Postal do Dia tem um único objetivo: observar o mundo e contá-lo. Todos os dias, uma crónica diferente, todos os dias histórias de pessoas grandes o perversas, de gente inteira ou partida, de homens capazes do melhor ou do holocausto, de grandes e pequenas decisões, de florestas e árvores, do país que parte à conquista do mundo e do que fica a dizer mal dos que partiram.
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Postal workers talking sports and funny stories from the day.
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The Postal Hub is the podcast for the global postal, parcels, delivery and express sectors.
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STEP is a weekend Bible study run by Postal Bible School in Ireland that takes place 3 times a year. The attendees are drawn from across a range of denominations and independent Christian Fellowships. The focus of the weekends is to unpack God's word in a way that allows it to speak for itself.
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Informacije o možnostih sodelovanja s Slovensko vojsko
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The podcast that is all about stamps, stamp collecting, and postal history, hosted by and made for stamp collectors of all levels..
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La page Soundcloud de Postap Magazine. Playlists, joie de vivre et fin du monde.
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Clem Bianchi is a courier, delivering mail in space one job at a time in a future where mankind has settled among the stars faster than communications technology can keep up. When a chance encounter awakens them to the ability to hear conversations tied to their mail, they embark upon a journey of adventure, conspiracy, and connections made across the stars. Additional Postage Required is a biweekly audio drama podcast, chronicling Clem's adventures as they take on jobs, explore the new abil ...
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Unutturulan şehirden haberler ve insan hikâyeleri (Hazırlayan ve sunanlar: Umay Vardar ve Talat Ulusoy)
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Apokalypsa jednou přijde. Otázka je jaká bude, jak se na ní připravit nebo - úplně ideálně - jak se jí raději vyhnout. Dycky je ale zajímavý o ní kecat. Marťuša - moderátor Junktownu, Metroplexu a Futuregate zpovídá svý kámiče ze všech oblastí života - a spojitost s Apokalypsou se najde dycky!
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Postal employees discussing their experiences
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Todas as manhãs de segunda a sexta viajamos à descoberta da terra de um dos jogadores da Seleção que está no Euro 2020.
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Educating Postal and other Federal employees about their benefits and retirement options.
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Podcasts originales producidos por Posta, la radio on demand número uno de Argentina.
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Já ninguém escreve postais, mas a TSF insiste e manda bilhetes postais com destinatário. Em poucas palavras mas com ideias que fazem pensar. "Postal do Dia", com Luís Osório.
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Postales del Mundo contribuye con temas de música, cultura, turismo, artes, datos curiosos, información, comentarios, cápsulas entre otras cosas que aportan con un granito de arena a difundir la cultura.
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Join me as I travel the world with a backpack and dreams of adventure, of experiencing the unexpected, and of meeting incredible people everywhere.
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Postales sonoras es un podcast colaborativo que reúne relatos enviados por WhatsApp de varias personas del mundo que viven la cuarentena del Covid-19. Documentamos este momento duro que vive la humanidad para escucharnos, acompañarnos y conectar con otros. Sé parte de este registro histórico y envíanos tu historia. WhatsApp: +593 980397104 Mail: Support this podcast:
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Casos tan reales como inexplicables, en las voces de sus protagonistas. Conduce FES. Juro que es Posta es una serie original de Posta.
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A new queer sci-fi podcast featuring space pirates, mail crimes, a lost planet, the Rave District of the moon, and an ill-advised prank war. Coming August 2021
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Having gained a fairly useless philosophy degree, Ian takes a job delivering the mail in a disaster of an ex-mining town. Vital life lessons are learned by our sort of hero as he struggles to fit in with the oddball locals and desperately tries to figure out where it all went wrong.
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2020ko Postalak proiektu bat da, aztertu nahi duena emozioen kudeaketa kolektiboak zer eraldatze ahalmen duen bizitzea tokatu zaigun garai nahasi honetan. Horretarako, postalen bidez nola sentitzen diren partekatu nahi duten pertsona kate bat sortu dugu. Horrela, parte hartzen dutenek postal bat bidali eta beste bat jaso dute, baina ez da ohiko posta truke bat izan. ------------------- Postales 2020 es un proyecto que pretende explorar el potencial transformador que ofrece la gestión colecti ...
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Join Karla and Michael every Monday and Wednesday as they read crazy stories from our grab bag of fun peppered with history and fun facts from around the world! Send us yours and go postal! P.O. BOX 198514, Nashville, TN 37219, e-mail (, or by Instagram/Twitter/Facebook (@gopostalpodcast)!
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Your #1 source for discovering killer new electronic music! Tune in on the 13th of each month to hear a unique curation of electronic music produced by talented artists from around the world; as well as original DJ sets and world premieres of new music releasing on our parent label - Gone Postal Records.
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Thanks for listening to the Postal Affairs podcast! BCC Software recently acquired Satori Software from Quadient, and as a result, this podcast will no longer be updated. However, we’d like to encourage you to instead subscribe to the BCC Software podcast – Industry Corner – where we break down postal industry topics, explain the current state of the industry, and what it means for your business. You can listen today on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts Stitcher, or on Soundcloud. For more inf ...
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Recordings of talks in which specialists and experts explore aspects of philately and the British postal service.
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Postal Code Chronicles is a Canadian podcast series dedicated exploring the stories of prominent people and its significance with our communities. We noticed that our media is saturated with American stories and wanted to provide a platform to see what success can look like in a Canadian context. We interview artists, academics, entrepreneurs, community leaders and anyone with a story to tell. Our team is mainly based in Toronto and Edmonton. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify. ...
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Cartes Postales, c’est le podcast de La Grand Poste qui part à la découverte de cet espace hors du commun, en allant à la rencontre de sa communauté. Une immersion auditive et un voyage sonore hors du temps vers un lieu plein d’histoires, qui n’attend plus que vous pour se raconter. Anecdotes de chantier, rencontres improbables, témoignages nostalgiques et prospectifs, après 120 années d’une autre vie, on vous invite à découvrir la nouvelle jeunesse de La Grand Poste et de son écosystème déd ...
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Podcast encompassing the struggles, laughs, and crazy interactions of the lives of many postal employees. From Carriers, to clerks, to Management. Take a walk in the shoes of a postal employee. The Postal Blues podcast is about taking a walk in the shoes of a postal employee. We interview all crafts, including management. The stories I have personally accrued in just six years of being a postal employee has been all but boring. being in multiple offices I can say without a doubt all walks of ...
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What used to be "Thoughts From The Car" Is Now "That Postal Guy - The Podcast". I'm going to bring to you people information that you might or might not get out of the post office. The questions you ask will be answered here. So come on board this podcast. You want your life to be easier mailing out your bills or packages, I am here to make it as easy and informative as possible. Support this podcast:
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About ten years ago, Michael moved from New York to his new home in Slovenia. In this weekly show, he looks at the things he’s learned (or tried to learn) while settling down in his new home. From language to culture to everything else, it’s a light-hearted look at what it means to live in Slovenia and how to become a proud Slovene.
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Nessuno di noi ha bisogno di un Fermoposta Paradiso. Nessuno di noi puo' offrire un tale luogo.Mi guardo bene dal farlo.Il mio Fermoposta Paradiso e' dunque un pretesto letterario.Intendo solo porre una domanda silenziosa a chi sia almeno un poco attratto da dubbi,incertezze, e certamente dalla fede. Stare ora intorno a un falo' estivo col bicchiere in mano, tra gli amici. E pensare. Ma poco. Duccio Castelli Voce di Luca Semeraro
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O primeiro postal do dia de 2025 é uma fábula. A história maravilhosa e trágica do ator que representou a figura do magnata Logan Roy, em Succession
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O último Postal do Dia de 2024 vai contar-te um segredo. Quando as doze passas estiverem na boca o que devemos fazer?
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Criticar o Presidente da República passou a ser o pão nosso de cada dia. Mas olhando para o que aí vem não é arriscado dizer que um dia dele teremos saudades
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Um homem entrou numa papelaria e disse: “o José Cid morreu”. O Postal do Dia é sobre o momento em que as pessoas na loja ficaram em silêncio
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A história de Maria Afonso, uma médica obstetra que não desiste de fazer a sua parte para que o mundo não se esqueça que pode ter futuro.
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No dia de Natal um Postal sobre uma passagem da vida do menino que acaba de nascer. Uma passagem que define o que podemos fazer de diferente para sermos maiores enquanto aqui estamos
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Na noite mais bonita do ano, o Postal é dedicado aos que não estão felizes. Aos solitários, aos que tropeçaram, aos que hoje estão ainda mais afundados
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Na semana de Natal, um postal com várias perguntas nunca feita a Daniela, a mãe das gémeas brasileiras.
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MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!! James' Home Cookin' for the Holidays lifts Bills past the Patriots, NFL Week 16 Review, Ankles are WEIRD, See you in the Fantasy Championships, SABRES are PUTRID ...
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays !!! From the SGP Crew Episode 40 Topics Discussed : James' Home Cookin' for the Holidays J-E-T-S Next Week Opponent Around the NFL ANKLES are WEIRD What is in store for the AINTS ??? Did you make your fantasy Championships ??? THE SABRES forgot how to win, 13 Straight Losses now Twitter: Sports Gone Postal (@Sport…
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Um Postal do Dia sobre a reabertura de Notre-Dame. Ou, melhor dizendo, sobre o momento em que a Catedral recebeu uma mãe em lágrimas
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Welcome to Episode #471 - A Bonus Podcast! Today we discuss Post Office Privatization, eBay and SMQ Pricing. Happy Festivus.Από τον Stamp Show Here Today
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Cerca de 40 mil voluntários do Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome recolheu alimentos para o Natal dos que pouco ou nada têm. Este Postal do Dia é dedicado a Isabel Jonet a quem Luís Osório pede desculpas.
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Milos Zlatkovic, Founder and CEO of Mily Technologies, and Hugh Craigie Halkett, CEO and Founder of StampFree, discuss major delivery trends for 2025. Milos Zlatkovic covers: Out of home delivery and cross-border ecommerce InPost delivering cross-border E-commerce growth in 2025, including very cheap cross-border purchases Amazon Haul, Temu and She…
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O senhor Lourenço ganhou um Dragão de Ouro e o seu trompete ficou imortalizado. Uma viagem à história de um homem que nos faz recordar o tempo em que éramos felizes e não sabíamos
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Bills beat the LIONS... Are they the BEST team in the NFL ???, JPA 4 MVP, NFL Week 15 Review, New Orleans AINTS gonna AINT, BB's Priority Pickups, Sabres just STINK
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Episode 39 Topics Discussed : BILLS Tame the LIONS in Detroit Are the Bills the team to beat in the NFL ??? Around the NFL AINTS gonna AINT Sabres losing streak up to 10, DO SOMETHING !!! Twitter: Sports Gone Postal (@SportsGonePost) / X ( Leave a voicemail: Send a voice message to Sports Gone Postal ( Text us: 1(716)391-0705 Li…
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Eduardo Gageiro tem 89 anos, mas continua a ter no bolso das calças uma máquina fotográfica. O maior fotojornalista português nunca se perdoaria se um dia visse um sorriso diferente dos outros e não o captasse
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O momento de apagar o número dos que nos morrem é sempre difícil, em alguns casos esmagador. O Postal do Dia é hoje dedicado a quem não consegue apagar os números de quem amou.
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A história de um encontro de Luís Osório com um sem-abrigo na Rua do Rosário no Porto é o tema para o Postal do Dia
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Welcome to Episode #470 - Today we discuss an email that has so much in it that there has to be something you find interesting. Also, we will be off till January 6th. Happy Holidays from all the Stamp Show Here Today cast and crew.Από τον Stamp Show Here Today
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O segredo de Álvaro Laborinho Lúcio para atrasar a velhice e afugentar a morte. O retrato hoje de um dos melhores portugueses no Postal do Dia
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No dia em que passaram sete anos pela sua morte, a Junta de Freguesia dos Olivais inaugurou uma estátua de Zé Pedro e deu o seu nome a um jardim. O postal do Dia regressa à maior estrela do rock português
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The final session for the weekend ... Thanks for listening! Visit the Postal Bible School website to see more details and videos about STEP.Από τον
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This session is brought to us by David Wilson who looks at a practical aspect of the Book of the Acts and brings out examples of sharing the gospel as the early disciples did. Session 5 was a self-study reflection session and does not have an episode upload Thanks for listening! Visit the Postal Bible School website to see more details and videos a…
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Victor Falkenklev, CEO of Falkenklev Logistik, shares his experiences electrifying Falkenklev Logistik's delivery fleet. The history of Falkenklev Logistik, including its partnership with DHL Setting up a solar energy park and using the energy to power the delivery fleet Building a charging station for heavy electric trucks DHL supporting procureme…
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Quando se aproxima o Natal há um vazio entre os que se lembram da Feira Popular. Uma viagem ao centro da memória de uma saudade impossível de resolver.
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Mário Soares completou 100 anos no passado sábado e Luis Osório dedica-lhe um Postal do Dia acompanhado de pataniscas e peixinhos da horta.
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Sempre ouvi falar do Eduardo das Conquilhas,restaurante perto do lugar onde a minha mãe perdeu a juventude.Fiquei feliz por saber que o dono ofereceu a todos os trabalhadores um cruzeiro de uma semana.Uma história bonita
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Welcome to Episode #469 - It looks like the Scott Catalog will be shipped some 4 to 5 months late but it is on the way.Από τον Stamp Show Here Today
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Quase 30 anos depois da sua fundação, os Artistas Unidos continuam com a casa às costas. A morte de Jorge Silva Melo piorou ainda a situação,mas mesmo que estivesse vivo o problema era igual.Os políticos não querem saber
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Fábio Paim viveu nos últimos 30 anos à custa da fábula: a de que era melhor do que Cristiano Ronaldo.Agora ator pornográfico,Paim não se comparava ao Passarinho,o jogador que L.Osório jura ter sido o melhor que viu jogar
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It's SNOWING while Bills plow through San Francisco, JPA's Historic Game, NFL Week 13 Review, New Orleans downHILL the rest of season ??? Fantasy STUDS and BUMS, BB's Priority Pickups, Terry's Lock of ...
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Episode 38 Topics Discussed : BILLS shovel the 49ers out of their way Josh Allen and the Lake Effect Lateral Around the NFL AINTS are back to their old ways Terry's Lock of the Week Sabres trying to stay afloat at .500 Twitter: Sports Gone Postal (@SportsGonePost) / X ( Leave a voicemail: Send a voice message to Sports Gone Postal (memo…
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This episode Andrew leads us through Acts 7 and the value of a life not wasted. Session 3 was a workshop session and this willl be edited and uploaded as an extra episode in the future. Thanks for listening! Visit the Postal Bible School website to see more details and videos about STEP.Από τον
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Maria João Avilez falou da filha carmelita e do filho de cinco anos que lhe morreu num acidente. E nas últimas semanas tem sido atacada num processo por ter entrevistado o primeiro-ministro sem ter carteira profissional.
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Elia Cipelletti, Logistics Operations Manager at cargo bike delivery firm So.De explains the company’s origins and mission. The inspiration behind the creation of So.De Rider welfare and environmental concerns Why So.De uses a cargo bike fleet Plans for consolidation in Milan and future domestic expansion Milk route runs and point-to-point delivery…
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Numa sessão de autógrafos de Aveiro, uma leitora do Dia disse uma frase devastadora. O Postal é assim dedicado às árvores de Natal, às luzinhas, às prendas embrulhadas e ao tempo em que Luís Osório não tinha Natal.
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A revista Visão declarou insolvência e poderá fechar. Um postal que recorda os primeiros anos da revista, os dias em que tudo parecia ser possível.
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A viúva de Luís Aleluia escreveu uma carta ao seu marido no dia em que completou 60 anos,onde recordou uma promessa não cumprida por parte do ator que decidiu morrer por já não aguentar o peso dos fantasmas que carregava
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Welcome to Episode #468 - Today we discuss ChicagoPex and a truly fantastic Flour Merchants Advertising Cover - Google to see it or check us out on FACEBOOK under the Philatelic Economist…
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Já nos aconteceu a todos. Dizermos bom-dia e não nos responderem. Como nos acontece ficarmos de boca aberta com gente arrogante e que olha para nós sem nos ver, como se fossemos transparentes, como se não existíssemos.
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HAPPY THANKSGIVING - It's the BYE WEEK, and the Holidays are Approaching... That means REPORT CARD time for the BILLS !, Who's Over/Under EXPECTATIONS or do they just PUSH, Week 12 NFL Review, BB's Priority ...
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We'd like to extend a heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving to all our Family. Friends. and Faithful Listeners ~Sincerely SGP Crew Episode 37 Topics Discussed : BILLS on the BYE - Let's mail out the REPORT CARDS Who's Over/Under Producing Around the NFL Saints can't LOSE on the BYE Boyle Triggers BB's Rumor Mill... TROUBA !?!?!? Sabres on the RISE like Cryp…
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Section 1B - Continuing the ideas from the first session, Andrew leads us to look at Acts 4 in this episode. Thanks for listening! Visit the Postal Bible School website to see more details and videos about STEP.Από τον
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Quem é o jogador português mais influente no mundo do futebol,90 por cento dirá Cristiano Ronaldo. Resposta errada. Há um português que todos telefonam, um jogador que discursou na Câmara dos Comuns, o parlamento inglês
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Mark Fallon, President and CEO of The Berkshire Company, discusses what the next Trump Presidency might mean for the US Postal Service. The governing structure of the USPS and the role of the President and US Congress USPS Office of Inspector General Postal Regulatory Commission, and the Chair of the PRC Funding of the PRC USPS Board of Governors a…
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Que dizer da morte de Celeste Caeiro,mulher que tornou os cravos símbolo da liberdade?Que dizer de ter morrido sozinha numa gélida sala de um hospital? Sem ninguém que a acudisse,lhe tivesse oferecido a sua mão ou 1cravo
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Uma história íntima no Postal do Dia. A história de Alice Osório, mãe do pai de Luís Osório. Uma avó extraordinária que parecia eterna e que prometeu morrer apenas depois do seu filho partir. Uma promessa que cumpriu
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A história incrível do mais velho cozinheiro português no ativo.Chama-se João, tem 87 anos e nunca faltou ao trabalho.E também nunca casou ou teve filhos.Vive para o restaurante e aos domingos é o mais infeliz dos homens
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Welcome to Episode #467 - Mark finally got his check from the Post Office - and other stuffΑπό τον Stamp Show Here Today
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Quantos génios morrem sem que o percebamos? Quantas vidas poderiam marcar o tempo, mas partem incógnitas? Pensamos em Fernando Pessoa que morreu há 89 anos. Antes de fechar os olhos pediu à enfermeira um último desejo.
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Bills make a Run past Chiefs, JPA 4 MVP, NFL Week 11 Review, New Orleans upHILL battle to 7 wins, Fantasy STUDS and BUMS, BB's Priority Pickups, Terry's Lock of the Week, Sabres consistently INCONSISTENT ...
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Episode 36 Topics Discussed : BILLS and our Hero Josh Allen fight through the Chiefs Josh Patrick Allen for MVP Around the NFL Taysom Freakin' Hill WTF Terry's Lock of the Week Inconsistency burdens the Sabres Twitter: Sports Gone Postal (@SportsGonePost) / X ( Leave a voicemail: Send a voice message to Sports Gone Postal ( Text…
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Section 1A - Chapter 2. Introducing the book of the Acts of the apostles, Andrew Curran leads us to look at the start of the the movement with the apostles in Jerusalem Thanks for listening! Visit the Postal Bible School website to see more details and videos about STEP.Από τον PBS
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