81. How distorted is our reality including astrology?
Manage episode 413310510 series 3450016
3:50 Answering a question on astrology; reference to Rae Ellen, Lightbody Academy astrologer; explanation of nesting dolls and reference to Galactic Federation; keepers of sound vibration is consciousness of Andromeda; sound frequency create share and form- keepers are Syrians; Pleidians are keepers of nesting doll of 5D consciousness; Annunaki keepers of 4D; Humans keepers of 3D; there’s dark and light in all keepers; 2D is Telluric intelligence; 1D is cosmic mother
12:35 the inner is the outer and vice versa; reference to looking at blood through microscope; the teachings we have here that tune us back into outer nesting dolls, in integrity the closer you get to yourself, creator; but if you go into the nesting dolls that cause confusion, scattered etc, those are overplayed with inversions, distortions
15:35 DNA dance is heavily distorted; as distortions take place, it shifts us into different nesting dolls; as our DNA dance wakes up, we wake up to the distortions within these nesting dolls and see things differently- this includes astrology; we can relate to different types of astrology depending on which nesting doll we are relating to
17:50 the way things spin impacts what kind of realities we experience; when our DNA dance awakens & expands, we experience different ‘spin’; we can experience different ‘universes’ in the here and now from others; reference to flat earth supporters; how the nesting dolls are arranged within us are via the DNA dance
21:40 reference to the types of astrology - Tropical, True sky, Ayurvedic; time keeping overlays; our natural rhythms are not always in alignment with certain astrology models; what is True Sky astrology; astrology is one of many doorway into our akashic field; as our consciousness expands, we’ll liberate ourselves from distortions and will be easier to tap into the infinite nature within
29:35 the perspectives of the Galactic federation agenda and how our DNA awakening affects what we align with; the importance of listening to our inner rhythms; Christina’s experience with Drunvalo Melchizadek and reference to spiral ratios (fibonacci) and determining which universe we are in
35:20 nesting dolls with keepers and distorted realities; reference of tuning devices to tuning to fibonacci that can potentially anchor you in more to that distorted reality; what does ‘artificial’ mean; signs of our reality inception - reference to the Sphinx; the malleability of our reality regardless of control structures and narratives; narratives put in place so we don’t expand to infinite capacity
46:35 what is the meaning of ‘artificial’; reference to everything having a rhythms; the slightest skew will change a perspective a lot; disconnecting from electronics or EMF fields can dissemble disharmonies within the body
55:40 technology isn’t the bad guy but its the way we use it; benefits/disadvantages; just because something is technical doesn’t mean its bad, it’s about what is our relationship to that technology
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