We are a church that wants the world to know there is something greater to live for.
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Series - Jesus Changes Everything Talk 6 - Unstoppable Bible Reading - Acts 5:17-24 Preacher - Rev. Ben Mansfield
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Series - Jesus Changes Everything Talk 5 - Being Authentic Bible Reading - Acts 4:32-5:11 Preacher - Rev. Ben Mansfield
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Series - Jesus Changes Everything Talk 4 - A New Boldness Bible Reading - Acts 3:1-10 Preacher - Rev. Ben Mansfield
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Series - Jesus Changes Everything Talk 3 - A New Community Bible Reading - Acts 2:37-47 Preacher - Rev. Ross Wilson
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Series - Acts: Jesus Changes Everything Talk 2 - A New Purpose Bible Reading - Acts 1:12-2:6 Preacher - Rev. Ross Wilson
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Series - Acts: Jesus Changes Everything Talk 1 - Life Changing Bible Reading - Acts 1:1-11 Preacher - Rev. Ross Wilson
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Series - Celebrate Talk 4 - Celebrating Community Bible Reading - Philippians 4:6-7 Preacher - Rev. Ben Mansfield
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Series - Celebrate Talk 3 - Children Bible Reading - Philippians 3:17-21 Preacher - Rev Ross Wilson
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Series - Celebrate Talk 2 - Mission Bible Reading - Philippians 3:12-21 Preacher - Rev Ben Mansfield
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Series - Celebrate Talk 1 - The New Year Bible Reading - Philippians 3:12-21 Preacher - Rev Ross Wilson
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Series - Repentance Talk 1 - Repentance Bible Reading - 1 John 1:5 - 2:2 Preacher - Dan McComber
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Series - Advent Talk 3 - Christmas Day Bible Reading - Luke 2:22-33 Preacher - Rev Ben Mansfield
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Series - Advent Talk 2 - The Best Christmas Bible Reading - Luke 2:22-33 Preacher - Rev Ross Wilson
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Series - Advent Talk 1 - Christmas Shepherds Bible Reading - Luke 2:1-20 Preacher - Rev Ross Wilson
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Series - Who is this God? Talk 9 - The God Who Is Near Bible Reading - Exodus 25:1-9 Preacher - Rev. Ben Mansfield
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Series - Who is this God? Talk 8 - The God Who Shows Mercy Bible Reading - Exodus 32:1-6 Preacher - Rev Ben Mansfield
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Series - Who is this God? Talk 7 - The God Who Establishes (Part 2) Bible Reading - Exodus 22:18-27 Preacher - Rev Ben Mansfield
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Series - Exodus: Who is This God? Talk 6 - The God Who Establishes (Part 1) Bible Reading - Exodus 19:1-8 Preacher - Rev. Ben Mansfield
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Series - Who is this God? Talk 5 - The God Who Provides Bible Reading - Exodus 15:22 - 16:8 Preacher - Rev. Ben Mansfield
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Series - Exodus: Who is This God? Talk 4 - The God Who Rescues Bible Reading - Exodus 12:1-13 Preacher - Rev. Ben Mansfield
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Series - Exodus: Who is This God? Talk 3 - The God Who Judges Bible Reading - Exodus 5:1-9 Preacher - Rev. Ben Mansfield
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Series - Exodus: Who is This God? Talk 2 - The God Who Speaks Bible Reading - Exodus 3:1-10 Preacher - Rev. Ben Mansfield
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Series - Exodus: Who is This God?Bible Reading - Exodus 1:1-14Talk 1 - The God Who HearsPreacher - Rev. Ben MansfieldΑπό τον Southside Presbyterian
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Is Jesus Too Radical - Too Radical - To Be A DiscipleMatthew 8:14-17Southside 40th Birthday Testimonies:Don & Elizabeth Galloway - Opening to 12:15Pete, Dimity & Indy Galea - 12:15 - 18:20 (including Bible Reading)Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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Is Jesus Too Radical - Repent or PerishLuke 13:1-9Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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Is Jesus Too RadicalLuke 12:13-21Ben MansfieldΑπό τον Southside Presbyterian
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Is Jesus Too RadicalRoss Wilson15th September 2024Luke 10:25-37Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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Hosea 3: 1 - 5 and 14: 1-3Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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Hosea 2:2-23Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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Hosea 1:1-2:1Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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Colossians 3:11-15Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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CaptivatedColossians 4: 2-6Captivated by God's MissionMission SundaySurvey SundayΑπό τον Southside Presbyterian
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Colossians 3:1-10Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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Colossians 1:21 - 2:7Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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Colossians 1:3-14Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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Colossians 1:15-20Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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Gospel Series - Mark 8: 29 - 9: 1What Does it Look LikeΑπό τον Southside Presbyterian
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Mark 8: 22-33Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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Mark 8 : 1 - 10Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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1 Corinthians 16:1-24Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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1 Corinthians 15:1-34Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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1 Corinthians 15:50-58Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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1 Corinthians 14:1-40Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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1 Corinthians 12:27 - 13:3Time Stamps:Bible Reading - 0:00Sermon - 1:20Interviews w/ Sue Barlow, Rachel Woods & Ashley Neilson - 19:58Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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1 Corinthians 13:1-13Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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1 Corinthians 12 : 12-26Ben MansfieldWhere do I belong?Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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1 Corinthians 11:1-12Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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John 21:1-14Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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Ben & Ross talk about mental health and some changes happening in our Youth and Young Adults ministries at church, this term.Ben prays for Southside.Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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John 20:19-31Από τον Southside Presbyterian
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