Nick and Kirsten decide on downloading Tik Tok after a bout of FOMO but worry they may not keep up with technology because of their age. Nick explains where allergies come from, track pants, not being able to talk in school and their shared love of Oprah. Nick and Kirsten also thank their fans for their continuous support. We couldn’t do it without you. Thanks for listening and reading! 16 Personalities Test JFK (3/7) Movie CLIP - A Mystery Wrapped in a Riddle Inside an Enigma (1991) HD Kirsten's Personality Type : Advocate (INFJ-T) Traits : Introverted – 98%, Intuitive – 83%, Feeling – 57%, Judging – 65%, Turbulent – 81% Role : Diplomat Strategy : Constant Improvement Nick's Personality Type: The Mediator (INFP-T) Traits Introverted - 94%, Intuitive - 68%, Feeling - 57%, Prospecting - 54%, Turbulent - 56% Role: Diplomat Strategy: Constant Improvement --- Send in a voice message:…