Clear & Concise Daf Yomi by R' Avi Slansky Join the hundreds of people that have already learned to love the Daf with R' Slansky! The Title Name speaks for itself - Clear & Concise - try just one Shiur and you'll be hooked!
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Kitzur Yomi 71 [2.6] Siman 36:11 - 26
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Kitzur Yomi 70 [2.5] Siman 35:8 - 36:10
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Kitzur Yomi 69 [2.4] Siman 34:14 - 35:7
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Sanhedrin 22 [1.8] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות ע״נ ר׳ אריה ליב בן יעקב
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Sanhedrin 21 [1.7] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות ע״נ ר׳ אריה ליב בן יעקב
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Kitzur Yomi 68 [2.3] Siman 34:5-13 [How Much Tzedaka, Who Gets First, G-ds House As Nice As Yours]
Kitzur Yomi 68 [2.3] Siman 34:5-13 [How Much Tzedaka, Who Gets First, G-ds House As Nice As Yours]
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Kitzur Yomi 67 [2.2] Siman 34:1-4 [Tzedakah, Partnership With G d]
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Sanhedrin 20 [1.6] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות ע״נ ר׳ אריה ליב בן יעקב
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Zichru Sanhedrin 19 [1.5] Kings Yacht
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Zichru Sanhedrin 18 [1.4] Chupah Ben 18 L'Chuppah
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Zichru Sanhedrin 16 [1.2] Toes: Acrobat with Big Toes
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Zichru Sanhedrin 15 [1.1] Fruit Bowl: Tu B'shvat
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Sanhedrin 19 [1.5] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות ע״נ ר׳ אריה ליב בן יעקב
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Zichru Sanhedrin 14 [12.31] Hands - Juggler
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Kitzur Yomi 66 [1.1] Siman 33 7 - end [Safeik Sakanah, Fruit Treets, , Disgusting Repulsive Foods]
Kitzur Yomi 66 [1.1] Siman 33 7 - end [Safeik Sakanah, Fruit Treets, , Disgusting Repulsive Foods]
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Kitzur Yomi 65 [12.31] Siman 33 1 - 6 [Sakanah, Fish & Meat, Uncovered Liquids, Under Bed]
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Sanhedrin 18 [12.4] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות ע״נ ר׳ אריה ליב בן יעקב
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Sanhedrin 16 [12.2] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות ע״נ ר׳ אריה ליב בן יעקב
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Sanhedrin 15 [12.1] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות ע״נ ר׳ אריה ליב בן יעקב
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Zichru Sanhedrin 13 [12.30] Bar Mitzvah Boy
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Zichru Sanhedrin 12 [12.29] 12 Brothers
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Sanhedrin 14 [12.31] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות ע״נ פנינה בת ר׳דוב בער
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Kitzur Yomi 64 [12.30] Siman 32:23-end [How Much Sleep, How-To Wash, Air At Home, Vision, Relations]
Kitzur Yomi 64 [12.30] Siman 32:23-end [How Much Sleep, How-To Wash, Air At Home, Vision, Relations]
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Sanhedrin 13 [12.30] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות ע״נ פנינה בת ר׳דוב בער
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Kitzur Yomi 64 [12.29] Chanukah Siman 139:20-end [Forgotten Al HaNissim, Krias HaTorah Chanuka]
Kitzur Yomi 64 [12.29] Chanukah Siman 139:20-end [Forgotten Al HaNissim, Krias HaTorah Chanuka]
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Sanhedrin 12 [12.29] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות רפ״ש לתינוק בן מרים אהובה בתשח״י
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Kitzur Yomi 63 [12.28] Chanukah Siman 139:12 - 19 [Shabbos Chanukah, Havdalah, Leftover Oil]
Kitzur Yomi 63 [12.28] Chanukah Siman 139:12 - 19 [Shabbos Chanukah, Havdalah, Leftover Oil]
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10-BLATT REVIEW - ZICHRU Sanhedrin 2 - 11
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Sanhedrin 11 [12.28] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות רפ״ש לתינוק בן מרים אהובה בתשח״י
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Kitzur Yomi 62 [12.27] Chanukah: Siman 139:5 - 11 [Who Lights, Place To Light, Door, Height/ Window]
Kitzur Yomi 62 [12.27] Chanukah: Siman 139:5 - 11 [Who Lights, Place To Light, Door, Height/ Window]
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Kitzur Yomi 61 [12.26] CHANUKAH Siman 139 1-4 [Chanukah Miracle, Oil]
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Kitzur Yomi 60 [12.25] 32:16 - 22
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Kitzur Yomi 59 [12.24] Siman 32:8 - 15
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Kitzur Yomi 57 [12.22] Siman 31:2 - 32:1
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Sanhedrin 10 [12.27] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות רפ״ש לתינוק בן מרים אהובה בתשח״י
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Zichru Sanhedrin 10 [12.27] Minyan of Yidden
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Zichru Sanhedrin 9 [12.26] Tea
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Oil or Battle? Depth of Chanukah
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Zichru Sanhedrin 8 [12.25] Challah
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Zichru Sanhedrin 7 [12.24] Sword Kli Zayin
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Zichru Sanhedrin 6 [12.23] Sword
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Chanukah - What You NEED To Know!
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Sanhedrin 8 [12.25] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות רפ״ש לתינוק בן מרים אהובה בתשח״י
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Sanhedrin 7 [12.24] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות רפ״ש לתינוק בן מרים אהובה בתשח״י
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Sanhedrin 6 [12.23] - Daf Yomi Clear & Concise לזכות רפ״ש לתינוק בן מרים אהובה בתשח״י
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Kitzur Yomi 57 [12.21] Siman 30:4 - 31:1 [Avak Lashan Harah, Emulating G-d]
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Kitzur Yomi 56 [12.20] Siman 29:28 - 30:3 [Chasidus, Rechilus, Lashan Harah]
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Kitzur Yomi 55 [12.19] Siman 29:11-17 [Don;'t Bear a Grudge, Rebuke]
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Zichru Sanhedrin 5 [12.22] Haystack
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Zichru Sanhedrin 4 [12.21] Deles/ Door
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