Episode 6: 美国人为什么打篮球
Manage episode 268003341 series 2478368
我们不再聊 1930–40 年代美国篮球的重要发展,而是退一步聊早期篮球发展背后的社会动因:为什么美国人会热衷体育活动和打篮球、当年的文化如何催生了消费、以及职业篮球现象等等。您在本期会听到:
- 生活方式对于现代社会的意义;
- 精英体育俱乐部的诞生;
- 拳击和橄榄球,现代体育运动现代在何处;
- 竞技体育,现代社会中的男性焦虑;
- 从大都会博物馆到高中篮球,现代社区的构建;
- 职棒大联盟,体育背后的文化博弈;
- 中产阶级和消费主义的诞生;
- 福特的五美元工资和美国化生活方式;
- 体育的中产阶级消费观。
《talich 闲侃》,有闲得聊,关注美国流行文化史,网址:https://talich.fm
- Riess, S. A. (1995). Sport in industrial America, 1850-1920. Wheeling, Ill.: Harlan Davidson. (本播客参考的是 1995 年第一版,链接为 Wiley-Blackwell 2013 年第二版)
- Riess, S. A. (1989). City games: the evolution of American urban society and the rise of sports. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
- Peterson, R. (2002). Cages to jump shots: pro basketball's early years. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
- Levine, P. (1992). Ellis Island to Ebbets Field: sport and the American Jewish experience. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Levine, L. W. (1988). [Highbrow/lowbrow: the emergence of cultural hierarchy in America](www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674390775). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
- Zunz, O. (1998). Why the American century?. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ( Rosenzweig, R. & Blackmar, E. (1998). The park and the people: a history of Central Park). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
- Reeves, R.V., Guyot, K., and Krause, E., 2018, Defining the middle class: Cash, credentials, or culture?, Brookings Institute.
- Putnam, R. D. (2000). Bowling alone: the collapse and revival of American community. New York: Simon & Schuster.
- talich: 美国流行文化史爱好者,《娱乐的逻辑》作者
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