Cuestionando los dogmas sobre Salud y Fitness para mejorar de verdad tu cuerpo. Hablamos de Dietas, de Ayuno Intermitente, de Entrenamientos Funcionales, de Psicología y en definitiva de Salud Global… con detalle y con verdaderos expertos
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Zu müde, um ins Fitness-Training zu gehen? Keine Lust auf Radfahren oder Joggen? Zu wenig Kraft in den Armen oder Beinen oder ein paar Gramm zu viel auf der Waage? Alles kein Problem, denn es gibt ja "Das Fitnessmagazin". Wenn Sie wissen wollen, wie, wann, wo und womit man sich am besten fit hält - dann hören Sie rein in "Das Fitnessmagazin".
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Der Podcast über die deutsche Fitnessbranche
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forever young - Ernährung, Bewegung, Denken, Gesundheit und Fitness
Dr. Ulrich Strunz, Ulrich G. Strunz, Sprecher: Ralf Bohlmann
Dr. med. Ulrich Strunz ist praktizierender Internist, Molekularmediziner und Gastroenterologe. Mit über 50 veröffentlichten Buchtiteln ist er Deutschlands meistgelesener Arzt und mit seinen News auf erreicht er täglich tausende von Menschen. Ausgewählte News gibt es hier im Podcast nun auch zum Hören. Sprecher ist der Podcaster Ralf Bohlmann.
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MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitne ...
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Get bigger, stronger and smarter with FitnessFAQs. Your host Daniel Vadnal is a Physiotherapist from Australia with more than 15 years of calisthenics experience. Guests include experts Dr Mike Israetel, Ben Patrick, Jeremy Ethier, Kinobody, The Bioneer, Alpha Destiny, Strength Side, Bill Maeda, Marcus Filly, Calisthenic Movement and more. Exercise can be complicated. This podcast will help.
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Being over 40 can make getting healthy and fit much harder. The 40+ Fitness Podcast is designed to address various health, fitness, and nutrition topics with you in mind. Your hosts, Allan Misner & Rachel Everett want to encourage, educate and entertain you as you travel on your health and fitness journey. Lose weight over 40. Get fit over 40.
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Fitness M/K er Danmarks første og største podcast om sports, fitness og træning. Den startede som podcast hos det nu hedengangne Radio24syv, men Fitness M/K lever videre som uafhængig podcast. Følg med PhD Anders Nedergaard aka Dr. Muskel ind i træningens verden, hvor vi snakker sportsvidenskab, bodybuilding, fitness, ernæring, sportsernæring og underlige sportsgrene. Kroppen og alle de ting vi gør ved den for at gøre den større, mindre, hurtigere, vildere farligere har altid fascineret menn ...
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En el podcast semanal de Fitness en la Nube podrás escuchar todos los consejos y todas las estrategias para que consigas tus objetivos en el gimnasio. No dejes de entrenar y no dejes de mejorar! Si quieres que resuelva tus dudas, puedes contactar conmigo y las responderé en el siguiente programa. Puedes preguntar todo lo que se te ocurra, dudas con los ejercicios, la alimentación… Te ayudaré y te daré mi opinión sincera para que consigas todos tus objetivos. Únete a las ondas de Fitness en l ...
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Är du trött på allt fitness-skitsnack? Du ska äta såhär och träna sådär. Du matas av information om den senaste dieten eller mirakelmetoden från alla håll? I den här podden kommer vi utan filter hjälpa dig att se igenom bullshiten och navigera dig i fitnessdjungeln. Enjoy!
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A daily ten-minute walking podcast that helps you build an exercise habit that lasts
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Fitness mit M.A.R.K. - Abnehmen, Muskelaufbau, Ernährung und Motivation fürs Training
Mark Maslow | #DRNBLBR, Fitness Coach und Ingenieur
Dies ist kein Bodybuilding-Podcast. Es geht um eine athletische, gesunde Figur fürs Leben – ohne Druck und Drill, sondern mit einem guten Gefühl. Dich erwarten Tipps und Experteninterviews über Mentaltraining, ausgewogene Ernährung, richtiges Kraft- und Kardiotraining, die Dir helfen, gesund und fit zu leben und nackt gut auszusehen. Bock auf maximale Fitness mit minimalem Stressfaktor? Schon über 30.000 Menschen erhalten Marks Dranbleiber-Newsletter. Hol auch Du Dir auf entspannte Weise meh ...
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Fitness and weight loss expert Vinnie Tortorich, the author of the best-selling book "Fitness Confidential", dispels the widespread mistaken beliefs regarding weight loss and exercise and teaches us how to lose weight, get fit and reclaim our lives. Using his 35 years of experience in the fitness and weight loss industry in Hollywood combined with an absolute commitment to good health, Vinnie has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world lose hundreds of thousands of unhealthy ...
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Welcome to the Menon Fitness Systems podcast, where you get the best of India's fitness mantra
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Smart Fitness and Food Radio | Ernährung, Training, Lebensmittel, Abnehmen, Muskelaufbau, Gesundheit
Marc Drossel - Wöchentliche Episoden mit dem gesunden Wissen! Inspiriert d
Smart Fitness and Food Radio ist DER Podcast für jeden der endlich in Form kommen, gesünder leben, oder einfach seinen Horizont erweitern möchte! Egal ob Mann, Frau, groß, klein, dick, dünn, jung, alt, aktiv, oder träge. Du suchst nach dem leicht anwendbarem Wissen gepaart mit der extra Portion Motivation für eine bessere Gesundheit und einer besseren Figur, z.B. auf dem Weg zur Arbeit, beim Sport oder beim Kochen? Dann ist Smart Fitness and Food Radio der richtige Podcast für dich! In unter ...
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Join author, fitness professional, and healthy living blogger, Gina Harney, as she shares expert interviews and tips that you can implement right now. This podcast is health, fitness, nutrition, beauty, and lifestyle advice, delivered by your internet BFF. If you're looking to create your healthiest, happiest life, this is the podcast for you. INSTAGRAM: @fitnessista Shownotes:
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This series provides valuable insights into the unique fitness and health needs of older adults. Certified trainers share valuable insights, tips, and exercises including nutritional advice to improve their overall well-being.
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Fit, gesund und voller Energie – auch in den Wechseljahren! 💪 In meinem Podcast erfährst du, wie du deinen Körper und Geist in Bestform bringst, trotz Hormonschwankungen, Bauchfett oder Muskelabbau. Denn die Wechseljahre, Menopause oder Midlife Crisis ist nicht das Ende, sondern der Anfang eines starken, neuen Kapitels. Ich bin Mimi Lawrence, Fitness- und Gesundheitsexpertin, und ich unterstütze dich mit kostenlosen Tipps, die wirklich funktionieren: Bauchfett loswerden, Muskelmasse aufbauen ...
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Health, Wellness, Fitness and The MindBody Connection
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Actionable ideas to build your fitness business. Presented by Fitness Business Mentor, Dan Williams.
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Hosted by Drs. Josh Turknett and Tommy Wood, Better Brain Fitness explores the frontiers of how to keep our brain fit and healthy, so that we can perform at our best and do the things that we love for as long as possible.
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On The Fitness Beginner Podcast, we talk about all things fitness focusing mainly on helping people begin their fitness journey. Support this podcast:
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Fitness and nutrition experts, athletes, and celebrities discuss the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.
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Join us as we discuss all things Wicklow Strength and Fitness
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Discover joy, peace, & freedom with food, exercise, & your body with Michelle Rosko of MLRosko Fitness.
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CrossFit Games Analysts Sean Woodland and Tommy Marquez and Lauren Kalil, bring you all the latest information, updates, and analysis on the sport of fitness, and the CrossFit community.
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Bli en lyckligare och effektivare ledare, företagare, person genom bättre vanor! I den här podden pratar vi ledarskap, produktivitet, träning och mindset på ett enkelt och tydligt sätt. Per Mattsson är rektorn som blev gymägare, business mentor, fotbollstränare och mindset coach. Ta del av vinnande vanor och strategier som gör dig till en vinnare.
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News, reviews and interviews from the world of HYROX, DEKAFIT and more. The longest running and most consistent podcast in Europe for Hybrid and Fitness Racing. New episodes every Wednesday.
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Podcast by Max International College for Fitness Professionals
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Top tips & practical steps for diet, fitness, organization, self improvement & more. Get healthy, balance your life, and improve relationships and productivity with New York Times Best Selling Author, Celebrity Fitness Trainer & Diet Debunker Chalene Johnson and guests. No BS. Chalene delivers straight talk and simple strategies (with a side of humor) so that every show delivers a return on your investment of time. The Chalene Show is life coaching, personal development, nutrition, exercise, ...
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Find Fitness Freedom! Interviews from Fitness Experts and individuals with personal transformation stories. Gain knowledge and insight to overcome obstacles and live your best fitness life! Visit for more Information on Programs & Coaching
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The Fitness in Philosophy podcast is dedicated to discussing the intersection between concepts in philosophy and their connection with fitness. Each episode we talk about a particular philosophical concept like autonomy, knowledge, virtue, or truth and discuss how that idea connects with coaching fitness, participating in fitness as an individual, and fitness culture at large. It's hosted by OPEX Fitness Founder James Fitzgerald and Philosophy PhD/(soon to be) OPEX CCP Coach Robby Gustin.
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This podcast is about fitness, nutrition, and exercise tips to help you reach your goals. Let’s keep this simple and positive to help you achieve the best version of you!
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Podcast by Ben Cartwright
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Evidensbaseret information om kost, træning og alt derimellem, formidlet på en letforståelig måde, hvor alle kan være med. Videnskab og forskning omsat til konkrete råd og anbefalinger, som du kan bruge med det samme.
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Tony Cress, 20 year fitness veteran, waxes about various topics in the industry. Topics include fat loss, performance enhancement, movement dysfunction, biomechanics, strength and muscle gain and nutrition.
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Holistic Nutrition, Health, Body building and Fitness perfectly packaged to educate and motivate to get on track, and stay on track with a modern healthy lifestyle.
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Top Fitness Strategies Presents is a show all about Health and Fitness focused on the "Fitness Over 50" crowd. We understand that everyone is different and anyone looks at health and fitness differently. That's why Top Fitness Strategies Presents has guests and interviews with health and fitness professionals from around the globe. We just don't focus on one aspect of your health or your fitness. We have tips and techniques and great information for just about anyone! Look around, see all th ...
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Willkommen beim Gravitas Podcast! Hier sprechen ich und meine Gäste darüber, dass wahre Fitness die Fähigkeit zur Veränderung ist - sei es in Bezug auf Lebens- oder Umweltbedingungen. Uns ist wichtig zu betonen, dass es hierbei um mehr als nur Fitness geht. Unser Ziel ist es, nicht nur den Körper, sondern auch den Geist in Bewegung zu bringen und dadurch Veränderungen im Leben zu ermöglichen. Begleite uns auf dieser spannenden Reise, um die wahre Gravitas des Lebens zu entdecken und in Beweg ...
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Making functional fitness and whole body wellness accessible to all.
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The Lens On Fitness podcast is a fitness podcast with a difference. Designed to help you overcome some of the physical and mental challenges that may crop up. Especially as you try to navigate your way through your fitness journey and work towards becoming a better version of you. Intro music credits - Artist - Lakey Inspired Track - Chill Day
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Commentary on current nutrition research, fitness product reviews, and interviews with professionals in the field of health and wellness. All that and more, every week, on the Addicted to Fitness podcast.
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"Resistance training, meat-eating, and God-fearing” fitness duo Mike & Corrie-Beth Lipowski break down the science of exercise and a (mostly) carnivore diet, among other fitness and health-related topics. With a conversational tone and a healthy dose of humor, they provide listeners with insights and solutions to complex fitness topics in a simple, clever, and always entertaining way. A PURE PHYSIQUE PODCAST
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#FitnessProChat by Fiterobic is designed to help anyone who is willing to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This series addresses challenges faced by individuals in starting their fitness and nutrition programs towards a disease free life. The program invites fitness, yoga, nutrition, wellness, experts and coaches as well as medical professionals who help people adopt a healthy life in today’s chaotic world. The podcast leverages intense research in the field of biomedical and life sciences to pres ...
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En este video vemos cómo impactan los horarios de comida en el sobrepeso y en la salud general.Puedes ver el video completo aquí:Από τον Marcos Vázquez
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In today's podcast I talk about: Using NLP to be a better version of yourself. Missed meetings do not perturb me. Easy evining run. Reviews and connects.
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Why did Dave say no to the golf cart? During today's ten-minute walk, Dave explains a decision they made soon after moving to Myrtle Beach. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a donation through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Fitness Habit That Lasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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This holiday season, it’s time to focus on the most important person—you. In this episode, I share four meaningful gifts that will transform your body, mindset, nutrition, and connections. These aren’t material gifts; they’re life-changing habits that will set you up for a stronger, healthier, and more connected future. Start giving back to yoursel…
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Hace algunos años, unos americanos quisieron hacer un experimento social. Básicamente, cogieron a un grupo de personas y les hicieron una encuesta. Una encuesta sencilla porque solo había 2 preguntas. La primera pregunta era cuánto estarían dispuestos a pagar por ver a su grupo de música favorito dentro de 10 años. De media, el resultado fue que es…
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Er sundhedsrådene blevet sundhedspåbud og er de fællesskaber og statushierarkier, der opstår omkring sundhed og træning blevet ekskluderende? Det mener filosof og lektor Morten Ebbe Juul Nielsen, som for nylig har fået udgivet bogen “Forbandede sunddom”. Her beskriver han hvordan dét at signalere sundhed og overskud til træning er blevet en markør …
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Schlaf ist die beste Medizin – doch was, wenn du um 3 Uhr nachts plötzlich wachliegst oder dich einfach nicht erholt fühlst? Was ist wenn du als Schichtarbeiter arbeitest und einfach nicht regelmäßig schlafen kannst? In dieser Episode erfährst du, warum das passiert, wie du die wahre Ursache findest und deinen Schlaf endlich verbessern kannst. ✨ Da…
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Jetzt vorbestellen! Marks neues Buch: Dranbleiben! Hättest Du mir 2014, als ich Episode 1 des Podcasts aufnahm, gesagt, "Mark, und in 10 Jahren veröffentlichst Du Folge 500", dann hätte ich vermutlich gar nicht erst begonnen. Tja, und jetzt sind wir hier – 10 Jahre, 500 Folgen, fast 25 Millionen Downloads und dutzende Gespräche mit inspirierenden P…
continue reading Did you play in the "Turkey Bowl" this year? A lot of people play this backyard football game during Thanksgiving and stuff happens to them. What kind of stuff? Well, you'll need to listen and find out! Let me know your thoughts in the comments. ***links*** Home: Fitness 101: https:/…
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152F Vom Zucker-Mythos zu den Fakten über Atmung und Energie I Coach Daniel Lustig
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In dieser Folge nimmt uns Coach und Triathlet Daniel Lustig auf eine spannende Reise mit. Gemeinsam beleuchten wir das Thema Zucker im Sport – ein Bereich, in dem viele Mythen und Halbwahrheiten kursieren. Ist Zucker wirklich der Feind? Oder kommt es vielmehr darauf an, wie und wann wir ihn nutzen? Wir klären auf, warum Zucker in bestimmten Momente…
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Episode 2574 - On this Monday's show, Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss being never too old to be in great shape, guide you in a "Starches 101" class, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Make Your Plan The magic of Mick Jagger.…
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Happy? Are you waiting for someone or something to make you Happy? Could the “I will be happy if and when” mean that “If and When” or “Who and What” are controlling your happiness? Is there a foolproofΑπό τον Max International College for Fitness Professionals
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This week's Addicted to Fitness features this year's edition of gift suggestions for the fitness fanatic in your life. Nick and Shannon describe what resistance training equipment, recovery devices, and fitness trackers they would purchase for themselves or the fitness minded individual in their lives. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheAT…
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In this episode of The Fitness Beginner Podcast, we discuss how to stick to your fitness and nutrition goals during the Thanksgiving holiday season. We give you strategies on how to navigate the Thanksgiving holiday meal to best support your diet while still enjoying yourself and not over doing it! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spoti…
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This week, Liam shares insights from a recent staff meeting focused on the WSF 2028 plan, which aims to enhance both client experience and employee culture over the next three years. He reflects on the pride he felt as his coaching team presented their achievements and growth, emphasising the importance of recognising past accomplishments while set…
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Bücher von Dr. Ulrich Strunz Die News auf Strunz.comΑπό τον Dr. Ulrich Strunz, Ulrich G. Strunz, Sprecher: Ralf Bohlmann
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If you’re like a lot of fitness business owners, you’re probably asking the wrong question when it comes to growing and scaling a successful business. And this wrong question might just be sabotaging your business and dooming it to failure without you even knowing it. The wrong question is… ‘How do I get more clients?’ In this episode, Dan Williams…
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Bauchmuskel-Übungen und Hantel-Training für daheim - auf Instagram macht Fitness-Coach Chris Krömer seine Eltern fit / Für mehr Lebensqualität - warum ein Muskelaufbau im Alter besonders wichtig ist / Hobby-Horsing - wie aus einem Kinderspiel ein Trend-Sport geworden ist / Fitness-Tipps von Profi-Fußballerin Lena Oberdorf vom FC Bayern München // B…
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Are you feeling stressed out during this holiday season, perhaps you’re worried about gaining an extra 5 - 7 pounds around the midsection between now and New Years. Maybe you have high blood pressure, or even high sugar levels leading to Pre diabetes or full blown diabetes. Well, in this video, I’m going to tell you what I do to not only lose weigh…
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356. Blue Zones: Was können wir wirklich daraus lernen? Neue Studie zeigt bedenkliche Erkenntnisse!
In dieser Podcast-Folge spreche ich über die Blue-Zones und zeige eine Studie, die neue spannende Einblicke in die Langlebigkeit der Menschen aus diesen Ländern gibt. Außerdem gebe ich euch noch ein paar Tipps mit, die euer Wohlbefinden aufbessern können! Teilt diese Folge gerne auf Instagram oder in deinem Netzwerk! Enjoy :) Supplements: - Nur noc…
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Can weight loss meds help or hurt your health?" 🚨 Chalene Johnson and Sal Di Stefano uncover the truth about GLP-1s—are they the ultimate game-changer or a risky shortcut? This episode covers the science, myths, and practical strategies for using GLP-1 medications safely while maintaining muscle and boosting overall health. Whether you're consideri…
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28 januari kör jag igång nästa start av mina 28-dagarsutmaningar. 28 Hard 28 Happy 28 Golden Hour Challenge 1: Disciplin och mindset 2:Vanor och handlingar som gör dig lyckligare 3: Struktur och disciplin som ökar din produktivitet Välj din utmaning, investera 280:-, uppgradera dig själv!Από τον Per Mattsson
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HYROX London ExCeL 2024 – Preview Episode
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We are joined by Simon Davidian and Kelly Sidebottom to discuss everything you need to know about HYROX London this weekend. We cover all the information you need on the venue including how to get there. We also provide you with all the tips you will need to get you through the day. Finally we provide those all important shout outs. Follow our gues…
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Niklas Andersson är tillbaks igen och går igenom det inte helt självklara förhållandet mellan smärta och skada. Innebär smärta att där finns en allvarlig skada? Hur behandlas skador på ett vettigt sätt? (07:20)-Vad är smärta? (15:20)-Smärta som indikator på skador (23:25)-Hur behandlas skador på ett bra sätt? (37:30)-Summering Följ oss: https://…
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Most people say the try to eat good, but have no idea how much protein they get each day. Our distractions have led us to living life not by what is best, but by what is convenient. it has led us to blame other things that aren't our own fault when in reality, they are. Try this ONE tactic to improve your nutrition immediately.…
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Vuelve al podcast Val Muñoz de Bustillo, esta vez para hablar de lo que importa al final de la vida y de si hay algo después de la muerte.Tocamos dos libros: Ser mortal y La supraconciencia existe.Algunos de los temas que tocamos:- ¿Cómo ha cambiado la forma en la que morimos?- Cuidados paliativos para el final de la vida.- Lo que importa al final:…
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In this episode Mike and Corrie-Beth sit down with sugar addiction expert Michael Collins, founder, to uncover the truth about sugar’s impact on your body and mind. Michael shares his journey to living sugar-free and provides actionable steps to help you break free from the cycle of sugar dependence. Tune in to learn how to rec…
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#318 "Locomotor Profiling In Team Sports" With Jill Zeller
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Episode 318 of the Football Fitness Federation Podcast is with Associate Director of Performance for Women's Soccer & Golf at the University of Georgia Jill ZellerWe discussed:▫️Locomotor Profiling for Team Sports▫️Anaerobic Speed Reserve▫️Different Profiles of Players▫️Assessing throughout a season & much more!You can connect with Jill on…
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Harriet Tubman beat all odds & found her freedom through slavery, oppression, & every other factor stacked against her. Learn from her story to be inspired & discover your own full freedom. Questions or comments? Email me Follow me on Instagram @michellelynnrosko. Get the free Masterclass "What You REALLY Need to Know to Enjoy…
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To submit a question for us to answer on the podcast, go to To subscribe to The Better Brain Fitness newsletter and get our Guide and Checklist to essential blood tests and nutrients, go to: To learn more about how you can boost brain fitness with neuroscience-based musical instruction, head to brainjo…
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'Tis the Season (For Changes), Caroline Lambray, and Do We Even Need the Games Anymore?
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CrossFit is constantly varied, and it turns out so is the Games season. The speculation is over as we now know what the 2025 season will look like. Sean, Tommy and Lauren summarize the changes and talk about what stands out to them. Carolilne Lambray, coach and partner of Jeff Adler sits down with Tommy Marquez to give her thoughts on the season ch…
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This episode is brought to you by Jeannie Kulwin Coaching! Sign up for Jeannie’s 24 Hour Stress Detox Listen to Jeannie’s healing journey here: Learn more about her 1:1 coaching program here www.jea…
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On episode 670 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we discuss getting outside your comfort zone. You can find the full show notes at
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Ignorance and Fitness Part 2
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In this episode, James and Robby continue their discussion regarding the connection between ignorance and fitness. In philosophy there is a very antagonistic relationship to ignorance. Philosophy (and science) are attempts in many ways eradicate as much ignorance as possible for as many people as possible Different philosophical takes on ignorance …
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Certified personal trainer and senior fitness specialist Emily Johnston joins the owner and CEO Jim Aneszko to discuss the importance of both cardio and strength training as we age. Although no amount of physical activity can stop the biological aging process, there is evidence that regular exercise can minimize the physiological effects of an othe…
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Skal mænd og kvinder træne forskelligt? og hvor stor forskel er der egentlig på mænd og kvinders biologi? Hvordan påvirker menstruationscyklus ens resultater og hvad med mænds testosteronniveauer? Det og meget mere besvares i denne episode! Tilmeld dig mit nyhedsbrev for at få evidensbaseret tips og tricks, gratis:…
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#162 - Use Stress to Control Stress with Matt Soule
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Stress is an important issue in people's daily lives, it drives poor health and poor behavior choices. Coach Eric sits down with stress expert Matt Soule on how to use stress to manage stress. His approach uses cold water, breath work and fasting to increase stress threshold and expand our window of tolerance. Learn more about his stressors that he…
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Ditch the crash diets! Quick fixes may drop pounds fast, but they don’t last. Here’s how to achieve lasting weight loss: 1. Small Steps, Big Wins – Swap out soda for water or add an extra serving of veggies. 2. Build Habits, Not Restrictions – Sustainable changes stick better than strict diets. 3. Move Consistently – Regular walks or workouts beat …
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Schon über eine Weihnachtsaktion für Deine Kunden oder Mitarbeiter nachgedacht? Gerade an Weihnachten gibt es vieles, was Fitness-Unternehmer sich vorstellen können, um Mitarbeiter und Kunden eine kleine (oder große) Freude zu machen. Aber was muss man eigentlich beachten, wenn man das Studio festlich schmücken will? Darf ich eigentlich einfach so …
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Today's show focuses on the crucial importance of water, quality and water filtration. What should we look for in buying a water filter for our home? What type of containers are best to use when Drinking and storing quality water? What really is hydration and why is it so important? Please Leave me a Google Review Here Learn more at Musclesandveggi…
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With holiday gatherings, endless treats, and busy schedules, staying fit during the holiday season can feel like a challenge. In this episode, we deep dive into strategies and tips from Fitness Realist to stay on track without unrealistic expectations or restrictive diets. Discover tips for enjoying your favorite seasonal foods, keeping a balanced …
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