Northfield Church is a place where you can raise a family. We are dedicated to moving people from where they are to where God wants them to be. We believe that's a family of believers that love God, love people and serve the world. Listen weekly as Dr. Kiley Callaway helps your family be more intentional about your faith. For more information check out
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Weekly Sermons from Northfield Community Church in Northfield Minnesota. Lead Pastor Josh Koehn.
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This is the eighteenth sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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2-23-25 - Colossians 4 7-18 - Christ Will Build His Church - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the seventeenth sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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This sermon was preached by Zach Simmons, our College Ministry Director. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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2-9-25 - Colossians 4:2-6 - Christ's Worthiness in Our Prayers and Evangelism - Zach Simmons - Northfield Community Church
This is the sixteenth sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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2-2-25 - Colossians 3:18 - 4:1 - Jesus Our Lord and Master - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the fifteenth sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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1-26-25 - 2 Timothy 2:2 - What You Have Heard From Me, Entrust To Others - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is a stand alone sermon preached by Josh Koehn, Lead Pastor of Northfield Community Church. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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This is the fourteenth sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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This is the thirteenth sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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This is the twelfth sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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This is the fourth sermon in our Advent sermon series entitled He Who Is Mighty Has Done A Great Thing. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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12-29-24 - Hebrews 3:7-4:13 - Benefitting from the Promise - Eddie DSouza - Northfield Community Church
This sermon was preached by Eddie DSouza, a fourth year seminarian at Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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12-15-24 - Luke 1:67-80 - The Joy of Hope Fulfilled - Zach Simmons - Northfield Community Church
This is the third sermon in our Advent sermon series entitled He Who Is Mighty Has Done A Great Thing. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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This is the second sermon in our Advent sermon series entitled He Who Is Mighty Has Done A Great Thing. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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11-24-24 - Colossians 2:16-23 - Shadow and Substance - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the eleventh sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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12-1-24 - Luke 1 26-38 - Nothing Will Be Impossible With God - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the first sermon in our Advent sermon series entitled He Who Is Mighty Has Done A Great Thing. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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11-17-24 - Hebrews 12:3-11 - The Lord's Discipline - Eddie DSouza - Northfield Community Church
This sermon was preached by Eddie DSouza, a fourth year seminarian at Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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11-10-24 - Colossians 2:9-15 - Jesus Our Advocate - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the tenth sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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11-3-24 - Colossians 2:6-8 - Stable and Safe In Christ - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the ninth sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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This is the eighth sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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10-20-24 - Colossians 1:28-29 -Maturity in Christ Because of Ministers of Christ - Zach Simmons - Northfield Community Church
This is the seventh sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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10-13-24 - Colossians 1:24-27 -Christ in You, The Hope of Glory - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the sixth sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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10-6-24 - Colossians 1:21-23 - The Perfect Savior - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the fifth sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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9-29-24 - Colossians 1:15-20 - The Preeminence of Christ - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the fourth sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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9-22-24 - Colossians 1:9-14 - A Prayer for Spiritual Growth - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the third sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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9-15-24 - Colossians 1 3-8 - Giving Thanks for Gospel Fruit - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the second sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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9-1-24 - Genesis 35 - God Who Answers Me and Has Been With Me - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the tenth sermon in our sermon series entitled The Life of Jacob, walking through Genesis 26-36. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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This is the first sermon in our sermon series entitled Christ Is All, walking through Paul's letter to the Colossians. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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8-25-24 - Ephesians 1 3-14 - God's Eternal Wisdom In Salvation For Our Good and His Glory - Colin Rueter - Northfield Community Church
This sermon was preached by Colin Reuter, a member of Northfield Community Church. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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8-18-24 - Genesis 34 - For Such A Thing Must Not Be Done - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the ninth sermon in our sermon series entitled The Life of Jacob, walking through Genesis 26-36. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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8-11-24 - Genesis 33 - Fruit in Keeping With Repentance - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the eighth sermon in our sermon series entitled The Life of Jacob, walking through Genesis 26-36. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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8-4-24 - Genesis 32 - The Man Who Wrestled With God - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the seventh sermon in our sermon series entitled The Life of Jacob, walking through Genesis 26-36. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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7-28-24 - Genesis 30:25 - 31:55 - Relentless Grace - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the sixth sermon in our sermon series entitled The Life of Jacob, walking through Genesis 26-36. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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7-21-24 - Genesis 29:31-30:24 - This Time I Will Praise the Lord - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the fifth sermon in our sermon series entitled The Life of Jacob, walking through Genesis 26-36. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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7-14-24 - Genesis 29:1-30 - According to His Own Mercy - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the fourth sermon in our sermon series entitled The Life of Jacob, walking through Genesis 26-36. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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This sermon was preached by Zach Simmons, our College Ministry Director, ministering to students on the campuses of St. Olaf and Carleton Colleges. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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6-30-24 - Ephesians 6 10-20 - Victory Through Spirit Empowered Prayer - Garrett Dmochowsky - Northfield Community Church
This is a stand alone sermon from Garrett Dmochowsky, a second year seminarian from Bethlehem College and Seminary. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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This is the fourth sermon in our sermon series entitled The Life of Jacob, walking through Genesis 26-36. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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6-16-24 - Genesis 27 - God's Grace for Messy People - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the third sermon in our sermon series entitled The Life of Jacob, walking through Genesis 26-36. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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6-9-24 - Genesis 26 - A Promise, Problems, and Provision - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the second sermon in our sermon series entitled The Life of Jacob, walking through Genesis 26-36. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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6-2-24 - Genesis 25:12-34 - The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the first sermon in our sermon series entitled The Life of Jacob, walking through Genesis 26-36. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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5-26-24 - Romans 5:1-11 - O Christian, Rejoice! - Eddie DSouza - Northfield Community Church
This sermon was preached by guest speaker Eddie DSouza. Eddie is from southern India and has just finished his third year of seminary at Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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5-19-24 - Acts 13:1-3, 14:21-28 - A Shared Commitment to Biblical Missions - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the fifth sermon in our sermon series entitled Treasuring Christ Together, exploring the question of what it means to look to Christ as our greatest treasure both as individuals and as a church body. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -…
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5-12-24 - Matthew 16:13-19 - Healthy Ecclesiology - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the fourth sermon in our sermon series entitled Treasuring Christ Together, exploring the question of what it means to look to Christ as our greatest treasure both as individuals and as a church body. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -…
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5-5-24 - I Thessalonians 5:14-15 - Gospel-Formed Culture - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the third sermon in our sermon series entitled Treasuring Christ Together, exploring the question of what it means to look to Christ as our greatest treasure both as individuals and as a church body. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -…
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4-28-24 - Romans 11:33-36 - God-Centered Theology - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the second sermon in our sermon series entitled Treasuring Christ Together, exploring the question of what it means to look to Christ as our greatest treasure both as individuals and as a church body. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -…
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4-21-24 - 1 John 1 1-10 - The Greatest Treasure in the Universe - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the first sermon in our sermon series entitled Treasuring Christ Together, exploring the question of what it means to look to Christ as our greatest treasure both as individuals and as a church body. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -…
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4-14-24 - Genesis 3:1-7 -The Nature of Sin and the Magnificence of Christ - Zach Simmons - Northfield Community Church
This sermon was preached by Zach Simmons, our College Ministry Director, ministering to students on the campuses of St. Olaf and Carleton Colleges. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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4-7-24 - Mark 16:9-20 - Strange Ending Firm Foundation - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the forty-ninth and final sermon in our sermon series entitled Servant/King, walking through the Gospel of Mark. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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This is the forty-eighth sermon in our sermon series entitled Servant/King, walking through the Gospel of Mark. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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3-24-24 - Mark 15:40-47 - Crucified, Died, and was Buried - Josh Koehn - Northfield Community Church
This is the forty-seventh sermon in our sermon series entitled Servant/King, walking through the Gospel of Mark. For more information about Northfield Community Church in Northfield, MN, go to our website -
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