Was she the victim of foul play, an accident, or did she choose to disappear? In this episode of The Vanished, we retrace Diana’s last known movements, strange witness accounts, and the lingering mystery that has never been solved or.. was never meant to be solved.
In our common experience, we find many people who are suppressed, frustrated, and depressed in their life. Despite being with family, they have been left alone. No one talks to them, help them to restart their life. These people need a daily dose of positivity to change their perspective towards life and the people around them. They are socially deprived of love, affection and connect. This community is expanding astonishingly fast. And, I am extremely concerned
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Most of the time we spend our life surviving the rat race of our selfish intent, keep running behind impulsive substance, and trying to fulfill unlimited desires. We can still survive without all these, just need to be with self and family. Never play with mother nature because we are the part of mother nature. Be with self - Be with family. --- Se…
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‘Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.’ ~Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Every one of us is always in search of happiness externally, however, it continuously available within us forever. It’s important to know the source of our happiness. Is it from things like having someone love you, or eating …
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तर मित्रांनो सांगायचे तात्पर्य सध्या कोरोनामुळे आपली अवस्था बिर्याणीतल्या खड्यासारखी झाली आहे. कुणाला हा खडा येईल हे सांगता येत नाही. "जगण्यातील सहजता" गेली. अगदी मदत करणारा हात देखील कोरोनाचा असेल का, दूधवाला, भाजीवाला, किराणावाला जीवनावश्यक वस्तू देताना वस्तू बरोबर काय देईल याची शंका घेऊन जगतोय आपण. माहीत नाही किती दिवस चालेल हे पण "जगण्यातली सहज…
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