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Onderwerp: Kou en hitte Beste lezer, We kunnen best goed met kou omgaan, zelfs onder nul graden (behalve mijn vrouw). In elk geval is hitte voor veel van ons vervelender en gevaarlijker. In combinatie met een hoge luchtvochtigheid is zelfs een temperatuur van 35 ̊C na een uur of zes al fataal voor een gezonde jongere. Schattingen zijn dat zelfs in …
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This Sunday’s service featured a “coffee shop conversation” between Lisi and Joe reflecting on Luke 6:27-38, the second part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain. "Love your enemies...turn the other cheek... be merciful as God is merciful...etc." Does Jesus really mean for us to do all of that stuff? How can we possibly live up to those ideals? Join the c…
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Kunstig intelligens (AI) endrer alt – også kriminaliteten. Kripos ferske rapport «Cyberkriminalitet 2025» slår fast at vi står overfor et taktskifte: kriminelle blir mer aggressive, mer sofistikerte – og de har fått et nytt, kraftig våpen: kunstig intelligens (AI). Deepfake-svindel har allerede kostet selskaper hundrevis av millioner. AI brukes til…
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Acts 2: 43-47 Much of the focus of Pentecost is on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, including the signs, wonders, and languages being heard and spoken. Melissa Florer-Bixler reminds us this Sunday that the Apostles selling their possessions and giving the money to those in need was also a significant part of the signs and wonders seen that day. The ex…
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Visiting guest preacher Rachael Weasley shares about what her queer church plant is up to these days, and explores today's passage in a queer way. Sermon begins at minute marker 3:43. Scripture: ​​​​Luke 7:36-50 Resources BibleWorm podcast: Episode 529 – Loving God and Neighbor, Amy Robertson and Robert Williamson, Jr https:/…
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Dyrk glæden! Set fra Vølvens synspunkt er glæden vores naturlige tilstand - inden vi slår os på livet. Glæde er fri og flydende livskraft, derfor dykker vi i denne episode ind i glæden. Hvordan føles glæde, og hvad giver glæden gode vækstvilkår? Kan glæde have en negativ pol, og hvorfor kan glæde virke provokerende på andre mennesker? Hvad siger ps…
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Onderwerp: Social Darwin Beste lezer, De filosoof Spencer legde mede door zijn slagzin “survival of the fittest”de basis voor sociaal darwinistische gedachten. Hij trok de evolutiegedachtes van Darwin zonder omwegen door naar de menselijke maatschappij. Weliswaar nam Darwin die slagzin later over, maar de kern van zijn evolutiegedachten was en blee…
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I denne ukas episode har Jonny slått av en prat med Dennis Gjengaar! Den unge U-landslagsspilleren spiller til daglig i New York Red Bulls, og Dennis prater om livet i statene, nivået på MLS, reisefeber og annen moro!Vi får også "Heit eller teit" med Petter.. og avslutter som vanlig med en runde 20 spørsmål!…
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Vi står overfor en ny Trump-æra med en flodbølge av endringer. Samtidig ser vi hvordan teknologiledere som Elon Musk, er med på å forme både teknologiutviklingen og samfunnet - til manges bekymring. Det er global uro, krig i Europa, økt polarisering og en rask teknologiutvikling. Summen av alt dette kan få store konsekvenser for norsk næringsliv. I…
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Matthew 26: 47-56 As a pacifist, if you could end cancer or stop the next Hitler and save millions just by killing an innocent person, would you do it? These ridiculous scenarios are often posed to Anabaptists, seeking the knife's edge that would cut through our nonviolent convictions. Melissa Florer-Bixler points out this week that all four gospel…
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Fetus John the Baptist knew exactly who Jesus was, according to Luke. Adult John the Baptist sends emissaries to ask Jesus who he is. Jesus does not answer John’s question, but rather instructs the question-askers to simply report what they see and what they hear. It seems that, according to Jesus, his identity must be shown, enacted, embodied for …
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