The War and Treaty’s Michael and Tanya Trotter grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, and Washington, DC, respectively, but both have family roots in the South. They also grew up in the musical traditions of their churches – Tanya in the Black Baptist Church and Michael in the Seventh Day Adventist Church – where they learned the power of song to move people. After becoming a father at a very young age, Michael eventually joined the armed forces and served in Iraq and Germany, where he took up songwriting as a way of dealing with his experiences there. Meanwhile Tanya embarked on a singing and acting career after a breakthrough appearance in Sister Act 2 alongside Whoopi Goldberg and Lauryn Hill. Now, after a long and sometimes traumatic journey, Michael and Tanya are married, touring, winning all sorts of awards, and set to release their fifth album together, and their fourth as The War and Treaty. Sid talks to Michael and Tanya about the new record, Plus One , as well as their collaboration with Miranda Lambert, what it was like to record at FAME studios in Muscle Shoals, and how they’re blending country, soul, gospel, and R&B. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
Postal do Dia tem um único objetivo: observar o mundo e contá-lo. Todos os dias, uma crónica diferente, todos os dias histórias de pessoas grandes o perversas, de gente inteira ou partida, de homens capazes do melhor ou do holocausto, de grandes e pequenas decisões, de florestas e árvores, do país que parte à conquista do mundo e do que fica a dizer mal dos que partiram.
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Postal workers talking sports and funny stories from the day.
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The Postal Hub is the podcast for the global postal, parcels, delivery and express sectors.
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Todas as manhãs de segunda a sexta viajamos à descoberta da terra de um dos jogadores da Seleção que está no Euro 2020.
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Informacije o možnostih sodelovanja s Slovensko vojsko
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The podcast that is all about stamps, stamp collecting, and postal history, hosted by and made for stamp collectors of all levels..
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La page Soundcloud de Postap Magazine. Playlists, joie de vivre et fin du monde.
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Postal employees discussing their experiences
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Unutturulan şehirden haberler ve insan hikâyeleri (Hazırlayan ve sunanlar: Umay Vardar ve Talat Ulusoy)
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Apokalypsa jednou přijde. Otázka je jaká bude, jak se na ní připravit nebo - úplně ideálně - jak se jí raději vyhnout. Dycky je ale zajímavý o ní kecat. Marťuša - moderátor Junktownu, Metroplexu a Futuregate zpovídá svý kámiče ze všech oblastí života - a spojitost s Apokalypsou se najde dycky!
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Educating Postal and other Federal employees about their benefits and retirement options.
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Postales del Mundo contribuye con temas de música, cultura, turismo, artes, datos curiosos, información, comentarios, cápsulas entre otras cosas que aportan con un granito de arena a difundir la cultura.
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Join me as I travel the world with a backpack and dreams of adventure, of experiencing the unexpected, and of meeting incredible people everywhere.
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Já ninguém escreve postais, mas a TSF insiste e manda bilhetes postais com destinatário. Em poucas palavras mas com ideias que fazem pensar. "Postal do Dia", com Luís Osório.
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STEP is a weekend Bible study run by Postal Bible School in Ireland that takes place 3 times a year. The attendees are drawn from across a range of denominations and independent Christian Fellowships. The focus of the weekends is to unpack God's word in a way that allows it to speak for itself.
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Postales sonoras es un podcast colaborativo que reúne relatos enviados por WhatsApp de varias personas del mundo que viven la cuarentena del Covid-19. Documentamos este momento duro que vive la humanidad para escucharnos, acompañarnos y conectar con otros. Sé parte de este registro histórico y envíanos tu historia. WhatsApp: +593 980397104 Mail: Support this podcast:
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Casos tan reales como inexplicables, en las voces de sus protagonistas. Conduce FES. Juro que es Posta es una serie original de Posta.
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A new queer sci-fi podcast featuring space pirates, mail crimes, a lost planet, the Rave District of the moon, and an ill-advised prank war. Coming August 2021
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Having gained a fairly useless philosophy degree, Ian takes a job delivering the mail in a disaster of an ex-mining town. Vital life lessons are learned by our sort of hero as he struggles to fit in with the oddball locals and desperately tries to figure out where it all went wrong.
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2020ko Postalak proiektu bat da, aztertu nahi duena emozioen kudeaketa kolektiboak zer eraldatze ahalmen duen bizitzea tokatu zaigun garai nahasi honetan. Horretarako, postalen bidez nola sentitzen diren partekatu nahi duten pertsona kate bat sortu dugu. Horrela, parte hartzen dutenek postal bat bidali eta beste bat jaso dute, baina ez da ohiko posta truke bat izan. ------------------- Postales 2020 es un proyecto que pretende explorar el potencial transformador que ofrece la gestión colecti ...
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Join Karla and Michael every Monday and Wednesday as they read crazy stories from our grab bag of fun peppered with history and fun facts from around the world! Send us yours and go postal! P.O. BOX 198514, Nashville, TN 37219, e-mail (, or by Instagram/Twitter/Facebook (@gopostalpodcast)!
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Clem Bianchi is a courier, delivering mail in space one job at a time in a future where mankind has settled among the stars faster than communications technology can keep up. When a chance encounter awakens them to the ability to hear conversations tied to their mail, they embark upon a journey of adventure, conspiracy, and connections made across the stars. Additional Postage Required is a biweekly audio drama podcast, chronicling Clem's adventures as they take on jobs, explore the new abil ...
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Thanks for listening to the Postal Affairs podcast! BCC Software recently acquired Satori Software from Quadient, and as a result, this podcast will no longer be updated. However, we’d like to encourage you to instead subscribe to the BCC Software podcast – Industry Corner – where we break down postal industry topics, explain the current state of the industry, and what it means for your business. You can listen today on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts Stitcher, or on Soundcloud. For more inf ...
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Recordings of talks in which specialists and experts explore aspects of philately and the British postal service.
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Postal Code Chronicles is a Canadian podcast series dedicated exploring the stories of prominent people and its significance with our communities. We noticed that our media is saturated with American stories and wanted to provide a platform to see what success can look like in a Canadian context. We interview artists, academics, entrepreneurs, community leaders and anyone with a story to tell. Our team is mainly based in Toronto and Edmonton. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify. ...
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Cartes Postales, c’est le podcast de La Grand Poste qui part à la découverte de cet espace hors du commun, en allant à la rencontre de sa communauté. Une immersion auditive et un voyage sonore hors du temps vers un lieu plein d’histoires, qui n’attend plus que vous pour se raconter. Anecdotes de chantier, rencontres improbables, témoignages nostalgiques et prospectifs, après 120 années d’une autre vie, on vous invite à découvrir la nouvelle jeunesse de La Grand Poste et de son écosystème déd ...
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Podcast encompassing the struggles, laughs, and crazy interactions of the lives of many postal employees. From Carriers, to clerks, to Management. Take a walk in the shoes of a postal employee. The Postal Blues podcast is about taking a walk in the shoes of a postal employee. We interview all crafts, including management. The stories I have personally accrued in just six years of being a postal employee has been all but boring. being in multiple offices I can say without a doubt all walks of ...
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What used to be "Thoughts From The Car" Is Now "That Postal Guy - The Podcast". I'm going to bring to you people information that you might or might not get out of the post office. The questions you ask will be answered here. So come on board this podcast. You want your life to be easier mailing out your bills or packages, I am here to make it as easy and informative as possible. Support this podcast:
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About ten years ago, Michael moved from New York to his new home in Slovenia. In this weekly show, he looks at the things he’s learned (or tried to learn) while settling down in his new home. From language to culture to everything else, it’s a light-hearted look at what it means to live in Slovenia and how to become a proud Slovene.
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Nessuno di noi ha bisogno di un Fermoposta Paradiso. Nessuno di noi puo' offrire un tale luogo.Mi guardo bene dal farlo.Il mio Fermoposta Paradiso e' dunque un pretesto letterario.Intendo solo porre una domanda silenziosa a chi sia almeno un poco attratto da dubbi,incertezze, e certamente dalla fede. Stare ora intorno a un falo' estivo col bicchiere in mano, tra gli amici. E pensare. Ma poco. Duccio Castelli Voce di Luca Semeraro
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Welcome to Episode #478 - Today we revisit Orangeburg. Also - CHECK US OUT on my Facebook page - send me a friend request at the PHILATELIC ECONOMIST - I put the pictures up there.Από τον Stamp Show Here Today
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A história de um equívoco que foi desfeito num restaurante japonês. O namoro de Luís Osório com Lúcia Moniz acabou sem ter começado
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Longe vão os tempos em que Isaltino Morais esteve preso. Não há dia que ele não se recorde, mas passados alguns anos nunca o presidente da Câmara de Oeiras foi tão popular.
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É uma história incompreensível. Na Póvoa de Varzim, um gato fugiu para o cemitério após a morte do dono. Passou a viver no lugar dos mortos e a dormir todos os dias na campa do seu amigo.
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NFL Free Agency and Bills Targets, RUMORS, Sabres LOSE, BANDITS Remain ON TOP, ELIMINATION CHAMBER , TPT's Gambling Corner
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1:15:57Episode 49: Topics Discussed: NFL Free Agency Big names on the move Free Agent Targets for the Bills Sabres are MISERABLE Trade Deadline looms Bandits Remain atop NLL standings Listener Calls and Text TPT Gambling Corner Elimination Chamber STUNNER Twitter: Sports Gone Postal (@SportsGonePost) / X ( Leave a voicemail: Send a voice messa…
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Welcome to Episode #477 - Today we have an audience member that found a US#5 - Paid $30 for it on eBay. It is a $20,000 stamp!Από τον Stamp Show Here Today
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Muito se escreve sobre o ator José Raposo, mas poucos dizem a única coisa que verdadeiramente conta no que ele é.
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Provou-se que Salgueiro Maia tinha um filho americano. Um filho que luta há doze anos por um reconhecimento que não chegou. A história de um rapaz que não desiste de ser teimoso como o pai
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Todo os dias a dependência dos telemóveis parece piorar. Há jovens e menos jovens absolutamente fixados num mundo virtual e sem necessidade de viverem fora dali. É assustador
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António Simões foi um dos melhores jogadores da história do futebol português, mas o jogo mais marcante da sua vida foi com o União de Tomar, no dia 12 de março de 1972. Descubra a razão
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Chamava-se Catarina e foi condenada a um exílio forçado no lugar dos desgraçados. Sem pai ou mãe e com um bebé na barriga, entrou na Mitra em 1954 e morreu há uns dias no único lugar que conheceu.
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NHL'S 4 NATIONS Success, SABRES Winning ??!!?! BILLS UFAs, QB Carousel, BANDITS still 1st, TPT's Gambling Corner
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1:05:23EPISODE 48 Topics Discussed: Canada wins 4 NATIONS in OT Stunner Sabres trying to claw back into Playoff contention Buffalo Bills UFAs who stays who walks NFL QB Carousel Bandits slip in OT but continue to LEAD NLL Calls pour in from the LISTENERS Twitter: Sports Gone Postal (@SportsGonePost) / X ( Leave a voicemail: Send a voice messag…
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Jenn Morris from Ship Happens joins us to analyse the opportunities for postal operators in food delivery. Understanding the current food distribution network set-up Opportunities in semi-perishable food delivery Refrigerated and temperature-controlled transport Food products already being distributed via the post Temperature ranges and compatibili…
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Ana Sofia Antunes é deputada e cega de nascença. Com os insultos da bancada do Chega, que a chamou de “aberração”, uniu quase todo o país numa indignação que é um sinal de esperança
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Seguro e Vitorino dividem o PS. O primeiro foi líder, mas muitos não o suportam. O segundo deu com os pés aos socialistas mil vezes, mas todos acreditam que desta é que é. Chamem o psicanalista.
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Chama-se Kerem Aktürko?lu, é jogador do Benfica e a sua história é extraordinária e arrepiante. Todos os dias reza pelo milagre que lhe aconteceu, todos os dias tenta fazer o bem
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Esta é a história de uma comemoração. Passaram 60 anos pelo dia em que a Alemanha recebeu com fogo de artifício um português que não sabia o que se estava a passar
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Mindaugas Cerpickis, Director at Copenhagen Economics, analyses proposed changes to the universal service obligation in Norway. Background to USO reform proposals Posten's current USO, including delivery standards Alternate day letter delivery Out-of-home delivery for letters Electronic notification for letter delivery Option for weekly residential…
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É uma verdadeira excêntrica. Ganhou 51 milhões ao jogo e dizem as más línguas que já estoirou tudo. Chama-se Amélia e gastou uma fortuna no seu próprio caixão
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Só há uma coisa boa nas imagens brutais de um rapaz a espancar um colega autista numa escola secundária. É que ainda não perdemos a capacidade de nos chocar e indignar.
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Começaram a namorar em 2005 nas “Correntes” e regressam todos os anos à Póvoa de Varzim para celebrar o encontro feliz de duas bibliotecas. A história de duas das figuras mais influentes da literatura portuguesa.
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Num dos bairros mais difíceis de Lisboa há uma casa mágica que transforma todas as pessoas que lá entram. Uma casa que tem um salão de beleza para mulheres que deixaram de se ver ao espelho.
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Welcome to Episode #476 - Today we discuss The Cent (and its removal from "currency") as well as a cool Confederate Wallpaper cover.Από τον Stamp Show Here Today
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Tânia Ribas de Oliveira é uma apresentadora diferente de todas as outras. Nada nela parece distintivo, apenas a sua qualidade maior: ser parecida com a maioria de nós
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EAGLES Smoke KC in BIG GAME, JOSH ALLEN MVP (Buffalo's HERO), SABRES still Stink, 4 Nations Tourney, DAN DRUFF RETURNS !!! No One Like Us
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1:10:51Episode 47 Topics Discussed: Eagles Smoke Kansas City Buffalo's HERO Josh Allen WINS MVP Sabres still Stink 4 Nations Tournament Calls from our great listeners WU TANG CLAN NEW ALBUM Twitter: Sports Gone Postal (@SportsGonePost) / X ( Leave a voicemail: Send a voice message to Sports Gone Postal ( Text us: 1(716)391-0705 Linktre…
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Aquilo de que não se fala no futebol, com Beto
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1:08:07Foi guarda-redes do Porto, Braga, da seleção, ganhou a Liga Europa pelo Sevilha. Mas mais do que a carreira vem falar de um estigma no futebol, a saúde mental nos jogadores. Beto Pimparel. See for privacy information.Από τον Observador
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Uma mulher misteriosa passou a estar na boca dos que trabalham no parlamento. Todos os dias aparece e fica parada e em silêncio em frente à porta onde entram os deputados.Há quem se arrepie com a sua presença. Quem será?
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Greenplan CEO Dr Clemens Beckmann takes us beyond the streetmap to the cutting edge of route planning. The problems that route planning solves Driver satisfaction with route planning How the time of day influences route planning Going beyond the street map: incorporating driver expertise Swapping parcels at the edge of delivery routes Overlapping d…
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Parece impossível, mas Cristiano Ronaldo completou 40 anos. É um quarentão que continua a bater recordes e é o que resta de vida em muitos lugares desgraçados
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Uma história maravilhosa de uma filha que ofereceu à mãe um livro que gostava que ela lesse… apesar de já ter morrido
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O postal do dia é sobre a culpa que carregamos e nos faz curvar de tanto peso. Temos mesmo de fazer alguma coisa em relação a isso.
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Welcome to Episode #475 - Today we discuss the 2024 stamp issues and answer the LINNS STAMP POLL - So very much entertainment - you have been warned.Από τον Stamp Show Here Today
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Episode 46 Topics Discussed : The BIG GAME Do CHIEFS 3PEAT or EAGLES make SAQUON's Birthday wish come true Rumor MILL ??? MYLES GARRETT Sweepstakes ??? SABRES winning BUT LEFT OUT TO DRY BANDITS stay UNDEFEATED Terry calls with EXCLUSIVE interview , but wait NO LOCK ??!?!! Twitter: Sports Gone Postal (@SportsGonePost) / X ( Leave a voic…
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Chamam-se Martim e Francisco e no mundo andebol não há quem não os cobice. São um milagre, dois dos melhores jogadores do mundo. Mas o postal é sobre Cândida, a sua mãe.
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O país indignou-se e divertiu-se com o deputado que roubava malas no aeroporto. De tudo o que se disse, o que falta dizer sobre esta figura imprestável?
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Andrius Ladauskas, CEO of Venipak, discusses e-commerce and parcel delivery trends in the Baltics. Venipak company profile and competitive environment in the Baltics Pan-Baltic parcel locker network Comparing shopping patterns in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia Challenges and opportunities with Chinese and European e-commerce businesses Importance of…
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Nas próximas semanas os deputados recordarão a única figura consensual de quem todos gostavam. Não houve ninguém como ele. Morreu há um ano numa sala aquecida do Parlamento
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HEARTBREAKING Defeat in Kansas City for the BILLS, Eagles SMOKE Commanders, Woes continue for SABRES, BANDITS still UNDEFEATED, SOCCER returns to BUFFALO !!!
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1:12:05Episode 45 Topics Discussed : BILLS eliminated by CHIEFS in Nail Biter AGAIN EAGLES take out COMMANDERS SABRES woes Continue Rumor MILL BANDITS have a BYE to stay atop the Standings Soccer to Return to BUFFALO in the NPSL Terry's Lock of the Week Twitter: Sports Gone Postal (@SportsGonePost) / X ( Leave a voicemail: Send a voice message…
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Como explicar que na mesma semana em que recordamos os sessenta anos da morte de Churchill tenha tomado posse Donald Trump? Será apenas uma coincidência ou isto está tudo ligado?
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Welcome to Episode #474 - We are calling this the OUR EQUIPMENT IS WORKING PROPERLY podcast. Wahoo!Από τον Stamp Show Here Today
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Um Postal sobre uma estranha relação de amor entre um homem e uma mulher que estão juntos há 16 anos e têm quase meio século de diferença
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Parece impossível, mas Maria João Pires tem já 80 anos. É uma das maiores pianistas de sempre, mas foi sempre o contrário do que os outros esperavam que fosse.
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O jovem médico que sacrificou toda a sua vida para salvar pessoas nos lugares mais esquecidos por Deus, não merecia o sofrimento a que o destino o condenou. O postal do dia é dedicado a Gustavo Carona
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Michael Anderson, global delivery and e-commerce expert, discusses Royal Mail's challenges and opportunities in the context of the UK delivery scene. Exploiting delivery density and minimising dead time Decline in letter volumes and increase in delivery points Letter pricing Opportunities in boxable packets Delivery networks and collection network …
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Welcome to Episode #473 - NEW EQUIPMENT EPISODE - so I am sorry that it sounds like we are talking into two cans with a string between them. Next week the sound will be cleaned up.Από τον Stamp Show Here Today
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Eça de Queirós chegou ao Panteão e a batalha entre os seus bisnetos finalmente terminou. No Postal do Dia de hoje toma-se parte por um dos lados.
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A história de Nininho Vaz Maia é uma fábula. Nasceu num bairro de barracas e miséria e subiu ao topo da montanha por causa de uma pulseira e de uma mãe que nunca o deixou cair.
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BILLS hold off Ravens in an MVP Classic Showdown, Around the NFL Divisional Round, BILLS headed to Kansas City, SABRES at a loss for words, BANDITS stay UNDEFEATED, TPT's BACK !!!
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1:03:05Episode 44 Topics Discussed : BILLS eliminate RAVENS in classic showdown Around the DIVISIONAL ROUND Next Stop KANSAS CITY SABRES are pitiful BANDITS stay UNDEFEATED TPT Returns with a LOCK Twitter: Sports Gone Postal (@SportsGonePost) / X ( Leave a voicemail: Send a voice message to Sports Gone Postal ( Text us: 1(716)391-0705 …
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Maria Barroso já não aparece na Pastelaria Versalhes há dez anos. Tempo para a recordar e pedir a quem pode que lhe entregue uma nova missão.
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