussions in the past two decades (02:39) padded helmet technology (03:55) concussion reporting in the NFL (10:35) Chris’ career path and concussion history (14:52) connecting with activists who haven’t themselves suffered a traumatic brain injury (17:42) SHAAKE - a new sign to identify concussions (20:53) Unions can help players advocate for safety policies (23:10) final thoughts and goodbye For video episodes, watch on Stay in touch: X: @JayRuderman | @RudermanFdn LinkedIn: Jay Ruderman | Ruderman Family Foundation Instagram: All About Change Podcast | Ruderman Family Foundation To learn more about the podcast, visit…
Welcome to our podcast where we share our Sunday morning sermons for free for you to access. We hope what you hear throughout our podcasts is helpful and spurs you on in your faith journey. You can also watch these sermons via YouTube at
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This sermon is the first in our series, Prayer: Talking with God. Prayer is essential in helping us discover more about God and ourselves. Ross speaks about the importance of several practices and disciplines in prayer that help us not only speak to God but also listen. One of these is the Prayer of Examen (or the "examination of conscience"), a wa…
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Jesus told His disciples, "It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go, the Advocate will not come to you" (John 16:7). He was clear—the Holy Spirit is not a lesser substitute but a greater gift. Yet for many, the Spirit feels distant, confusing, or even absent. In this sermon, Ross concludes our series on Discerning God as we explore why…
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There are times in our walk with God when we don’t get the answers we seek. It can feel as though God is silent. How we respond in these moments is vitally important. What we do while we wait help us grow or can contribute to atrophy. Listen on as Jenny explores what it means to lean in and trust Him, even when He seems silent. If you enjoyed this …
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Stillness can be hard. Especially when our minds are constantly conditioned to being entertained within a second on social media. The amount of noise in our life and the speed at which it comes can be overwhelming. And all the while, God is whispering to us. How do we distinguish His voice through all the distraction? Join Brendon Walmsley for this…
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We live in a world filled with noise, busyness, and distractions, making it difficult to discern God’s voice. How do we know what He is saying, what He is highlighting, or what He wants us to remember? In this sermon Ross begins our new series, Discerning God, by exploring what it means to listen for His still, small voice. If you enjoyed this serm…
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When the people of Israel were exiled to Babylon, they received a surprising and challenging message from God through the prophet Jeremiah. Despite their desired rebellion, Jeremiah’s letter calls them to settle in the city, seek its welfare, and pray for its peace. Instead of resisting or withdrawing, they were called to live faithfully and bless …
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Jesus said “I will build my church”, and we have the great privilege of partnering with him to achieve this! How amazing that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things in the building of His Kingdom. In this sermon we welcome guest speaker, Tim Hanna, who presents three markers of effectiveness in Christ’s Church. About Tim: Tim is the cu…
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A new year provides the opportunity to order our priorities. Knowing what’s most important positions us best to face what lies ahead. So what’s at the top of your list? In this sermon, guest speaker Duncan Brown reminds us as individuals and as the Church where our focus needs to be. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT W…
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Why bother with Church? After all, there are many other things you could be doing on a Sunday morning. Perhaps someone on your frontline has asked just that question. Or you’ve wondered if it’s become ‘just a habit .’ So, why make gathering with other Christians a priority? In this sermon guest speaker Murray Wright will help us think about this im…
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On Christmas Day, we reflect on the incredible gift of Eternity with Us. Through the birth of Jesus, God’s plan for eternal life with us was set in motion. What does it mean for us to embrace this eternal hope, not just today, but for all of life? In this sermon Rachel Willis shares this powerful message. Let’s celebrate together the joy and promis…
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At Christmas we celebrate the profound truth of Emmanuel – God with us. In the birth of Jesus, God stepped into our world, bringing His presence, hope, and love to humanity. What does it mean to have God with us today? How does this change the way we live and celebrate this season? In this sermon Jackson unpacks this powerful message. If you enjoye…
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We are so close to Christmas—it’s just around the corner! The gift we celebrate together at Christmastime is more than just 'nice'; it’s miraculous. The God of the universe loved us enough to enter our messy world and give us Himself. Jesus, the Light of the World, is the gift we celebrate. In this sermon Jenny shares a powerful message encouraging…
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When the angels appeared to the shepherds that first Christmas, they spoke of a promise of peace. However, when we look at the world around us, and perhaps even within our own relationships and in our own lives, there can at times be an overwhelming sense of restlessness, discontent, discomfort and instability. Despite the billions of solutions off…
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Jesus - Emmanuel - God with us - is the only true hope of the world. In this sermon Mike Parker speaks, and we celebrate of the greatest gift given for all mankind for all time. Hope that lasts not just wishful thinking. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: ww…
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This sermon kicks off our December sermon series - Christmas with us. Ross shares a powerful message about the joy of the Christmas story, and how Jesus brings true joy into our lives, no matter the season. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook:…
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HumeRidge Church of Christ

When Austrian philosopher Ivan Illich was asked about the most revolutionary way to change society, he answered, "Neither revolution nor reformation can ultimately change a society, rather you must tell a new powerful tale, one so persuasive that it sweeps away the old myths and becomes the preferred story, one so inclusive that it gathers all the …
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We all have a story. And we each have the opportunity to align our story to God's greater story. In this sermon we'll hear from three of our people as they share their stories of God at work in their lives. God is doing great things in our midst! Are we taking the time to notice? If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH …
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There are many religious traditions, even Christian Church denominations, where God is not represented as friendly. He’s stern, angry, or just plain mean. Jesus came to help people like you and me know God – he came to show us a God we would want to know. Jesus lived amongst people as the complete, perfect representation of God. And he also told st…
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HumeRidge Church of Christ

The phrase “one another” appears in the New Testament over 100 times, so it’s clearly a phrase we should take note of and learn how to put into practice. In this sermon Duncan Brown looks at what Paul’s letter to the Philippians can teach us about encountering God through serving others. ABOUT DUNCAN: Duncan is a former Senior Pastor at New Peninsu…
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How does the Word of God make us the people He intends us to be? As we look at the children of Israel on their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, God gloriously delivered his people and provided for their needs. But for many of them, the stubbornness and hardness of their own hearts meant that they did not receive all that God was offering th…
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“Scripture makes it clear that God collects two things - prayers and tears. This world in its current form is passing away, but our prayers and tears are eternal.” - Tyler Staton In this sermon we will explore this amazing thing called prayer as we continue on in our series 'Encountering God'. Ross speaks again, and we hope that it may be time that…
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This sermon is the second in our series, Encountering God. In Revelation 2 we read a letter from Jesus to the Church in Ephesus. It starts well, sounds like a great Church, but the tone changes quite dramatically as the Church is reminded to consider how far it has drifted, how far it has fallen. They are reminded that they don’t love Jesus or each…
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There are times when our awareness of God’s presence is heightened. It brings to our attention the reality and closeness of a spiritual realm. We were created for connection with our Creator, so how do we make the most of those opportunities to draw near to God? In this sermon Brendon Walmsley explores the ancient Celtic Christian concept of ‘Thin …
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As humans, we will all experience grief or suffer loss; a job, a relationship, a loved one. When we grieve we have a Saviour who understands our pain and walks with us through it. In this sermon Jenny Savill reminds us that as we care for others, we have Jesus’ perfect example to follow. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort oth…
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How do you see God? Do you think that he is angry or unfair or distant? Do you think he holds himself aloof from us? This week Chris Bullock will be preaching on Psalm 36, and its invitation to invite God to give us his light so that we see God and ourselves truly, and live in his abundance.If you enjoyed this sermon please consider liking and subs…
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Unity is one of those things in Churches that is so easy to take for granted – and yet we quickly realise how vitally important it is when it's not there. Jesus knew how unity makes a difference in the lives of his followers and the witness of his Church. He prayed about it and we have a record of that prayer in John 17. He prayed for us, us who in…
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HumeRidge Church of Christ

American cartoonist Bil Keane said “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” What we do with our time matters to God so we should use it wisely. In this sermon we welcome back Simon Ward from Compassion who speaks about handling the gift of time with care, as well as giving an update on …
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HumeRidge Church of Christ

This sermon was part of our Family Service, where we heard updates from our children and youth about all that has been happening in their programs. Jackson goes on to explore how we should handle children with care, and God's warning on how we mustn't lead them to sin. He also encourages us to take inspiration from the children in our lives, as we …
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James the half brother of Jesus made some strong statements about the importance of taking care of how we use our words. In chapter one of his letter, he says "If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless". In this sermon we will take some time to examine the importance of hand…
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HumeRidge Church of Christ

Our opinions have been shaped throughout our lifetime. Some are deeply ingrained, others we hold less tightly. When it comes to matters of faith, which opinions matter? And how are we to deal with those who hold an opinion different to our own? In this sermon Brendon Walmsley points to the distinctions made by the apostle Paul and to the one respon…
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There’s a recurring pattern that comes out of recent research: Bible engagement is directly related to spiritual growth. However, Bible Society Research recently showed that only 2 in 10 Aussie Christians read their Bible daily. As we get busier, our attention span gets shorter, and communication must happen within the span of a text message, a Fac…
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Despite the dramatic turn of events throughout the book of Esther, nothing catches God by surprise. All along, He remains in control - guiding, blocking, prompting, delaying and empowering in order to have His plan carried out. His providence and sovereignty is evident in every tiny detail. In this sermon, Brendon Walmsley shines a light on the sim…
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This sermon continues our series from the book of Esther looking at the antagonist, or the villain, of this account, a man named Haman. Tim Keller stated that, “Haman is the most vivid and sustained case study in the Bible of everything the Bible says about pride and humility and what happens to people who let pride rage unchecked.” In this sermon …
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Not a lot is said of Mordecai in the story of Esther, but what we can surmise from his actions are that he was a humble and obedient follower of Yahweh, despite living in a society that did not honour God. How can we as New Testament believers live as humble and obedient followers of Jesus in our 21st Century secular society? In this sermon Rachel …
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HumeRidge Church of Christ

Why are you reading this post? Do you usually read HumeRidge’s posts? Did you stumble onto this? Is it by accident? I don’t believe that it is an accident. God knew you would read this post and God knows what is going on in your life. He has a plan for your life and wants you to know that he is faithful and He keeps His promises. You may not see it…
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The rise of social media has seen a significant increase in the number of voices influencing our decision-making. The wide range of directions can cause confusion, anxiety and destructive behaviour, especially when it comes to decisions about who we are. In this sermon guest speaker Paul Colman invites us to live our lives guided by the Holy Spirit…
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Have you ever been given a gift so generous that you aren't sure if you can accept it? This sermon will look at Paul's message to the Galatian Church, who have been misled to believing that they needed to add to the gift of the Gospel by proving themselves righteous through the law. In this passage we see our natural tendency towards trying to be j…
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What is the purpose of the untainted Gospel that Ross and Brendon have spoken about the last two sermons?Where do we end up when we believe that we’re made right with God through the death and resurrection of Jesus?What happens when we abandon all effort at impressing God with religious effort and self-righteous moralism, and simply trust?There are…
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English writer Samuel Johnson once stated that “People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed”. In our journey of faith, we too can easily be distracted from the important things we already know. Such was the case with the Galatians who’d been led astray from the Good News of Jesus that Paul had preached. In this sermon Bren…
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This sermon begins our new series on Galatians. Galatians is the book in the Bible that reminds us that believers need to continually learn and apply the Gospel. Paul emphasises that any insistence on 'Christ Plus...' goes against the Gospel. In this sermon Ross will look at this amazing message of Rescue. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider…
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Throughout this series we have explored the way that the Christian faith has shaped our Australian nation. In this message we wrap up this series by looking a little closer to home - Faith Runs Deep at HumeRidge. The message includes input and faith stories from several members of our congregation, as we seek to explore the importance of each indiv…
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In this series we have heard great stories of faith throughout our history - how God has used broken and flawed individuals in our history, to achieve His purposes in bringing his Kingdom near. And now it is our turn. But how do we go about being a part of what God is doing in our nation today? In this sermon Jackson discuses this, and Jesus' clear…
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As we look at Australia, we see a rich mosaic of cultures, each with its own unique customs, languages, and ways of life. This cultural diversity has had profound impacts on Australian society influencing everything including the Christian Church. It’s influence has been significant, shaping the Church’s practices, traditions and services. Yet, ami…
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When the topic of faith is brought up, it doesn’t take long for the conversation to steer towards religion - those “things we do” that highlight what we believe. In this sermon Brendon Walmsley looks beneath the hood of religion to find out what drives people to engage in religious practices. There’s a common element in every Australian, in fact, e…
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"We may imagine the gospel is simply the good news that we go to heaven when we die. That is true (and beautiful!), but the gospel includes more than our personal futures" - Rich Villodas. In this sermon Ross continues our series ‘Faith Runs Deep’, looking at what it means to embrace and develop a robust definition of the Gospel – one that has vert…
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Join us for this message as we delve deeper into our series, 'Faith Runs Deep,' with Ross leading us in a reflection on 'The God of the Second Chance.' It's a profound exploration of divine grace and mercy. Together, we'll explore the miracle of forgiveness, seeking to grasp its transformative power and the profound promise encapsulated in 1 John 1…
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This sermon begins a new series called 'Faith Runs Deep' exploring the ways in which our faith shapes the way we’re to live our lives. Throughout the series, which is further discussed in our LifeGroups, we look back on stories of faith from our country’s history, and hear how faith continues to influence every day Australians today. In this sermon…
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When life throws us a curveball, our faith can come under serious pressure can’t it? Is God really there? Does God really care? Will God do something about my situation? The faith stories of Job, Hannah and Daniel can bring us insight, encouragement and reassurance as we face challenging times. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing…
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In this sermon we will hear about what God has been doing and accomplishing in missions. We will look at the persistent long-term obedience of Noah in building the ark and how that applies to us as we follow Jesus’ command to seek and save the lost. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram:…
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In this sermon we take some time to consider one of the dangers when everything is going OK. We reflect on an incident involving the Ark of the Covenant from the book of 1 Samuel. It is also an opportunity to be give God thanks for his faithfulness to us. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: www.instagr…
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