Hi, I’m Dax Shepard, and I love talking to people. I am endlessly fascinated by the messiness of being human, and I find people who are vulnerable and honest about their struggles and shortcomings to be incredibly sexy. I invite you to join me as I explore other people’s stories. We will celebrate, above all, the challenges and setbacks that ultimately lead to growth and betterment. What qualifies me for such an endeavor? More than a decade of sobriety, a degree in Anthropology and four year ...
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Armie Hammer meets fascinating people from all walks of life, diving into unexpected conversations that go wherever curiosity leads.
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Čia gyvena pyktis. Kokybiškiausių patyčių podkastas Lietuvoje! Epizodai be apribojimų: patreon.com/armenas contribee.com/armenas armenoradijas.substack.com
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Award-winning podcast featuring interviews with the world’s greatest adventurers, immersive travel documentaries recorded on location, deep dives into cultures around the world, and inspiration for how to life to the fullest. Hailed as “inspiring storytelling” by the New York Times, and “Ear candy for listeners” by the Washington Post, past guests include Conrad Anker, Ed Stafford, Kristine Tompkins and many more legends of travel and adventure.
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Science + Technology Podcast for the Lifelong Learner
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Nem eu nem vocês estamos preparados para a liberdade que vou ter aqui.
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A Podcast focussing on Test cricket, by armchair critics of the game. Email: armchair.cricket@gmail.com Twitter: @ArmchairCricPod
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NATO je jediná organizácia kolektívnej obrany na svete a Slovensko je jej súčasťou. Spoznajte akým spôsobom z členstva ťaží Slovensko a čím prispievame do kolektívnej obrany. Portál natoarmy.sk predstavuje podcasty v ktorých sa dozviete viac so zaujímavými hosťami.
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Weekly Podcast in Armenian about Health
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Weekly sermons from Armidale City Church
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Todos los días, los principales del títulos de Infobae en formato podcast.
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Weekly Podcast in Armenian about Spirituality
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Įdomybės ir akiratį praplečiantys faktai iš kalbos pasaulio, kuriuos trumpuose epizoduose pristato LRT RADIJAS.
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A podcast about zines.
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In dieser Podcast finden Sie relevante Themen rund um die Schweizer Armee.
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Podcast sobre NBA no geral e a vida em particular, não necessariamente sobre esta ordem. Com João Dinis, Lucas Niven e Ricardo Brito Reis.
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DJ / Radio Host - Radio MORA 98.8MHz (Austria) & Rabakoz 94.5MHz (Hungary) SOCIAL: Instagram - arminsipocz BOOKING: booking@djarmins.com INFO: djarmins.com
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Filling Your Prescription For Freedom
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Acompanhe as notícias sobre a Defensoria Pública da União no programa "DPU no ar".
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Info- und News-Kanal der Schweizer Armee
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Anis Don Demina och Behrouz ”Berra” Badreh har skrattat sig in i sofforna runt om i landet, här fortsätter de skratta åt det senaste som hänt under veckan.
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The Official Podcast of the DFS Army. We break down all things relevant in Daily Fantasy Sports! www.dfsarmy.com
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Welcome to the Twist My Arm Podcast! We're here to twist your arm into something new!
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Vi är överallt är en podcast om AIK Fotboll. Podcasten består av samtal med andra AIK-supportrar samt en del intervjuer med spelare, ledare och anställda i klubben. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Aktuāla informācija par notikumiem kultūras jomā mijas ar pēcpusdienīgi uzskaņotu mūziku. Plkst. 17:15 ieskats ārzemju preses kultūras aktualitāšu lappusēs, plkst. 17:30 - "Neatliekama saruna" par kādu aktuālu notikumu Latvijas kultūras telpā.
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Weekly Worship with the Blue Army
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Hur kan två kvinnor säga så många ord om så lite, och ändå blir det så trevligt?
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Welcome to your mid week sports fix with "Captain", "Sheriff", "Viper", "Unit" & "Kristy". Interviewing the stars in sport and the great characters you don't generally hear from. No fence sitting here!!
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Im Radio Bielefeld Arminia-Podcast hört ihr Vorberichte vom Trainingsplatz der Blauen, die Highlights der Spiele in der Liga und die denkwürdigen Momente im DFB-Pokal. In diesem Fußball-Podcast erlebt ihr die Höhepunkte von der Alm noch einmal. Seid ganz nah dran am DSC Arminia Bielefeld. Hosts: Tim Linnenbrügger, Timo Teichler, Sebastian Wiese Reporter: Ulrich Zwetz. Abonnieren und weitersagen! Tipp: Kennt Ihr schon unser Archiv? Blättert doch mal zurück und erlebt die Arminia-Spiele ab 201 ...
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Två hypokondriker – en läkare. I denna podd får Emelie Uggla och Nisse Hallberg hjälp av läkaren Jesper Salén under ett läkarbesök utan slut. När bör man vara orolig över sin hälsa? Vilka symtom bör man kolla upp så fort som möjligt och när kan man vänta? Tillsammans diskuterar de allt från halsbränna till stress, hjärntumörer och uppblåst mage i Sveriges kanske roligaste hälsopodd. Skicka in dina frågor som text eller ljudmeddelande till fraga@arjagsjuk.se eller till @arjagsjuk på Instagram ...
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Our country’s problems will never be solved by a bunch of fancy people in nice suits talking big words on CNN and Fox, but by An Army of Normal Folks just deciding “hey, I can help.” Hosted by Coach Bill Courtney from the Oscar-winning Undefeated, this podcast is building the Army and celebrating its extraordinary members. New episodes are released every Tuesday.
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The Torquay United Yellow Army Podcast – Born under the Mini Stand. Broadcast Worldwide.
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✧ Our New YouTube Channel 👉 :http://www.youtube.com/@Man%C3%A9Raffael ✧ Want to share your favorite story? Just send us the title, and it might be featured in our next episode! 🥰Enjoy your evenings with Arka and Mané by listening to the Armenian Fairy Tales, Poems, interesting and original stories. Վայելեք Ձեր երեկոն Արկայի և Մանեի հետ Հայերեն` լսելով հայկական հեքիաթներ, բանաստեղծություններ,հետաքրքիր և ինքնատիպ պատմություններ...
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En podcast om Manchester United, producerad av teamet kring Red Army Sverige. Här diskuterar vi allt som rör United och fotbollen som hör till. Hör Måns, Mikael, Adam och Fredrik (+ gäster) bjuda på sin kunskap och även på sig själva.
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AUSA’s Army Matters podcast amplifies the voices of the Total Army – one story at a time. Join hosts LTG (Ret.) Leslie C. Smith and SMA (Ret.) Dan Dailey every other Wednesday as they interview the modern chroniclers of the Army experience to discuss inspiring leadership stories, current issues faced by soldiers, and our military families’ journeys.
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Radio Show About America’s Favorite Black Rifle
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FILTHY ARMENIAN ADVENTURES is a travel agency for the soul that takes you all over the map of our cultural apocalypse and deep into its most forbidden and forgotten territories, where the Santa Ana Winds are always blowing and all guests are dared to abandon their masks... Subscribe to the show on Patreon get 2x the adventures, including the most intimate and scandalous ones, plus 10+ monthly Smoke Break mini-eps on topics of the day, and priority to live events. Created and hosted by Alec M ...
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Explore genealogy with "The Genealogy Guy" on Armchair Genealogy, one of the latest genealogy podcasts produced in the UK. Tune in as expert genealogists and diverse practitioners share their knowledge, helping you uncover your roots, build your family tree, and learn about your ancestors' fascinating stories. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned researcher, the podcast aims to help you connect with your family's past and discover long-lost relatives. Subscribe to Armchair Genealogy toda ...
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Ar valeadenn - La balade en breton Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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RandomMakingMovies Podcast med Jonsson, Kulan och Jonas. Nya avsnitt varje onsdag och specialavsnitt för publicerade videos en gång i månaden på YouTube. Längre och reklamfria avsnitt hittar ni på vår Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/randommakingmovies Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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A podcast reviewing and celebrating the classic BBC TV drama series Secret Army. Episode by episode, every month.
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Fredag & Bonusavsnitt!
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Latviešu simfoniskās mūzikas Lielkoncerta programmā 24. janvārī pirmo reizi uz Latvijas Nacionālās operas un baleta skatuves izskanēs jaunā latviešu komponista Aleksandra Avrameca (2000) jaundarbs „Ausma”, kas rakstīts Latvijas Nacionālajam simfoniskajam orķestrim un tajā radoši pētīts gaismas un spožuma jēdziens mūzikā. Ar Aleksandru Avramecu tikā…
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Από τον Las Noticias de Infobae (AR)
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Neste episódio bónus relacionado com o Especial All-Star, o João Dinis e o Ricardo Brito Reis e o Lucas Niven fazem o draft das suas equipas All-Star, tal como vai acontecer no fim de semana All-Star e muito mais Tudo isto com o apoio da Betano.pt, Escolha do Consumidor e Marca 5 Estrelas em Apostas Desportivas. Vamos a isto? Bora!…
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Tillbaka i Stockholm igen så summeras lägret tillsammans med Gustaf. Vi pratar om vilka som utmärkte sig, vilka positioner som vi tror behöver förstärkas, de senaste ryktena till AIK och om det stundande lägret i Marbella. Trevlig lyssning! Gå med i Discord: https://discord.com/invite/QjbMGCzVhJ Foto: Ingrid Elly Walter Hosted on Acast. See acast.c…
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Det blev tyvärr inget avsnitt denna veckan. Här har vi Nisse som berättar varför. Medan ni sörjer kan ni passa på att skicka in frågor till kommande veckor: Skicka in dina frågor som text eller ljudmeddelande till @arjagsjuk på Instagram eller maila till fraga@arjagsjuk.se. I den här podden får man fråga vad man vill – det finns inga för dumma elle…
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Hälsogalningar & Jonas mörka hemlighet
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Jonsson berättar om sina panikångest-känslor när sociala batterierna är helt urladdade, Kulan och Jonas pratar om planeringen inför 30-årsfester. Vi pratar också om hälsogalningar och Jonas kommer på sig själv med en väldigt mörk hemlighet. Längre och reklamfria avsnitt av podden hittar ni på vår Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/randommakingmovie…
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Ep 296 - a terceira temporada da vida de Ângelo Rodrigues
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Para um Livre de primeira geração como é Ângelo Rodrigues, nada melhor que um espaço para expor a sua narrativa sem os filtros dos tablóides. De um segundo coma ao renascimento pessoal, Ângelo senta-se na cadeira do Ar Livre para explorar o arranque da 3ª temporada da sua vida. Numa conversa intensa e bem-humorada com Salvador Martinha, revisitam o…
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This week the guys sot down and wax poetic, and disjointedly about the last 4 years of the show. Memories made good times had things that were lost to the either. Then the talked about where it was they wanted to take the show in this State of the Show address Our Sponsors: Patriot […] The post AR-15 Podcast 466 – State of the show address or somet…
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1955 m. Dartmuto koledže JAV moksliniame seminare pirmą kartą nuskambėjo terminas AI (liet. DI, arba dirbtinis intelektas). Termino kūrėju laikomas vienas iš seminaro organizatorių John McCarthy.Από τον LRT
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Lisa 1 planerar koreografi med årets hetaste trend: glitter. Hon är utsatt för brott men victimshamear sig själv. Jenny har missat eternelltrenden, fått otippat svar från AI och inblick i två vidunderliga gubbliv.
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上一期批判完不思进取的法老控 这一期称赞下锐意进取的米哈游 最好的JRPG何必要诞生在Japan(狗头)Από τον AR_LIVE
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durée : 00:23:27 - Istor Maner Kernod ba Mellag gant Mona BouzecΑπό τον ici
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Acompanhe as notícias sobre a Defensoria Pública da União no programa "DPU no ar".
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Dax and Monica talk to Armcherries! In today's episode, Armcherries tell us about a time they dated a criminal. Follow Armchair Expert on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch new content on YouTube or listen to Armchair Expert early and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. Start your free t…
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Andy Hooser wraps up a week sitting in for Mark while attending the annual SHOT Show in Las Vegas. Mark returns on Friday with plenty of information from the Shooting Gunting and Outdoor Trade show sponsored each year by the NSSF.Από τον Armed American Radio
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Merriam-Webster’s 2024 Word of the Year was "polarization." For Shop Talk, we explore what we can do to ensure that this never happens again. Support the show: https://www.normalfolks.us/premium See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Από τον iHeartPodcasts
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441: Brian Jabarian | Exploring the Intersection of Economics and AI
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In this episode of The Armen Show, Armen Shirvanian interviews Dr. Brian Jabarian, a fellow at Chicago Booth, who discusses his interdisciplinary research in economics, particularly focusing on the societal impacts of emerging technologies like AI. The conversation explores the connections between economics and philosophy, the importance of critica…
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Time to push on. The Torquay United Yellow Army Podcasters Guy Henderson and Richard Hughes are joined by Clive Hayward of Torquay Talk this week for a reflection on two away draws. The 1-1 draw at St Albans City was followed by that disappointing 2-2 draw at Slough Town - and Clive certainly has something to say about that! We also hear from manag…
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Արարք ցանեք, ճակատագիր կհնձեք։Από τον Adventist World Radio
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Na segunda parte deste episódio especial, o João Dinis e o Ricardo Brito Reis e o Lucas Niven falam sobre a sua seleção para a equipa All-Star no Oeste e muito mais Tudo isto com o apoio da Betano.pt, Escolha do Consumidor e Marca 5 Estrelas em Apostas Desportivas. Vamos a isto? Bora!
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Na primeira parte deste episódio especial, o João Dinis e o Ricardo Brito Reis e o Lucas Niven falam sobre a sua seleção para a equipa All-Star no Este e muito mais Tudo isto com o apoio da Betano.pt, Escolha do Consumidor e Marca 5 Estrelas em Apostas Desportivas. Vamos a isto? Bora!
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More post inauguration discussion as Trump rocks Washington, DC, keeps his promises and upends the mainstream lying media! #2a #2ndamendment #2Apodcast #2ARadio #GunRights #ShotShow2025Από τον Armed American Radio
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More post inauguration discussion as Trump rocks Washington, DC, keeps his promises and upends the mainstream lying media! #2a #2ndamendment #2Apodcast #2ARadio #GunRights #ShotShow2025Από τον Armed American Radio
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Ceturtdien, 23. janvārī, kultūras nama “Zvejniekciems” Lielajā zālē notiks koncerts “Mūsu komponisti – Saulkrastiem un pasaulei” ar divu komponistu – janvāra jubilāru – Dona Jaffē un Māra Lasmaņa radītiem skaņdarbiem, tai skaitā – īpaši Saulkrastiem veltītiem opusiem: čellista un komponista Dona Jaffē svīta – fantāzija “Saulkrasti” sasauksies ar fo…
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Join DFS Army's Kevin "Geek" Alan as he takes a first look at the NFL Conference Championships Main Slate on DraftKings. Get ahead of the competition with insightful matchup analysis. Whether you're a seasoned DFS veteran or a beginner looking to make a splash, we've got you covered. Discover value picks and star players that will help you create a…
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Από τον Las Noticias de Infobae (AR)
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Sunita Sah (on defiance)
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Sunita Sah (Defy: The Power of No in a World That Demands Yes) is an author, award-winning, tenured professor at Cornell University, and expert in organizational psychology. Sunita joins the Armchair Expert to discuss living up to the Sanskrit meaning of her name, why Milgram’s electric shock experiment pushed her to pursue psychology, and how some…
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Worship With The Blue Army 1st Age: "Son Of Man" "Step By Step" "Just One Word" 2nd Age: " Change It All" "Take Your Place" "Heart On The Floor"Από τον Blue Army
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IMMERSION: The Elements of AlUla: Arabia’s Lost City and the Power of Water
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Before the modern city of Alula rose to prominence, its natural springs and water systems were at the heart of its existence. For centuries, Alula's oasis has been a critical stop on the Incense Road, connecting cultures and trading routes across the Arabian Peninsula. Water, both from the sky and the earth, has sustained life here, and its managem…
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Andy Hooser sits in for Mark as he attends the annual SHOT Show in Las Vegas. The inauguration day with Andy Hooser as Andy covers the days remarkable festivities as Donald J. Trump is sworn in as number 47. #Trump47 #TrumpInauguration #2A #2ndAmendment #GunRightsRadio #2APodcast #2ndamendmentpodcast…
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24. janvārī Latviešu simfoniskās mūzikas lielkoncertā Latvijas Nacionālajā operā pirmo reizi izskanēs komponista Jāņa Petraškeviča jaundarbs “vārdi ar izzudušiem burtiem”. Par būtiskiem radošiem impulsiem šī vijolkoncerta tapšanā komponists dēvē gan ceļojumu laikā un telpā, gan melanholisku vientulību simbolizējošas atsauces uz Franča Šūberta dzies…
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Από τον Las Noticias de Infobae (AR)
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Helloooo and welcome back to Long Arm Stapler, a podcast about zines! This episode, I'm joined by Arya of Filter Feeder (@readfilterfeeder on IG). We talk about many, many things, including Arya's work, guerilla gardening, the abundance of little freaks in nature (and making zines about them), catalytic converter theft, and more! Some of the zines/…
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Todd is the founding director of Calvin Prison Initiative, an accredited bachelor degree program that’s inside of a prison. And one that’s not only transformed their students’ lives, but most fascinating is how it’s cultivated An Army of Normal Prisoners who've completely transformed the culture inside of Michigan’s prisons! Support the show: https…
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Todd Cioffi: An Army of Normal Prisoners (Pt 2)
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Todd is the founding director of Calvin Prison Initiative, an accredited bachelor degree program that’s inside of a prison. And one that’s not only transformed their students’ lives, but most fascinating is how it’s cultivated An Army of Normal Prisoners who've completely transformed the culture inside of Michigan’s prisons! Support the show: https…
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Բնությունը վերափոխում է մեզ:Από τον Adventist World Radio
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Armchair Cricket Podcast - Episode 277
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Welcome to a new episode of the podcast! We are happy to have a new guest co-host, Abhinav joining us. Games Covered PAK v WI: 1st Test. Women's Ashes: ODI series and 1st T20i. INDw v IREw: 3rd ODI and series wrap-up. VHT 2025 finals. Other news IND'S Varun Aaron retires from all cricket. BAN's Shakib Al Hasan fails a second bowling action test in …
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TMA Presents Quest Me: Skeleton Crew Episode 7, "I Like Gold"
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Welcome to Quest Me! The podcast that takes you on a quest through the latest Star Wars project! On this weeks episode we are joined by Jessi from the Crusher Convo Podcast to discuss episode 7 of Skeleton Crew, 'We're gonna be in so much trouble'! How are we feeling with one episode left? What does a trekkie think of the Star Wars version of The g…
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Šonedēļ uz kino ekrāniem nonāks pirmā 2025. gada Latvijas filma – komēdija "Vecāku sapulce" - aktuāls un ironijas piepildīts stāsts, kas ļauj ar vieglu humoru no malas paraudzīties uz sevi un apkārtējiem un kopā ar aktieriem Sandiju Dovgāni, Elitu Kļaviņu, Mārtiņu Kalitu, Dārtu Daneviču, Lauri Dzelzīti un citiem pārvarēt pat visbezcerīgāko no vecāk…
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Vi pratar om Berras medverkande i Masked Singer, våra sjukaste beroenden och spelar "jag har aldrig"!
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Από τον Las Noticias de Infobae (AR)
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Adam Scott Returns
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Adam Scott (Severance, Parks and Recreation, Stepbrothers) is an Emmy and Golden Globe-nominated actor and comedian. Adam joins the Armchair Expert to discuss why the era of movies that produced ET, The Goonies, and Temple of Doom means so much to him, how Severance was in such apt alignment with the grief for his mother’s death, and the reason pla…
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