Join hosts Jim Wood and John Powell as they discuss all things Georgia Football!
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My God and My Neighbor is a “Bible talk show” that looks at religious issues, Christian living and world events in light of the Word of God to give hope. This podcast is a ministry of Tennessee Bible College. TBC offers a bachelor's in Bible studies, a master of theology, and a doctorate of theology in apologetics and Christian evidences. TBC also provides Christian books, audio recordings on the Bible, and free Bible courses in English and Spanish. Tune in to My God and My Neighbor to exper ...
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Oh My God I'm a Therapist is a podcast for therapists, therapists in training, and people that go to therapy. If you have ever been curious about therapy, or the lives of therapists, this podcast is for you! Dr. Janys Murphy Rising is a doctorate-level counselor and licensed counselor in Washington state. Using their two decades of experience as both a therapist and professor, Janys explores common myths about going to therapy, knowing and caring for therapists in your life, and practices th ...
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The Oh My God Pod podcast by Hollis Moore and Lori Spiker provides inspiration, hope and connection by sharing stories of everyday people who have experienced God working in their lives. Each episode will feature powerful, personal guest testimonies that will provide encouragement to others and hope that God is still working TODAY, in the 21st century. Whether you’re strong in your faith, have strayed a bit from your faith or aren’t really sure where you stand on the whole God thing we can a ...
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Bringing women all around the world together especially women who have been through domestic violence..Woman God has a Plan for you
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El mundo de los famosos y no tan famosos. Al finalizar la semana, tienes una cita con un programa divertido y desenfadado, dónde no solo te divertirás, también aprenderás mucho y sabrás lo que se dice en los mundos del cotilleo en inglés de un modo elegante, los viernes a las 20:00h
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God exists, but is God active in my life? Let’s talk about God’s role, the Bible and it’s role, as well as those surrounding us and their roles in our daily lives. With that, we’ll try and keep in mind a few themes: What does this life look like for you... right now? Is this God active in our lives? Is God My God, Too? Let’s talk about it.
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A weekday devotional podcast. Get to know God better through the greatest story ever told. Listen to Bible passages and story recaps. Hear where you fit in. Then click on the passages and experience God's love in a whole new way!
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A random collection of thoughts stories and shocking moments. This kind of a travel diary, but just not the normal kind. Cover art photo image taken in Nadi Fiji 2019. paypal-POOL details - Delinah Rae's Next Adventure
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Beau my God is a unique space for trans and gender nonconforming individuals and their allies to rumble about the things going on in our community, all things queer, what it's like to exist in a world that generally doesn't understand us! Find us on social media @BeauMyGodPod
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Oh My God répond aux questions des lycéens sur les religions. Est-ce qu’on peut dire « wallah » si on est chrétien ? C’est quoi le ramadan ? A quel moment sait-on qu’on est croyant ? Pour y répondre, des jeunes croyants et non-croyants, engagés au sein de l’association Coexister, partagent leurs vécus, leurs anecdotes et leur cheminement mais aussi leur complicité et leurs désaccords. Une voix off complète ces échanges en partageant les grands points de repères sur les religions et la laïcit ...
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Questions of faith, doubt, and grief.
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Jordan and Katherine bring you a fun discussion that shows the contrasting perspectives of a lifelong Godzilla fan, and a novice of the franchise.
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Hi Calvin here, So through this Podcast, I want to share with you my journey with God through scriptures and my experiences with him.
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A Christian Podcast brought to you to share my everyday experiences with God. Every week I will share my experiences with God as I understand Him, my conversations with Him in prayer , and how He has touched the lives of those around me. My desire is that my message encourages you to search for God and for Him to touch you as He has touched me.
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Reflecting in God’s goodness and faithfulness through the week. Everyday encounters with God and stories that will bring hope in a difficult world
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Blogger Gina Kellum shares her perspective of the Bible through the lenses of her life experiences. Hope, joy and love can be found here!
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*Empowering those who are OVERLOOKED... training ALL from regression and preparing them for profession. Though it seems unimaginable, GOD allows the impossible, unseen, unheard, unexpected and unexplainable to manifest! Want to be a witness to significance and fruition! Join me as we “INHERit” GOD’s blessings to regain a happily ever after story! We’re bringing people to the nation without hesitation. “It’s a pleasure to serve than be served. My duty is to bring the beauty by bringing the in ...
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: A voice for the survivors of satanic ritual abuse facilitated by Lisa Meister, a survivor herself. Listen as guests share their story, talk about the challenges of navigating life and break down the stigma ...
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Grace for My Home | Christian Women, Growing in Faith, Spirit-Led, Hearing from God, Sowing Truth
Audrey McCracken | Mom Encourager
Are you a Christian mom who wants to grow in your faith so you can help your children grow in theirs? Do you long for a godly vision for your home that will inspire you to be faithful in your calling as a mom even through challenging times? Do you wish you had a better understanding of God’s plan for you and your family? If so, I have great news for you. These are God’s desires for you too! In fact, I believe He is the One who plants these desires deep in the hearts of His daughters. In Chri ...
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What happens when you totally unleash two silly, educated, Black Americans who grew up in the Church but have been beaten down by America? I don't know either but ANYTHING GOES!!! Why? Because... GOD KNOWS MY HEART!
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The G.I.M.S Podcast is to create a platform for black Christian women who work a 9-5 job, have a side hustle or aspiring entrepreneur and may be in ministry to have a podcast that speaks to the everyday life struggles and successes that us as women face. The G.I.M.S podcast is to empower the Christian woman to have a true authentic relationship with God by being honest and transparent about the pain that she has faced and how she tapped into the supernatural strength of God in order to becom ...
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His Word My Walk - A real relationship with God, the Bible, and practical steps to implement your faith and God's truth into your life today
Kaela McKaig
How is your relationship with God? How is your time reading the Bible? Do you wish you were more consistent? Do you wish you understood the Bible better and could apply it to your life today? That is what the His Word My Walk podcast is. In this podcast you will find simple and practical applications to understanding the Bible and walking out God's truth in your life. Your faith in Jesus Christ will grow week after week as I share personal stories and testimonies with Biblical strategies and ...
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Text me a message! I would love to hear from you! Check out my new book! Covered in Prayer: 31 Prayers to Cover You and Your Children in God's Grace If you enjoy this episode and want to buy Audrey a coffee, please click here: For more mom encouragement visit Join My Email List! Follow me …
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How many people do you know that do what they say they will do? Times haven’t changed. An honest, dependable person was hard to find in Bible times. The even sadder fact was that the very people who were supposed to be teaching people the Bible made the situation worse by their traditions. Jesus confronted this problem in the Sermon on the Mount. T…
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Omelia della III domenica di Avvento C. Che dobbiamo fare? Questo chiedono a Giovanni il Battista. Quante volte vorremmo qualcuno che ci rispondesse, evitandoci di dover scegliere, prenderci responsabilità e decidere da soli… Quanto ci piacerebbe che qualcuno avesse tutte le ricette magiche ai nostri problemi e ci dicesse esattamente cosa dobbiamo …
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SEC Championship Review | 2024 Georgia Football
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Jim and John review Georgia’s 22-19 win over Texas for the SEC Championship. Need help with your online presence? Check out Working Web Media! Save 15% off your first order from Homefield Apparel with code: HUNKERDOWN Subscribe! Apple | Amazon | Google | iHeart | Spotify | TuneIn Social: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube Merch: My God a Podc…
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In this episode, I discuss the four main pillars of CHM identity as presented by Rodney Loper. The apparent question is whether these pillars are too broad to accurately define the CHM. I consider possible motives Loper may have had in establishing these broad pillars. Rodney Loper: Four Main Pillars of the CHM…
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In this episode, Dr. Janys explains how tarot and therapy work together. They discuss what tarot is, respective cultural factors, and theories and concepts in therapy that are enhanced by tarot practice. This episode is dedicated with love to my spiritual sister Pamela Norris. Therapists, please check out Rebecca Bloom's Tarot and therapy workshops…
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Text me a message! I would love to hear from you! Check out my new book! Covered in Prayer: 31 Prayers to Cover You and Your Children in God's Grace If you enjoy this episode and want to buy Audrey a coffee, please click here: For more mom encouragement visit Join My Email List! Follow me …
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How many people in America would you say were divorced in the year 1900? One in one thousand. Eighty years later that number had jumped to over 22 women out of every one thousand. This is just one indication that the more people drift from God and the Bible the worse their morals become. But that is just America in recent years. When we go back to …
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Omelia della Solennità della Immacolata Concezione 2024. C’è una domanda che attraversa tutta la storia dell’umanità… La domanda di un Dio che ci viene a cercare nonostante tutto e che non si stanca mai di venirci a scovare nascosti dietro i cespugli delle nostre paure… Credo che sia fondamentale per l’essere umano, non arrendersi alla debolezza e …
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Text me a message! I would love to hear from you! Check out my new book! Covered in Prayer: 31 Prayers to Cover You and Your Children in God's Grace If you enjoy this episode and want to buy Audrey a coffee, please click here: For more mom encouragement visit Join My Email List! Follow me …
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SEC Championship Preview | 2024 Georgia Football
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Jim and John preview Georgia’s rematch with Texas in the SEC Championship and answer listener questions. Need help with your online presence? Check out Working Web Media! Save 15% off your first order from Homefield Apparel with code: HUNKERDOWN Subscribe! Apple | Amazon | Google | iHeart | Spotify | TuneIn Social: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | …
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We live in a visual age. As with all progress, there is a good and a bad side to the amazing potential of the screens we use every day. But we must remember that there is nothing really new (Ecc. 1:9). Behind the world of images is the same old human nature. In this lesson, we will look at what Jesus said about men looking at women in the wrong way…
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Georgia Tech Review | 2024 Georgia Football
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Jim and John review Georgia’s 44-42 win over Georgia Tech. Need help with your online presence? Check out Working Web Media! Save 15% off your first order from Homefield Apparel with code: HUNKERDOWN Subscribe! Apple | Amazon | Google | iHeart | Spotify | TuneIn Social: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube Merch: My God a Podcast Store Official…
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Omelia della I domenica di Avvento C. Nel silenzio della notte, nel buio del crepuscolo, in lontananza, si dischiude una luce che, come un sorriso del cielo, richiama l’umanità al proprio destino d’AMORE. In questo tempo di tenera attesa, i nostri cuori possono intraprendere l’audace opera del lasciare andare; mai come ora, infatti, possiamo accogl…
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Text me a message! I would love to hear from you! “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk a…
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If you ask people to give an example of something really evil, chances are they will mention murder. There is something so horrific about taking the life of an innocent person that virtually any nation on earth has a law against it. The Bible certainly condemns it. But most people would be surprised to learn that hate is a form of spiritual murder.…
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Georgia Tech Preview | 2024 Georgia Football
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Jim and John preview Georgia’s Black Friday matchup with Georgia Tech and answer listener questions. Need help with your online presence? Check out Working Web Media! Save 30% off your Black Friday order from Homefield Apparel with code: BFCM24 Save 15% off your first order from Homefield Apparel with code: HUNKERDOWN Subscribe! Apple | Amazon | Go…
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Jim and John review Georgia’s 59-21 win over UMass. Need help with your online presence? Check out Working Web Media! Save 15% off your first order from Homefield Apparel with code: HUNKERDOWN Subscribe! Apple | Amazon | Google | iHeart | Spotify | TuneIn Social: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube Merch: My God a Podcast Store Officially Lice…
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Omelia della Solennità di Cristo Re dell’Universo 2024. XXXIV domenica del Tempo Ordinario B. Verità e menzogna, due realtà che spesso oggi vanno a braccetto. Come è possibile distinguerle? Ma soprattutto, che cos’è la verità? Rispondere a questa domanda vuol dire scoprire il volto di Dio, ovvero la sua gloria che è l’uomo vivente!…
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Massachusetts Preview | 2024 Georgia Football
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Jim and John preview Georgia’s matchup with Massachusetts and answer listener questions. Check out this SEC Tiebreaker Calculator Need help with your online presence? Check out Working Web Media! Save 15% off your first order from Homefield Apparel with code: HUNKERDOWN Subscribe! Apple | Amazon | Google | iHeart | Spotify | TuneIn Social: Twitter …
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Text me a message! I would love to hear from you! From today's episode: The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom Check out my new book! Covered in Prayer: 31 Prayers to Cover You and Your Children in God's Grace If you enjoy this episode and want to buy Audrey a coffee, please click here: For more mom encourageme…
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One of the dividing lines between churches today is how we should look at the Old Testament. Should we keep its laws? Should we study it? Is the Sabbath for us? Jesus lived under the Old Testament law. In this lesson, He shows us how to view it. We should neither observe its rituals nor ignore its moral principles. The scribes and Pharisees were th…
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Tennessee Review | 2024 Georgia Football
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Jim and John review Georgia’s 31-17 win over Tennessee. Need help with your online presence? Check out Working Web Media! Save 15% off your first order from Homefield Apparel with code: HUNKERDOWN Subscribe! Apple | Amazon | Google | iHeart | Spotify | TuneIn Social: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube Merch: My God a Podcast Store Officially …
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Omelia della XXXIII domenica del Tempo Ordinario B. Imparate dalla pianta del fico! L’invito di Gesù è chiaro e forte, ma meno chiaro e cos’ha il fico da insegnarci… E se imparare dalla pianta di fico volesse dire imparare direttamente da Dio? E se il fico fosse davvero un maestro dello spirito che ci insegna l’arte del vivere? E se non avessimo ma…
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Tennessee Preview | 2024 Georgia Football
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Jim and John preview Georgia’s matchup with Tennessee and answer listener questions. Need help with your online presence? Check out Working Web Media! Save 15% off your first order from Homefield Apparel with code: HUNKERDOWN Subscribe! Apple | Amazon | Google | iHeart | Spotify | TuneIn Social: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube Merch: My Go…
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Episode Description Of all the people in your life, who has had the greatest influence on you? That question is usually easier to answer than the next: Of all the people around you, whom would you say you have influenced the most? Sometimes people tell us the impression we have made, but many times they don’t. That’s where faith comes in. The Bible…
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Jim and John review Georgia’s 28-10 loss to Ole Miss. Need help with your online presence? Check out Working Web Media! Save 15% off your first order from Homefield Apparel with code: HUNKERDOWN Subscribe! Apple | Amazon | Google | iHeart | Spotify | TuneIn Social: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube Merch: My God a Podcast Store Officially Li…
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Text me a message! I would love to hear from you! You're invited to my book signing on Saturday, November 16 from 9 - 11 am at Awaken Coffee Bar at 126 South Main Street, Mullins, SC. I would love to see you there! Check out my new book! Covered in Prayer: 31 Prayers to Cover You and Your Children in God's Grace If you enjoy this episode and want t…
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Omelia della XXXII domenica del Tempo Ordinario B. Quante volte ci sfuggono sguardi, persone, volti che passano nella nostra vita senza lasciare traccia? Agli occhi di Dio non è così… Anche la persona più insignificante diventa motivo per poter insegnare ad amare come Dio ci ama. Cogliamo lo spunto del Vangelo per poter imparare a guardare con occh…
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Jennie Grace, SRA Victor
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Meet Jennie Grace, a courageous SRA victor who grew up in a foster home in the UK. She endured incredible abuse throughout her youth and survived it through creating amazing stories for her younger foster brothers and sisters. God rescued her and set her on a path of healing. Hear her story and how she still has to keep moving to stay safe. Here ar…
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Ole Miss Preview | 2024 Georgia Football
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Jim and John are joined by Hunter Jones to preview Georgia’s matchup with Ole Miss and answer listener questions. Need help with your online presence? Check out Working Web Media! Save 15% off your first order from Homefield Apparel with code: HUNKERDOWN Subscribe! Apple | Amazon | Google | iHeart | Spotify | TuneIn Social: Twitter | Facebook | Ins…
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Persecution is on the rise around the globe. North Korea and Muslim countries like Yemen and Saudi Arabia are some of the most dangerous places for believers in Christ. But other “free” nations are becoming less tolerant of Christian beliefs and practices. That includes the United States which used to be called a “Christian nation.” This episode re…
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Pray the Shaking the Luciferian Kingdom Prayer with me.
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Florida Review | 2024 Georgia Football
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Jim and John review Georgia’s 34-20 win over Florida. Need help with your online presence? Check out Working Web Media! Save 15% off your first order from Homefield Apparel with code: HUNKERDOWN Subscribe! Apple | Amazon | Google | iHeart | Spotify | TuneIn Social: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube Merch: My God a Podcast Store Officially Li…
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Omelia della XXXI domenica del Tempo Ordinario B. Basta amare Dio? Questo è il grande dilemma… Se bastasse amare Dio, perché Gesù aggiunge un comandamento che dice essere “simile al primo“? Forse un amore verticale non è sufficiente a esprimere davvero la pienezza della fede… Forse dobbiamo ascoltare questo podcast per capirne di più per poter vive…
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Omelia della Solennità di Ognissanti 2024. Cambia la tua idea sulla santità! Non rimanere ancorato alle tue certezze come se non ci fosse nulla di nuovo da scoprire, da imparare, da mettermi in discussione… Sei sicuro di sapere cosa vuol dire essere Santi? Sei sicuro che non sia per te?Από τον Don Umberto Rotili
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Text me a message! I would love to hear from you! God is a God of miracles. He does things we could never do. But He invites us to be a part of the process. When we give God what we have, be blesses it and makes it more than enough. Check out my new book! Covered in Prayer: 31 Prayers to Cover You and Your Children in God's Grace If you enjoy this …
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Florida Preview | 2024 Georgia Football
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Jim and John preview Georgia’s matchup with Florida and answer listener questions. Need help with your online presence? Check out Working Web Media! Save 15% off your first order from Homefield Apparel with code: HUNKERDOWN Subscribe! Apple | Amazon | Google | iHeart | Spotify | TuneIn Social: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube Merch: My God …
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