Cruz Mornings on 95.7 CRUZ FM (Edmonton, AB) with Grant Johnson and James P. White. Your mornings will never be the same… ok, maybe they’ll be the exact same…but we’ll be there! Thanks for that. Here’s what you missed on Cruz mornings with Grant and Jimmy.
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People thought Jimmy was dating his mom - Robotic arms - Washing Pods - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Jimmy is back with stories of his adventures - Elon Musk had a good day - carrots suck - and more!Από τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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the GST "holiday" - how to live to 130 - McRib Sauce - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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How to live to 100 - Trudeau's GST Holiday - Sly thinks Tyson took a dive - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Places you're banned from - Baggedmilk from Oilersnation - and more!Από τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Grant Solo - Carrots are killing us - Unclaimed 5050 - Pizza Hut Wine - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Grant Solo - Was the Tyson fight fixed - Milking Spiders- and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Dumbest thing you've done at the airport - Denzel is retiring - Jimmy is stealing shampoo - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Relationship and Polyamory Coach Pepper joins the show - Jimmy's final day before vacation wtih mother - and more!Από τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Cheapest way to get to the airport - plastic bags aren't single use - Baggedmilk from Oilersnation - and more!Από τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Recapping Jimmy's 50th - Best Jeopardy answer - butter was recalled for a dumb reason - Show Local Some Love: Holiday Geek Market - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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2022 PBR Champ Nick Tetz joins the show - Would you take hush money from an ex - Planet of the Apes is happening - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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A comeback for Jimmy - Bounty Hunters - You can't drink that beer - and the North Korean soldiers have a problemΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Sketchiest place you've visited - Baggedmilk from Oilersnation - and more!Από τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Craziest thing you've gambled on - snack fails - star wars anniversaries - coffee for wrinkles - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Tattoo Regret - Jimmy at the movies has a good cry - Multiple Personalities - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Jimmy's Driver License Update - Massive Damage from MPW - Being a brat is now a good thing - and more!Από τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Halloween Special Show - Taste Testing Candy from YEG Exotic - Are Uncrustables really that good - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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What's the coolest thing you've done lately - 8 seconds for PBR - Money for feet pics - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Creating a scary story - Bad jokes - the Grate Cheese Robbery - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Dwayne Wades statue - 8 seconds for PBR tickets - The Cruz $10,000 Bonus - and more!Από τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Jimmy celebrates Dwarf Awareness Day - What would you like to master - and more!Από τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Sparrow Blue stops by the show - Wrestler vs Bull - Robots playing cello - Edmonton is one of the best cities to travel to - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Baggedmilk from Oilersnation - Jimmy writes his driver exam AGAIN - more chips in the bag - and more!Από τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Jimmy wrote his learners exam - Can you drive stick - Zombie Yoda - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Jimmy finds change - Volunteering at a beer event - Accidental movie reviews - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Canada could lose twitter - Jimmy 'Indiana' White - Costco birthdays - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Afraid of Ketchup - Don't go on Dragon's Den - Jimmy's Driver Training - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Baggedmilk joins us from Oilersnation - Change your password - NASA owes us 3 million dollars - and more!Από τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Horror month for Jimmy At The Movies - Giant Millipedes - Picking out new SFX - and more!Από τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Is this a UFO - Jimmy's Driver Ed - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Horror month - Not cashing in lottery tickets - Cyber taxis - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Hobbies you'd do if money wasn't a problem - r Rated movies on airlines - baggedmilk from Oilersnation - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Your hangover cure isn't working - Wrestling tonight - Sasquatch isn't real - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Sober October - John Amos - Jimmy's 30th and 31st High School Reunions - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Raw Milk - Star Wars News - Beers to help your gut health - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Chemtrails - Baggedmilk from Oilersnation - Kid names - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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an update to Grant's weird injury - Jimmy at the movies Spooky edition - and more!Από τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Weird injuries - Captain eye patch - Jimmy at the Movies - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Favourite off brand items - Jimmy at the movies - the Meta glasses - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Spiced Coke is gone forever - Jimmy is a thunderbolt - and Baggedmilk from Oilersnation is ready for the season to startΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Signing people up for mailing lists - Star Wars names - Winning Lottery numbers - Dr Kim Kluthe is helping Jimmy - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Drink prices at Rogers - Drivers Ed for Jimmy - this might make you feel old - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Jimmy lost his wallet - Chipolte craze - Panda Dogs - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Getting Jimmy a drivers license - The Penguins and the Sopranos - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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What would you do with 40 million - Don't quit coffee - Jimmy's Egypt lesson - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Fantasy sports punishments - Ozempic alternatives - Popcorn for dementia - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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How did Grant's window get smashed - Jimmy at the Movies - Wrestling in Boyle - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Where do you tip - Friday the 13th - Best new restaurants - Kenny Vs Spenny - and more!Από τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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Most popular beer in Canada - Jimmy thinks the moon landing is fake - Accidental Instagram Lives - and moreΑπό τον 95.7 CRUZ FM
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