Filmes podcast Balázs Tomival, Rajos Marcival és Sallai Áronnal. 🙈🙉🙊
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Risk management is complex, and your time is limited. This podcast series helps you keep up on emerging issues in higher education and best risk management practices. Join URMIA leaders, peers, and insurance experts twice a month as they explore timely topics, URMIA member resources, and the profession.
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We share Earth with millions of other species, many of whom have been around much longer than us. Biomimicry is the promising practice of learning from nature’s forms, processes, and systems to create life-friendly designs that benefit both people and the planet. Lily Urmann – a biomimic, educator, and nature communicator – will explore this exciting field and showcase how biomimicry is applied and practiced around the world; from architecture and engineering to material science, manufacturi ...
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This is currently a podcast hosted by Christian Xander where he will be (sometimes) enjoying a cup of coffee while talking about different topics. On other episodes guests will be brought in to discuss things as well.
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Marcinak nincs személyije, rendőri igazoltatások, nappaliban filmezés, filmek krisztusról, sztereotipikus color grading, adócsaló Rupert Grint, karácsonyi kábeltévés visszatérők. Űrmajmok: Balázs Tamás, Rajos Márton, Sallai Áron Felvétel ideje: 2024. 12. 02.
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Tune into this episode of URMIA Matters to hear all about URMIA’s newest community, the YoPros! Host Julie Groves, Director of Risk Services at Wake Forest University, interviews the YoPro community leaders, Michelle Powell, Risk Manager at Florida Polytechnic University, and Kate Miller, Risk Management Analyst at Christopher Newport University, a…
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Kazettamásolás, lemezmásolás, peer-to-peer letöltés, torrentezés, streaming problémák. A kalózkodás filmes aspektusait járjuk körbe. Űrmajmok: Balázs Tamás, Rajos Márton, Sallai Áron Felvétel ideje: 2024. 11. 25.
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Cultivating a curiosity for our world is the first step in repairing our relationship with place, the organisms that we share our planet with, and ourselves. This reconnecting is at the core of a crucial and life-changing practice called nature journaling. John Muir Laws is a leader and innovator in the world-wide nature journaling movement and sha…
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Az első BIFF filmjein sasszézunk keresztül. A szent füge magja, The Brutalist, The Devil's Bath, Animal, I Saw the TV Glow, The Story of Souleymane, Bird, Caught by the Tides, Close-Up, Kneecap. Űrmajmok: Balázs Tamás, Rajos Márton, Sallai Áron Felvétel ideje: 2024. 11. 04.…
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The Biomimicry Institute's Launchpad program supports scientists and designers who are addressing some of our biggest challenges with nature-inspired ideas. Every year, a cohort of innovators from around the world comes together to learn from each other and receive guidance and inspiration through mentoring, networking, and community-building. Dave…
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In this special episode of URMIA Matters, listen in to URMIA's annual business meeting that was presented virtually on September 12, 2024. URMIA leadership gave updates about membership, finances, program participation, progress made on strategic initiatives, and other important updates. Show Notes URMIA Bylaws URMIA Board of Directors 2025 Annual …
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In this episode of URMIA Matters, Julie Groves, Director of Risk Services at Wake Forest University, interviews Susie Johnson, Risk Management Director at Iowa State University and 2025 Programming Committee Chair, Sue Liden, URMIA’s Education Manager, and Michelle Smith, URMIA’s Executive Director, about URMIA’s upcoming Call for Sessions. Learn h…
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Humans view waste as a burden, but nature utilizes waste as a valuable resource in a cycle of continual renewal. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates 600 million tons of construction and demolition debris is generated every year -- and Mycocycle knows this is an opportunity. Joanne Rodriguez discusses how Mycocycle leverages mycelium (f…
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In this episode of URMIA Matters, Julie Groves, URMIA’s immediate past-president and Director of Risk Services at Wake Forest University, interviews Lindsay Bond, Executive Director at HEPNet, about her important journey into the realm of youth protection. Lindsay shares how her career path took her from teaching to sports management to being passi…
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Nyárzáró adás nyárbúcsúztató filmekkel. Tomi futni, Marci bringázni kezdett. Miért nyáron játszódnak a szerelmes filmek? Indie filmek a 2000-es évekből. Közös kiruccanás a fiúkkal Cremában és a Villa Balbianelloban. Nyári blockbuster, mint fogalom. Spike Lee, Jordan cipő és gettórobbantó. Nem korhű zenék filmekben. Miket láttunk a nyáron? Űrmajmok:…
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Our coastlines are crucial buffer zones for climate chaos. Yet the current building strategies for concrete coastal marine construction can lead to low biodiversity, which impacts ecosystem health and water quality. ECOncrete's technology involves texture agents and molds that increase biological performance by creating a macro-surface that encoura…
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Now more than ever, the culture, engagement, and performance of your organization matters. In this episode of URMIAmatters, host Julie Groves sits down with Sam Bussard, the director of talent strategy at Compass Business Solutions to talk about the intersection of skill fit and core values alignment of candidates, how to enable recruiting teams to…
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Globally, more than 1.6 billion tonnes of food is wasted every year -- and in India, 40% of produce goes to waste before it even reaches grocery store shelves. By learning from plant protection mechanisms, Deepak Rajmohan of GreenPod Labs has developed a solution: using natural plant extracts to activate those built-in defenses. The simple yet effe…
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Good governance is a mechanism for leadership to achieve its objectives and make quality decisions. The time to revisit risk management practices and effective governance structures is more important than ever in higher education. In this episode of URMIA Matters, host Julie Groves, Director of Risk Services at Wake Forest University will sit down …
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In this episode of URMIA Matters, URMIA Executive Director Michelle Smith sits down with Julie Groves, URMIA’s Immediate Past President, Chairperson of the URMIA Leadership Development Committee, and Director of Risk Services at Wake Forest University; Marjorie Lemmon, an URMIA past president and Director of Risk Management and Insurance at Yale Un…
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The ideal adventure apparel is both waterproof and breathable. Yet the tragic irony for outdoor enthusiasts is how toxic and wasteful the current clothing and gear options there are on the market. That's where Amphico comes in: a UK-based biomimicry company learning from waterproofing strategies in nature to create options without harmful chemicals…
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In this episode, URMIA Matters host Julie Groves, Wake Forest University sits down with longtime member and volunteer Paul Fox, Baylor University about his experience volunteering for URMIA, a peek behind the curtain about how the upcoming annual conference comes together, and what's next in his volunteer journey. Connect with URMIA & URMIA with yo…
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How can risk managers in higher education get a better understanding of how real-time perceptions of their institution by students, faculty, staff, and the public at large can inform their work? In this episode, we’ll hear from Liz Gross, CEO of Campus Sonar and Rebecca Rapp, General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer of Ascendium talk about three a…
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Ultraélet, A 6:3 avagy, játszd újra Tutti fasza, mégse látta senki a Régi idők fociját, pedig biztos jó film. Tomi írós sztorija egy általa írt sztoriról. Áron felmos a brazilokkal. Tomi apukája statiszta volt a Victoryban, amíg ő szerelmeslevelet írt Keira Knightleynak. Mit jósolunk és kiknek szurkolunk az EB-n? Űrmajmok: Balázs Tamás, Ra…
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In this episode of URMIA Matters, Michelle Smith, Executive Director of URMIA has a conversation with Colorado Robertson, Director of Risk Management at Mississippi State University and Chair of URMIA's 2024 annual conference in New Orleans and Jack Voorhees, Senior Director of Events for URMIA. Together they talk about what to expect at the 2024 U…
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It's on every continent, and in every terrestrial ecosystem. It's beneath our feet on most hikes and it's often overlooked: lichens! In this episode, Dr. Troy McMullin, the chief lichenologist at the Canadian Museum of Nature, gives an insightful overview of what lichens are, describes their many interesting strategies, and shares why you should ca…
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Az Űrmajmok egyöntetően megegyeznek egy sci-fi trilógia méltó megvalósításának zsenialitásán és méltó sorsán. Teszik mindezt egy kaputelefonon keresztül. Spoilerekre lehet számítani, hiszen Tomi és Marci a könyveket is vágják. Űrmajmok: Balázs Tamás, Rajos Márton, Sallai Áron Felvétel ideje: 2024. 04. 01.…
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In this episode of URMIA Matters, Julie Groves, Director of Risk Services at Wake Forest University interviews Robin Oldfield, Associate Vice President of Audit, Risk, and Compliance and the Chief Risk Officer at the University of Dayton and Sue Liden, URMIA's Education Manager and former Director of Risk Services at Pacific Lutheran University. To…
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Tomi nem érti a koncepciót, viszont elmeséli a Torrente találkozó sztoriját. Marci olyan dolgokat is látott, amit a többiek nem. Áron listát olvas. Dobálunk, savazunk és megvédünk kultfilmeket ebben a deathmatch-eszmecserében. Űrmajmok: Balázs Tamás, Rajos Márton, Sallai Áron Felvétel ideje: 2024. 02. 22.…
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In this episode of URMIA Matters, Julie Groves, Director of Risk Services at Wake Forest University interviews Kim Nimmo, Director of Risk Management at Lehigh University, Sarah Braughler, Vice President of Risk Management at United Educators, and Stef Zielezienski, Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer at APCIA, about social inflation a…
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Lanthimos adaptál, de nem adaptálódik. Késői mozimegjelenések, kritikus mozizás kritikusokkal. Sok szex, de Emma Stone nem emiatt jó. Bármiről is szóljon ez a film, nem hasonlítjuk össze a Barbie-val. Legalábbis próbáljuk. Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár, eszmekritika és pontozás szívből. Űrmajmok: Balázs Tamás, Rajos Márton, Sallai Áron Felvétel ide…
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Adásunk vendége Holi, akivel a filmes élményei és animációs munkái kapcsán trécseltünk. Vacsora utáni tévézés, graffitizés és graffitis filmek, rajzfilmek, Cartoon Network első mozis élmények, magyar filmek, bicózás, Pozsony, Oscar kvalifikáció, animációs szcéna, takkra dobolás szinpadi előadásban, szinkron, színészet, képregény és naplóírás, Tomi …
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In the podcast episode “Disability Inclusiveness” of Season 5 of URMIA Matters, Julie Groves, hosts a discussion on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, both in the association and on campus. The guests are Jeff Chasen and Courtney Davis Curtis, a past president of URMIA. Curtis explains how the addition of DEIB objective to the URMIA strat…
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Knowledge Symbiosis with Roxanne Swentzell and Anne LaForti
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In the fourth episode of our limited series Knowledge Symbiosis: Can Biomimicry and Indigenous Science Harmonize?, Roxanne Swentzell and Anne LaForti engage in a conversation hosted by Sara El-Sayed, converging Indigenous ideologies and scientific understanding of soils, seeds, regenerative versus sustainable terminologies, and steps to healing our…
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Ez az epizód 8 év után került elő Tomi felhőtárhelyének mélyéről. Tomi, Marci, Laci és Dávid közvetlenül a friss moziélmény után egy budapesti kocsma emeletén, telefonnal vették fel ezt az epizódot, amit műsorunk 'ős-adásaként' tartunk számon. Történt mindez a podcast indulása előtt 4 évvel. Egészségetekre! Űrmajmok: Balázs Tamás, Rajos Márton, Ber…
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URMIA Matters Podcast Season 5, Episode 4: Guest Host: Sandy Mitchell with guests Amanda Franklin and Elliot Young In this episode of URMIA Matters, Sandy Mitchell, URMIA’s president-elect and Director of Insurance at MIT, interviews Amanda Franklin, Director of Risk Management at Wheaton College, and Elliot Young, Assistant Vice President and Univ…
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2024 Sylvester speciál! A szilveszterezés módszertana és éjféli meglepetésfilmek az HBO-n. Rocky és Rambo! Kedves és buta, macsó és profi, erős és harmatos, de mi így szeretjük! Sly papa életművéből csemegézünk. Űrmajmok: Balázs Tamás, Rajos Márton, Sallai Áron Felvétel ideje: 2023. 12. 27.…
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Knowledge Symbiosis with PennElys Droz and Maibritt Pederson
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In the third episode of our limited series Knowledge Symbiosis: Can Biomimicry and Indigenous Science Harmonize?, PennElys Droz and Maibritt Pederson Zari engage in conversation hosted by Lily Urmann, exploring cosmologies, paradigm shifts and how to be in good relationship while we co-create and design as humans within creation. They outline princ…
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In this episode of URMIA Matters, Julie Groves, URMIA's immediate past president and Director of Risk Services at Wake Forest University, interviews Craig McAllister, current URMIA president and Assistant Vice President, Risk Management at the University of Miami, in his inaugural presidential podcast. Craig shares his insights into some of URMIA’s…
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Biztonsági karácsonyi filmek és tömeggyártásuk, Kevin van már mióta, Ősrégi Oscar díjazott klasszis, iPhone-ra vett társadalmi portré, elfeledett David Bowie művészfilm és egy Michael Keaton batman, amiből király videójátékot is csináltak. Gizmó vagy guzmi? Titokzatos felső tízezer, buddy filmek és Shane Black. Az 'Erőszakik' egy borzalmas cím! Noi…
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In this episode of URMIA Matters, Teresa Ransdell, URMIA’s Director of Membership and Marketing, speaks to Flo Hoskinson, Risk Manager at Oregon Health and Science University, Mellany Patrong, Director of Enterprise Risk Management at Texas Southern University, and Steve Stoeger-Moore, President of Districts Mutual Insurance and Risk Management Ser…
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Knowledge Symbiosis with Dayna Baumeister and Melissa K Nelson Part 2
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
In this second episode of the limited series Knowledge Symbiosis: Can Biomimicry and Indigenous Science Harmonize?, Dayna Baumeister and Melissa K Nelson continue their conversation, hosted by Sara El-Sayed, exploring the common ground and mapping the divergences between Indigenous science and biomimicry. They dive into the nature of biomimicry and…
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In this episode of URMIA Matters, Craig McAllister, URMIA’s president and Assistant Vice President, Risk Management at University of Miami, talks to Mellany Patrong, Director- Enterprise Risk Management at Texas Southern University, and Nakeschi Watkins, Director, Risk Management and Insurance at Cornell University, who have recently been elected a…
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In this episode of URMIA Matters, Julie Groves interviews Pat Mathis, Co-founder and Managing Member- Title IX Solutions, LLC, about the upcoming changes in the Title IX regulations. Pat explains what the new regulations mean for colleges and universities, and how they affect the responsibilities of students, faculty, and staff. Pat also shares som…
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Scorsese mester legújabb eposzát vesszük górcső alá, ami olyan síri kusst csinál a moziteremben, hogy nem lehet kinyitni egy sajtos pufit, Pintér Tibor csak ne higgye magáról, hogy DeNiro és Áron különben sem dolgozott moziban. Marcinak és Tominak nincs meg az Easy Rider soundtrackje lemezen. Milyen kár. Indián újhullám, olajpénz, gyilkosságok, FBI…
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In this inaugural episode of the limited series Knowledge Symbiosis: Can Biomimicry and Indigenous Science Harmonize?, Dayna Baumeister joins Melissa K. Nelson and Sara El-Sayed in a conversation exploring the common ground and mapping the divergences between Indigenous science and biomimicry. SERIES SYNOPSIS Biomimicry, nature-inspired design, and…
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In this episode of URMIA Matters, Jenny Whittington interviews immediate past president, Julie Groves in the final podcast of Julie’s presidential podcast series. Jenny and Julie share highlights from Julie’s year as president, including the 54th Annual Conference in Baltimore, speaking engagements at other associations, and the five strategic goal…
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Halloweeni adásunkban lebokszoljuk, hogy jelmezesbuli-e a módi vagy a temető. Kiderül, hogy mikori az első horrorfilm. Jobban, vagy kevésbé fél-e a mai ember? Melyikünk hisz a természetfelettiben? Tomi para élménye a gangon és horrorfilm ajánlás ezerrel. Utáljuk a jumpscare-t. Marci horrorműfajokat ismertet. Rendhagyó módon zenéket ajánlunk, de még…
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In this episode of URMIA Matters, URMIA shared updates on what’s new and next from our Annual Business Meeting. All URMIA members were invited to tune in and hear the latest update from the URMIA Executive Committee. This meeting includes a briefing on the association by the president (now past-president), Julie Groves, a financial report by the tr…
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Témánk Reisz Gábor harmadik, Velencében díjnyertes filmje. Mi nem fér bele a kormánykommunikációba, politizál-e a film, melyikünk bukott valaha, melyik a legfeszültebb jelenetsor, melyik közszereplő buktatta meg Tomit az egyetemen, milyen véletlenek és szándékosságok vannak a sztoriban, kombinálható-e az identitás, mi a baj a veszekedéssel és mi ke…
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Az Űrmajmok visszatérnek egy vakáció után, melyről részletesebben beszámolnak és tövig nyomják a gázt a nyár autós filmjével. Kedvenc autós játékaikról, jobb és rosszabb autós filmekről, gagyi játékadaptációkról, jó versenyzős jelenetekről, gyér karakterekről, közepes drámákról, a Szoba (2003) című film Greg Sestero látogatásával egybekötött vetíté…
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A fun fact for your next party conversation: humans have over 30 trillion cells in our bodies, and 70-90% of those cells are bacterial and fungal! Look no further than exploring the microbiomes of biology when you need your next existential crisis -- or next rabbit hole of fascination to dive into. While mucus and the microbiome might not be the cl…
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In this episode of URMIA Matters, host Julie Groves, Director of Risk Services at Wake Forest University, and guest Rachel Pluviose, Senior Director of Risk Management and insurance at Johns Hopkins University, talk to Derrick Johnson, the President and CEO of the NAACP, about his upcoming session in Baltimore at URMIA’s Annual Conference. Rachel a…
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Join guest host, Jenny Whittington, URMIA’s Executive Director, as she interviews URMIA’s president (and host of URMIA Matters), Julie Groves, Director of Risk Services at Wake Forest University, for another Presidential Podcast! Julie and Jenny share their highlights of this past year, including two magical regional conferences at Disney and our w…
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