Send us a text Happy New Year, everyone! Gender affirming facial surgery (facial feminisation surgery, better known simply as FFS) is one of the most fundamental and important aspects of many an FtM transition. Our face is likely the first thing people notice, and the last thing they remember. It is our signature, our calling card, and unless puberty blockers were in use, the most obvious pointer to our assigned gender. For many of us, the testosterone-induced changes to our skull wreak havoc on our confidence and sense of self, and fuel overwhelming dysphoria. Our brows are pushed out, jaw flared, chin, nose and larynx enlarged, even while our eyes are narrowed, hairline receded, and crown thinned. And that's not even the end of it. Not so long ago (just a few decades, in fact) little could be done to erase testosterone's mark on the underlying structures of our face. There were some interventions around rhinoplasty, hair transplants, and injectables, but just the possibility of even a partial reversal of all of those changes was out of the question. While the deft wielding of scalpels and ultrasonic tools cannot correct this in a way that would completely negate the impact of going through a puberty infused with T, it can and does work wonders. Today, numerous surgeons offer FFS, but one clinic has risen to the top and you probably already know their name: Facialteam, founded in Marbella, Spain. In this third episode in our medical series you'll meet Facialteam's enigmatic co-founder, Dr Luis Capitán, in an incredibly candid interview. You'll hear about Facialteam's founding and guiding principals, their meticulous data-driven research and innovation, and the ethical considerations that underpin every procedure. Dr Capitán also opens up about their aesthetic philosophies, their goal to standardise best practices and procedures through cutting-edge technology, and their hopes for the future. FFS is a complex interplay of procedures, and so, it turns out, is Facialteam . If you are considering FFS, be sure to listen to this illuminating interview. Support the show — Visit The Joy Tuck Club online at for transcripts, commentary, community, news, and much, much more. Meanwhile, you can always find red+freckles (Rachel & Phoebe) on Twitter/X: @twodamptrans Instagram: @twodamptrans and Bluesky: @ The Joy Tuck Club is written, produced, and edited by red+freckles, of Two Damp Trans Ltd, UK.…