Solo: A Zombie Apocalypse is a scripted serial audio drama consisting of full sound effects and voice actors. We are not professionals but friends who love audio dramas and fun. The story takes places after the zombie apocalypse and our friends here are trying to find answers and stay alive at the same time. There any many adventures and interesting people as they travel across the land. These three survivors have nothing in common but learn to depend oneach other in order to survive. John i ...
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Zombie apocalypse survivor Harper finds a radio station and starts broadcasting her experiences during the zombie apocalypse as well as tips for how to survive and rules on how to help others survive. The solar powered radio station has many amenities but the find of a notebook with Robert’s Rules of Chaos which contains not only tips on how to run the station, but also many tips and ideas on how to survive as a community instead of a lone survivor. Dj Clueless, aka Harper, shares these rule ...
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Dispatch from the Zombie Apocalypse provides a space to reckon with our demons, call out our enemies, and work together to build a better society. DZA is 100% fact-based and firmly grounded in the reality-based community; it rejects "post-truth" politics and holds everyone to account. Each episode contains suggested antidotes, as the purpose of this show is social change, not simply intellectual discourse. *DZA's host is Dr. Jason Scorse, who holds a PhD in Environmental Economics with a min ...
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The Zwemer Center’s The Truth about Muslims Podcast equips listeners to think critically about media, Muslims, and the mission of God. Since 9/11, people are asking “What is really going on in the Muslim world?” “Is the media giving us the whole picture?” “Do we have reason to fear?” As Christians, “How should we respond?” Join hosts, Trevor Castor and Howard Ki in exploring what God is doing in Muslim ministry.
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run away from the zombies Cover art photo provided by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash:
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We want to offer a new narrative about the intersection of Muslims and Christians without making everyone feel like we are on the verge of a Zombie Apocalypse!
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Do you want to be prepared for a zombie apocalypse well I have the tips you need. So join me on my adventure.
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Your daily dose of ZAPS | Zombie Apocalypse Pandemic Survival Chris Borges vs The Beast Podcast
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Brutal, agonizing convulsions simultaneously strike a quarter of the Earth’s population. There is no warning and no discernible pattern regarding race, age, gender, or region. The afflicted die within moments of one another. Seven minutes later they rise again and attack the living. The speed at which the disaster happens is too great for any organized response. Towns are overrun. The government and military find themselves unable to react. Civilization crumbles in a matter of hours. By the ...
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In this episode Jason talks about the origin of his favorite aphorism that helps guide his life and bring stability in these chaotic times. The DZA website is here.Από τον Jason Scorse
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DJ Clueless tells of her time at the Plant, working with Malcolm, and learning more about her power of Truth.Από τον Jennifer J Bull
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Dr. David Cashin delivered a series of lectures on chronological Bible Storying for Muslims during a CIU course. Here, Cashin presents the final lesson on chronological bible storying of Matthew 28 or any of the other resurrection passages with Muslims.Από τον Trevor Castor
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Reach out to us at [email protected] or follow us on Bluesky at Have a survival skill or knowledge you want to share? We'd love to have you! Have a zombie story you want to tell Harper? We'd love to have to you!Από τον Jennifer J Bull and Will Hunter
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Harper finishes her journey to the Plant after an encounter with a violent roadblock. Harper talks about Rule Number 1 and how stupid it is for people to be fighting each other instead of fighting the zombies.Από τον Jennifer J Bull and Will Hunter
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While trying to clear a farm Harper is injured, but they find a lot of chickens and huge farmhouse. Unfortunately, the farm house door isn't labeled so they have to find out the hard way whether or not there are zombies inside.Από τον Jennifer J. Bull
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Harper starts out on her journey to the Plant with a large group from Malcolm's place. On the way they find horses and cows, as well as a plan to find shoes along the way.Από τον Jennifer J. Bull
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In this episode Jason discusses the main areas where AI has the greatest potential to improve welfare, both for humans and non-humans. The DZA website is here.Από τον Jason Scorse
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Από τον Tim Mullins
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As DJ Clueless prepares for her journey to the Plant, she recounts some of the Rules of Chaos and why she thinks those rules exist.Από τον Jennifer J. Bull
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Dr. David Cashin delivered a series of lectures on chronological Bible Storying for Muslims during a CIU course. Here, Cashin presents the eighth lesson on chronological bible storying of Luke 23 with Muslims.Από τον Trevor Castor
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The ZASR Station takes on an influx of people during the coldest part of winter and during the night zombies visit causing Harper anxiety about her trip to Malcolm's settlement, The Plant. Priya and Queenie talk to Harper about what things she should share on air and what she should not.Από τον Jennifer J. Bull and Will Hunter
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Dr. David Cashin delivered a series of lectures on chronological Bible Storying for Muslims during a CIU course. Here, Cashin presents the seventh lesson on chronological bible storying of John 8 with Muslims.Από τον Trevor Castor
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Από τον Tim Mullins
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In this episode Jason discusses his recent medical emergency and successful surgery, and general thoughts on the US healthcare system. The DZA website is here.Από τον Jason Scorse
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Harper and friends are trying to survive a cold weather snap without power. Violet resurfaces and tells Malcolm all about how Harper scared off the thieves and Harper can't quite believe it.Από τον Jennifer J Bull and Will Hunter
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Dr. David Cashin delivered a series of lectures on chronological Bible Storying for Muslims during a CIU course. Here, Cashin presents the sixth lesson on chronological bible storying of Mark 2 with Muslims.Από τον Trevor Castor
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Dr. David Cashin delivered a series of lectures on chronological Bible Storying for Muslims during a CIU course. Here, Cashin presents the fifth lesson on chronological bible storying of Isaiah 53 with Muslims.Από τον Trevor Castor
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Dr. David Cashin delivered a series of lectures on chronological Bible Storying for Muslims during a CIU course. Here, Cashin presents the fourth lesson on chronological bible storying of Genesis 22 with Muslims (Sacrifice of Isaac).Από τον Trevor Castor
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After Violet's bitter betrayal, Malcolm arrives with help and with the offer of an alliance between to the two settlements.Από τον Jennifer J Bull
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Dr. David Cashin delivered a series of lectures on chronological Bible Storying for Muslims during a CIU course. Here, Cashin presents the third lesson on chronological bible storying of Genesis 12 with Muslims.Από τον Trevor Castor
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Still suffering from insomnia, Harper wakes up to find intruders in her radio station home.Από τον Jennifer J Bull
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Dr. David Cashin delivered a series of lectures on chronological Bible Storying for Muslims during a CIU course. Here, Cashin presents the second lesson on chronological bible storying of Genesis 3 with Muslims.Από τον Trevor Castor
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While on a trip to get more supplies, Harper runs into strangers, and as usual, it doesn't go well.Από τον Jennifer J Bull
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Dr. David Cashin delivered a series of lectures on chronological Bible Storying for Muslims during a CIU course. Here, Cashin presents the first lesson on chronological bible storying of Genesis 1-2 with Muslims.Από τον Trevor Castor
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DJ Harper, after discussions with Priya, Queenie, and Violet, tells the whole truth about how she escaped the zombies at the evacuation camp, as well as the truth about the dreams she's been having.Από τον Jennifer J Bull
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Dr. David Cashin delivered a series of lectures on chronological Bible Storying for Muslims during a CIU course. Here, Cashin continues with introductory material with a focus on hospitality in the home to begin this process of a bible study with Muslims.Από τον Trevor Castor
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In this episode Jason discusses the various bad faith arguments being made to justify and/or explain the horrible election outcome, and why everyone should ignore this kabuki theater and accept that the truth is both simple and difficult to bear. The DZA website is here.Από τον Jason Scorse
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Harper tells us about her first Thanksgiving during the zombie apocalypse and about some visitors she wasn't thankful to see. With the help of Priya, Queenie, and Violet they continue to build fencing for the radio and vocational college, while making plans for the future of their community.Από τον Jennifer J Bull
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Από τον Tim Mullins
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Dr. David Cashin delivered a series of lectures on chronological Bible Storying for Muslims during a CIU course. Here, Cashin presents the introductory means and methods for beginning this Bible study with Muslims.Από τον Trevor Castor
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DJ Clueless has new, highly motivated friends. Queenie, Priya, and Violet showed up and wanted to be part of the new community that will grow here. They arrived and have been building and cleaning and rearranging ever since. DJ Clueless is over the moon with joy because the isolation and always being alone had been really hard on her.…
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Dr. Warren Larson delivered a lecture on how Jesus would respond to a Folk Muslim during a CIU course. Here, Larson presents how Jesus acted with the Samaritan Women in John 4:1-24 and the implication with Folk Muslims. Additionally, Psalm 23 for Muslims.Από τον Trevor Castor
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In this episode Jason discusses the election results, the implications for America, and the new focus of the DZA podcast. The DZA website is here.Από τον Jason Scorse
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Dr. Warren Larson delivered a lecture on divination in Folk Islam during a CIU course. Here, Larson presents divination in Folk Islam, its condemnation in the Bible, and manifestations of divination in Folk Islam from different regions.Από τον Trevor Castor
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Harper meets new people and starts looking at maps to see where all of the recent survivor enclaves are. She even had guests staying overnight as the radio station is now a traveler's stop thanks to Liam, the man she met last episode when she wasn't quite sane, yet.Από τον Jennifer J Bull and Will Hunter
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Dr. Warren Larson delivered a lecture on magic in Folk Islam during a CIU course. Here, Larson presents the magic in Folk Islam, the reality of it found in the Bible, the magic found in the Qur’an and Hadith, and how it manifests.Από τον Trevor Castor
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