Especial Oscars SFC Radio. Noche de los Oscars retransmitida en directo en Sevilla Fútbol Club Radio, un total de 7 horas en directo gracias a la redacción de Nosologeeks. Jota Yorch, Jesus Benabat, Carlos Lorenzo, Nacho Requena, Alejandro Ruiz, Antonio Sánchez, David Arjona, Javi Nemo.
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This is an introduction to the school to prison pipeline and the war on drugs that has an affect on the mass incarceration rate in the U.S.
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Två 23-åriga killar från Växjö snackar om sina liv. Tinder, dejting, fest, pinsamheter och roliga lekar är återkommande teman.
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Dear listeners, Welcome to my podcast, my name is Oscar Quijije (Quigieged). Simple Little Things Oscar's Podcast
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A discussion of all the films nominated for Oscars, starting in 1929, plus interviews with filmmakers and authors writing about the film industry.
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Oscar Panizza driver en intervju-podcast där han möter gäster från många olika områden. Han tar upp ämnen som inte alltid kan förklaras vetenskapligt, såsom det ockulta, andlighet och medialitet. I sin podcast har Oscar även en del som han kallar Livsöden. Där träffar han människor som har gått igenom svåra prövningar i livet och belyser att det alltid finns en väg ut, även när allt känns som mörkast. Oscar åker dessutom runt i Sverige, bland annat till hemsökta hus, tillsammans med medium f ...
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Come follow The Oscar Grouches as they go through the history of the Academy Awards and discuss each Best Picture and find out where The Academy went wrong.
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Unlimited Spanish podcast with Oscar
Òscar Pellus: Founder of Unlimited Spanish. Author of Spanish courses.
The Unlimited Spanish Podcast is your resource for practicing your Spanish speaking and listening. You will learn Spanish with the Question and Answer (TPRS) and Point of View techniques. You will also learn about the Spanish culture and the language itself. Finally, you will get valuable advice on Spanish learning. All the audio is in Spanish and you can get the text from || El Podcast de Unlimited Spanish es tu recurso para practicar tu habla y escucha de español. Apre ...
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Welcome to The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle Podcast: Helping Diabetics Make Lifestyle Changes to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes.Who is this podcast for? Diabetics who are struggling with unhealthy nutritional habits, and are in need guidance for transforming their lives in order to reverse Type2 diabetes. Non-diabetics find value in the show as well.Real stories, inspiration, motivation, tips, and real-life conversations about health, fitness, and weight loss for those on a journey toward not only ma ...
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Hola mis geeks! En este podcast encontraréis contenido muy variado así que, ponte cómodo/a!
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Veterans Radio
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Club House Oscar V.V. in the mix CHECK IT OUT!!!
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Welcome to my monthly house music podcast by Oscar Pino
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Podcast by Oscar Baptist Church Podcasts
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El evangelio Jesús si funciona; nosotros mismos somos los encargados de poner paredes y no ver la obra de Dios.
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Acá pondrán escuchar los bosquejos que están en mi Blog, espero que sean de bendición para su vida.
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Canal de Oscar Jaramillo Zavaleta de Tecnología y Música Autor: Oscar Jaramillo Zavaleta/
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Saliendo de la típica y rutinaria forma de hablar de Jesús, esta es mi forma de hacerlo, Experiencias, Parábolas, Teorías y mucho más, Escúchame cada miércoles de podcast. Y si, Soy un Cristiano Diferente, Contacto: Fb: Instagram: @oscar_ajin // @ElPodcastDeOscarAjin
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Podemos crear carreras que nos regresen valor, no nada más dinero. Pathways es una comunidad para personas que quieren encontrar el camino de su carrera. Y quieren hacerlo sin sacrificar su integridad física y mental. De manera sostenible. Sin quemarse. Encontrar tu camino — tu pathway — puede ser una tarea complicada. Sobre todo si lo haces solo. Pathways somos comunidad de personas activamente comprometidas, que se apoyan mutuamente en su crecimiento profesional y personal. Estamos corrien ...
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'Revisiting the Oscars' is a movie podcast that looks back at the Oscars over the past 50 years, revisiting the highs and the lows through a discussion about the films nominated for the coveted 'Best Picture' award over the years, with each episode covering one year in film history. Reviews and random chat with a bit of insight thrown in with our three hosts, Watty, Mason and Bingham!
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🎙️ Avsnitt Looking up med Gustaf Winberg I detta avsnitt gästas vi av författaren Gustaf Winberg, som nyligen släppt boken Always Looking up. Vi utforskar hur kroppslängd påverkar vår självbild och vårt sätt att uppleva världen. Gustaf reflekterar över frågan: Om han hade haft valet, skulle han då vilja vara längre, eller är han nöjd med den längd …
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Nebojsa Slijepcevic, the director of the short film "The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent," a story of one man who decided to stand up for those being persecuted unfairly. The film is currently qualified for the 97th Academy Awards. Listen to hear about the inspiration for the film and the true story it…
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Send us a text Do you find yourself saying "I don't have time to exercise" or "I'm too busy to meal prep"? You're not alone. In this powerful episode, Oscar shares his journey from being overwhelmed by diabetes management to taking control of his time. If you're struggling to balance work, family, and health commitments, this episode is for you. Le…
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Isaac Bell, Emiliano Bolado, and Madalyn Horcher, three of the creative forces behind the short film "Over the Board," a story of two long lost brothers who connect over a shared interest in chess. Isaac stars with his twin brother Elijah (who sadly was not available to join the conversation) and the f…
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Andas Ut och Släpp Stressen
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Andas Ut och Släpp Stressen En lugn och avkopplande resa för att släppa dagens alla tankar och bekymmer. Hitta tillbaka till ditt inre lugn, där stressen och vardagens krav försvinner. Genom att fokusera på djup andning och musiken, får du möjlighet att sakta ner och förbereda dig för en god natts sömn. Ta ett djupt andetag, släpp taget om det som …
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Ep 209: Dave Mathews Bland
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The Oscar Grouches watch the next best original screenplay "Crash"Από τον theoscarworsty
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I denna spännande avsnitt dyker vi in i en av de mest oförklarliga och omtalade fallen av påstådd besatthet i modern tid: historien om Donald Decker, även känd som "Regnmannen". Året var 1983, och en serie märkliga händelser skakade en liten stad i Pennsylvania. Efter sin farfars död började Donald uppvisa märkliga beteenden och fenomen som fick bå…
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Marco Pergeo, the director of the short film "Dovecote," a intimate look at one woman's preparation to leave prison. Filmed in a working women's prison in Venice and featuring actual inmates, the film stars Zoe Saldaña and is qualified for the 97th Academy Awards. Listen to hear about how Marco came to…
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Send us a text In this episode of The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle podcast, Oscar Camejo explores the crucial role of mental focus in managing and reversing Type 2 diabetes. Drawing from personal experience and community stories, Oscar shares practical strategies for maintaining mental clarity and consistency in your health journey. Episode Highlight…
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Akshit Kumar, the director of the short film "bonVoyage pour monVoyage," an experimental film animating Akshit's travels. The film received the bronze medal in the experimental/alternative category at the 2024 Student Academy Awards. Listen to hear about the some of the Akshit's travels, the process of…
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Ep 208: Memories (Like the Song From Cats)
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The Oscar Grouches return to a film that wasn't forgotten as they look at the next best original screenplay with "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"Από τον theoscarworsty
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Send us a text 17 years ago today, my wife Denise and I lost our first son Jackson and it was by far the hardest thing either of us has ever been through. I asked her to come on the podcast with me to tell Jackson's story to the world and help me remember him on this very difficult day. If you have a story related to premature birth or anything sim…
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Välkomna till ett nytt avsnitt av Oscar Panizza! I dagens avsnitt har jag med mig en mycket speciell gäst — min syster. Vi kommer också att utforska några av de mystiska och oförklarliga händelser som hon har varit med om under åren — upplevelser som väcker frågor om vad som döljer sig bortom det vi kan se och förstå. följ med oss på en resa som st…
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Hoy, este episodio… …es un episodio un poco especial. Como sabes, esta semana es Black Friday, y he recibido algunas preguntas sobre los cursos. En este episodio me gustaría resolverlas para que tengas la mejor información posible. Por cierto, todos los cursos están al 60% de descuento. Puedes beneficiarte de la oferta en: https://unlimitedspanish.…
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Send us a text In this episode of The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle podcast, Oscar Camejo continues his series on breaking unproductive habits, focusing on the foundational quadrant of Physical Health from his Productivity Quadrant System. Learn how to break free from the habits holding back your health and productivity. Oscar shares his journey from …
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Neal Fischer, author of two new movie trivia books, The Rom-Com Ultimate Movie Trivia Book and the Christmas Movie Ultimate Trivia Book. He also hosts two podcasts, Triviality and Curated by Chance. Listen to hear about what goes into creating trivia questions for books like these, a bit about Neal's e…
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Ep 207: Sofia the First (Win)
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The Oscar Grouches continue to their travels through Best Original Screenplay with "Lost in Translation"Από τον theoscarworsty
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Innan vi dyker in i Oscar Panizza Podcast som börjar med avsnitt 1, har vi fortfarande några spännande avsnitt kvar från Mysterium Mässan! Idag träffar vi Gitte och Anna Hofmann, två fascinerande gäster som har mycket att dela med sig av. Gitte berättar om hur hon lyckats läka sig själv enbart med tankekraft – något som fått läkare att kalla henne …
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Aaron Johnson, the director of the short film "The 17%," a documentary about Colette Divitto, a young woman with Downs Syndrome and her successful cookie business. The film received the silver medal in the documentary category at the 2024 Student Academy Awards. Listen to hear about the some of the peo…
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Send us a text In this episode of the Beating Diabetes Lifestyle podcast, Oscar explores the unproductive habits that keep many of us stuck, unable to reach our health and wellness goals. With the new year approaching, it’s the perfect time to break the cycle and start building a productive lifestyle that lasts. Oscar introduces the Productivity Qu…
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Florian Maurice, Maxime Foltzer, and Estelle Bonnardel, the directors of the short film "Au Revoir Mon Monde," an animated film about a man in a fish costume trying to reach the woman he loves before the world ends. The film received the gold medal in the animation category at the 2024 Student Academy …
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Recientemente, tuve que comprar unas gafas nuevas, y pensé que sería una buena idea hablar sobre el tema de las gafas y todo lo que implica. En lugar de hacerte la típica lista de conceptos y explicarte el significado, hoy, a través de la misma experiencia de comprar unas gafas, te presentaré las expresiones y el vocabulario común, de forma sencill…
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Ep 206: Almodolvar, Almost Too Far?
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The Oscar Grouches trek further down the path of best original screenplay with "Talk to Her"Από τον theoscarworsty
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Rishabh Raj Jain, the director of the short film "A Dream Called Kushi (Happiness)," a documentary about a one young woman seeking an opportunity to escape a Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh and receive education in the West. The film received the bronze medal in the documentary category at the 2024…
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Send us a text The holiday season is here, bringing delicious traditions and cherished moments with family and friends. But if you’re working hard to manage type 2 diabetes and maintain a healthier lifestyle, the holidays can be a challenging time. How can you enjoy those irresistible holiday dishes—like turkey, stuffing, and sweet potato pie—witho…
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Hannah Rafkin, the director of the short film "Keeper," a documentary about one man's effort to keep bees in the Bronx while raising his daughters as a single father. The film received the gold medal in the documentary category at the 2024 Student Academy Awards. Listen to hear about how a small 5-minu…
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Hoy: - Hablo de errores y progreso contestando un mensaje de un estudiante. - A continuación, practicaremos la fluidez con un ejercicio de preguntas y respuestas. Si quieres los cursos completos con horas de audio diseñados para desarrollar tu fluidez, no lo pienses más. Visita, sección productos. Hay varios niveles.…
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Vi fortsätter att dela med oss av olika upplevelser som olika besökare har haft på Mysterium Mässan i Borås 2024. Notera att det är många besökare och vi har reducerat ljudet så mycket som det går.
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Ep 205: Dames and Fellowes
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The Oscar Grouches continue their trek along best original screenplay with "Gosford Park"Από τον theoscarworsty
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Jens Kevin Georg, the director of the short film "Crust" which tells the story of a young boy in search of his first scar. The film received the silver medal in the narrative category at the 2024 Student Academy Awards. Listen to hear about the inspiration for the film, how he knew he had selected the …
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På Mysterium-mässan den 2–3 november och det blev en upplevelse fylld av fascinerande möten och berättelser. Mässan samlade människor från olika delar av landet, alla med en gemensam passion för det okända och mystiska.
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Hace unos años hice un episodio sobre el Día de Todos los Santos, y hoy quiero volver a ese tema, pero con un toque de "actualización". Ya sabes, las tradiciones también se modernizan, ¿no? Especialmente aquí en España, donde Halloween ha empezado a hacer su aparición... ¡metiendo su calabaza, por así decirlo! Primero, hablemos del Día de Todos los…
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Sarah Blok, the director of the short film "Trouble" which explores the story of a family dealing with changing relationships amid the separation of the two parents. The film was a finalist for the 2024 Student Academy Awards. Listen to hear about the involvement of two actors in casting the film, how …
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Ep 204: Penny For Your Thoughts
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Jonathan returns to the Grouch couch as they continue best original screenplay with "Almost Famous"Από τον theoscarworsty
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Jamie O’Rourke, the director of the short film "Calf." The film looks at a topic that is extremely relevant to many people around the world today, yet not talked about nearly enough and is it qualified for the 97th Academy Awards. Listen to hear about the inspiration for the film in working on a docume…
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Kirsten Slemint, the director of the short film "Burnt Country" which explores the threat of wildfire in Australia and the indigenous population who works hard to help manage the threat. The film was a finalist for the 2024 Student Academy Awards. Listen to hear about the editorial decision to juxtapos…
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Envíame un mensaje de texto Enfrentamos diversos miedos en nuestra vida personal y profesional, y uno de los más comunes es el miedo a la página en blanco. Comparto mi experiencia en la industria del software y cómo aprendí a comunicar mis ideas efectivamente, especialmente para quienes no son técnicos. Este episodio ofrece consejos prácticos para …
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Ep 203: The Cat's Out of the Bag
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The Oscar Grouches are still short one Jonathan, but Rachel Hope joins to discuss the next movie in Best Original Screenplay, offering fresh perspective on "American Beauty" (previous covered as a Best Picture winner).Από τον theoscarworsty
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Bartłomiej Błaszczyński, the director of the short film "Take Me to Her" which explores the story of a woman who has gone through an incredible loss, and struggles to deal with it. The film was a finalist for the 2024 Student Academy Awards. Listen to hear about the genesis of the story of the film, a …
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Send us a text In honor of the Student Academy Awards that took place this past Monday October 14th, I'm providing a quick recap of the winners. You'll also hear a little bit of my interviews from earlier this year with two of the winners and some thoughts on the ceremony experience itself. Check out my previous interviews with Robin Wang and Birdy…
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Tom Potter, the director of the experimental short film "Lullaby for the Lost" which explores the memories of a man who is beginning to forget his mother. The film was a finalist for the 2024 Student Academy Awards. Listen to hear some incredible thoughts on dreams and memories, some very manual tactic…
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Ep 202: A Bard Man is Good to Find
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Today the Oscar Grouches are joined by a Andrew Koski as they discuss the next film in best original screenplay with "Shakespeare in Love"Από τον theoscarworsty
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Envíame un mensaje de texto ¿Te quedas en tu zona de confort? ——— Aquí exploramos el desarrollo sostenible, la salud mental y la productividad, brindando herramientas y perspectivas que te ayudarán a vivir una vida más equilibrada y consciente. Cada semana comparto contenido diseñado para inspirarte a tomar decisiones informadas, mejorar tu bienest…
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Luke Morgan, the director of the short film "The Boat." The film is based on a heartbreaking true story of a father who must make a difficult choice when his daughter begins exhibiting troubling medical symptoms and is it qualified for the 97th Academy Awards. Listen to hear about the work that Luke an…
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Ep 201: Chaos Damon
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The Oscar Grouches are whole again as the discuss the next best original screenplay, "Good Will Hunting"Από τον theoscarworsty
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