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Since 2015/2016, we have an elevated consciousness regarding cancer in the fire service. With slow, but sure processes, we learned the AFFF, and our gear are “dosed” with PFAS. That it about to change. My guests on this episode of “5-Alarm Task Force!” are Kevin Yeazell and his son Kevin Ryan Yeazell of a company Fireground Supply. Several seasons …
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Alex speaks with Matt Zwolinski about whether a truly "free market" exists, delving into concepts of freedom, coercion, and property rights. They examine critiques of markets from left-leaning thinkers, such as Robert Hale, as well as conservative perspectives, while discussing libertarian approaches to balancing coercion and freedom in market soci…
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In this episode of Teach Task Box Inspire, Lisa dives into a familiar challenge in special education classrooms: escape behaviors. These are behaviors that students may use to avoid tasks or instructions, and Lisa highlights how important it is to collect ABC data to uncover the reasons behind them. She shares five practical strategies to help mana…
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DERVOS, 10/25/24, NYC Demand growth has returned to the US electricity sector for the first time in two decades and the cracks are showing in the system. Reindustrialization, electrification, and the AI juggernaut have catapulted us into a new era. New loads are suddenly having trouble getting grid connections, interconnection times for new generat…
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This week, your host John focuses his look into Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me on Dale Cooper, the FBI and the supernatural in-betweens they investigate. While piecing together Cooper’s story from his moments in the margins, you’ll get a deep look into the dream logic that plays throughout the film. On the agenda: The Philip Jeffries scenes, Carl Ro…
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Eesti parimas poliitilises vestlussaates "Räägime asjast" räägivad asjadest nii nagu need on Eesti Konservatiivse Rahvaerakonna poliitikud Martin ja Mart Helme. Juttu on sellest, et president Alar Karis ja peaminister Kristen Micali on hakanud uuteks sõjaprintsessideks ja kujutavad ette, et juhivad impeeriumi. Teise teemana räägitakse massiimmigrat…
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Konservatiivide vestlussaates "Vaba sõna" räägivad Eesti Konservatiivse Rahvaerakonna poliitikud Evelin ja Anti Poolamets viimase aja sündmustest EEsti poliitmaastikul. Esmalt tuleb juttu kaitseväe seisukohast neid segavate tuulikute suhtes, samuti Eesti Energia eriraportist, mis näitab, et rohepöörajad on asunud Eesti Energialt vaipa alt ära tõmba…
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Tonight we are joined by the original Taskmaster's Assistant, it's Little Alex Horne! Ed and Alex discuss Junior Taskmaster, including which of the prize tasks in this episode Alex can imagine Bob Mortimer bringing in, what he thinks about Mike as a Taskmaster's Assistant, which task he would have changed in retrospect and the little ways the team …
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Kristlikus konservatiivide vestlussaates "Sinu riik tulgu" kõnelevad Tarmo Hints ja Helle-Moonika Helme maailmaasjadest kristliku vaatenurga alt. Saates puudutakse Ameerika Ühendriikide presidendivalimiste tulemusi ning rõõmustatakse, et Jumala abiga saatis edu Donald Trumpi. "Jumal viis Ameerikas läbi tõelise vabastusteenistuse," ütles Helle-Mooni…
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Hegyi Dóri, aki „Ohnody” művésznéven a hazai könnyűzene megkerülhetetlen alakjává vált az évek során visszalátogatott a Lánczos Kornél Gimnáziumba, ahol érettségizett. Az akusztikus stúdiókoncert mellett a dalszerzés rejtelmeibe avatta be a Táska Rádió közönségét.
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Well it's been over a week and Jack and Jenny have had some time to reflect on Series 18 and there's a lot to unpack. Jack brings his stats to the table and Jenny reviews some of the best and worst moments from each contestant. Plus, did the Joker transform the scoring system as much as Jack thought it would? The pair also talk about Nick Mohammed'…
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Konservatiivses vestlussaates räägivad Riigikogu liikmed Evelin ja Anti Poolamets aktuaalsetel teemadel, keskenduses käimasolevatele fosforiidiuurimistele ja sellega seotud rohepöördele. Samuti tuleb juttu ka EKRE tõusvast reitingust ning muust aktuaalsest.Από τον Uued Uudised
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Eesti teravaimas iganädalases poliitilises vestlussaates "Räägime asjast" räägivad asjadest nii nagu need on EKRE juhtivpoliitikud Martin ja Mart Helme. Seekord on juttu sellest, et EKRE soovib Riigikogus uurimiskomisjoni moodustamist selgitamaks Nordica pankrotti. Kuigi Reformierakond püüab näidata, et süüdi on kõik teised, on Nordica alguse ja lõ…
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Konservatiivsete naiste saate "Elust ja poliitikast" uues osas saame tuttavaks Eeva Helmega, kes kuulub Lääneranna vallavolikogusse ja on aktiivselt seisnud maakoolide säilimise eest. Koos Riigikogu liikmete Helle-Moonika Helme ja Evelin Poolametsaga analüüsitakse USA presidendivalimisi ja Donald Trumpi presidendiks saamise mõjusid. „Peavoolumeedia…
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It's time for another episode of Junior Taskmaster! Tonight Ed speaks to Jenny Eclair, Series 15 legend and co-host of The People's Podcast. Jenny discusses the episode from a parent/grandparent perspective, why kids today are different than when she was growing up, getting her grandson involved in Taskmaster and also why whoopee cushions just aren…
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A coach jelentése sokak számára még mindig nem világos, annak ellenére, hogy a coaching népszerűsége egyre nagyobb hazánkban is. Mit csinál, hogyan és milyen irányban egy coach, megtudhatod két szakértő segítségével. A stúdióban: Varga Márti és Katonáné Venguszt Beatrix
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Saates räägme valimisõigusest ja nn hallidest passidest. Küsimus on: miks peaks Eestis kohalike omavalitsuste valimisel hääletama need, kellel pole 30 aastat tekkinud huvi Eesti kodakondsuse vastu? Sotside ja "kesikute" mure oma vene elektoraadi pärast on muutunud Eesti riigile ohtlikuks! USA valimisvõitluse ajal keskendus kogu maailma tähelepanu e…
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Attention Taskmaster fans! An Absolute Casserole: The Taskmaster Compendium is out now – celebrate a decade of comedic chaos with the hilarious new book from Alex Horne and Jack Bernhardt. Relive the most outrageous tasks, iconic meltdowns, and ingenious victories from your favourite contestants. Containing exclusive behind-the-scenes content, it’s…
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DERVOS, 10/25/24, NYC New energy technologies can thrive or die due to regulatory policy. This unbelievable policy panel will feature regulators who have actually supported new technologies and advocates who have successfully fought for paradigm-shifting policies. We know we have great technologies--this panel will explore how we get them to scale.…
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Alex speaks with Nimish Adhia about the practice of tipping, exploring its cultural and economic implications, as well as its persistence despite widespread criticism from various stakeholders. Adhia discusses the historical origins of tipping, its impact on workers and customers, and coordination problems that prevent its abolition, referencing hi…
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In this episode of Teach Task Box Inspire, host Lisa delves into the critical topic of trauma and its profound effects on students in the classroom. With the staggering statistic that 25% of American students have been impacted by trauma, Lisa emphasizes the need for educators—whether they are teachers, paraprofessionals, therapists, or parents—to …
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Sound the bugle, the series 18 season finale is upon us! Jenny acknowledges the moment in this episode that made her feel quite sad and Jack ponders the universality of buttock-clenching. And it wouldn't be a Taskmaster finale without a new lineup announcement, Jack and Jenny take us through their initial thoughts on the brand new New Years Treat c…
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Poliitilises vestlussaates "Räägime asjast", kus räägitakse asjadest nii nagu need on, kõnelevad EKRE poliitikud Martin ja Mart Helme. Seekord võetakse saate esimeses osas telefoni teel ühendust Rain Epleriga, kellega räägitakse riigieelarvest ning sellest,kuidas sealtkaudu suunatakse sadu miljoneid eurosid mittetulundusühingutele. Järgmisena käsit…
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We are back with more coverage of Junior Taskmaster! Tonight Ed speaks to Emma Sidi, adored series 18 contestant and also very close friend of the Junior Taskmaster. Emma gives her thoughts on why Rose is perfect for the job, and what she texted to Emma during a difficult moment while recording. Plus hear Emma's take on why gemstones are so allurin…
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Your host John is all ears as he continues looking into Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, starting with the soundtrack and music releases, and how the tracks are used in the film. Then it’s onto what sound effects, filters and frequencies may represent, before a look into Lodge-adjacent use of words, lyrics to songs, and what happens when sounds can’t…
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It's the Series Finale and Ed is joined by the winner! The pair go through the highs and lows of the series and discuss proudest moments v's TM regrets! Keep on the TM feed as Ed will be bring Taskmaster Junior chat to your ears each week AND we will return for the New Year's Treat! Pre-order the Taskmaster book, An Absolute Casserole Watch all of …
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