Podcast from Anticapitalist Resistance, a revolutionary socialist organisation based in England and Wales. Analysis and commentary on everything from politics, economics, social issues and philosophy. Also fighting in the front line of the culture war on the anti-Nazi side.
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Podcast sobre política, história, artes e qualquer outra forma de subversão.
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Joseph Teperman é conhecido por seu trabalho como Headhunter para as principais cadeiras executivas do país. É sócio fundador da Inniti. Tem uma grande sede por saber, e agora faz entrevistas com convidados especiais para compartilhar com você .
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Pamatujete si, když Kazma zakopal své auto a celá republika řešila, kde je a kdo ho najde? O takové, i peprnější, kauzy není mezi českými influencery nouze. I proto vznikl „Anticast“, podcast webu antiyoutuber.cz a redaktorů Matěje Čecha a Jakuba Šorma. V jednotlivých dílech poodhalí zákulisí dění ze sociálních sítí, budou komentovat a glosovat, co mezi influencery momentálně rezonuje a čas od času přivítají hosta přímo od zdroje. Anticast je tu, abyste nemuseli dlouhé hodiny bádat, kdo je p ...
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Viaggio nel mondo della musica antica attraverso storie, curiosità e ascolti riguardo le opere e i compositori del periodo musicale che va dal Medioevo al primo Classicismo. Conversazioni con ospiti e approfondimenti a cura di Dimitri Betti.
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Explaining the need for organising on an ecosocialist basis, Simon Hannah urges socialists to take the crises that confront us seriously. Text originally published here, 22/01/25 Read by Jack Graham Music: Debunking by YuzzyΑπό τον Anticapitalist Radio
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A discussion with Odin O'Sullivan about the growth of the manosphere and the often reactionary, misogynist ideas that drive it. O'Sullivan looks at the influence of people like Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson. in conversation with Simon HannahΑπό τον Anticapitalist Radio
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Palestine and Marxism with Joseph Daher - a discussion
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1:44:41A discussion hosted by AntiCaptialist Resistance on the new book Palestine and Marxism by Joseph Daher. About the speakers Joseph Daher is an internationalist, anticapitalist and an academic. He teaches at Lausanne University, and is a professor at the European University Institute, Florence. He is the author of Syria after the Uprisings (Pluto, 20…
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Originally published 6.11.24 Written version here: ACR Statement: Trump’s Second Term – Now is the time for a global fightback – Anticapitalist ResistanceΑπό τον Anticapitalist Radio
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Episode 17: Democratic Socialist Planning and Radical Utopian Aesthetics, with Eric Meier
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1:15:56Simon Hannah interviews Eric Meier (@graete97) on democratic socialist planning and radical utopian aesthetics, as well as some of the basics of the 'planning debates' on the left. Eric is a co-founder of and organises in in the International Network for Democratic Economic Planning (https://www.indep.network/) Music 'Debunking' by Yuzzy.…
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Anti*Capitalist Resistance statement on far right violence sweeping Britain and Northern Ireland in August 2024. https://anticapitalistresistance.org/solidarity-and-unity-now/Από τον Anticapitalist Radio
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An unabridged recording of Why We Need Anti-Capitalist Resistance by Simon Hannah. The world is facing an unprecedented crisis with the pandemic, climate disaster, and economic crash. Extreme inequality is out of control. Resistance is happening on every continent against the capitalist system. The vision of Karl Marx for a new society is still rel…
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Episode 16: UK and France Elections Special
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1:13:36A conversation about the British and French elections,. Subjects touched on include: the collapse of the Tories after 14 years in power, the NHS good and bad, Labour and Tory Transphobia, Mogg blubbing, the rise of Starmer's Labour and its 'majority without a mandate', Starmerism as anti-left, the defeat of Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally …
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Ecosocialist Revolution: A Manifesto
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1:23:10In an age of escalating crises, it's clear that our current system is unsustainable. Our planet and societies are being pushed to their limits by profit-driven capitalism. But there is hope. Ecosocialism offers a bold alternative – a vision of an economy that prioritises human needs, democratic power, and a harmonious relationship with the environm…
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Statement by ACR on the forthcoming UK General Election "Any crushing defeat for the Tories is something we celebrate, along with millions of other working people exhausted by 14 years of austerity, vicious racism, and callous disregard for the cost of living. This is why we do not hesitate to say: Kick the Tories out, keep up the struggles, and or…
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After a hiatus we return with an episode focusing on trans liberation. The recent Cass Review has been a broadside against the trans* community in the UK, and signals a direct attack on the very idea of gender transition. These articles look at the growing resistance and the importance of trans* liberation in the modern world.…
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Anticast: Vztahy Shopaholic Adel byly velmi dramatické. Nyní se ale Adel chová nečekaně klidně
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Anticast: Poslouchá Petr Lexa náš podcast? Na toaletách se šuškalo, že Calin rozhovory dávat nebude
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Anticast: Jak ovlivnilo narození dítěte Datlovu tvorbu? Podle některých lidí se nestará o partnerku
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Anticast: Mnoho lidí hledá nové partnery a známosti na seznamkách. Ty si díky tomu vydělávají spousty peněz
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Anticast: Žralok čelil Mikuláškovi, Laduška dostala výprask od Míny a Kukisman všechny překvapil
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Anticast: Na některých akcích je velmi zvláštní catering. Dobrý přístup organizátorů je velmi důležitý
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An audio version of the article Grifter Capital by Simon Hannah and Rowan Fortune, available on the ACR website here. --- Capitalism’s defenders pride their system on turning private vice into public virtue, but this depends on individual greed seamlessly becoming a motor force for investment in production and innovation. In this long read, Simon H…
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This is a special episode on the fight for Palestinian liberation, looking at the history of the region and the political shifts in both the Palestinian resistance and the Israel state in the last few decades. For a complete list of our articles and statements click hereΑπό τον Anticapitalist Radio
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Michael Sturza introduces his excellent book The London Revolution, 1640-43: Class Struggles in Seventeenth Century England about the social revolution that ended up with the overthrow of the English monarchy and the beheading of the king. Sturza looks at the impact of the social revolution on the people in London.…
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Anticast: O Kazmovi se mluví už i ve světě. Někteří však konec soutěže o milion dolarů kritizují
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Anticast: Kazma ukončil hru o milion dolarů a někteří lidé jsou zklamaní. Bude hra ještě pokračovat?
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Anticast: Jaká je práce redaktorů z Antiyoutuber.cz? Různé akce často tráví v zákulisí, kde pracují
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Anticast: Jak šel čas s Fregamerem. Snažil se zviditelnit na sociálních sítích, nyní je opouští
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Anticast: Pátý galavečer Clash of the Stars a momenty mimo kameru. Organizace neuvěřitelně roste
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Anticast: Co všechno jsou lidé schopni udělat pro slávu? Kvůli slávě klidně nechají ponižovat
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Druhý díl podcastu Anticast, tentokrát o únicích fotek z OnlyFans.Από τον Antiyoutuber.cz
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Episode 10 - The Fashion Industry under Capitalism
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1:09:32Tansy Hoskins talks about her book Stitched Up: The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion and how the modern fashion industry affects workers, consumers and the environment. She also points to a vision of how things might be different and why clothing, fashion and the way we feel about how we look matters. Actress Emma Watson said about the book "Makes a…
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Episode 9 - Hayao Miyazaki's pigs vs fascists
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1:19:18Hayao Miyazaki’s anime Porco Rosso (1992) is an anti-fascist fantasy film about a anthropomorphic pig bounty hunter living in the Adriatic Sea, catching air pirates. The title translates as Red Pig and delves into the titular’s past, as he flees the Italian fascist regime of Benito Mussolini. In this podcast Rowan Fortune (they/them) and Logan O’Ha…
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