Six words. That's all it takes for Danny and Garrett to build the framework for an entire video game, movie, book, or otherwise. Let's get creative!
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Episode Notes In this week's episode, we create a zany masterpiece using the following six words as inspiration: CarcassMagnificentMusclemanCrushingEmpathicCamelΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode we create a new story concept from these 6 randomly generated words: GurgleNoisemakerHonorCosmonautFrigidWarpΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new story from the following six words: MassacreCrownWarriorGuzzlingConstantDrainΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new story from the following six words: FakeBankBaptismSadisticGruntingBlubberΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new story from the following six words: GrandioseZooSirenLaserAdrenalineGazelleΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new story from the following six words: LegendaryClockDuskHoverThunderHalfΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new story from the following six words: Hairless ApeBangHostilityFugitiveBloodstreamΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new story from the following six words: AlternateConcreteFactionObjectHooliganChromosomeΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new story from the following six words: EliminationHangoverTeethConvexCarnalChickenΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new story from the following six words: BrightlyDizzyAcousticProphetEvacuateGloryΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new story from the following six words: AlreadyGrasshopperRanchNitroCoconutBloodyΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new story from the following six words: WitchControlBlackwaterVinylCorduroyGuideΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new story from the following six words: TimidJuniorExpansionDiseaseChameleonChefΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new story from the following six words: ShipmentShadowCanvasFutureViolentDivisionΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new IP based on the following six words: RerunAfternoonEyetoothEerieNeonBloodthirstyΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a brand new IP using the following 6 words: ControllerAmusingChokeCurseDominationBaptismΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode we create a new story from the following 6 randomly generated words: ElevationAuctionBubblePropertyHorrorsCryptΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a brand new IP using the following 6 words: SadnessDelicacyHistoryBlimpBare KnuckleEqualΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a brand new IP using the following 6 words: HomicideRootDeliveranceDirectCelebrationImposterΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new IP based on 6 randomly generated words: BionicWrongActressPsychoMeltBadgerΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In this episode, we create a new IP based on 6 randomly generated words: Ballet, Chaotic, Pervert, Dimension, Grateful, Amulet.Από τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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In our first episode, we improvise a story idea from the following words: CoffinBulletFemurHermitDesireGauntletΑπό τον Cosmogenesis Podcast
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