Costa's Audio Book: F. Scott Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby" Chapter VIII, IX 讀你聽2.2《大亨小傳》
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Presenting F. Scott Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby"
1920年代 紐約市長島作背景的中篇
講述年輕神秘的富翁 Gatsby 對已為人妻的執著
本作是作者最大作 探討了墮落 理想主義 變革阻礙 社會巨變 放蕩
商業上失利 作者認爲作品不受到時代理解
繼而滿腔義憤 在自序溢於言表
多年後作者鬱鬱而終 仍沒有得到書評界接納
直到二戰時期 六十年代至今 大亨小傳風潮重新崛起
2020年初 纍積銷量三千萬冊 翻譯語言多達42種
美國夢墮落 社會階級 繼承與自富 兩性 性取向 同性戀 環境保護 種族 反猶太裔
當中包含種族歧視字眼 敬請留意
Chapter VIII, IX
00:17 Nick發現大亨徒然等待Daisy 而Daisy選擇了Tom 大亨回憶他對Daisy的愛與夢想 同時Wilson誤以為Gatsby是Myrtle的情人尋求復仇 Wilson在泳池旁槍殺Gatsby後自盡 Nick發現大亨已死 想像他對失去Daisy與人生虛無的絕望
27:33 槍擊事發後 記者湧入大宅 傳言四起 Nick安排葬禮 僅少數人出席 主要只有Gatsby父親 厭倦東岸虛無 Nick與Jordan分手 面對Tom他予以譴責 Nick思索夢想與美國夢的空虛 黯然返回家鄉中西部 離開遇上Gatsby的傷心之地
Character in order of appearance
Nick Carraway - narrator, Great War veteran, newly arrived resident of West Egg, Gatsby's neighbor and a bond salesman, non judgmental, discreet, optimistic, had a brief relationship with Jordan, feels obliged to Gatsby
Thomas Buchanan - friend of Nick, millionaire resident of East Egg, imposing muscular build with gruff voice and contemptuous demeanor, rumored to have a mistress, had fallout with Gatsby
Daisy Buchanan - Nick's once removed second cousin, wife of Tom, has a 3 year old daughter, unhappily married, gossipy debutante, happy to reunite yet overwhelmed by Gatsby's ideals
Jordan Baker - sportswoman with a sarcastic streak and an aloof attitude, appears to be Daisy's friend, ambiguous to Tom, briefly in relationship with Nick, eventually engaged with another man
Jay Gatsby - a mysterious millionaire, elaborate party host, Nick's next door neighbor, revealed to be deeply obsessed with Daisy, legally James Gatz, thrilled to be with Daisy, only his ideals too high, leading to dire consequence
Character by mention
Finn the housekeep, Pammy Buchanan, Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, George Wilson, Myrtle Wilson, Asa Bird, Mavro Michaelis, Meyer Wolfsheim, Slagle, Parke, Henry Gatz, Klipspringer, Stella the secretary
Costa's remark
Humidor n Ravenously adv Strata (pl of stratum) n Grail n
Sharper n in cahoots phr Divot n Exasperated adj
Fortuitously adv Holocaust n
Adventitious adj Pasquinade n Addenda (pl of addendum) n
Ulster n Bulbous adj
On-going: Don Quixote Volume Two ch 49
Count of Monte Cristo Volume Three ch 48
Jane Eyre Ch 6,7,8
The Brothers Karamazov Book 2 all
Complete Collection:
The Great Gatsby, And Then There Were None, Jekyll and Hyde, Maigret, 1984, The Metamorphosis, Dracula, Don Quixote, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Diary of a Young Girl, Lord of the Flies, Liar's Poker, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Sparkling Cyanide, 4.50 from Paddington, Great Expectations
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