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【聯經書房 · 點亮思想】 由聯經知名文史哲的作家、學者,以及聯經編輯等專業人士擔任講者,依據時事與議題,搭配聯經出版適合的書籍,提供不同的人文思想觀點與深度觀察。在這個訊息龐雜,世界急遽變化的時代,讓您能快速掌握書籍中的黃金知識要點,高效率的吸收資訊。 ──現在,就讓我們用聲音,陪伴您一起進入浩瀚的知識之海。 【經典聯聯看】 ★★ 聯經50週年特別企劃,50種跨時代經典說書計畫 ★★ 慶祝聯經出版50週年的時刻,精選出具代表性的50種經典作品,精心策畫的全新Podcast節目。 2024年3月15日起,每週五中午12:00更新。 由聯經出版發行人林載爵、《聯合文學》雜誌總編輯王聰威、聯經出版總編輯涂豐恩、聯經出版副總編輯陳逸華擔任各集主持人,每集以一部經典及一個主題,邀請熟習該作品的個領域專家學者、譯者與作家,帶領我們進入作品的世界,在資訊紛亂的時代,告訴你該如何又為何要重讀這些作品。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Linking Podcast

Linking Podcast

Programa de radio podcast en el que semanalmente te mantendremos informado de todas las actividades que se desarrollan en Link by UMA-Atech, espacio conector entre la universidad y las empresas.
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Donna Boyle, Medium, Direct Messenger for Spirit, and Author, welcomes everyone to these expansive spiriTED talks. Each episode is an intimate conversation with Spirit and our guest in the physical world. The loved ones, spirit guides, and pieces of the soul that show up have been waiting in the wings to connect and inspire us. Listeners can interpret their own message as Donna creates links for all in each episode. Season Two will include chats with friends about all things Spirit. All gues ...
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Linking Leaders PodCASt

Connecticut Association of Schools

Linking Leaders PodCASt features candid conversations with top educational leaders who come together to share experiences and explore pathways to success. In each episode, we engage with dynamic leaders to uncover real-life stories, practical strategies and bold insights on timely and relevant topics. Listen up to link up and let us help you expand your network of innovation and support!
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MWLP - Linking Youth Podcast

Produced by Emma P.

MWLP is a not for profit organisation focused on engaging a community of stakeholders to support youth in their personal and professional career development. We value innovation and commit the organisation to help youth make the successful transition from school to work. We do this by connecting the space between school and the wider world, including industry, training organisations, parent and families, three tiers of Government and the broader community. We are located in Campbelltown, NSW ...
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主持人|涂豐恩 聯經出版總編輯 來 賓|林啟屏 國立政治大學中國文學系教授 本集節目邀請到政治大學中文系教授林啟屏,與聯經出版總編輯涂豐恩,一起談錢穆先生的《孔子與論語》,全書共由十八篇專文組成,寫成文章年代跨度二十餘年,內容從論語的重要性談及孔子的主要思想,是錢先生整個學識歷程當中闡述精神內涵的重要著作。 融入生命的文化底蘊 錢穆先生在新亞書院時,曾因胃痛躺臥在教室的地板上,當時的學生余英時先生前去拜訪,擔憂的詢問可以為老師做些什麼?在病中的錢穆先生回答想閱讀王陽明文集,而後余先生真的為他取來。錢先生患疾仍不忘國學,足以顯示文化的精神已經融入到血肉當中,成為他生命的底蘊。 最上至極宇宙第一書 錢穆先生推崇《論語》及孔子思想,主張兼讀歷代的注本。其原因為儒學是逐漸積累的精神文化,各家的註解或…
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Episode 92 The Universe Responds With Only Four Words This morning I recorded a video about what happened to me last night when I was falling asleep. As I was listening to it, I realized it was my next episode for this podcast. The Universe, through me, asked a question and then responded to that question. Both question and answer were only four wo…
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主持人|涂豐恩 聯經出版總編輯 來 賓|黃銘崇 中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究員 本集節目邀請到中研院史語所研究員黃銘崇,與聯經出版總編輯涂豐恩,一起談談甫獲得第六屆唐獎漢學獎的許倬雲院士代表作品──《西周史》。《西周史》是一部綜合性的西周文化史,許院士總結過去累積的原始資料及研究成果,以「華夏國家」的形成為中心議題,透過西周時代的發展,觀察中華民族及文化逐漸成形的過程,並對西周史上聚訟紛紜的議題,提出信而有徵的合理解說。不僅具有學術專著的深度,也是適合一般讀者的通論性讀物。 商王朝與周王朝的不同 相較於商王朝以征戰和鬼神之說鞏固權力,周王朝以通婚方式鞏固社會結構。並建立了以人為主的文化、禮教制度。黃銘崇先生戲稱商沒有朋友,而周與鄰近部族締結關係,以此發展有別以往的社會文化制度。 了解上古史提…
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主持人|涂豐恩 聯經出版總編輯 來 賓|黃銘崇 中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究員 本集節目邀請到中研院史語所研究員黃銘崇,與聯經出版總編輯涂豐恩,一起談人類學家張光直教授的代表作品《中國青銅時代》。黃銘崇研究員是張先生在哈佛執教時的學生,以此切入與聽眾分享張先生的人格特質,以及在中國上古史研究所提出的重要觀點。 饕餮紋與貴族權力 饕餮紋路的使用,顯示上古時代人與動物之間的關係,史料記載饕餮「食人未咽」,於今日研究,我們可以推斷,這並不是真正在吃人的意向,而是更接近於薩滿的巫術。而商人取此形象大量使用在青銅器上,作為巫師與自然界神靈溝通的工具,更藉由神力支配事物。巫師階級也與王權的政治權力直接連結。 時代是由文化與社會構合 張光直教授直言撰寫中國古代史是想解釋,考古研究不應是依史料的性質區分專業…
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主持人|陳逸華 聯經出版副總編輯 來 賓|張輝誠 學思達教育創辦人 本集邀請到學思達創辦人張輝誠,與聯經出版副總編輯陳逸華談《蘇東坡新傳》,此傳特別處在於,作者李一冰先生並非按時序寫蘇軾出生到老死,而是從其貶謫黃州之時切入,歷經烏臺詩案,遭小人陷害,入獄瀕死,最後否極泰來,雨過天青之輕鬆與從容。此段際遇與李一冰的生命高度重疊,一冰先生寫東坡,實則在寫自己從苦悶中走向曠達自在的心境,讓《蘇傳》裡的東坡和他真實的生命處境交融在一起,使其形象躍然紙上之外,更讓讀者深入東坡的內心世界。 與謎樣作者的緣分 張輝誠先生求學期間,以蘇軾為研究主題,他最推崇的材料即是李一冰先生的《蘇東坡新傳》,表示「愛之不倦、捧讀再三」。後因敬愛作者,訪談作者的後人,蒐集大量材料,在2015年發表〈尋找李一冰〉一文,李一冰…
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主持人|林載爵 聯經出版發行人 來賓|黃碧端 威斯康辛大學文學博士、前台南藝術大學校長 本集主題是在醫學教育貢獻良多,同時也博覽群書的黃崑巖先生所著《黃崑巖談教養》。2004年總統大選辯論會,教育界代表黃崑巖向兩位候選人提問,所問何謂「教養」一時成為流行話題,隨後以「談教養」為題出書,希望激發大眾一同思考。 節目邀請到同樣深根教育界的黃碧端教授,和聯經出版發行人林載爵一起談談在本書出版20年後的今天,教養所面臨的新挑戰。 教養就像一陣風 黃崑巖先生言教養有如一陣風,誰想看它或捕捉它,必須從一個人的言行去察覺、推測與判斷。此類概念自古不論中西方皆有,《論語》中就提到「君子之德風,小人之德草,草上之風必偃」;《柏拉圖理想國》也描述好的君主應是有智慧,言行又值得大家信服的哲人。更可延伸至社會有風骨…
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主持人|陳逸華 聯經出版副總編輯 來 賓|單德興 中央研究院歐美研究所特聘研究員 《格理弗遊記》入選為「史上最偉大的一百本小說」,內容描繪了主角船醫格理弗遭逢船難,流落並遊歷四個國家的奇聞軼事,雖名為遊記,卻是作者諷刺創作當時科學家、權貴及王室之作。本集節目邀請到譯者單德興先生,和聯經出版副總編輯陳逸華一起從文字到文化談譯者在作品中扮演的腳色,以及單老師如何以《格理弗遊記》過足翻譯癮。 「奢侈」的翻譯經驗 齊邦媛老師與單老師因《格雷安‧葛林》評傳的翻譯結識,合作後驚豔當時年輕的單老師在選書、資料研究、文字技巧、譯文體例的專業,甚至於《格理弗遊記》序文中寫道「我知道他就是我尋找多年,能航越小人國淺水困境的譯者!」。遂積極鼓勵單老師著手翻譯這部中文世界總被「誤譯」的《格理弗遊記》,由於1998年…
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主持人|林載爵 聯經出版發行人 來 賓|黃碧端 美國威斯康辛大學文學博士、前台南藝術大學校長 本集討論美學教育先驅者漢寶德先生的首本作品《漢寶德談美》。邀請到與漢先生有深厚友誼的黃碧端教授,和聯經出版發行人林載爵一起從這本書出發,談談漢先生一生所繫的全民美感教育。 聯經陸續出版三部「美感」作品,從美感的認知到美感的落實、從觀念到器物的生活實踐,漢寶德先生希望全民有意識的培養美感觀念,向美的呼喚睜開雙眼。 漢先生主張藝術教育與美感培養不可混為一談。在時代的演進下藝術成為一門學問,與美的追求脫鉤,創作是對藝術極致追求下的產物,探討的是學問本身,但美感培養事關乎全民的。漢先生曾發表〈藝術教育救國論〉提到,美感訓練可以產生很強大的文化力量,致使整個城市及市民都有一種美的面目,得到美的薰陶。 美感培養…
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主持人|林載爵 聯經出版發行人 來 賓|莊坤良 國立臺灣師範大學退休教授、《都柏林人》譯者 本集邀請到聯經版《都柏林人》的譯者莊坤良教授,和聯經出版發行人林載爵一起談談這部愛爾蘭作家喬伊斯最具代表性的短篇小說集。作為一部寫實主義小說,喬伊斯擅用「開放式結尾」留給讀者許多省思空間,所以《都柏林人》出版百年,經歷的每個時期都會被重新討論,奠定了歷久彌新的經典地位。 書寫反映個人與時代的互動關係,喬伊斯的寫作也不例外。出生在愛爾蘭的喬伊斯,直言愛爾蘭人的自卑與麻痺源於兩個主人,一是英國殖民帝國,一是義大利羅馬教會。近千年在宗教和政治上的「一僕二主」,全面影響著愛爾蘭人的世俗生活與國族文化認同。長久以往,被統治的文化自卑感,交雜對教會和英國政權的崇拜及敬仰扭曲著人心。喬伊斯在〈賽車之後〉更直指自己族…
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主持人|王聰威 聯合文學雜誌總編輯 來 賓|廖鴻基 臺灣文學作家 本集要為大家介紹的是《白鯨記》,被譽為美國近代最重要的長篇小說之一,是一部海洋文學鉅著,擁有文學史上最著名的開場白「叫我伊什梅爾吧。」,更是星巴克咖啡、《星艦迷航記》與《海賊王》等品牌、影視藝文創作的命名及取材靈感來源。節目領讀人是著有《最後的海上獵人》的廖鴻基老師,與聯合文學雜誌總編輯王聰威,一起談談這部彰顯海洋精神的經典之作。 與白鯨記的邂逅 廖鴻基說自己最早是由電影開始接觸這個題目,而後在海上工作、開始寫作,一次文學獎經驗,評審意見說他的創作題材和文風與《白鯨記》相仿,才讓廖鴻基翻開《白鯨記》,真正從文字進入這部作品,開始了長達十數年的閱讀歷程。並成為他海洋文學創作的重要養分。 掌握海域資源躍升為世界中心的小島 捕鯨船皮…
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主持人|林載爵 聯經出版發行人 來 賓|鄭穎 臺北醫學大學通識教育中心教授 經典說書第六集邀請著有高陽研究專書《野翰林》的鄭穎教授領讀,與鄭教授對談的是聯經出版的發行人林載爵。高陽(1922-1992)一生著述百部,將近三千萬字\著作等身,讓其成為當代最重要的歷史小說作家之一,世人稱道「有井水處有金庸,有村鎮處有高陽」,足以顯示高陽的小說廣受讀者歡迎的程度,而聯經出版高陽作品共有五大系列,本集將重點推薦胡雪巖系列。 我們剛紀念高陽的百年冥誕,他所留下的大量作品是無庸置疑的經典,讀者在享受閱讀的快樂之餘,更是藉著高陽寫清史如寫家史的文字,去親近他筆下過往的時代、他筆下的人情世故,而成為我們生命的借鏡。 高陽先生故去後,前妻郝天俠女士將他所有的藏書都捐給當時的中央圖書館(現國家圖書館),鄭教授因…
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主持人|涂豐恩 聯經出版總編輯 來 賓|林載爵 聯經出版發行人 本集邀請聯經出版的發行人林載爵先生與聯經出版總編輯涂豐恩跟大家談談《中國大歷史》。為什麼稱為「大歷史」?作者黃仁宇曾說:「我寫的歷史是從技術的角度看歷史,不是從道德的角度檢討歷史。這並不是說道德不重要,而是新社會的道德要靠社會的結構而決定其內涵。」 《中國大歷史》不只是看歷史人物、事件線性發展過程,而是打破傳統框架,從小事件看大道理,分析長遠的社會層面、經濟結構、組織、制度,縱觀而全面。從中西的比較提示中國歷史的特殊問題。讓歷史的縱橫面向及其影響,都能清楚的說明中國歷史的發展。 黃仁宇先生1964年赴美擔任教職,發現美國大學生使用的中國通史,多在20世紀初期完成,早已不合時宜。當時他就思考,要讓不同民族理解中國史,讀懂複雜的人名…
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主持人|涂豐恩 聯經出版總編輯 來 賓|王汎森 中央研究院院士、歷史語言研究所特聘研究員 ⠀ 本集邀請中研院的王汎森教授與聯經出版總編輯涂豐恩跟大家談談出版近50年的史學經典之作《歷史與思想》。本書為余英時先生對歷史研究的探尋及思考集結,余先生在自傳中提到,《歷史與思想》文字大多屬通論的性質,凡屬專門性、考證性的東西都沒有收錄。所溝通的對象並不是專治歷史與思想的學者,而是關心歷史和思想問題的一般知識分子。希望本集內容成為讀者進入思想類出版品閱讀的敲門磚。 1970年代報業的副刊非常發達,是文壇與學界的風雲時代,各領域的學問討論都是熱鬧的。每當學者有新的研究材料,不會選擇最好的學術期刊,而是優先發表於副刊上,余英時將《歷史與思想》的稿件交付給聯經出版後,當時的發行人劉國瑞先生閱畢盛讚,立即將未…
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主持人|陳逸華 聯經出版副總編輯 來 賓|徐國能 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系教授 本集邀請師範大學國文學系徐國能教授領讀,與聯經出版副總編輯陳逸華一起跟大家談談《杜甫:中國最偉大的詩人》。本書是一部獨特的傳記,作者洪業以歷史學切角層層剖析杜甫創作的時空背景,並與自身際遇相結合。使本書成為「今古相接」且獨特的、富有情感的傳記作品。 洪業出生於福建侯官,在清末自強運動時期,侯官是訓練軍事外交人才的重鎮,造就了洪業的外語專長。中日戰爭爆發洪業鋃鐺入獄,幼年時期所讀之杜甫詩成為他精神的依託。赴美生活後人在異鄉生活困頓,更將自身際際遇投射,理解杜甫被流放的孤獨及憂國憂民,《杜甫:中國最偉大的詩人》就是在這時期付梓。可以說洪業是以自己的性情、人格、心志以及對時代及自我的生命存在體驗,去閱讀、理解杜甫這個「…
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Episode 91 Spirit Dictionary Reading In this episode, I share a reading I did for a client from the Spirit Dictionary. There is something we all could gain from the word I was guided to pull for them. As you listen, think about the message you could take away from this Spirit led expansion. And don't forget to let go of expectations. Spirit Diction…
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主持人|王聰威 聯合文學雜誌總編輯 來 賓|周芬伶 東海大學中文系榮譽教授、《龍瑛宗傳》作者 本集邀請為龍瑛宗作傳的周芬伶教授和《聯合文學》雜誌總編輯王聰威,跟大家談談「聯經文學」書系第一號作品,於1987年出版的《杜甫在長安》。 這本小說集是龍瑛宗經歷兩個統治時期,用重新學會的中文創作的一部重要作品。 相較於前後時期的作家,龍瑛宗的特殊性在於非常孤獨,出生於1911年,沒有任何漢文基礎。踏入文壇獲獎之初,就爆發了戰爭,時代對他完全不利,但他逆流而上,一生為文學奮鬥到老。 周芬伶老師提醒讀者,這本書要從後殖民的脈絡,而不是從殖民的體制來看,因為作者寫作的年代是1980年,本書在1987年出版,剛好是解除戒嚴的那一年,恰恰是在後殖民的脈絡裡,一個內部流亡的人,在失語狀態下的書寫。 小時候患有嚴…
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Episode 90 Portal To A Past Life? In this episode, I am joined by Katherien Lundin, Clairvoyant Medium, to help me move through an experience I had back in 2013 shortly after Abraham Lincoln arrived as a Spirit Guide for me. You can imagine how many questions I must've had back then. Well, I still have a few, but we have to start somewhere. I haven…
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主持人|林載爵 聯經出版發行人 來 賓|高行健 《靈山》作者 本集由作者高行健親自與聽眾分享《靈山》的創作背景、寫作過程與小說的精神內涵。 《靈山》這本書,讓高行健成為第一位獲得諾貝爾文學獎的中文作家。回想創作之初,他決定要寫一本對得起自己的書,不論發表與否,也不管有無市場。但因為創新的小說形式,以及近 25 萬字篇幅的內容,在法國與臺灣的出版都受到阻礙。 在被第三家臺灣出版社拒絕後,遇見當時擔任聯經出版總編輯的林載爵,才在1990年正式出版繁體中文版。林載爵回憶讀完《靈山》書稿後,留下深刻的印象,這部小說的寫法、題材,跟過往的小說完全不同,讓他感到震動,因而決定出版。 節目中,以「三個另一種」出發,探討小說的獨特性,以你、我、她/他,人稱來代替人物,以感受代替情節,以情緒的變化來調整文體。…
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主持人|涂豐恩 聯經出版總編輯 來 賓|林載爵 聯經出版發行人 ★★ 聯經50週年特別企劃,50種跨時代經典說書計畫 ★★ 慶祝聯經出版50週年的時刻,精選出具代表性的50種經典作品,精心策畫的全新Podcast節目。 由聯經出版發行人林載爵、《聯合文學》雜誌總編輯王聰威、聯經出版總編輯涂豐恩、聯經出版副總編輯陳逸華擔任各集主持人,每集以一部經典及一個主題,邀請熟習該作品的個領域專家學者、譯者與作家,帶領我們進入作品的世界,在資訊紛亂的時代,告訴你該如何又為何要重讀這些作品。 本節目的第0集,由聯經出版林載爵發行人與涂豐恩總編輯,和大家聊聊這個特別企劃的構想。 時間回到47年前,林載爵發行人剛剛加入聯經,就立定以編輯為志業,長期台北、台中兩地往返也樂此不疲.回顧這段期間,他與作家開啟合作的契…
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Episode 89 Soul Groups, Soul Contracts, and Soul Mates vs. Twin Flame This episode is a flashback from 2018 when I was working at The Omega Institute. Surprisingly, most of what I say in this hasn't changed. As my readings evolved over the years, I've come to understand more and more about the afterlife. We all made a conscious choice in the in-bet…
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Episode 88 From Comfort Zone to a Place Suitable For Further Growth The original recording of this episode was back in January of 2022. Something happened that prompted me to ask a question of the Spirit Dictionary. I invited my friend Aditi to join me in a process that day, because I knew her input would be instrumental. We talked about the Spirit…
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Episode 87 The Rift in the Shift: What's Happened in the Oneness to Create Expansion Part of this episode was recorded in 2019 when I was living in Seattle and going through an interesting piece of my own expansion. After some readings where the information was becoming clearer, I coined the phrase, the rift in the shift. It's time to share more of…
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Episode 86 Abraham Lincoln Reminds Us This session with my client was on Abe's birthday. Earlier in the day, I recorded a Spirit Voice Eclipse asking him if there was anything he'd like to say. He came through with an intriguing thought and then he continued his message during the reading. Hearts are for expanding in the Love that already exists in…
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Episode 85 Two Foods That May Be Stunting Your Spiritual Growth If you have trouble meditating, struggle with depression or mood swings, you are going to want to listen to this episode. Ingesting these foods may be hindering your personal, spiritual, and physical growth. The first might be an obvious one to most of you. The second may ruffle some f…
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Episode 84 Do We Have to Die to Have an OBE (Out of Body Experience)? Can we have an out of body experience without drugs and without having to die or experience a near death moment? Donna explains her own out of body experience and reminds all of us . . . It's about the inner work. New paradigm thought, words, and deeds, are things we need to prac…
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Episode 83 The Many Earths On This Planet Last year, I had so many questions during an episode with a Mom in the afterlife. So much so, that a conversation with my producer after I recorded it, sparked an expansive new thought about planet Earth. Because of this, I've been practicing my new awareness regarding who we are and what our purpose as ind…
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Episode 82 Karma vs Credit: A Conversation with Jerry Hicks A little bit of a reboot for this week. Donna tells the story of how Jerry Hicks first appeared to her and how in a previous episode, Jerry Hicks popped in with a lesson about connecting to our loved ones. And then, he shared a deeper message about claiming your credit from past existences…
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Episode 81 Automatic Writing with Spirit In this episode, Donna explains two examples of automatic writing. Please don't practice while driving. :) You'll love to use this exercise to get in touch with Spirit, loved ones, your expansive self, or your inner children. Have fun! And remember . . . leave no room for doubt and give what you get. You can…
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EPISODE 80 Soul Story: Catching Up With The Past This Soul reading finds Donna and her client running after a piece of the past. Will they catch up and help this piece of the past stay in the present? I think you know the answer to that question. Such love, empathy, and a whole lot of trust in this episode. We are scheduling now for Season Two. If …
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EPISODE 79 Spirit Signs From the Spirit Dictionary You can also watch this episode on Donna's YouTube channel. In this episode, Donna explains how she first came to use the Spirit Dictionary and how all of us can use books to receive guidance from our loved ones and spirit guides. And she will give you an exercise to try if your loved ones haven't …
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EPISODE 78 Spirit Signs from Loved Ones: Numbers, Cars, and Coins In this episode, you will begin to think differently about the number sequences you see and how license plates and coins can also be signs from our loved ones in Spirit . . . and our pets! If you aren't seeing signs, just ask your guides and loved ones. And then keep your eyes, ears,…
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EPISODE 77 Spirit Signs: TV, Phone, and Through the Radio In the next episode of our series explaining how we can connect with our loved ones and guides in the afterlife, we are diving into how Spirit can communicate through the TV, our cell phones and landlines, and how even a radio that isn't plugged in can bring through a sign from Spirit. Donna…
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EPISODE 76 Signs From Our Loved Ones and Guides Through Dreams In this episode, Donna explains how we can ask, receive, and interpret signs from our loved ones and spirit guides through our dreams. Messages from Spirit are available to us in many different ways. Get out your journal tonight and start the process of asking for signs in your dreams. …
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Inner and Outer Band Spirit Guides In the next few espisodes, Donna will be speaking about how to connect with our guides and our loved ones in the Afterlife. She explains who they are, how to connect with them, how to ask for signs, receive those signs, and interpret the signs your loved ones and guides send you. This first episode is about some g…
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What Is And What Isn't When a loved one starts to spill the beans about her stuff when she was in the physical world, is it possible we all can learn something? Are we willing to look at our own limitations? Are we willing to accept that those in the Spirit world are fine and we, as humans, are the ones that need the message? The challenge isn't ta…
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Soul Story: Even The Things That Don't Grow This little girl stared at everything she couldn't make grow, until she realized there were others waiting to help her up and continue her journey with her. Together, we watered the ground in front of us as we walked, allowing the path to grow so that others may follow in her footsteps. We are scheduling …
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Soul Story: The Echo of the Soul Both Donna and her guest were given so much from the snapshot of a little girl with a flowered dress. We learned about our own desperation around what we think we still need and what we need to do. We honored her for showing us how to listen and not judge. For now, we sit in gratitude for all we were shown. Donna's …
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The Higher Knowing This clip of a session brought forth a new feeling for Donna, not just in her physical body but in her emotional body. So much so, she asked her client if she could share it on the podcast. Being open to receive says a lot when it comes to what Spirit wants you to know for your growth in this lifetime. Donna's ability to remain o…
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In Episode 2 of the Linking Leaders PodCASt, host Dr. Alicia Bowman chats with Kristen St. Germain, principal of Wheeler HS/MS and winner of the 2023 High School Principal of the Year Award. Listen up as Kristen talks about shared leadership, student-centered classrooms and human connections.Από τον CAS
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Clouds, a Purple Crystal, and Letting Go Moms in the Afterlife. Am I right? So much wisdom and so many memories. This mom reminded us to let go of everything that came before the present moment. Her daughter, a first timer and now a fan, sent some pictures after the reading that confirmed a couple things her mom shared with us. We are scheduling no…
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Hugh's On First Being specific when asking Spirit anything has never had more meaning. This title is going to make a lot more sense as you listen to this episode. Once again, Spirit proves that everything that comes out of Donna's mouth means something. And that "something" was said prior to pressing the record button. It all came back around durin…
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Spirit Voice Eclipse/EVP: Spirit Speaks In this episode, Donna explains and also lets us listen to some of the Spirit voices she's been receiving over this last year during readings and her personal recordings. Spirit, in their dimension, are wanting to speak in different ways now. Since everything is changing, why not allow Spirit the ability to c…
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In the inaugural episode of the Linking Leaders PodCASt, host Dr. Alicia Bowman chats with Larry Barlow, principal of Mansfield Middle School and winner of the 2023 Outstanding First-Year Middle School Principal Award. Listen up as Larry talks about the new school year and the power of first impressions.…
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When a Reading Doesn't Go As Expected We're pretty sure Spirit was the only one not frustrated with the way this session started. This episode is heartbreaking and also filled with so much love. Hang in there with it. We were definitely wondering what the heck was happening! Not every loved one has a clear message for the sitter, or should we say, …
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Soul Story: There's Someone At The Door Donna took on a role in this episode, or should we say, the role overtook her. This inner child wanted to come in, but wasn't so sure. He was dirty. He had a dog with him. Would he be received and loved? Could he trust his older self or would shame hold him at the door again? Bring out the tissues for this on…
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Soul Story: Multiple Existences Multiple soul stories come together for our guest to tell HerStory. The order, although not what we, as humans, would call perfect, was in perfect order. Spirit and our Soul know what is best for us in each lifetime. Can we allow the order of our life? Are we living in Soulness or humanness? We are scheduling now for…
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Signs From Our Loved Ones: Asking and Receiving In this episode, Donna chats with co-host Natalie about the signs we receive from our loved ones and Spirit. Stories are told and we answer a few questions from our followers. There are so many ways Spirit wants to get our attention. Are we listening? Your mantra after listening to this will be, "Leav…
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Rolling Along the Track of Life Elijah's dad in the world of Spirit has some inspiring words for all of us on our journey as humans. Life is like a train track and also a pin-ball machine. Do you want to take the bullet train or travel slowly and enjoy the view? And how does it feel to always be knocked around? He leaves us all with things to think…
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Soul Story: Planting Seeds With The Inner Child Inner child work is so powerful, and when our guest picked up the message being sent by this little girl, the session opened up the field we were all standing in. This is another lesson on non-duality and how the grey area is an okay place to be when figuring out this soul existence. In the grey area,…
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Soul Story: The Experience of Allowing Having challenges deciding what to let go of and what to hold onto? Could letting go be as simple as stepping off a curb? You might want to find a quiet place to join us in this SpiriTED journey of allowing. Let's take these steps together as Spirit guides all of us on a journey through the heart, mind, and bo…
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