Chris Nowinski is a former football player at Harvard University and professional wrestler with WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment. After enduring a career-ending head injury, Chris has dedicated his professional life to serving patients and families affected by brain trauma, particularly Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, a progressive neurodegenerative disease that develops after repeated head injuries. Jay and Chris discuss the state of head injuries in American athletics, the difference between advocating for head safety at youth and professional levels, Chris’ newest research, and much more. Episode Chapters (00:00) Intro (00:50) changes in the culture around concussions in the past two decades (02:39) padded helmet technology (03:55) concussion reporting in the NFL (10:35) Chris’ career path and concussion history (14:52) connecting with activists who haven’t themselves suffered a traumatic brain injury (17:42) SHAAKE - a new sign to identify concussions (20:53) Unions can help players advocate for safety policies (23:10) final thoughts and goodbye For video episodes, watch on Stay in touch: X: @JayRuderman | @RudermanFdn LinkedIn: Jay Ruderman | Ruderman Family Foundation Instagram: All About Change Podcast | Ruderman Family Foundation To learn more about the podcast, visit…
Podcast by bwinPortugal
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T05 E27 - Batáguas leva uma chicotada de Cristiano Ronaldo by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E26 - O casting para Jerez by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E25 - Manuel está muito irritado! by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E24 c/ António Zambujo - Half Time Show em Jerez! by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E23 - 12 de abril vamos a JEREZ! by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E22 - Leak de Velha (Declarações Bombásticas) by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E21 - Carlos desafia Fábio Coentrão by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E20 - Hablar de fútbol no nos conviene by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E19 - Vamos de excursão à Extrema Dura! by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E18 - Especial Ano Novo by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E17 - Especial de Natal! by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E16 - ALERTA FASHION: Diogo faz Extreme Makeover! by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T5 E15 - Manuel está com meia casa by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E14 - Carlos revela passado de Batáguas by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E13 - Manuel ofende Ed Sheeran! by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E12 - Diogo Batáguas mais famoso do que Tomás Aráujo? by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E11 - SL Benfica rapa FC Porto by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T5 E10 - Carlos enfrenta as fases do luto by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T5 E09 - Carlos paga salário a Amorim by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T5 E08 - Batáguas vai ao funeral de Pinto da Costa by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T5 E07 - Especial maus hábitos by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E06 - O episódio mais caótico de Falsos Lentos! by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T5 EP05 - Manuel Cardoso cospe em gatinhos by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E04 - Jantámos com Gyökeres by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E03 - Diogo faz a defesa da época by bwinPortugalΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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T05 E02 - O Manuel tem consciência de classe
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:01:25Precisamos de alguém que nos faça um relógio de cuco, o Manuel foi ao Avante, as memórias de infância do Diogo.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Diogo leva com escarradas, Manuel tem hobbies durante o verão, temos um novo cenário estilo programa da manhã.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Karaokes em Hamburgo, esconder atrás de caixotes do lixo e ver jogos aborrecidos. Foi o último Falsos Lentos, talvez de sempre.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Enfim.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Mais uma bela exibição de Falsos Lentos, ao contrário de outras exibições menos belas.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Perdemos um jogo e não gostámos mesmo nada.Από τον bwinPortugal
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É oficial: Os alemães odeiam Falsos LentosΑπό τον bwinPortugal
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Portugal limpou a Turquia com alguma facilidade. Se é possível que o Carlos, Manuel e Diogo tenham festejado mais do que qualquer outro adepto? Talvez.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Viemos para Alemanha sem bilhetes? Viemos. Mas como o Diogo é corrupto, o Carlos imoral e o Manuel eticamente questionável, lá nos safámos.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Hoje os rapazes estão muito bem vestidos. Quer dizer, o Batáguas está sempre.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Vamos à Alemanha? Temos bilhetes? Ninguém sabe.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Bruno e Lili separados, Sérgio Conceição na rua, Mbappé no Benfica. Hoje também falámos sobre bola. Incrível.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Uma das provas rainhas mais tóxicas de sempre.Από τον bwinPortugal
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A Velha está de ressaca e não apareceu. Enfim.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Encostámos o Diogo à parede sobre o apito dourado e nem sabem o que descobrimos.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Diogo Batáguas mostra as suas botas de vaqueiro, ouve passarinhos, vê o pôr do sol e ignora todos os acontecimentos futebolísticos nacionais.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Neste episódio falamos de Jorge Nuno, a viagem de Amorim e os negócios no Oriente da Velha.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Queremos 5 velhinhas para atacarem um clube, conseguem ajudar? O Carlos, o Diogo e o Rogério agradecem.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Compusemos o hino de Falsos Lentos, ouvimos canções dos ouvintes e dissemos mal dos The Strokes.Από τον bwinPortugal
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O Diogo não gosta de marisco. O Carlos gosta mas é esquisito. O Manuel foi ao Brasil e voltou diferente.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Hoje celebramos Jesus.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Ping Pong, garagens, restaurantes e receitas de Bacalhau à Brás. Mais um episódio deste podcast sobre futebol e desporto. Epa, pois.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Diogo canta fado, Velha conta a sua rotina de skin care, Manuel fala de Pau Gigante. Enfim, foi mais um Falsos Lentos.Από τον bwinPortugal
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Carlos foge do País, Manuel muito interessado em almôndegas, Diogo espirra 12 vezes. Epa, juro que isto é um programa sobre futebol.Από τον bwinPortugal
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O Manuel Cardoso teve uma semana bem difícil.Από τον bwinPortugal
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