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This podcast, assembled by a former PhD student in History at the University of Washington, covers the entire span of Japanese history. Each week we'll tackle a new topic, ranging from prehistoric Japan to the modern day.
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Speculative fiction writer, long-term resident of Japan and Bram Stoker Award finalist Thersa Matsuura explores all that is weird from old Japan—strange superstitions, folktales, cultural oddities, and interesting language quirks. These are little treasures she digs up while doing research for her writing.
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This is a weekly English podcast about all things Japan! If you want to learn English or about Japanese culture, news life, and other fun things, give us a listen.
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A Japanese teacher talks in Japanese. As a teacher, I try to speak in not too difficult but not too easy Japanese. 日本語を勉強している人のための日本語トーク!日本語教師の友が、難しすぎない簡単すぎない、ちょうどいい日本語で話します。 Any levels of Japanese learners are welcome to this Podcast. Each title has a number from N1 to N5, which shows JLPT level. タイトルのN1〜N5の数字はJLPTのレベルです。 応援はこちらまで↓ https://www.paypal.me/ltjtomo/ 意見、感想、トピックのリクエストetc lets_talk_in_japanese@ruby-s.net https://twitter.com/L_T_I_J https://www.instagram.com/lets_talk_in_Japanese s ...
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This is the latest news in English from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/.
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Independent filmmaker Chris Broad brings you his multi-award winning YouTube channel Abroad In Japan in podcast form. Aided by broadcaster Pete Donaldson, they bring you a taste of life in the most unique country in the world, from great cuisine to capsule hotels, current events and tips on how to spend your time there. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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This is the latest news in Chinese from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/.
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Sengoku Daimyo's Chronicles of Japan is a Japanese history podcast where we will be going through a chronological history of Japan. We will start with prehistory and continue up through the Meiji period. Episodes are released as soon as they are available--working on a monthly release schedule.
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Escucha los programas en vivo por medio de nuestro blog: japan-next.blogspot.com Participa de nuestras redes sociales: Facebook: JapanNext Oficial Twitter: JapannextRadio
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Welcome to Sightseeing Japan! Join hosts Jason Nieling and Paul Bresin as they explore the land of the rising sun. New podcast episodes are released every other week covering a range of topics, from geisha to vending machines and everything in between.
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This is the latest news in Arabic from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/.
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Do you want to practice listening to Japanese the way we really speak it? Are you finding it difficult to communicate in Japanese even though you study hard? This podcast is to help you to have natural conversations in Japanese and share Japanese culture with the world!! If you want to learn to speak natural sounding Japanese fast, please consider getting my course: https://www.mikurealjapanese.com/
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A history of the people of Japan, from the prehistoric Jomon period to the modern era. WARNING: This podcast occasionally touches on subjects of human sexuality, suicide, violence, and torture.
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I’m Noriko 🌸, a certified Japanese teacher and the creator of the popular Learn Japanese with Noriko podcast! I'm also a certified Neurolanguage Coach 🧠. My Japanese Neurolanguage Coaching program launches in 2025—sign up for my newsletter to stay updated! And don’t miss Japanese Together, my community where learners connect, share knowledge, and dive into the fascinating world of Japanese language and culture.
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Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
“AI Transcripts are now available on my Patreon! patreon.com/nihongoconteppei Japanese podcast for beginners,Nihongo con Teppei,The best way to learn how to speak Japanese naturally!,is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! If you like this podcast, and you have the means, please consider making a donation. サポーターをどんどん募集中!! http://teppei.nihongoconteppei.com https://www.ital ...
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Discover Japan through conversations with fascinating people. Every episode host Tony Vega is joined by a guest to talk about all aspects of Japan, including the Japanese language, history, Japanese pop culture, food, anime, manga, movies, music, comedy, the impact of Japanese culture around the world, underground social movements, social issues in Japan, and much more. Episodes are released on the first of every month. Bonus episodes are regularly released on the fifteenth of the month. For ...
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这是一档关注日本消费与生活的节目,由蓝莓评测编辑部与长期旅居京都的妮子共同打造。 我们希望通过不同品牌背后的故事、主播们与品牌之间产生的真实链接,陪你一起深度探索别样和风。 微信搜索并关注「蓝莓评测」公众号,发现更多消费灵感。
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Slow Japanese is a podcast for beginner and intermediate Japanese learners (A1-B1/B2). As the program name shows, in this podcast, project founder Akari talks about various topics in slow Japanese. Listen to this slow and easy Japanese, and grow your ears into "Japanese ears". Patreon (materials): https://www.patreon.com/mochifika 1-on-1 Lesson: https://mochifika.com Support me: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mochifika
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A look into the curious world bridging Japan and the USA.
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Japanpodden är en svenskspråkig podcast som handlar om allt som har med Japan att göra. I redaktionen ingår japan-veteranerna Göran Edman, Hans Rhodiner och Lars Vargö. Poddens producent är journalisten Jon Thunqvist. japanpodden.substack.com
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A Bi-Weekly adventure on all things Japan, our lost without moments and so much more.
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This is the latest news in Spanish from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/.
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ドイツ語と日本語半々で友だち同士のリアルな日常会話をお届け♩ドイツ語のリスニング勉強にも最適です。 私日本人のみやことドイツ人のリケが日本語とドイツ語で会話をします。2人ともドイツ語オンラインレッスンVollmond(フォルモント)の講師です。 日本とドイツで過ごす私たちの日常、言語学習の話、文化の違いを楽しく配信中! Wir begrüßen euch recht herzlich zu unserem Podcast! Wir sind Miyako und Rike und möchten in diesem Podcast auf japanisch und deutsch sprechen. Wir wollen euch aus unserem Alltag in Japan und Deutschland berichten und euch mit Freude an unseren Erlebnissen teilhaben lassen. Gleichzeitig möchten wir damit unsere und eure sprachliche u ...
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こんにちは!このポッドキャストでは、仲良し夫婦のたつやとちよしの日々の何気ない会話(雑談)から自然な会話表現をたくさん聞くことができます☻ 楽しんでもらえると嬉しいです! Hi guys! We’re NAKAYOSHI Japanese couple. You can hear supernatural conversational expressions through our chats! Hope you enjoy listening to our podcasts! / non-scripted Japanese conversation 日本語の中・上級学習者にオススメです。 This channel is suitable for intermediate and advanced Japanese learners. Transcripts: https://note.com/nihongothatsdan Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tatsuyajapanese YouTube: https://www.you ...
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Welcome to EASY JAPANESE PODCAST!! We are MASA and ASAMI. This is a Podcast for Japanese learners. Mostly JLPT N3 level. We talk everyday topics in easy and natural Japanese. Please SUBSCRIBE our YouTube as well. Thank you! ー EASY JAPANESE PODCAST へようこそ! 「まさ&あさみ」です! N3レベルの簡単で自然な日本語のお話をお届けしています。 毎日の出来事を、日本語だけで、 少しだけゆっくり、ていねいにお話します。 YouTubeもチャンネル登録をお願いします! ー YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EASYJAPANESE Mail: welcometoeasyjapanese@gmail.com ー #JAPANESE #NIHONGO #日本語 #にほんご #やさしい日本語 #JLPT #jap ...
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Startups and venture capital work differently in Japan and are developing in very different ways. Disrupting Japan introduces you to some of the most important innovator in Japan and explains what it’s really like to be an innovator in a society that prizes conformity.
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Location Weekly Japanは、位置情報データを活用したビジネス・マーケティング・サービスを推進する、一般社団法人LBMA Japan(ロケーションビジネス&マーケティングアソシエーションジャパン)が運営するポッドキャストです。毎週、メンバー企業の経営メンバーや、事業担当メンバーへのインタビューを行い、最新の位置情報データ活用の事例をご紹介したり、世界で注目のイベントや、ここでしか聞くことができない裏話など、を配信しています。 I T関連のメンバーが多い団体ではありますので、横文字たくさん出てきますが、本ポッドキャストでは、なるべくわかりやすく皆さんに位置情報データを活用した事例をご紹介して行きますので、気軽にお聞きください。 MC:川島 邦之(一般社団法人LBMA Japan 代表理事) https://lbmajapan.com 毎週月曜日更新。 https://listen.style/p/6eiezwco?rs7JQFMS
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Learn Japanese with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at JapanesePod101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!
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ニュージーランドの原生林に守られた静寂の湖。その畔で、サステナブルな自給自足ライフを営む作家・四角大輔が〈noisy〉な世界へ放つ――正解・正論・正義を求めない、オルタナティブなモノローグ。 〈さまざまな雑音=noise〉に乱され、自分を見失いがちな日々。あなたが〈心の静寂=noiseless world〉を取り戻せるよう――野鳥の声、水の音、樹々を揺らす風――自然界が奏でる歌と共に語りかけます。【スロウな不定期更新】 music by sinra*。 (*テクノアーティスト liff、ピアニスト otonoha、自然音とディレクションを担うDaisuke YOSUMIによる音楽ユニット)
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日本語を大切にしながら ゆっくり、ていねいに話します。 内容ですか? 思いつくまま、気ままです。 かなりわがままです。 ハイ! 日本語が好きです! ○質問、ご意見などを taisetsu.japanese@gmail.com ●YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@ganbare.nihongo https://www.youtube.com/@nanigenai.channel
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What is Japanese food? Sushi, or ramen, or kaiseki? What about Izakaya? Akiko Katayama, a Japanese native, New York-based food writer and director of the New York Japanese Culinary Academy, tells you all about real Japanese food and food culture. With guests ranging from sake producers with generations of experience to American chefs pushing the envelope of Japanese gastronomy, Japanese cuisine is demystified here!
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Japan Top 10 is a podcast show that focuses on the discovery of Japanese music culture. Various hosts provide entertaining, engaging and educational commentary that help instill Japanese music cultural knowledge into its listeners. Japan Top 10 also openly supports indie artists and bands who create Japanese music, or Japanese-inspired music through on-air and online segments. We have a wide variety of featured shows. Please see our website for more details on the formatting and release date ...
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Japanese with Teppei and Noriko, The best way to learn conversational Japanese! is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with us! https://www.patreon.com/teppeinorikojapanese https://ko-fi.com/teppeinorikojapanese
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Dari lebt in Japan, Ela geht sie dort gerne besuchen. Kommt mit auf unserer Reise durch Japan, was wir dort erleben. Über ein faszinierendes Land, welches sein Galapagos Syndrom nicht so ganz loszuwerden scheint. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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A podcast about Japanese literature and some of its best works New episodes more-or-less monthly
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Join sports journalist John Gunning; star X-League quarterback Aaron Ellis of the Dentsu Caterpillars; and pro football historian Greg St. James of the Sports History Network, as they cover the Japanese gridiron game.
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Two friends coming together every week to tell the history, myths, folklore and poetry from Japan's long history. Website: https://historyofjapan.co.uk/
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A podcast covering Japanese pop culture, including music, celebrities, video games, dramas, anime, and everything else in between.
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北欧に居住していた古代民族にとって、サウナストーンと呼ばれる石の熱と、石に水をかけて立ち上る蒸気は、人間の生命力として考えられていました。サウナは今日でも、健康のためだけではなく、人々の意見交換の場としても使用されています WithSecureの日本語ポッドキャスト『Cyber SecurityサウナJapan』は、社内外のセキュリティエキスパートをホスト/ゲストとして、様々なことが起こっているセキュリティ業界でのホットなトレンドやテクノロジーに関する情報、そしてインサイトをお届けしていきます。
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NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - Chinese News at 13:00 (JST), December 18Από τον NHK WORLD-JAPAN
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NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - Spanish News at 13:00 (JST), December 18Από τον NHK WORLD-JAPAN
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NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - English News at 03:00 (JST), December 18Από τον NHK WORLD-JAPAN
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みなさんポップコーンの準備はOKですか〜🍿 今週のちーちゃんとやっこは、日本とアメリカの「ムービー・ナイト」の世界に浸ります!映画館のきらびやかな体験から、家での居心地の良い映画鑑賞まで、映画を愛する文化がそれぞれどう現れているかを探ります。 日本では、映画館の2人用ソファやVIPルームを予約して、ちょっと贅沢なデートナイトを楽しむこともできますよね?一方、アメリカでは、自宅を映画鑑賞用パラダイスに変えるのが定番!さらに、2人なりのこだわり(字幕が一番!)について語ったり、ぎこちない吹き替え映画への共通の苦手意識を共有したり。 文化の違いや個人的な告白など、笑いが詰まったのんびりトークにぜひご参加ください!映画館派でもお家映画派でも、このエピソードを聞けば「ムービーナイト」の新しい楽しみ方が…
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NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - Arabic News at 15:00 (JST), December 17Από τον NHK WORLD-JAPAN
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Did you know there is a Shinto kami (god or spirit) of salt? [This description contains Amazon affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.] Uncanny Japan is author Thersa Matsuura. Check out her books including The Book of Japanese Folklore by clicking on the Amazon link. If …
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We examine the development Russian Empire of the 1800s and see what factors set them on a collision course with Japan in 1904. Support the show My latest novel, "Califia's Crusade," is now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple Books, Bookshop.org, and many other online platforms!Από τον Justin Hebert
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What's the most exotic stamp you've gotten in Japan? Let us know - AbroadInJapanPodcast@gmail.com for all your messages! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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This is the second of two episodes talking about the people in the north of the Japanese archipelago: The Emishi and the Mishihase. Last episode we covered things from an archaeological overview, looking at the traces of the Epi-Jomon, Satsumon, and Okhotsk Sea cultures. This episode focuses more on what was actually written in the Nihon Shoki, inc…
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
第 69 期,一起去令人「失去理智」的折扣店——唐吉诃德逛逛吧。 唐吉诃德是 Top of Japan 聊过的品牌中非常年轻的一个,但却是日本 3000 多家上市公司中连续 35 年保持增长的唯一一家公司。 它的业绩有目共睹:每年客流量超 3 亿人次,在全球 10 个国家有 742 家店铺,日本国内 632 家,Bloomberg 报道称,集团股价已从上市初 66.7 日元上涨近 50 倍,23 年 12 月底收盘价为 3364 日元,而同期日经指数上涨幅仅为 1.11 倍。它的「吸引力」也随着品牌的成长有增无减,有网友形容:「每次进去钱和时间就会莫名消失。」 这期几位主播聊得也很开心,因为这个疯狂又令人上瘾的折扣店,和退休时还在 ppt 里展示健美身材的创始人「抓马」经历和风格有紧密的联系…
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次世代位置情報基盤が革新するマップAPI 株式会社ゼンリンデータコムは、ゼンリンのデータ配信事業の戦略子会社として2000年に設立されました。ゼンリンが整備する詳細かつ膨大な地図データや道路ネットワークデータを活用し、個人や法人向けに地図配信や経路探索エンジン、ナビゲーションサービス、API提供を行い、GoogleマップのAPIサービス導入時には代理店としても活動しました。 そんな同社が次に見据えるのは次世代の配信基盤の構築です。住所の表記ゆれを正規化する「住所クレンジング」、さらには「最適化したルート探索」などが可能となり、物流・インバウンドなど様々な面での課題解決に活用できるといいます。次世代のマップAPIの可能性について、詳しく伺いました。…
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Support us on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/smalltalkjapan
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This week: Taiwan was the first overseas territory annexed by Japan with a large existing population. So how did the government's policies on religion--and especially Shinto--help shape the nature of Japanese colonial rule there? And how did those policies evolve as Taiwan's own place in the empire changed? Show notes here.…
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Heute geht es um Essen, natürlich wieder, und was uns betrifft, völlig dilettantisch. Dari schildert ihre Liebe zu Tofu, Ela erzählt vom Kohlgate, und wir beide rätseln über die Sahnetorten Japans. Wollt ihr Hallo sagen? @InsomniaJapan auf Instagram oder: insomniajapanpodcast@gmail.com Falls euch der Podcast gefällt, freuen wir uns sehr über eine B…
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Our guest is Phillip Frankland Lee who is the chef/owner of Sushi by Scratch. Sushi by Scratch Restaurants began in Los Angeles and New York marks its tenth location, which opened in September 2024. Phillip is known for innovative omakase-style sushi preparations, while still respecting the values set by sushi masters. For example, he uses premium …
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On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about the need for Japan to make the word "anime" a regional designation. The guest is Matt Alt, author of Pure Invention: How Japan's Pop Culture Conquered the World. 👉Topics Discussed The popularity of anime What the word anime means in Japan The origins of anime The usage of the term terebimanga andJapan…
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While the rest of the world is copying Silicon Valley, Tokyo is looking at Paris.Today we sit down with Mark Bivens and Matt Romaine, the co-founders of Shizen Capital to talk about Japan's new startup policies, the changing role of M&A, the main force behind the changing attitudes about startups in Japan.It's a great conversation, and I think you'…
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139. 2024 Trip Recap (Part 2)
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Jason and Paul recently returned home from a trip to Japan. Join them as they discuss their itinerary and recount their second week of sightseeing! Topics Covered: Nagoya: Coffee House Kako — Nagoya Castle — The Tokugawa Art Museum — SCMAGLEV and Railway Park Inuyama: Showa Alley — Dondenkan (Matsuri Museum) — Inuyama Castle — Urakuen — Momotaro Sh…
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Today we look into the next Emperor to reign Japan, Emperor Suinin. Not only did he have to deal with an assassination plot, he also had to find a way to get his child to learn to speak after being mute for 30 years. ~ Review us over on: Podchaser. Check out our growing database on Japanese History over at …
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Explicit Warning For Intro: Explicit free audio and concert begins at 5:32. Welcome to a very special episode of Lost Without Japan. In this episode, Sam and I sit down after catching Atarashii Gakko live for their concert in Chicago. Website: https://www.rediscovertours.com/ Lost Without Japan Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lostwithoutjapan/…
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Today’s episode features one of the most popular idol groups from Starto Entertainment: KAT-TUN! Currently led by members Kazuya Kamenashi, Tatsuya Ueda, and Yuichi Nakamaru, KAT-TUN has spent decades breaking records with their chart-topping singles and albums. Known for their lovable dance moves and blend of pop and hip-hop, this group has captiv…
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The crew takes a look at look back at all the games played during the X League Super quarterfinals on the road to the Rice Bowl! Gridiron Japan livestreams over at Gridiron Japan Television on YouTube at www.gridironjapantv.net, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GridironJapan.jp, and on X (Twitter)! Learn more …
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RJL is excited to bring you this two-parter about LGBTQ+ stories from Japan. Part two covers Taisho Japan (when women finally enter the stage) through through contemporary LGBTQ+ writing, especially the life and work of Nobuko Yoshiya, Edogawa Ranpo, Yukio Mishima, and Li Kotomi. We also spend a little time on the role of queer manga. Part one cove…
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September & October 2024 Review
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Nante Japan's review of September and October 2024, featuring segments on Travis Japan's New York concert, New York Comic Con, the denial of an international fan to a NEWS concert and more.Από τον Nante Japan
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Danke fürs Zuhören:) 聞いてくれてありがとうございます♩ ・・・・・・・・ Vokabeln 語彙: ★Deutschland ドイツAuto :車Aspirin :アスピリンBakteriologie :細菌学Buchdruck :活版印刷Bunsenbrenner :ブンゼンバーナーBaumkuchen :バウムクーヘンChip-Karte :チップカードComputer :コンピューターDiesel :ディーゼルFahrrad :自転車Fanta :ファンタFernsehen und 1. Fernsehprogramm :テレビと最初のテレビ番組Gummibärchen :ゼリーベビーHubschrauber :ヘリコプターKaffeefilter :コーヒーフィ…
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サウナのようにホットなセキュリティトレンド、テクノロジー、インサイトをお届けするポッドキャスト『Cyber SecurityサウナJapan』。第17回目は前回に引き続き、IT系記者さん2人を交えての「中小企業のセキュリティ対策」を取り上げたディスカッションの後半をお届けします。Από τον WithSecure
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