It’s easy to explain our tendency to adore actors. They are right in front of us on the screen. We associate ourselves with their characters and experience their emotions alongside them. Sometimes, we allow directors into the spotlight and into our hearts. But to do that, they have to either film a collection of phenomenal pictures or introduce something entirely new to cinema. But is the film only made up of those in front of the camera and those who yell “action”? No, it is more like a machine, which only moves thanks to hundreds of little mechanisms. How much blood, sweat, and tears actually go into editing a film? How does the editing affect the final result and history of the movie? This documentary talks about the challenges faced when editing Star Wars, Apocalypse Now, The Godfather, Scarface, and literally every influential film in movie history. This is “Hidden Heroes”, a series in which I will discuss the people who create these masterpieces. Enjoy listening!…