#1 Community Podcast for Campus Komunitas Podcast Pertama dan Terbesar untuk mahasiswa/i di Indonesia.
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Grace Church is a spirit-filled, spirit-led, multi-site community of believers. Our passion is people. Specifically, our passion is to connect people to the hope that is found in the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. Every week at grace, we focus on gathering, connecting, and serving. As a result, we see the hope of Christ flooding into people’s lives. Listen in as Campus Pastor Mike Acosta and other ministers deliver Biblical messages that apply to our everyday lives. For more informatio ...
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Do you want to know what it takes to work as a high-performing Executive Assistant? You’ll find out when you listen to The EA Campus podcast. Join Nicky Christmas, the Founder of The EA Campus, for a weekly interview with successful Assistants who all have first-hand experience and lessons to share on what it takes to excel in the role. Tune in, get inspired, and learn how to create an Assistant career where you are valued, motivate,d and ready to face every challenge head-on. Whether you ar ...
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عشنا التجربة ما بين المشاكل والحلول فحبينا نشاركم تجربتنا في الحياة الجامعية
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Programa de Onda Campus, Univbersidad de Extremadura. Por Berto Cruz, Juanma García, Mario González y Pol García.
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Welcome to the creative space designed exclusively to unveil and support Nigerian students that are ready to share through their voice. #campusextra #campuspodcast
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Podcast yang membahas seputar Persebaya, Bonek dan sepak bola nasional.
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Instagram Campus Podcast ist dein Begleiter auf dem Weg zum erfolgreichen Online-Business. Du willst mit deinem Thema auf Instagram sichtbar werden und planbar Kunden gewinnen, dann bist du hier richtig. Erfahre alles über Content-Marketing, Instagram-Updates und Strategien. Perfekt für Expertinnen, Beraterinnen, Trainerinnen und Coaches, die ihr Wissen teilen und damit Geld verdienen möchten. Ich bin Luka, deine Social Media Expertin. Ich habe 15 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Marketing und einen ...
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The Graphic Campus Podcast explores the writing process from a thought to its publication with authors and educators who have shared their written voices to the world.
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Learn how to program using the Java programming language. This podcast will teach you step by step how to use the Java programming language to create your own applications or web applications! These Java tutorials are presented in plain English and explain all of the important Java programming concepts needed to excel in the field of software.
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Beach Family Worship Center- Georgetown Campus' Podcast
Beach Family Worship Center- Georgetown Campus
Beach Family Worship Center exists to REACH out to the lost and hurting, TEACH them to grow in their faith, LEAD them to the throne room of God, to discover the importance of SERVING OTHERS while having FUN doing it!
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Loneliness in the United States was declared an epidemic recently by the Surgeon General. Finding community on campus – especially post-pandemic – can be a challenge for students coming to college their first year. The purpose of the lonely campus podcast is to let students who are feeling lonely know that they are not alone, and features students who are willing to talk about experiencing loneliness. Students then share the steps they took to find their community and a sense of belonging. T ...
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A collection of homilies from Carroll College Campus Ministry
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Mit seinen rund 10'000 Studierenden, 3500 Mitarbeitenden, über 120 studentischen Initiativen und vielen Events zu wirtschaftlichen, rechtlichen und sozialen Fragestellungen ist der Campus der Universität St.Gallen (HSG) ein lebendiger Ort. Es sind die kreativen und unternehmerischen Menschen, die diese einzigartige Campuskultur prägen. Im HSG Student Podcast spricht Syra mit interessanten Persönlichkeiten am HSG Campus. Cover Art: Anne Fritsch
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Campus Resilience & Security is dedicated to sharing insights, strategies, and resources on how to create safer, more resilient campus environments. Whether you’re a campus leader, security professional or are responsible for business continuity and resilience, this website and our companion newsletter will deliver practical solutions and emerging trends to help you do your job better and more effectively.
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How do you save money on a student's budget in an expensive city? How do you form meaningful friendships when you're up to your nose in midterms? What can you do as a college student to cultivate creativity and take care of your mental health? In this series, the Campus Clipper interns answer these questions and more as they discuss their experiences as college students in NYC and Boston.
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Recent sermons from Grace on Campus UCLA, a ministry of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California.
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Welcome to the podcast of Campus Rush led by Pastor Kofi Dartey. To learn more visit our website at http://www.campusrush.org or download the Campus Rush App.
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Here are homilies from our masses at Carroll.
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OCF Podcast
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Cove Church Podcast - Chase Campus
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This is the home of the Campus Bible Church Podcast. Campus Bible Church is located in Fresno, California. This podcast features messages preached by Dr. Jim Cecy and the Pastoral Staff at Campus Bible Church. We invite you to sit back, grab a cup of coffee and listen to what God might have to teach you. If you are in the area we invite you come and visit!
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Join Gary as he shares lessons and adventures from his ministry on a secular university campus in New England. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gary-knighton/support
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Podcasts de todas las áreas de Campus Party México 2010
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Predicaciones y mensajes basados en la Palabra de Dios para Amar a Dios con una adoración viva, Amar al Prójimo edificando a Su Pueblo y Transformando al Mundo predicando sobre Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Autor: PIB Satélite Campus Lomas Verd/
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KI kapiert - der Podcast der KI-Campus-Community
KI-Campus - Die Lernplattform für Künstliche Intelligenz
„KI kapiert“ ist der Podcast der KI-Campus-Community. Der KI-Campus ist eine digitale Lernplattform, die kostenlos Kurse und andere Lernformate rund um KI und Daten anbietet. Unsere Grundüberzeugung bei „KI kapiert“ lautet: Künstliche Intelligenz ist nicht nur etwas für Informatiker:innen. Wir sprechen mit unseren Podcast-Gästen aus Hochschulwelt, Schule, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft darüber, wie KI ihren Beruf und unseren Alltag verändert. Wir möchten erfahren, warum sie sich dafür eins ...
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March 2, 2025. Fr. Tyler's homily for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time. GospelLuke 6:39-45 Jesus told his disciples a parable, “Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit? No disciple is superior to the teacher; but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother…
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Mark Carroll of Boston University discusses the importance of campus resilience and new challenges institutions are facing in 2025.Από τον campusresilienceandsecurity
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In this episode of The EA Campus Podcast, we sit down with two incredible industry voices, Candice Burningham and Jodie Mears, for an insightful and lively discussion on the evolving role of Executive Assistants. We cover everything from key industry trends, AI and automation, and the future of job titles to some of the more controversial topics sh…
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Debatin Aja - Mau ngampus atau mau ngapain? Tampil Bold VS Natural ft @elang.brajananta @ikhsanurfadilahh
Mau ngampus atau mau ngapain? Tampil Bold VS Natural
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Intern Brenna Sheets from Emerson College leads today's discussion on self-care and wellness in college. With fellow interns Aidann Gia (Pace University) and Agatha Edwards (Brandeis University), the group discusses what American culture says about self-care, everyone's favorite wellness activities after a stressful week, what gets in the way of st…
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Από τον Pastor Landon Galloway
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In der heutigen Folge werden die vielfältigen Facetten von Fabia Odermatt, Fachspezialistin am Media Lab der HSG, beleuchtet. Fabia teilt ihre Erkenntnisse zum Schnittpunkt von Medien und Bildung und betont die Relevanz medialer Unterstützung in der Lehre. Dabei erläutert sie die Mission des Media Lab, ansprechende Bildungsinhalte, darunter Podcast…
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A Perfect Priest
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:37:46Matt Ng • Hebrews 7:20–7:28 For more information about this sermon visit gracechurch.org/sermons/23362. To learn more about Grace on Campus UCLA, a ministry of Grace Community Church, visit gracechurch.org/ucla.Από τον Matt Ng
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February 23, 2024. Fr. Tyler's homily for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time. GospelLuke 6:27-38 Jesus said to his disciples: “To you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. To the person who strikes you on one cheek, offer the other one as well, and from the person …
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Gossip Girls Eps. 10 : Ketika Alis Menentukan Nasib & First Impression ?! 😳💄 Last Episode nya Gossip Girl kali ini seru bangett nihhh, karena kita kedatengan kisah kocak dan lucu bangett soal experience “Alya” yang berkaitan soal Alis-nya yang sering dikatain si ulet bulu ! 🐛 And Bonus Lea kasihh recommendation product alis yang baguss banget nihh …
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🎙️CINTA ITU MAHAL, TAPI KOK GUE TETAP BOKEK YAA?💸❤️ Malam minggu kali ini, Laugh & Love hadir dengan episode ke-10 yang bakal ngebahas kenapa cinta bisa bikin dompet tipis. Dari traktiran sampai kado kejutan, emang beneran cinta butuh modal? Atau ada cara biar tetap romantis tanpa bikin saldo nangis? 🤔💑 BTW, ini jadi episode terakhir Laugh & Love😢 …
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Ep50: Emails in there 1000s!? How do you even start managing your Executive's out of control inbox?
In this episode, we’re exploring one of the biggest challenges for Assistants: email management! How do you start the conversation with your Executive about taking control of their inbox? What systems can you set up to streamline the process? How do you ensure emails don’t take over your entire day? Nicky walks you through practical strategies for …
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Eps 10 Horrorrific | Kesurupan Masal : Ruang Kelas Peninggalan Arsitektur
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February 16, 2025. Fr. Tyler's homily for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Enjoy! GospelLuke 6:17, 20-26 Jesus came down with the Twelve and stood on a stretch of level ground with a great crowd of his disciples and a large number of the people from all Judea and Jerusalem and the coastal region of Tyre and Sidon. And raising his eyes toward his di…
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Από τον Pastor Jesse Pulido
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Gamon terus, sampai kapan? 😩💔" Move on itu bukan tentang lupa, tapi tentang menerima. Sampai kapan mau stuck di masa lalu? Yuk, bahas bareng di Laugh & Love Eps 10!👋🏻
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In this episode of The EA Campus Podcast, host Nicky Christmas dives into one of the most critical topics in the Executive Assistant profession—salary transparency. Assistants often struggle to access clear, unbiased salary data, but today’s guests have taken a groundbreaking step to change that. Joining Nicky are Yvette Pearson, founder of Admin W…
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Gossip Girls Eps. 9 : Cogil Level Maksimal ??!!💢 Gossip hari ini agak beda nih sama eps sebelumnya, karena gossip bareng sama narasumbernya langsung ! Aya spill cerita kelam bestie nya yang sempet berhubungan sama Cogil Level Dewa nih ! 😮💨😮💨 Dari pada penasaran Langsung aja deh check ke Spotify kita “Podcast Campus” XoXo, Gossip Girl 💋💄…
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🎙️Spill Out Episode 9 : Trend seruuu yang lagi rame di kalangan anak mudaaaa !! No Script, No Rules, Just Vibes, Let's Spill Out! 🎙️ Spill Out Episode kali ini kita ngobrolin fenomena anak muda Bandung dengan segala keunikannya! 🌆🤘 Dari cerita gaya hidup, komunitas kreatif, sampai vibes khas yang nggak ada duanya, semuanya bakal di-spill habis-habi…
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February 9, 2025. Fr/ Tyler's homily for the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time. Enjoy! GospelLuke 5:1-11 While the crowd was pressing in on Jesus and listening to the word of God, he was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret. He saw two boats there alongside the lake; the fishermen had disembarked and were washing their nets. Getting into one of the boats, …
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Από τον Dr. Scott Jones
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LOVE & LAUGH – EPISODE 8 🎙️Nikah Muda Sama Cewek Padang? Nikah muda itu tantangan banget, tapi kalau pasangannya cewek Padang, tantangannya bisa dua kali lipat! 😆 Udah siap belum sama mahar yang gak kaleng-kaleng? Di episode ini, kita bakal bahas gimana serunya nikah sama cewek Padang. Dari adat, kebiasaan, sampai ekspektasi keluarga yang kadang bi…
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«Schlussendlich muss es unter dem Strich stimmen» - eine Aussage, die sich durch diese Podcastfolge zieht. In ihrem aufschlussreichen Gespräch navigieren Syra und Prof. Dr. Dirk Schäfer durch den facettenreichen Bereich der finanziellen Führung an der Universität St. Gallen und darüber hinaus. Sie tauchen ein in die Welt der Finanzen, bei der es ni…
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In this episode of The EA Campus Podcast, host Nicky Christmas explores how Executive Assistants can leverage AI to streamline their workflow, reduce administrative burdens, and focus on strategic, high-impact tasks. Key Takeaways: AI is not about replacing assistants—it’s a tool for efficiency, helping with email drafting, scheduling, meeting summ…
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Gossip Girls Eps. 8 : Selingkuh Karna Gaul 😱⁉️ Wooowww Gossip hari ini lagi lagi dateng langsung dari narasumber with name “Keyra” ! yang punya bad experience di selingkuhin mantan pacar super greenflag nih ! ✅🤮 Dari Pada Penasaran Langsung aja deh check ke Spotify kita “Podcast Campus” XoXo, Gossip Girl 💋💄…
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February 2, 2025. Fr. Tyler's homily for the the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord/Candlemas. Enjoy! GospelLuke 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 When the days were completed for their purification according to the law of Moses, Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, just as it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that…
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Από τον Pastor Jesse Pulido
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🎙️Spill Out Episode 8: No Script, No Rules, Just Vibes, Let's Spill Out! 🎙️ Spill Out Episode kali ini kita ngobrolin fenomena anak muda Bandung dengan segala keunikannya! 🌆🤘 Dari cerita gaya hidup, komunitas kreatif, sampai vibes khas yang nggak ada duanya, semuanya bakal di-spill habis-habisan. 🔥 🎧 Yuk, dengerin sekarang di platform favorit kamu,…
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🎙 Love & Laugh - Episode 7 Cewek Ekstrovert, Cowok Introvert: Romansa di Antara Cemburu dan Ambisi. Gimana jadinya kalau cewek ekstrovert yang super ceria pacaran sama cowok introvert yang lebih suka ketenangan? Di episode kali ini, bareng @salwandhira, kita bakal ngebahas kisah cinta dua kepribadian yang bertolak belakang.🫨 Dari momen cemburu gara…
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Resembling the King of Righteousness
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:25:24Matt Ng • Hebrews 7:1–7:19 For more information about this sermon visit gracechurch.org/sermons/23361. To learn more about Grace on Campus UCLA, a ministry of Grace Community Church, visit gracechurch.org/ucla.Από τον Matt Ng
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Today’s episode is all about the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle. What if 80% of your results come from just 20% of your effort? Sounds like a game-changer, right? In this episode, we’ll explore how Executive Assistants can apply this powerful principle to cut through distractions, prioritize high-impact tasks, and truly make a diffe…
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Gossip Girls Eps. 7 : Orang PHO berkedok Foam 😲❓ Wooowww Gossip hari ini lagi lagi dateng langsung dari narasumber with name “Nayra” ! 🙋🏻♀️💭👀 Siapa nih yang relate sama ceritanya Nayra ?? Dari Pada Penasaran Langsung aja deh check ke Spotify kita “Podcast Campus” XoXo, Gossip Girl 💋💄
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🎙️Spill Out Episode 7: Trend seruuu yang lagi rame di kalangan anak mudaaaa !! No Script, No Rules, Just Vibes, Let's Spill Out! 🎙️ Spill Out Episode kali ini kita ngobrolin fenomena anak muda Bandung dengan segala keunikannya! 🌆🤘 Dari cerita gaya hidup, komunitas kreatif, sampai vibes khas yang nggak ada duanya, semuanya bakal di-spill habis-habis…
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January 26, 2025. Fr. Tyler's homily for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. GospelLuke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Since many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the events that have been fulfilled among us, just as those who were eyewitnesses from the beginning and ministers of the word have handed them down to us, I too have decided, after investigating e…
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