Jordan Montgomery Interview
Manage episode 300286887 series 2744065
How To Find A Business Coach Or Mentor with Jordan Montgomery.
My discussion with Jordan involved learning about the various types of performance coaches, the styles, how can someone benefit from a coach and why you would need/want one.
I enjoyed this honest conversation with Jordan, his ideas and how well he spoke and conveyed his ideas and message.
There's a good chance a performance coach could really improve so many things in your life, that it's worth looking into for sure.
Thanks for listening!
#thejoecostelloshow #montgomerycompanies #performancecoach
Jordan Montgomery
Owner - Montgomery Companies
Instagram: @jordanmmontgomery
Facebook: @montgomerycompanies
LinkedIn: @jordanmmontgomery
Podcast Music By: Andy Galore, Album: "Out and About", Song: "Chicken & Scotch" 2014
Andy's Links:
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TranscriptJordan: Hey, Joe, thanks for having me, man. I've been following your work, and I want to say congratulations on all that you've built and continue to build. And it's an honor to have this conversation with you. Thanks.
Joe: Hey, Jordan, welcome to the podcast. Man, I'm glad you're here. I'm excited to talk with you.
Jordan: Well,
Joe: Thanks
Jordan: I appreciate
Joe: For coming.
Jordan: That question and I'll try to be succinct with my answer, but I grew up in southeast Iowa and a little town called Colonia in Kelowna is the smallest
Joe: Thank you, man, I appreciate
Jordan: One of the smallest
Joe: It.
Jordan: Towns
Joe: So
Jordan: In Washington
Joe: I
Jordan: County,
Joe: Got fired
Jordan: But it's
Joe: Up
Jordan: The
Joe: When
Jordan: Largest
Joe: When they sent me your bio
Jordan: Amish community
Joe: And then I got to watch
Jordan: West
Joe: Your
Jordan: Of the Mississippi.
Joe: Inspirational videos.
Jordan: So
Joe: I
Jordan: I grew
Joe: Love
Jordan: Up in
Joe: That
Jordan: Sort
Joe: Stuff.
Jordan: Of Amish
Joe: I love
Jordan: Country,
Joe: The stuff that
Jordan: A
Joe: You're
Jordan: One
Joe: Doing
Jordan: Stoplight
Joe: With
Jordan: Don't
Joe: Iowa
Jordan: Blink kind of
Joe: Hawkeyes.
Jordan: Town,
Joe: So
Jordan: Simple
Joe: I saw
Jordan: Life.
Joe: That and
Jordan: You
Joe: I
Jordan: Know,
Joe: Was like,
Jordan: My
Joe: Oh,
Jordan: Mom
Joe: Man,
Jordan: Was a teacher.
Joe: I got
Jordan: Dad
Joe: To have
Jordan: Was
Joe: This
Jordan: A blue
Joe: Guy
Jordan: Collar
Joe: On.
Jordan: Worker.
Joe: This
Jordan: But
Joe: Is
Jordan: My
Joe: Awesome.
Jordan: Dad taught
Joe: But
Jordan: Me the value
Joe: So
Jordan: Of hard
Joe: Before
Jordan: Work.
Joe: We get into
Jordan: And
Joe: Any
Jordan: I
Joe: Of
Jordan: Really
Joe: That,
Jordan: Learned
Joe: You
Jordan: Work
Joe: Said you listen
Jordan: Ethic
Joe: To some
Jordan: From
Joe: Of my
Jordan: My
Joe: I guess
Jordan: Father.
Joe: You probably
Jordan: He was an entrepreneur,
Joe: Already know what
Jordan: So
Joe: I'm
Jordan: He
Joe: About
Jordan: Owned
Joe: To say, but
Jordan: A small
Joe: I
Jordan: Painting
Joe: Really
Jordan: Business.
Joe: Want to know about
Jordan: And I always really
Joe: You
Jordan: Appreciated
Joe: And how
Jordan: The
Joe: You
Jordan: Fact
Joe: Got
Jordan: That my
Joe: Started.
Jordan: Dad
Joe: And
Jordan: Was at every
Joe: This
Jordan: One of my
Joe: Is
Jordan: Sporting
Joe: The part
Jordan: Events.
Joe: Of the podcast where
Jordan: He never
Joe: It's
Jordan: Missed
Joe: Completely
Jordan: An
Joe: Up
Jordan: Event
Joe: To you,
Jordan: In music.
Joe: How far
Jordan: He never
Joe: Back
Jordan: Missed
Joe: You
Jordan: A sporting
Joe: Want to go.
Jordan: Event.
Joe: But for
Jordan: You
Joe: Me,
Jordan: Just there
Joe: When
Jordan: For me.
Joe: I
Jordan: He
Joe: Meet
Jordan: Was ultra
Joe: Someone like
Jordan: Present
Joe: You, even
Jordan: As a
Joe: If
Jordan: Father.
Joe: It's through the Internet
Jordan: And
Joe: Like
Jordan: So
Joe: This,
Jordan: When I got out of college,
Joe: I want to
Jordan: I
Joe: Know
Jordan: Knew
Joe: What you did to become
Jordan: For sure,
Joe: The person
Jordan: Joe,
Joe: You are
Jordan: That
Joe: Today.
Jordan: I wanted to control
Joe: What
Jordan: My
Joe: Was
Jordan: Own
Joe: The
Jordan: Time.
Joe: Path that steered
Jordan: I just remember
Joe: You in this
Jordan: That
Joe: Direction?
Jordan: With my father's
Joe: What
Jordan: Example,
Joe: Were the things
Jordan: I thought, you
Joe: That
Jordan: Know,
Joe: Happened
Jordan: I just
Joe: To
Jordan: Want to
Joe: You?
Jordan: Make sure I can control
Joe: Sometimes
Jordan: My own time,
Joe: It's as young
Jordan: That
Joe: As
Jordan: Nobody
Joe: You're in
Jordan: Ever
Joe: Elementary
Jordan: Tells me where
Joe: School.
Jordan: I have
Joe: And
Jordan: To be
Joe: Your
Jordan: And
Joe: Father
Jordan: What I have to
Joe: Was
Jordan: Be there.
Joe: The coach
Jordan: And
Joe: For
Jordan: It's
Joe: Certain
Jordan: Not that I
Joe: Sports
Jordan: Had a problem
Joe: Teams.
Jordan: With following
Joe: He got you
Jordan: Instruction.
Joe: Fired up or
Jordan: I just
Joe: And
Jordan: Wanted to build
Joe: You translated
Jordan: My life by
Joe: That into being
Jordan: Design
Joe: Also a business
Jordan: And
Joe: Coach. So
Jordan: Really take control
Joe: I'll stop
Jordan: Of
Joe: Talking.
Jordan: My time
Joe: And
Jordan: And
Joe: I want
Jordan: Lead
Joe: You to
Jordan: My
Joe: Just
Jordan: Family
Joe: Kind
Jordan: Well
Joe: Of give
Jordan: In
Joe: Us
Jordan: The
Joe: The
Jordan: Same
Joe: Back
Jordan: Way that
Joe: Story.
Jordan: My dad
Joe: So
Jordan: Led me.
Joe: When
Jordan: So
Joe: People listen
Jordan: I
Joe: To
Jordan: Grew
Joe: This
Jordan: Up in
Joe: And
Jordan: Rural
Joe: Then they
Jordan: Iowa.
Joe: Later watch
Jordan: I went
Joe: The YouTube
Jordan: To the University
Joe: Video,
Jordan: Of Iowa.
Joe: They could say,
Jordan: I'm
Joe: Oh,
Jordan: Still a
Joe: I
Jordan: Very avid
Joe: Get this,
Jordan: Hockey
Joe: This
Jordan: Fan and
Joe: This
Jordan: We've had
Joe: Was me.
Jordan: The
Joe: Or
Jordan: Fortunate opportunity
Joe: Now
Jordan: To
Joe: I
Jordan: Work
Joe: See
Jordan: With some
Joe: How
Jordan: Of the sports
Joe: He
Jordan: Programs.
Joe: Landed, where he did.
Jordan: So
Joe: So
Jordan: I live in Iowa
Joe: The stage
Jordan: City,
Joe: Is
Jordan: Iowa,
Joe: Yours.
Jordan: Actually just outside of Iowa City and a little small town called Tiffin with my wife Ashley and our three daughters. My wife today runs the business. I run my mouth. We have a full scale coaching and consulting firm, Montgomery Companies. We have several coaching partners, and today we serve several thousand coaching clients. Those clients range from professional athletes to entrepreneurs and salespeople. We do work with some executive leaders at some larger firms. And I just have a blast getting to do what I do. And I meet some really interesting people. We get to help people think more deeply about who they are and where they're headed. And ultimately you get to help people live into who they were created to be. And it's a tremendous blessing. So I had a career in the financial services business, allowed me to pivot into this world pretty open about my professional journey. But at the end of the day, I graduated college 2010 and University of Iowa spent the last 11 years really building a skill set that's allowed us to build a business around coaching, consulting and leading people. So that's kind of the short version of my story. Obviously, there's a lot of twists and turns and gods provide a lot of grace.
Jordan: Certainly I've been thankful to be around a lot of the right people. But if you're asking me the short version on how I got to where I'm at today, that's the the short version on Jordan Montgomery. Yeah, I think my dad, at the end of the day, my dad was a family man with a business, not a business man with a family. And I wanted to model that. I wanted to be a family man with a business, not a business man with a family. And I think as a driven type, a young man living in America, I kind of fight that every day. I mean, at the other day, like my wife and my kids are my top priority. But if I say they're my top priority, then that needs to show up in my calendar and that needs to be reflected in how I spend my time. And I want to be respected the most by people who know me the best. And that means that I'm a father first. I'm a husband first. I'm leading my family well. And if I lead inside the walls of my home, then I think I can lead in other areas of my life
Joe: Cool.
Jordan: As well. But
Joe: So
Jordan: I just didn't want to be
Joe: First
Jordan: The guy
Joe: Of
Jordan: That
Joe: All, I love the part
Jordan: Built
Joe: Where you
Jordan: Something
Joe: Said
Jordan: Professionally
Joe: That because your father
Jordan: But
Joe: Was
Jordan: Then
Joe: Able
Jordan: Sacrificed
Joe: To make it,
Jordan: Or
Joe: You
Jordan: Compromised
Joe: Gravitated
Jordan: In really other
Joe: Towards
Jordan: Important
Joe: That
Jordan: Areas
Joe: Feeling
Jordan: Of life. So
Joe: And knowing
Jordan: I appreciate
Joe: That
Jordan: Your pointing
Joe: He was
Jordan: Back
Joe: Able
Jordan: To
Joe: To
Jordan: My
Joe: Do
Jordan: Father's
Joe: It because
Jordan: Example.
Joe: He owned
Jordan: I
Joe: His own
Jordan: Probably
Joe: Business
Jordan: Still
Joe: So
Jordan: Underestimate
Joe: Early on
Jordan: The impact
Joe: For
Jordan: That that
Joe: You
Jordan: Had
Joe: And
Jordan: On
Joe: For
Jordan: Me
Joe: The listeners,
Jordan: As
Joe: That
Jordan: A young
Joe: Triggered
Jordan: Kid, but
Joe: Something
Jordan: He
Joe: For you
Jordan: Really
Joe: That
Jordan: Taught
Joe: You
Jordan: Me
Joe: Were able
Jordan: What
Joe: To say.
Jordan: Entrepreneurship
Joe: I
Jordan: Was
Joe: Want
Jordan: All about
Joe: That for
Jordan: In so many
Joe: My
Jordan: Ways.
Joe: Own family and my own kids at some point when I have kids that I have that flexibility to do this. So that was really cool. Not a lot of people have said that in the past on the show when they when they said, oh, I became an entrepreneur because and it was all of these other reasons. But to actually associate it with your father sitting on the sidelines, watching you play sports and concert or whatever it might be, that was really cool.
Jordan: Well, and I'll say this to Joe, because there are some entrepreneurs listening that maybe don't have that flexibility, like maybe you're truly in a situation where you've got a team or your businesses in an industry that requires you to work certain hours or whatever. So that's not a shame or guilt. Anyone who's working really hard to provide, because at the end of the day, entrepreneurs are called to work longer hours is just part of the deal. So if you're in that grind right now, here's what I'd encourage you with, is somebody that's going to change and the reason that you're doing what you're doing right now, the reason that you're working as hard as you're working right now is to have the flexibility and the autonomy. And, you know, I also wasn't there for my dad's early years. Like, I missed you know, I was born when my dad was eight to 10 years into being an entrepreneur. So he earned that flexibility. So let's just not forget that that flexibility is earned. And that looks different for every entrepreneur based on the industry
Joe: Yeah, that
Jordan: That
Joe: Was
Jordan: You're
Joe: Really
Jordan: In
Joe: Cool, and I
Jordan: And
Joe: Came
Jordan: This
Joe: From
Jordan: Stage
Joe: An entrepreneurial
Jordan: Of
Joe: Family as well.
Jordan: The business
Joe: The
Jordan: That
Joe: Unfortunate
Jordan: You're in.
Joe: Thing for
Jordan: So
Joe: Me is that
Jordan: I think
Joe: My
Jordan: That's
Joe: Father
Jordan: Important to
Joe: Could
Jordan: Underscore.
Joe: Not attend most of my stuff. So when you said it, it kind of hit home and I hold nothing. He's passed on at this point. But I never held a grudge because he just he worked his butt off and and just to provide and create something great. So it never struck me the other way. It wasn't
Jordan: Yeah.
Joe: Like I was resentful over it. But I just love the way you framed that whole thing. That was really cool.
Jordan: Well, yeah, you know, I just I fell in love with sports at a really early age. I just love competition. I loved competing. I love watching other people compete. I love the atmosphere. I love the energy that goes into a sports competition. I'm still the guy, Joe. Like, I will watch one shining moment at the end of the final four for those who are familiar with that show. I cry every year when I watch that one shining, but that little three minute clip. And I think part of the reason I get emotional about that as you watch young people get emotional over competition. And I just loved the rush of competition. I loved watching people give their all to a very specific activity, blood, sweat and tears. And
Joe: Yeah, absolutely,
Jordan: So
Joe: I totally
Jordan: I just fell
Joe: Agree
Jordan: In love with sports
Joe: And
Jordan: At a young
Joe: I'm
Jordan: Age.
Joe: Still
Jordan: I played
Joe: Working
Jordan: Sports
Joe: Like
Jordan: All the way
Joe: Crazy,
Jordan: Through high school.
Joe: But
Jordan: I did
Joe: It's
Jordan: Not compete
Joe: Just
Jordan: In college.
Joe: Because
Jordan: And
Joe: I
Jordan: It's something
Joe: Don't
Jordan: That's
Joe: Say no
Jordan: Kind
Joe: And
Jordan: Of
Joe: I
Jordan: Interesting
Joe: Just keep
Jordan: About
Joe: Adding
Jordan: My story
Joe: More and more
Jordan: And background.
Joe: To my plate.
Jordan: A lot of people
Joe: So it's
Jordan: Ask
Joe: My
Jordan: Me, well,
Joe: Own fault. And
Jordan: You must
Joe: And,
Jordan: Have played professional
Joe: You
Jordan: Sports
Joe: Know, we're empty
Jordan: Or at least
Joe: Nesters.
Jordan: Collegiate sports.
Joe: I have no
Jordan: You're going
Joe: One
Jordan: To
Joe: To
Jordan: Work
Joe: Provide
Jordan: With these professional
Joe: For myself, but
Jordan: Athletes
Joe: I
Jordan: And college
Joe: Just can't
Jordan: Athletes.
Joe: Stop
Jordan: And I'm just
Joe: The
Jordan: Very
Joe: Train.
Jordan: Open about that.
Joe: So
Jordan: A lot of what I learned
Joe: It is what
Jordan: As
Joe: It is.
Jordan: Applied
Joe: So let's
Jordan: And most
Joe: Before
Jordan: Of the athletes
Joe: We get
Jordan: We're working with,
Joe: Into
Jordan: We're working with in the areas
Joe: All of what
Jordan: Of
Joe: You offer
Jordan: Mindset and
Joe: In
Jordan: Leadership development.
Joe: Montgomery
Jordan: So
Joe: Companies
Jordan: I'm not teaching
Joe: And
Jordan: A basketball player how to shoot.
Joe: Your team
Jordan: You
Joe: And
Jordan: Know,
Joe: The
Jordan: I'm
Joe: Different
Jordan: Not helping
Joe: Levels
Jordan: The
Joe: Of coaching
Jordan: Football
Joe: That you do,
Jordan: Player with his footwork,
Joe: Talk to me about
Jordan: But
Joe: You
Jordan: We are helping
Joe: And
Jordan: Him with
Joe: Sports.
Jordan: Our mental game and
Joe: Just
Jordan: We're
Joe: Because
Jordan: Helping
Joe: I
Jordan: Them
Joe: Want
Jordan: With the
Joe: To
Jordan: Six
Joe: Know,
Jordan: Inches in between
Joe: Was
Jordan: Their ears
Joe: There a correlation
Jordan: And we're helping them with how
Joe: Of
Jordan: They see the world and their self
Joe: You
Jordan: Awareness
Joe: Doing sports
Jordan: And
Joe: Young
Jordan: Their externalisation
Joe: Or sports in college
Jordan: And optimization.
Joe: Or to
Jordan: You
Joe: Me,
Jordan: Know,
Joe: You looked
Jordan: At the
Joe: Like
Jordan: End of the
Joe: You
Jordan: Day,
Joe: Were a football
Jordan: I think
Joe: Player.
Jordan: It athletes
Joe: I was like, maybe
Jordan: In a really
Joe: He played
Jordan: Unique
Joe: For
Jordan: World
Joe: The Hawkeyes.
Jordan: Where they
Joe: I
Jordan: Give
Joe: Don't
Jordan: So
Joe: Know.
Jordan: Much of their time for such a really, really small window of competition. You know, you think a lot like the average NFL athlete will compete for less than two hours, whistle to whistle over the course of a season. But they can be literally all year round and they'll get paid, graded and evaluated for what they do inside of two hours. All year long, but it's kind of a metaphor for it for all of us, right, because the reality is each one of us is practicing for little moments, for small moments. Some of them we can predict, some of them we can't. But you get paid and your best to show you get paid really, really, really well to be prepared
Joe: Hmm.
Jordan: In small little windows of time. And so I developed the sort of fascination or obsession with helping athletes prepare and be at their best when that small window of opportunity presents itself and, you know, your clutch, your clutch when you can show up and do normal things. In an abnormal times, so like Derek Jeter, Kobe Bryant, you know, they're considered clutch because at the end of the day, they could show up normal. They could just be who they were because they had practiced so much in the most important windows of time. And it's a really interesting metaphor that we can apply to all of life. Yeah. Yeah, well, it's it's a pursuit of excellence, right, and you know, I'm reading a book right now by Tim Grover, The Unforgiving Race to Greatness, and it's called Winning. And,
Joe: Yeah, it's
Jordan: You know, there's
Joe: And
Jordan: So much of what Tim
Joe: Again,
Jordan: Grover preaches
Joe: People
Jordan: That I
Joe: That
Jordan: Really love.
Joe: Maybe
Jordan: I'm
Joe: Just
Jordan: Not
Joe: Watch sports casually
Jordan: Maybe not aligned
Joe: Don't
Jordan: With one
Joe: Understand
Jordan: Hundred percent of it,
Joe: The
Jordan: But
Joe: Grueling
Jordan: Winning has a price,
Joe: Effort
Jordan: You know, in
Joe: In the lifelong
Jordan: Pursuing your
Joe: Commitment
Jordan: Calling has a price
Joe: To potentially
Jordan: Regardless
Joe: Never,
Jordan: Of what you do,
Joe: Ever
Jordan: You know, sports or otherwise.
Joe: Getting
Jordan: If you're an
Joe: That
Jordan: Athlete,
Joe: Chance
Jordan: Great. But
Joe: In
Jordan: If
Joe: The sports
Jordan: You're an entrepreneur,
Joe: World and
Jordan: There's going to
Joe: Used
Jordan: Be a cost
Joe: To have some really good friends
Jordan: Associated
Joe: On the Buffalo
Jordan: With
Joe: Bills
Jordan: Your calling.
Joe: Football team because
Jordan: And
Joe: I went to college
Jordan: I
Joe: Out
Jordan: Think
Joe: There
Jordan: Sports is the epitome
Joe: And
Jordan: Of that.
Joe: I was
Jordan: But certainly
Joe: A musician.
Jordan: Entrepreneurship
Joe: I was
Jordan: Is
Joe: In a band.
Jordan: Is
Joe: They
Jordan: Right
Joe: Loved
Jordan: There
Joe: Our band and they used
Jordan: With being
Joe: To come
Jordan: With being
Joe: And
Jordan: An athlete
Joe: Hang
Jordan: In
Joe: Out.
Jordan: Terms
Joe: We've got
Jordan: Of
Joe: The dinner with
Jordan: Making
Joe: Them and
Jordan: Sacrifice.
Joe: You would hear the stories. And it's just to live on the edge of not knowing if you're playing or you're sitting each day and who's who's looking for your spot and the work so hard and give up so much from a really young age all the way through. It's unbelievable. You know, and I watch certain friends here in Arizona, believe it or not, Arizona has got a very big hockey base. You know, like fans love hockey. And there's a lot of kids that come here, play hockey, play on the farm team of the coyotes or and we've had friends that had their kids just go through all in hockey. Moms and dads have the worst it's the worst schedule I've ever seen. And to go all the way to the very end and be on the farm team and never get called up. And I can't even imagine that it's just grueling.
Jordan: Yeah, well, you know, there's there's a lot that goes into speaking, right, speaking as an art form, and in today's world, attention is currency. So something we think about a lot and the keynote speaking world is you've got
Joe: Mm
Jordan: To
Joe: Hmm.
Jordan: Keep people's attention. And if you can't, you're out, you're done. You'll never be the really high demand keynote speaker if you don't know how to keep somebody's attention. So there's multiple ways that we do that. One of the ways that we keep people's attention is through story. It's a story sell facts, tell. When you get really good
Joe: Yeah,
Jordan: At telling stories,
Joe: Yeah, I
Jordan: You keep
Joe: Agree.
Jordan: People's attention.
Joe: Ok,
Jordan: In
Joe: So
Jordan: Fact,
Joe: Enough about sports.
Jordan: If I
Joe: I
Jordan: Were to
Joe: Watched
Jordan: Tell you about
Joe: The video
Jordan: My business,
Joe: Of
Jordan: If
Joe: You
Jordan: I were
Joe: Working
Jordan: To say, well,
Joe: With
Jordan: You know, Joe,
Joe: The Hawkeyes
Jordan: These are the five
Joe: And
Jordan: Things that I do my
Joe: I
Jordan: Business, or
Joe: Was watching as
Jordan: If
Joe: The
Jordan: I said, hey,
Joe: Camera
Jordan: Joe,
Joe: Went around the room, I
Jordan: Let
Joe: Was
Jordan: Me tell
Joe: Watching
Jordan: You a story.
Joe: To see how intently
Jordan: The minute I said, I'll
Joe: The
Jordan: Tell
Joe: Players
Jordan: You a story,
Joe: Were listening
Jordan: I would actually
Joe: To you.
Jordan: Activate
Joe: And
Jordan: Your brain
Joe: Like I was
Jordan: At 12
Joe: Watching
Jordan: Times
Joe: Their eyes
Jordan: The
Joe: And
Jordan: Capacity.
Joe: Their expressions
Jordan: So
Joe: And they
Jordan: There's
Joe: Were
Jordan: A
Joe: All
Jordan: Lot of neuroscience
Joe: Incredibly
Jordan: That supports
Joe: Focused.
Jordan: The fact that
Joe: And
Jordan: I've got Joe's
Joe: I can
Jordan: Attention
Joe: Only imagine the coach going, hey,
Jordan: At 12
Joe: Today we're
Jordan: Times
Joe: Having Jordan
Jordan: The rate.
Joe: Mcqueary come in today. He's
Jordan: If
Joe: Going
Jordan: I
Joe: To talk
Jordan: Decide
Joe: To
Jordan: To
Joe: Us
Jordan: Allow
Joe: About
Jordan: My words
Joe: The
Jordan: To
Joe: Six
Jordan: Paint a picture,
Joe: Inches
Jordan: Draw
Joe: Between
Jordan: You
Joe: Our
Jordan: Into
Joe: Ears.
Jordan: A story
Joe: I want you guys
Jordan: That
Joe: To pay
Jordan: Actually
Joe: Attention.
Jordan: Activates
Joe: I want you to
Jordan: Your
Joe: Be open to
Jordan: Senses.
Joe: What he says
Jordan: So
Joe: And whatever.
Jordan: The first
Joe: And
Jordan: Thing is we try to
Joe: It
Jordan: Tell
Joe: Feels
Jordan: A lot
Joe: Like when
Jordan: Of stories
Joe: Somebody
Jordan: To drive
Joe: Comes
Jordan: A plan.
Joe: Into the
Jordan: We
Joe: Classroom,
Jordan: Don't use PowerPoint
Joe: When you're in elementary
Jordan: Slides
Joe: School,
Jordan: Or use
Joe: You
Jordan: Pictures
Joe: Start
Jordan: Or graphs.
Joe: Throwing papers
Jordan: I'm not
Joe: At each other. And
Jordan: I'm
Joe: So
Jordan: Not minimizing
Joe: How do you deal with that
Jordan: Anybody
Joe: When you
Jordan: Who does
Joe: Speak?
Jordan: Those
Joe: Because
Jordan: Things.
Joe: You do all sorts
Jordan: I just
Joe: Of speaking
Jordan: Think if you're going
Joe: Engagements.
Jordan: To be someone who keeps
Joe: So
Jordan: People's
Joe: This was
Jordan: Attention,
Joe: Just one
Jordan: You got
Joe: Small
Jordan: To be great
Joe: Piece of it.
Jordan: At
Joe: But you
Jordan: Stories.
Joe: Do something to capture
Jordan: I
Joe: People.
Jordan: Think eye
Joe: When I
Jordan: Contact
Joe: Watched
Jordan: And tonality
Joe: Even
Jordan: Is
Joe: The speaking
Jordan: Is another
Joe: Engagements
Jordan: Big one, right? There's
Joe: At
Jordan: A difference
Joe: The corporations
Jordan: Between communicating
Joe: That you've
Jordan: And
Joe: Done,
Jordan: Connecting. People
Joe: You
Jordan: Want to feel
Joe: Have a really
Jordan: Like you're
Joe: Good flow.
Jordan: Speaking to them
Joe: You don't
Jordan: Like,
Joe: Use
Jordan: Wow,
Joe: All
Jordan: This guy's
Joe: Of the
Jordan: Speaking directly
Joe: Weird words
Jordan: To me.
Joe: That people use
Jordan: And
Joe: All the time.
Jordan: It sounds
Joe: Tell
Jordan: So
Joe: Me
Jordan: Simple,
Joe: How you do
Jordan: But what's
Joe: It.
Jordan: Common sense is not always kind of practice. If you watch your average keynote speaker, their eyes will kind of drift all throughout the room to look down, look sideways. I think at the speaker, you want to keep constant eye contact. And then the other thing I think about is being really you centered in the message being you centered. So I'm going to use two people's names. I'm going to pick people out in the crowd. I'm going to touch people, maybe even on the shoulder or the arm as I'm speaking. And I'm going to move through the crowd. And so much of communication is nonverbal, right? 90 percent is nonverbal. It's not what you say, it's how you say it. And it's also not what you say. It's what people hear and it's what they remember. Maya Angelou famously said it's not what you say that people remember. It's how you make them feel. And so I try to stay really in tune with how I make people feel. A lot of that is my energy, my body language. It's you focus communication, it's telling stories, and it's the difference between connecting and communicating. So if you're listening and you're thinking about your communication style or maybe you want to develop your craft as a keynote speaker, those are a few things that you could consider.
Jordan: And I'll say this to Joe. I'm a long way away from where I want to be. I got a long way to go. So those are things that I think about repetitiously. And I get obsessed with the practice of my craft. And I'm evaluating and observing high level keynote speakers. You know, how do they move? What do they say? What do they not say? You know, their pace, their tonality, the way that they tell stories, their presence. Yeah, those are all things that I'm paying attention to. So I appreciate your kind words. I think communication as an art form is no different than playing an instrument or doing a dance. And for anybody that's in sales, for any entrepreneur, if you're not taking that seriously as you develop and grow your business, that's something to really consider and think about. Because whether you're speaking to an audience of one hundred or a thousand or an audience of five or ten, you're in the human connection business before you're in the construction business or before you're in the marketing business or financial planning business or real estate business. We've got to remember that the human connection is at the center of everything that we do. Well, thank you. It's kind of you to say. I did and I went to school for interdepartmental studies, which is a fancy way to cover recreational management, so I literally wanted to go to school, have a great social experience, and then start a business and the fitness world.
Jordan: That was kind of my dream. And so I took some entrepreneurial courses, got a degree in recreation management, fell into finance and in two things were true. I didn't want to have a boss, so I went to work for myself and I wanted to create my own schedule that that was it. I want to call my shots, create my own schedule. But I didn't have any money and I didn't have any experience. And so I fell into financial services because it allowed me to be in business for myself, but not by myself. So I had a great support system. It was kind of like a franchise model, had a lot of success in that world at an early stage, had a big event in my life in twenty fifteen that really have me thinking about my future in a deeper way. And then I decided to pivot into sort of the consulting and coaching world making financial planning, kind of our kind of our core client. And so in a very early stage in a coaching business, financial advisers were some of our first clients by way of my background in the financial planning world.
Joe: Yeah, and you do it incredibly well, my friend. So thank you. So let's just backtrack really quickly so that I can get the progression from college into starting this company. So did you go to school for finance?
Jordan: I think it's so true
Joe: Ok.
Jordan: In life and in business, definitely in entrepreneurship, where we're leading people, that more is caught than taught.
Joe: Ok.
Jordan: And so nobody really taught me how to coach. But I watched other people coach and I watched other people in my industry that do what I'm doing now, do it at a really high level. And again, I paid attention to quality of life. I paid attention to the relationships. I paid attention to the way that they manage their decisions and manage their time. And I thought, you know, I want to do that. I think I can do that. And I actually did it in tandem with my own financial planning. And so I started sort of coaching on the side and I had really been coaching all the while I was in financial planning and some aspect working with clients. But I also started getting asked to speak and do workshops. And so I sort of fell in love with that work, Joe. But the reality is I had a couple of mentors. I had some key people in my life that had done that work in a really high level. One of those people is a guy by the name of Ben Newman. Another guy is John Wright Senior. And they both had
Joe: How did
Jordan: Big
Joe: Coaching
Jordan: Coaching
Joe: Catch your
Jordan: Practices
Joe: Eye, or
Jordan: Working with
Joe: Was it because
Jordan: Professional
Joe: You were
Jordan: Athletes
Joe: Just taking
Jordan: And Fortune
Joe: From
Jordan: 500
Joe: Your
Jordan: Executive
Joe: Love of
Jordan: Leaders.
Joe: Sports
Jordan: And
Joe: Being a coach? Right.
Jordan: I just
Joe: I
Jordan: Admired
Joe: Mean, just
Jordan: The work.
Joe: Taking
Jordan: I thought,
Joe: That,
Jordan: You know,
Joe: But
Jordan: I think
Joe: Now
Jordan: I
Joe: Saying,
Jordan: Can
Joe: Ok,
Jordan: Do that.
Joe: Wait,
Jordan: I got a lot to learn,
Joe: I want
Jordan: But
Joe: To do a little
Jordan: I'll
Joe: Bit
Jordan: Learn
Joe: Of that
Jordan: As I
Joe: With
Jordan: Go.
Joe: Sports
Jordan: And
Joe: People. I want to do that with
Jordan: Just
Joe: Entrepreneurs.
Jordan: Like you or any
Joe: I want
Jordan: Other
Joe: To do
Jordan: Entrepreneur,
Joe: It with
Jordan: You
Joe: With
Jordan: Kind
Joe: Business
Jordan: Of dive headfirst
Joe: People.
Jordan: And just
Joe: I mean,
Jordan: Hope
Joe: What
Jordan: It works
Joe: Made
Jordan: Out.
Joe: You
Jordan: So
Joe: Wake up one day and
Jordan: Our
Joe: Say,
Jordan: Business
Joe: Yeah,
Jordan: Grew
Joe: I
Jordan: Rapidly,
Joe: Want to do coaching and
Jordan: By
Joe: I
Jordan: God's
Joe: Want to
Jordan: Grace,
Joe: Do it
Jordan: Into
Joe: In
Jordan: The help
Joe: This
Jordan: Of a lot
Joe: Form?
Jordan: Of good people. And I woke up one day and I thought, you know what? I could leave my financial planning business based on what we built in the coaching business. And then we started to add more partners and multiply our efforts through other people. And that's when it really starts to get financed, when you can impact the world or you can impact the world around you through the people that work with you. So virtually everybody on our team right now, with the exception of maybe two to three people there in the coaching business, so their coaching partners, so they're leading, they're doing coaching and consulting work, either individual coaching group, coaching, keynote speaking, they're all contracted out. So some of them have five clients, some of them have 30 clients. We have a couple that have just a couple of clients and they're all sort of specialized. So we have some former professional athletes. We have some people that came from the ministry world. So they're actually pastors or they have been pastors. And then we have some people in the world of sales. We have some real estate agents and financial advisers. Some of them are very technical. Somebody might say a more motivational, but all of them are for hire as coaching partners. It's my job to lead them and make sure that they're getting what they need from a content standpoint and also just keeping them connected to to a vision and and keeping them connected to our company. But we're having a ton of fun. I mean, it's it's awesome to be on a team. It's fun to be a part of something that's bigger than just me. And, you know, each one of them is unique in terms of what they bring to the table.
Joe: So that's a great segue because you do have a fairly
Jordan: You
Joe: Sizable
Jordan: Know, what's
Joe: Team.
Jordan: Most important
Joe: So
Jordan: To us, Joe,
Joe: What
Jordan: Is that
Joe: Do those
Jordan: We all
Joe: Team
Jordan: Have
Joe: Members
Jordan: Similar
Joe: Do
Jordan: Values,
Joe: For you?
Jordan: So I want to give people the freedom and flexibility to be autonomous and how they work with clients. And so I've never told somebody, hey, here's the five step plan. Here's exactly what you have to do. Now, I'll make some general suggestions about the way that we lead people and care for people. But at the end of the day, most of the people that are on our coaching platform have been wildly successful in other arenas. And so they've been leading. They've been coaching. They've been training and developing people. So I think we're aligned in terms of our values. But beyond that, I want them to really operate in their true giftedness. And for some of them, that giftedness is in listening. You know, for some of them, it's in the world of neuroscience. You know, they just really understand how the brain works for others. They're just big on accountability, the kind like the bulldog that's in your face. It's really intense and motivational. So we want people to be who they are. We want them to have strong values, which for us means their faith filled and family oriented. And if they're faith filled, family oriented, others focus. They're usually a good fit for our coaching
Joe: Did
Jordan: Practice.
Joe: They follow
Jordan: And then, of course,
Joe: A
Jordan: There
Joe: Certain
Jordan: Are some other criteria
Joe: Structure
Jordan: That we want to
Joe: That
Jordan: Vet
Joe: You
Jordan: Out.
Joe: Have
Jordan: But
Joe: Set up
Jordan: That's
Joe: So
Jordan: A that's
Joe: That
Jordan: A good question.
Joe: When someone hires one of those people, they know that if they're getting the quality of the Montgomery companies coach and there's a certain structure formula, something like that? The.
Jordan: Yeah. Yeah, I would say that's that's very true of of our team, I think we're well positioned to help just about anybody in any industry with any problem. You know, there's a few that we would say, hey, we're not not licensed to do that. We're not going to dive into that space. But for the most part, if it is in the world of performance sales and driving results, there's somebody on our team that can handle the issue of the opportunity. Yes, so there's really two components to coaching for us and our business model, one is group coaching and one individual coaching, and those are obviously very separate. If I'm working with an individual client and we're talking about the phases of coaching or how I work with a client, first is discovery. So the answers you get are only as good as the questions that you ask. And people don't care how
Joe: Cool.
Jordan: Much you know
Joe: Well,
Jordan: Until
Joe: I
Jordan: They
Joe: Just
Jordan: Know that you care.
Joe: It's important
Jordan: And
Joe: Because
Jordan: To
Joe: I
Jordan: Us,
Joe: When
Jordan: It's
Joe: I
Jordan: A
Joe: Went
Jordan: Relationship.
Joe: And looked at the website, I was like,
Jordan: And
Joe: This
Jordan: So
Joe: Is this
Jordan: I
Joe: Is
Jordan: Always
Joe: Cool.
Jordan: Tell
Joe: You
Jordan: People,
Joe: Have a
Jordan: Hey,
Joe: Really
Jordan: I'm
Joe: Cool team
Jordan: A coach,
Joe: Around
Jordan: Which means
Joe: You. And
Jordan: I'm
Joe: I
Jordan: Going
Joe: Wanted
Jordan: To hold
Joe: To
Jordan: You
Joe: Find
Jordan: Accountable.
Joe: Out if there
Jordan: I'm
Joe: Was
Jordan: Going
Joe: A variety
Jordan: To share ideas
Joe: In
Jordan: Where to talk about
Joe: What
Jordan: Concepts
Joe: They
Jordan: And strategy,
Joe: Coach on
Jordan: Just
Joe: Which
Jordan: Like
Joe: You
Jordan: Any
Joe: Answered
Jordan: Coach
Joe: That question. They
Jordan: Would.
Joe: Do. You have people that
Jordan: The
Joe: Specialize
Jordan: Difference
Joe: In
Jordan: In
Joe: All
Jordan: Our
Joe: Sorts
Jordan: Approach,
Joe: Of things.
Jordan: I
Joe: So
Jordan: Think, is
Joe: It's
Jordan: That
Joe: Great
Jordan: I'm also
Joe: That
Jordan: A
Joe: If
Jordan: Strategic
Joe: Someone
Jordan: Partner.
Joe: Loves working with you for all
Jordan: And so
Joe: The reasons
Jordan: If I sign
Joe: That
Jordan: Up
Joe: They
Jordan: To work
Joe: Love
Jordan: With a client,
Joe: To work with you, they
Jordan: What
Joe: Can
Jordan: That means
Joe: Get
Jordan: Is
Joe: Basically whatever
Jordan: I'm going
Joe: They
Jordan: To advocate,
Joe: Need under one roof,
Jordan: I'm going
Joe: Which
Jordan: To support,
Joe: Is cool. It's
Jordan: I'm
Joe: Not
Jordan: Going
Joe: Like
Jordan: To connect
Joe: You do. It's not one
Jordan: And
Joe: Dimensional
Jordan: I'm going to highlight
Joe: In any
Jordan: And spotlight
Joe: Any way,
Jordan: Who
Joe: Shape
Jordan: You
Joe: Or form.
Jordan: Are and what you do. That means that my network is your network. It means if you want to speak engaged, we're going to help you with that. If you need marketing help or we're going to help you with that. If I need to get you connected to another leader, I'm going to help you with that. If we need help, you track down a client or prospect, I'm going to help you with that. So it's our approach is a little bit different that way. It's it's heavily based around relationship. The relationship has to start with
Joe: All right,
Jordan: Discovery.
Joe: Cool. So let's talk about
Jordan: One of my
Joe: The
Jordan: Other
Joe: Coaching
Jordan: Beliefs, Joe, is
Joe: Part
Jordan: That if
Joe: Of it,
Jordan: I'm working
Joe: And
Jordan: With a client,
Joe: If
Jordan: It's always
Joe: You can go through
Jordan: 100 percent
Joe: And tell
Jordan: Of the time,
Joe: Me the
Jordan: Their time, not
Joe: Different
Jordan: Mine.
Joe: Types
Jordan: Which
Joe: Of
Jordan: Means
Joe: Services
Jordan: I've got to
Joe: That
Jordan: Deal
Joe: You
Jordan: With
Joe: Have
Jordan: The issues,
Joe: For the coaching
Jordan: The
Joe: Piece
Jordan: Opportunities
Joe: Of.
Jordan: And the challenges that are most present for them right away before I try to drive my agenda. So if I show up to the call and I say, hey, Joe, here's three things I want to talk about today. Here's the here's the new approach to closing a sale or here's the new approach to the discovery process or whatever. And I find out that your dog just died or that you just lost the key employee or that your house just burned down. But I'm using really dramatic examples. But anyway, the point, is there something else on your mind? I'm missing it. I'm not know I've failed to connect with you, and candidly, I failed to lead you. So the first question I asked to all of our coaching clients and a coaching meeting, and they would tell you, this is not to say, hey, Joe, how do we create space to discuss and talk about the things that are most pressing, interesting and relevant for you today? I want to start there and then we'll recap and we'll talk about some of the stuff that we've talked about the past. I'm always, you know, forcing accountability. So we're we're bringing things to the forefront. Did you do X, Y and Z to do that or Yapp with that? But we addressed the issues that are most present. And then I'm always trying to share ideas and concepts that I feel like are relevant to them based on the seasonal life there in industry they're in or what they've said that they needed help with. Conversations tend to be fairly organic because, again, it's it's a relationship. And, you know, people open up to us about all kinds of stuff, their marriage, their finances, their friendships, their their problems that go way beyond their professional life.
Jordan: So I appreciate the question. I don't know if I if I answered it exactly. But to give you a window into our world and how we work with people, that that's sort of our our process and style. You know, right now we work with such a wide range of people, Joe, so I'm not as concerned about like industry or niche. Here's what I what I'm really concerned with this character traits. So they've got to be values oriented, right? They got to care. They're going to be a decent person. In other words, if they just want to go make all the money in the world, they don't want to leave their family. I'm probably not a good fit. I'm going to challenge them on their values and lead in their family and growing in their faith. And that's part of who I am. But that's not for everybody. But so we're probably not a good fit if that's not part of who they are. And then the second thing that I would tell you is they got to be open minded. They have to be willing to learn. They have to be somebody that enjoys new information and new ways of thinking. A new perspective, fresh perspective. Right. Doesn't mean that I'm always right or my perspective is the right perspective. It just means that they're willing to listen right there. They're willing to hear and then they're willing to be challenged. So they want somebody to ask them the tough questions and share the truth and mix even said it best. You said average players want to be left alone. Good players want to be coached, great players want the truth. I want people that want the truth. I want people that really want to be challenged.
Joe: Great.
Jordan: They've
Joe: So
Jordan: Got
Joe: Before
Jordan: An open
Joe: We
Jordan: Mind
Joe: Move to
Jordan: And they have strong
Joe: A
Jordan: Values.
Joe: Group coaching piece
Jordan: And
Joe: Of it,
Jordan: If they've
Joe: Because
Jordan: Got those
Joe: We just
Jordan: Three
Joe: Talked
Jordan: Things,
Joe: About the one on
Jordan: They're
Joe: One.
Jordan: Usually a good fit for
Joe: What's
Jordan: Our coaching
Joe: Your sweet
Jordan: Practice.
Joe: Spot? Who who are the people that you feel you work best with or can can help the best.
Jordan: So the group coaches typically kind of a one hour session, we try to kind of meet people where they're at. So I work with organizations, as do our partners, to figure out, hey, what really do you need? What's the right time frame? What's the right size? I'd love to tell you that we've got, like, this specific program. It's cookie cutter. It's not. But that's by design. We really want to be a partner and meet people where they're at. So sometimes it's a small as is five people. I've got one group right now, 60, which I think is a little too big. What's important to us is that that's it's intimate or as intimate as it can be where people really feel like, you know, them. And and so we call on people. I try to get to know everybody by name and remember little facts about who they are and what's important to them. It's highly interactive. So I'm calling on people throughout the session. Usually I'm delivering 30 minutes of content or 30 minutes of discussion. We challenge challenge on the spot. I have other people challenge each other. I always say this in our group coaching program that where you sit determines what you see and you see something different than everybody else's and different is valuable. And so what that means is your voice matters because whether you're the most experienced person on the call are the least experienced person on the call, you see something that nobody else in the organization sees. And so we need your voice. We need your perspective, because you've got a different perspective than everybody else. So, Johnny, that sits at the front desk, that's the director of First Impressions, has some really valuable
Joe: Awesome,
Jordan: Perspective
Joe: I
Jordan: Because
Joe: Love
Jordan: Johnny
Joe: That. OK, cool.
Jordan: Sees
Joe: So
Jordan: Something
Joe: The group
Jordan: That Sarah,
Joe: Coaching,
Jordan: The CEO,
Joe: What does that entail?
Jordan: Doesn't see. And so we really just try to foster conversation, encourage people and empower people to share and speak up and then deliver content that's inclusive and relevant to the group. Yes, so much of our business is virtual, it just kind of always has been and most a lot of our clients aren't local. So they're you know, they're kind of spread out. We have people all over the US. I'm pretty used to Zoom calls and phone calls, and I speak a lot. Right. So keynote speaking is live often, but we still do virtual keynotes as well. So it's a good mixture, I would say, in so many ways covid changed our business. I was always willing to do things virtually, but I think a lot of companies weren't until they realized like, hey, we can do it this way. And so for me, as a person with a young family, it allowed me to stay at home and I didn't have to. I wasn't on a plane twice a week sleeping in a hotel. So so covid in some ways I'd be careful how I say this, because it was a really difficult time for a lot of people for our business. It actually affected my day to day rhythm or quality of life and I think a positive way and allowed me to be more present with my family. So it's a good mix of both. But I would say the pandemic certainly forced it to be more virtual.
Joe: The coaching business, covid or not covid, were you doing live coaching up until that point and now a lot of
Jordan: Yeah,
Joe: It has shifted
Jordan: I would say
Joe: Onto
Jordan: A good
Joe: Like Zoom
Jordan: Portion
Joe: Calls and things
Jordan: Of
Joe: Like
Jordan: Our
Joe: That,
Jordan: Clients
Joe: Or
Jordan: Are either
Joe: How your
Jordan: In
Joe: Business
Jordan: Sales or entrepreneurs,
Joe: Today and what's
Jordan: You know,
Joe: The
Jordan: So
Joe: Mixture
Jordan: There
Joe: Of live
Jordan: In fact,
Joe: Versus
Jordan: I would say it's
Joe: Online?
Jordan: Probably 80 percent of our business, either business owners or they're in sales and then there's maybe 20 percent that are in the world of executive leadership or sports. So that's kind of a mix of our business. When I say executive leadership, they're a leader in some sort of a corporate setting, but it's starting to change more every day. Like we work. I work right now with a group of physicians. We've got a gal that owns a very successful cosmetology clinic. So her whole thing is cosmetology
Joe: Yep.
Jordan: And she's been wildly successful and real estate agents and financial advisors and and college athletes and pro athletes. And so it's a it's a it's a wide range of people.
Joe: Perfect out of the clients that you have, what is the percentage of general corporations, then entrepreneurs and then sports related? OK. Awesome. OK, we're closing in on the amount of time that I have you for, which is unfortunate because I love talking with you and I love your approach. I'm getting hit up left
Jordan: Yeah,
Joe: And right
Jordan: Yeah,
Joe: With
Jordan: Yeah, so
Joe: People that
Jordan: Got
Joe: Have coaching
Jordan: Multiple
Joe: Businesses
Jordan: Answers to the question
Joe: Are their personal
Jordan: That you just ask, and
Joe: Coaches
Jordan: It's a great question,
Joe: Or their life
Jordan: By the
Joe: Coaches
Jordan: Way,
Joe: Or whatever.
Jordan: Tom
Joe: And
Jordan: Landry
Joe: There's something
Jordan: Probably
Joe: About
Jordan: Said
Joe: Your approach
Jordan: It best.
Joe: That's
Jordan: He said
Joe: Just different that
Jordan: Koshin
Joe: Really I gravitated
Jordan: Is
Joe: Towards.
Jordan: Allowing
Joe: And I'm going
Jordan: People
Joe: To put
Jordan: To
Joe: You
Jordan: Hear
Joe: On the spot
Jordan: What they
Joe: Just
Jordan: Don't
Joe: Because
Jordan: Want to hear,
Joe: This is something that I
Jordan: Helping
Joe: Think people
Jordan: People see what
Joe: Will
Jordan: They don't
Joe: Ask
Jordan: Want
Joe: Themselves
Jordan: To see
Joe: In
Jordan: So
Joe: And
Jordan: They can become
Joe: They don't
Jordan: The person
Joe: Know the answer to.
Jordan: They
Joe: But
Jordan: Always wanted to become.
Joe: People would say, well, why do I need
Jordan: That's
Joe: A personal
Jordan: That's what
Joe: Coach?
Jordan: Koshien
Joe: Why
Jordan: Is,
Joe: Would that person
Jordan: Right,
Joe: Across
Jordan: And
Joe: From me,
Jordan: The reality is we
Joe: Whether it's
Jordan: All
Joe: In
Jordan: Have
Joe: Person
Jordan: Blindspots,
Joe: Or via Zoom
Jordan: Myself
Joe: Call,
Jordan: Included.
Joe: Know anything
Jordan: So I've always
Joe: More
Jordan: Had
Joe: About
Jordan: A coach,
Joe: Me
Jordan: I got three
Joe: Or my
Jordan: Now.
Joe: Business
Jordan: I've always
Joe: Or
Jordan: Had
Joe: Be
Jordan: One.
Joe: Able to help?
Jordan: I had
Joe: And
Jordan: 10.
Joe: I think
Jordan: Over
Joe: There's
Jordan: The last
Joe: There's
Jordan: Five
Joe: Definitely
Jordan: Years,
Joe: People that decided
Jordan: The
Joe: One
Jordan: Average
Joe: Day they will
Jordan: Olympic
Joe: Come, said, I'm going
Jordan: Athlete
Joe: To be a life coach. So
Jordan: Has
Joe: They
Jordan: Seven
Joe: Sort of
Jordan: Different
Joe: Created
Jordan: Coaches.
Joe: A
Jordan: And
Joe: Bad name
Jordan: I
Joe: For
Jordan: Think as
Joe: The people
Jordan: You grow,
Joe: That really
Jordan: There's
Joe: Do it
Jordan: What
Joe: Well.
Jordan: Happens
Joe: Right.
Jordan: Is there's this paradox
Joe: So
Jordan: Of education.
Joe: You're
Jordan: The
Joe: One
Jordan: More
Joe: Of the
Jordan: You
Joe: Few
Jordan: Learn,
Joe: People that I've had on where I could
Jordan: The
Joe: Ask
Jordan: More you
Joe: This
Jordan: Realize
Joe: Question,
Jordan: You
Joe: Too,
Jordan: Don't
Joe: And
Jordan: Know.
Joe: Say, OK, I know I'm going
Jordan: It's
Joe: To really
Jordan: Always
Joe: Get
Jordan: Sort
Joe: A
Jordan: Of evolving
Joe: Good, honest answer.
Jordan: In our our
Joe: And
Jordan: Self
Joe: So I'm
Jordan: Awareness.
Joe: Putting you on the spot for
Jordan: But
Joe: The
Jordan: We
Joe: Coaching
Jordan: Don't have blind
Joe: Community
Jordan: Spots
Joe: Because I
Jordan: And
Joe: It's something
Jordan: We don't know
Joe: That
Jordan: What we don't know.
Joe: I've never
Jordan: And
Joe: Had
Jordan: So
Joe: A
Jordan: You
Joe: Coach
Jordan: Need
Joe: And I probably
Jordan: Somebody
Joe: Could have
Jordan: Else
Joe: Used
Jordan: To
Joe: A coach.
Jordan: Speak
Joe: I probably
Jordan: Truth
Joe: Can use
Jordan: And life
Joe: A coach.
Jordan: And
Joe: That would
Jordan: Give
Joe: Be
Jordan: You
Joe: My
Jordan: Feedback
Joe: Question is like, well, Jordan,
Jordan: And
Joe: Why
Jordan: Be real
Joe: Do you know anything
Jordan: And candid
Joe: More about
Jordan: And
Joe: It?
Jordan: Give
Joe: Obviously,
Jordan: It to
Joe: You're
Jordan: You
Joe: Going
Jordan: With
Joe: To do
Jordan: Love.
Joe: A discovery,
Jordan: Right.
Joe: Right?
Jordan: And
Joe: We're going to
Jordan: And
Joe: Learn
Jordan: With
Joe: About
Jordan: Care.
Joe: Each other and you're going to learn
Jordan: But
Joe: What what I
Jordan: What
Joe: Do
Jordan: I found
Joe: On a daily basis
Jordan: Is most
Joe: And and
Jordan: People
Joe: Things.
Jordan: Aren't
Joe: And then
Jordan: Receiving
Joe: Looking
Jordan: Enough
Joe: At it from another
Jordan: Feedback.
Joe: Point of view, you can help. But
Jordan: Even those
Joe: I want
Jordan: Who were
Joe: You
Jordan: At the
Joe: To
Jordan: Top
Joe: Answer that
Jordan: Of their
Joe: Question
Jordan: Game, I'll
Joe: For
Jordan: Give
Joe: Me,
Jordan: You an example
Joe: Especially
Jordan: Where this shows
Joe: For the
Jordan: Up,
Joe: Listeners
Jordan: Joe
Joe: And entrepreneurs
Jordan: Shows
Joe: Out
Jordan: Up
Joe: There
Jordan: In communication
Joe: Going,
Jordan: All
Joe: Man,
Jordan: The time.
Joe: I'm alone every day
Jordan: So
Joe: In this business. I
Jordan: None
Joe: Don't
Jordan: Of
Joe: Have
Jordan: Us are
Joe: Anybody
Jordan: Perfect. We
Joe: Else
Jordan: All have
Joe: Helping
Jordan: A lot to
Joe: Me.
Jordan: Learn when it
Joe: Do
Jordan: Comes
Joe: I
Jordan: To
Joe: Need
Jordan: Our communication
Joe: A coach
Jordan: Style,
Joe: Or Dulli?
Jordan: What we say, how our body moves, our tonality, our pace. So we test out salespeople all the time. So I'll get hired by a bigwig financial adviser. First of all, have 20 years of experience, a team of 20 people there doing tens of millions of dollars revenue, that they're very successful. And so they hire us. They hire me to come in and do coaching work with them. And every one of them has sort of a different set of needs. But one of the things that we always talk about, at least on some level, is our communication style. Right, because they're in sales and they're communicating all day, every day for a living. So I challenge this financial advisor. Usually within the first few meetings, I'll say, hey, I want you to send me your approach language, which is really their what they say to engage a client and conversation. So it's a first time meeting and this is the first five minutes of sort of the introductory meeting. And I can I can feel their energy when I when I challenge them and I say, I want you to send me that communication. Their energy is like at a negative to. Right, they're thinking you're going to bill me X for coaching, I've been doing this for 20 years, like what I don't need is help on the basics of what I say. And, you know, I can just feel that just not really excited about that.
Jordan: But I challenge him. I say I think this is a really important part of our work together. It helps me understand who you are and how you're showing up for people. So send that over when you get some time. So they send it over and it's not going to have all the answers. But I'm willing to listen to it repeatedly. Our team listens to it repeatedly. And then we give them an analysis. We give them feedback. The energy level, when we give them feedback, goes from a negative two to a 10. Every single time. Because they do not know what they do not know. And I just had a guy the other day, I said, OK, so when the first two minutes of your communication, you said the word thirty seven times. Did you know that? You know, hey, the way that you show up, did you know that you use me focused conversation? Over and over, you are literally saying I my, me repeatedly. And you were doing it for 20 years and nobody has ever told you that you're doing it, and that's a shame because you would connect with people and a deeper and more meaningful way because you would be able to drive better results. You would have more purposeful conversation if you could just make that one small tweak.
Jordan: You know, we could end the conversation at the cozy relationship right there, and the time that we had spent together would have been massively impactful. Again, not because I have all the answers, but because I'm willing to listen, give real feedback and press in on blind spots that we all have. And the last thing I'll say is people need to be encouraged. You know, people will go farther than they think they can when someone else thinks they can, period. And I don't care for the most successful person, the least successful person, the most experienced, the least experienced. I'm working with a guy the other day, Fortune 500, executive leader, big time leader of people. They had a record breaking year at the firm. Unbelievable year. This guy is in charge of literally hundreds of direct reports. And I asked him in a conversation, I just said, hey, how many people told you over this past fiscal year? So you just wrapped up the year. How many people told you? Good job. And he says, well, like, what do you mean? I said, you know what I mean? Like e-mails, texts, phone calls. Like how many people reached out to you said, hey, good job, great you. And he said, Zira. Zero people had picked up the phone and sent a text instead of an email, so the point is this job that I've worked with, this guy named John.
Jordan: So the point is this, John, that you need to be encouraged. You need somebody to point out what you're doing. Well. You need somebody to touch your heart and remind you of who God made you to be and all of the natural God given giftedness that's inside of you. And I just want to share with you it's an honor to be able to do that for you and with you. But let me let me help you see what I see. Let's look back at the last 12 months. Here's what you've achieved. In that moment, I think I think when you step into somebody's life in that way, you're a lid lifter and you do it authentically and you help them see more and you help them see before. Man, I think you're in a position of strength relationally. And I think that person at that moment realizes that that relationship means more than they ever realized. So there's a lot that we can say about coaching. But I think, Joe, when you touch somebody's heart, when you appreciate people for who they are, when you point out their God given gift A. and when you deliver the truth and love and you point out the blindspots, you can be a world class coach and it has nothing to do with what you know, it's all about.
Jordan: You show up and serve people. Well, that's just my answer. I don't know if it's the right answer by anybody else's standard, but in my world, it's the way that I try to live each and every day with the people that we serve. I love it. Yeah, so here's what I'd say, we do a lot of work through social media, so Instagram is probably where I'm most active. I'm Jordan and Montgomery on Instagram, so I would love it. If you want to get in touch to send a direct message, I'll communicate back with you. I would love to connect Montgomery Companies dot com is on our website. I'm also active on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and if anybody reaches out, I will gladly respond. If you got a question, if you're wrestling with an issue, an opportunity I'd love to talk to it with and be of service to anybody listening. And Joe, I want to say thank you for having me on your show. It's an honor. It's always an honor to share your great with the questions that, yes, it's very clear that you showed up prepared and you also had great energy. And so I just want to say thank you for your time and attention. Thanks for who you are and for what you're putting out into the world. It's making a difference. I. Right back at you, brother.
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