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Not Another D&D Podcast


Welcome to NADDPOD! Join Dungeon Master Brian Murphy as he leads players Emily Axford, Caldwell Tanner and Jake Hurwitz on a comedic, actual-play adventure through the realms of Bahumia and Beyond. The show also features a score composed and performed by Emily Axford. This team has created a variety of D&D campaigns, as well as numerous other series such as DUNGEON COURT and 8-BIT BOOK CLUB. They also occasionally hit the road and roll dice live on stage.
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Uncovering Anomalies Podcast (UAP)

Uncovering Anomalies Podcast

The Uncovering Anomalies Podcast (UAP) seeks to uncover the truth about UFOs, aliens, interdimensional beings, and humanity's place in it. Join us to discuss current world events and how the UAP situation is behind all of them.
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12-step recovery for those of us who love alcoholics or addicts. We share our experience, strength, and hope as we use the principles of the Al-Anon program in our lives. We talk openly and honestly about the problems and challenges as we face alcoholism and addiction in our friends and relatives. We share the tools and solutions we have found that let us live a life that is serene, happy, and free, even when the alcoholic or addict is still drinking or using.
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Bíblia em um ano


Cremos que a Bíblia é a Palavra de Deus de Gênesis a Apocalipse, por isso, o Bíblia em um ano surgiu com o objetivo de aumentarmos o engajamento bíblico na nossa geração, levando a verdade da palavra para todas as pessoas. Junte-se a nós! Todos os dias lançaremos novos episódios e, ao final do ano, você terá ouvido a Bíblia toda.
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Crímenes y Criminales - Hechos Anómalos

Luces en el Horizonte

Dos podcast. Dos temáticas. Mucho Misterio. Crímenes y Criminales: Delitos y aquellos que los cometen. Sus andanzas y acontecimientos relatados para que no los olvidemos. Hechos anómalos: situaciones, personas, acontecimientos que no tienen una clara explicación y que despiertan una gran curiosidad.
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עוד יום Another Day Podcast

כאן | Kan

הסכת האקטואליה של כאן: אנשי כאן חדשות צוללים לאירועים שעל סדר היום, ומביאים אותם אליכם מזווית אחרת. מעמיקה יותר, ידענית יותר וברורה הרבה יותר. הצטרפו אלינו לחדשות, כמו שחדשות צריכות להישמע
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Another Finger

Another Finger

A simple guide to becoming mindful in everything we do. Through a mindful meditation practice we can be happy and healthy. We can learn to have love and compassion for all living things, including our beautiful collective home, this planet. Another finger pointing to the moon.
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Yelling At Gaseous Anomalies

Matthew N. Ross

A Podcast looking at Star Trek the original series with an old school fan (Matt), and a first time TOSer (Mike). The hosts will discuss Trek as it means to them as well as any other sci fi or interesting topics along the way.
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THATO “DJ FRESH” SIKWANE!!!!! With over 30 years in the entertainment industry, a knack for great music, a passion for radio, and a drive to inspire and help those around him; DJ Fresh can easily be seen as one of South Africa’s monarchs of entertainment. He boasts a diversity of talents that have seen him making a mark locally and internationally. DJ Fresh is a sought-after television personality, popular social media sensation, an international club DJ and prolific radio head. Unafraid to ...
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The podcast that takes neither itself nor Shakespeare seriously. Hosted by Nora (theatre nerd/Shax expert) and James (husband/theatre skeptic). Season 3 now live, with monthly-ish updates. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @NAShaxPodcast.
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Another One


A podcast brought to you by Rob Thomas, Simon Wozniak and friends. Comedians chatting whatever they like and hopefully being funny doing it. It‘s a desperate attempt to stay relevant.
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Another Fanfic Podcast

Pensive Music Playing

Join Zach, Faina, Anthony, and Demmarie as we find fanfiction from across the internet and read them out loud to one another. Join us for the good, the less good, and the WAY less good of fanfiction from across the internet!
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Another Beautiful Life

Tricia Zody

Welcome to Another Beautiful Life podcast where I will be sharing my personal journey with you - an unexpected journey of profound, complicated grief after the suicide of my husband and the ongoing healing & restoration of my mind, body, and spirit in the aftermath. May my story be a source of hope for yours.
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show series
Volvemos a traer a una invitada que lo peta sin que os enteréis, vamos, que hemos traído a una guionista. Lo de Laura Caballero es auténtica historia de la televisión y vamos a hablar de ello. ¿Pero lo del año? ¿A quién se le ocurre elegir el año 1?Από τον Podium Podcast
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Join us as we wrap up the saga of Season 3 and see if James remembers anything we covered! We talk about the inclusion of Shakespeare movie adaptations and whether or not we should keep the misogynometer. Thanks for sticking with us! We now have a (free) patreon, come join us at…
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In Entbehrliches werden in jeder Folge entbehrliche, aber spannende und kuriose Artikel aus der Wikipedia vorgestellt. Zwei Kategorien, die auch bei den Digitalen Anomalien passen. Und darum war es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis endlich einmal ein Crossover entsteht. In dieser Folge gibt es also gleich drei Geschichten. Flo und Philipp von Entbehrlic…
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איך קובעים כמה זמן יושב חשוד במעצר וכמה מעצרי שווא יש בישראל מדי שנה? יותם רוזנוולד שוחח עם כתב כאן חדשות חן ביאר, ועם פרשניתנו תמר אלמוג, ושמע מהם איך קורה שאדם נכלא שלא לצורך ולמה תנאי המעצר צריכים לעניין אותנו עורך: יותם רוזנוולד | עיצוב קול ומיקס: טל וניג | ביצוע טכני: קובי בז'יק ומשה מושקוביץ' | עורך עוד יום: דניאל אופיר See…
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Achoo!! You know what you need? ANTI-BODIES!!! Join Matt and Mike on a trip through the psychedellic cell monster! Will the Enterprise and crew survive? C'mon. . it's season two! Get some stylish channel merchandise! If you want to contact us, please email us at: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.c…
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Os ilustrados vão andar à solta em março, ou não fosse mês de #marçoilustrado, o desafio em que eu a Silvéria vos propomos que leiam livros ilustrados e partilhem a vossa experiência nas redes sociais, identificando-nos e usando a hastag do desafio. E porque sabemos que sugestões são sempre bem-vindas, preparem-se para paletes delas! O João recomen…
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Floyd llevaba toda su vida siendo un delincuente, y sus graves pecados en la juventud se incrementaron hasta que dejó de tener medida y sus decisiones no tuvieron remedio, incluso para su propia vida. Esta fue su historia Escucha el episodio completo en la app de iVoox, o descubre todo el catálogo de iVoox Originals…
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Kiss of Frost by Amy Pennza, 5 out of 5 really enjoy, it started it different were a female character, a air witch name Georgina or Georgie Blackwood meet one of her Dragon mates, Callum, a halfling of incubus and dragon, really funny and cute character. they journey toward the oracle of the north winds. where they meet Graeme an ice dragon, with a…
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Today, my guest is Kellyn Taylor, and I’m so happy to have her back on the podcast! Kellyn is a returning guest, and she’s been on the show multiple times over the eight years I’ve been hosting. Most recently, we had her on just before the Olympic marathon trials last February. Kellyn’s got some exciting races coming up. She’s gearing up for the US…
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Hello Trainers, and welcome to the wonderful world of Another Pokémon Podcast! In this episode, Becs and Galutrad are joined by special guest, Cell, to discuss changes they would like to see in future Pokémon games. Creators & Guests Jacob "Galutrad" Taylor - Host David Geisler - Producer Becca "Becs" Jewell - Host This episode features music by Du…
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Case and Sam are joined in this episode by many of the people behind the independent Star Trek fan production, Farragut Forward! Tune in for interviews with Dave Moretti, Paul Sieber, Johnny K, and John Broughton! Overview In the latest episode of "Another Pass," hosts dive into the intricacies of the independent Star Trek fan film project, "Farrag…
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The Zu Crew continues their trek! Welly's faith is tested, Boggy makes a new friend, and Zudrick debates the merits of hobbies. Sound Mixing and Editing by Brian Murphy and Faris Monshi Music / Sound Effects Include: "Blackthorn Hall" by Emily Axford "The Blade and the Smith" by Emily Axford "Irondeep" by Emily Axford "Shadowfell" by Emily Axford "…
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1. Bob Marley - Three Little Birds (Meets Couza) 2. Pex africah - The Gud Die Young 3. Domboshaba & Thee Suka - Amani Sana 4. Shona SA + DJ Fresh (SA) + Nomvula SA - Qala Kum' 5. Malumzondecks & Kopoy Zukar ft Khanya Da Vocalist - iThembaΑπό τον DJ Fresh (SA)
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האם מדינת קטר שלחה זרועות ליועצים הקרובים ביותר של ראש הממשלה? אם כן, מה היא בדיוק מנסה להשיג? יואב קרקובסקי שוחח עם ראש תחום המשטרה רועי ינובסקי על חקירת השב"כ בלשכת נתניהו ושמע מד"ר רונית מרזן איך כל זה יכול להשתלב עם מאמצי ההשפעה של דוחה בעולם עורך: דניאל אופיר | עיצוב קול ומיקס: חן עוז | בצוות העורכים: יותם רוזנוולד See …
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We've been building some tension these last few episodes - as we're approaching the end of Part 3, we're starting to stack up complications that really seem to be threatening to all come down at once. Also, checking on the past - will someone please kill Lin Davar already? Next week - Chapter 51-Chapter 54 Instagram: alwaysanotherpod Mastodon: @alw…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Crimen y misterio se dan la mano, de una forma completamente alucinante, en el caso acaecido en Wolf Lake. Aquí encontrarás: muerte, incendios, desapariciones, cráneos sorprendentes, rumores , sospechas, conspiraciones, y mucho m…
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Not every day is going to be great. We’re not promised a life without struggles. In fact, before Jesus left this earth, He told us we were going to have troubles – John 16:33. What do we do about that? How do we continue on when things of this earth make us sad or heartbroken or frozen in fear? There is an answer. In fact, there are 4 steps that ca…
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התצפיתנית שנחטפה לעזה ב-7 באוקטובר וחזרה אחרי 482 ימים בשבי מתראיינת בפעם הראשונה. בריאיון בלעדי לקרן נויבך בתוכנית "סדר יום" בכאן רשת ב, אגם ברגר מתארת את מהלך הימים הקשים בשבי, את היחס שקיבלו ממחבלי החמאס ששמרו עליה ועל חברותיה וגם על הדבר שהחזיק אותה בכל התקופה הארוכה מגישה: תמר אלמוג | עריכה, עיצוב קול ומיקס: דניאל אופיר | עורך סדר יום עם קרן נ…
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AMATEUR DORK CINEMA Episode 13- Puntastic Oscars ExtravaganzaOn This Episode Of AMATEUR DORK CINEMA: We will be talking about Movie News of the Month, Reviewing films we saw of the month, Oscars and Razzies Predictions, Previewing films coming out in February, and Much, Much More.Check out “The Hottie and the Nottie” Riff over on Trivial Theaters C…
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הצעת חוק העמותות שאושרה בשבוע שעבר בקריאה טרומית מבקשת לפגוע אנושות בארגוני החברה האזרחית שמקבלים תרומות ממדינות זרות, ובראשם ארגוני זכויות אדם. מה המשמעויות של החוק לחברה הישראלית וליחסי החוץ שלנו והאם הוא יכול לעמוד במבחן בג"ץ? דניאל אופיר שוחח עם ד"ר עמיר פוקס, חוקר בכיר במכון הישראלי לדמוקרטיה עורך ומגיש: דניאל אופיר | עיצוב קול ומיקס: חן עוז |…
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If you enjoyed this episode then sign-up and get even more content and support the pod on Patreon using the link below; JOIN THE MOVEMENT! Get the limited edition ‘Problematic Yoda’ print; https://anotheronepodcast.bigcartel.comΑπό τον anotheronepodcast
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Join hosts David and Ollie on "Not Another Sports Pod" as they dive into the week's most intriguing sports debates. 🎙️🔥 Whether you're a die-hard fan or just looking for an entertaining listen, "Not Another Sports Pod" has you covered. 🎧 Subscribe now and never miss an episode! 🔔
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Heather relates her experience growing up in dysfunction, and her journey to recovery through therapy, Al-Anon and ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families). Understanding Family Dysfunction Many of us have grown up in environments marked by dysfunction, often without realizing the full extent until adulthood. Heather’s story re…
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Las personas que estaban alrededor de esta amable señora, empezaban a verse muy enfermas, incluso llegaban a morir. Ella iba a cuidarles, pero sus ánimos iban por otro lado. Todo llegaba con las meriendas con té y bizcocho. Ven a conocer la historia. Escucha el episodio completo en la app de iVoox, o descubre todo el catálogo de iVoox Originals…
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Our guest, Jerry opens up about the traumatic experiences he has faced from his early years as a volunteer fire fighter, being a Police Officer as well as a member of the US Military. Discretion is advised as this episode does contain graphic experiences.Από τον Another Cops Mentality
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Discussed in this episode: Topics: Thinking Judgment Attachment Resistance Mindfulness Meditation People: Marcus Aurelius Lao Tzu Jesus The Buddha Alan Watts Shakespeare Related Books: Meditations - Marcus Aurelius Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu Alan Watts - The Book Falling Into Grace - Adyashanti Loving What is - Byron Katie The Art of Living - Thich Nha…
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Send us a text Travis and Jason chat with Augustin from France about top meta picks. Shop at Crossfire Games: Use the code at checkout: JUSTANOTHERKILLTEAM JAKTP Discord Link: JAKTP Instagram:…
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Join us in Episode 109 of the Uncovering Anomalies Podcast (UAP) as we unravel the enigmatic tales from the icy expanses of Antarctica. This week, Adam and Topher take you through a gripping exploration of the Nazi connections, Admiral Byrd's secretive Operation High Jump, startling whistleblower revelations, and the controversial presence of direc…
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