Manage episode 462216889 series 3281649
"The Great and Sad Disconnect" The purpose of this Journey through Galatians is to hopefully, and prayerfully draw the lukewarm, and cold churches back to our LORD's Ways and Torah. Those who have strayed far from, or even fully have disconnected from our LORD's Way - His Instructions, ordinances, Statutes, and His "Divinely Set-apart Appointed Holy Feast Days" as was Spoken through and given to Moses on Mount Sinai. This is in no way to disrespect any church or anyone but only to Warn of Repentance in Love before that Great but terrible Day comes when He will return to gather us believers but also to Judge the Church and separate "the wheat from the tares" (Matt 13:24-30, Matt 13:36-43). He comes and catches them "like a Thief in the Night" (Rev. 3:1-3). It is to bring the Truth of the Scriptures into plain view. I pray that the veils are lifted from the eyes and hearts of those who do not see or hear the Truths of our LORD, our SAVIOR, our KING YESHUA MESSIAH- yes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Yes, the God of Israel, He is ONE. (2 Cor. 3:12-18) Amen & Amen Sabbath Service #33 - Nasso - נשׂא - “Lift Up” - Priestly Order - Division 19 - Pethahiah https://youtu.be/uH0oHHdh7vc (Spring & Fall Feasts of our LORD explained) "David's Calendar Rant... Happy Yom Teruah - Happy Fall Equinox of our Lord Yah'Yeshua Elohim :)" https://youtu.be/44IU92vHs1g "The Feasts of Our Lord- Passover/Unleavened Bread, & First Fruits - Abib 14, 5949. (2024) https://youtu.be/o7XrGUY3Ds8 "The Fall Feasts of our Lord Yah'Yeshua Elohim" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlWQ8Ud-aGvfEShk555oM4pcWPUD42ctd https://www.hebrewgospels.com/ https://www.apocalypticgospel.com/ "The Life Podcast" - Kayte & Luke https://youtube.com/@TheLife_Podcast?si=TPxgyP5gQwLRWAlv The Way Documentary wwww.TheWaydoc.com https://www.kalebhouse.org/ Intro Song & Music by - James Block - Aaronic Benediction The Book of Revelation https://www.hebrewgospels.com/category/books One New Man Podcast - Ephesians 2:11-18 https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/... Also, listen on iHeart Radio https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-one-new-man-ephesians-211-111440732/ My Rumble Channel soldiersinchrist6 (rumble.com) "400 Years of Silence?" Rachel Elior - Hebrew University of Jerusalem - History Lecture https://youtu.be/VZ9lJHXZ6jY Sabbath #45 https://youtu.be/a6HP09hcXcM - “Re’eh - רְאֵה - See” - From the Priestly Order - Division 7 - Hakkoz 1 Chronicles 24:10 Torah - Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17 Prophets - Isaiah 54:11-55:5 Gospels - 5:1-20 Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6666763995578368 Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6666763995578368 Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6666763995578368 Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6666763995578368
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