On this week’s episode of “Purpose That Prevails with Dr. Otis Pickett,” Dr. Otis visits with two of his most esteemed colleagues from his days of working in racial healing and social justice in Mississippi, Dr. Jennifer “Bingo” Gunter, a college professor and civil rights dynamo who has been deeply involved in racial healing and social justice in the South for more than 20 years, and the renowned Dr. Susan Glisson, dubbed a “hero of the New South in civil rights” by Time Magazine, and whose work in civil rights over the last 30 years, especially in Mississippi, has been recognized and supported by global leaders, including former US President Bill Clinton. Among the topics of discussion in this episode include Dr. Glisson’s 30 years as a civil rights pioneer in the South and the experiences that have most impacted her journey, how “Bingo”, Dr. Otis, and dozens of future leaders in racial healing and social justice were mentored by Dr. Glisson and what they learned, and how Susan and “Bingo” recently collaborated on a very special event that brought together the descendants, of all races, of former Confederate General Robert E. Lee to meet, share and engage in racial healing. Learn more on the Purpose That Prevails webpage here: https://ncpodcasts.com/purposethatprevails…