Welcome to the Movement Disorders Podcast. In this series, we will be exploring the finer side of things with some of the great minds of Movement Disorders. We will get to hear interesting information on history to understand how we got to be here. We will explore the approach to diagnosis and management, the things that your books would not tell you and most importantly gets tips and tricks that will get you a step ahead in the game.
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Movement Disorders Journal Podcasts 2012-2015
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Welcome. My name is Danish Bhatti. I’m an assistant professor in the Department of Neurological Sciences at University of Nebraska Medical Center, and I have the pleasure of having Professor John Bertoni MD PHD, the Director for Parkinson’s Disease Program, with us today to discuss an important topic about nutrition and Parkinson’s disease. John Be…
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Danish Bhatti: Welcome John. It is another episode of Movement Disorder podcast where you share the stories that the patients have taught you, with us. What story would you like to share with our listeners today. John Bertoni: Well I think we can call this one Paying Attention to Details. Danish Bhatti: Paying attention to details. That’s interesti…
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Danish Bhatti: Hi John. It’s a pleasure to have you here again to talk about some of your interesting cases and you know I learned a lot talking to you every week about these cases and I hope other people can also share my enthusiasm for these cases. John Bertoni: Well thank you. I find that I’ve learned the most from the patients I say if you list…
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Today we’re doing an innovative podcast where we will blend in a lecture on Tourette’s syndrome along with a podcast with a question submitted to me from the course participant in movement disorder online course from Pakistan. Danish Bhatti: So I will go through the slides as I mentioned before and whenever the questions come up I will ask the audi…
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Danish Bhatti: Hello and welcome to movement disorder podcast. I’m Danish Bhatti. This week’s podcast will focus on concept and experience of movement disorders fellowship. We will discuss this topic with our movement disorders fellows. We’ll talk to them about the anguish and anxieties of choosing a movement disorder fellowship and going through t…
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Danish Bhatti: Hello and welcome to movement disorder podcast.I am Danish Bhatti. I am a Movement Disorders Neurologist at University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). This week’s podcast will focus on Huntington’s disease and its implications. To discuss this fascinating disease we have the pleasure of having on our show, Dr. Amy Hellman, the dir…
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Dr. Danish: Hello and welcome to Movement Disorder podcast. I am Danish Bhatti. This week podcast will focus on Parkinson’s disease and to talk about it today on our show. We have the great Dr. John Bertoni himself. Dr. Bertoni is professor of neurology and Director of Parkinson’s Disease Clinic at University of Nebraska Medical Center or UNMC. Dr.…
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Hello and Welcome to MD podcast. I am Danish Bhatti. This week podcast will be an interview with Movement Disorder experts on their approach to ataxic patient for diagnosis and management. I will be sharing my insights and approaches and we will review various other approaches. Diagnosing a patients etiology of ataxia is a tough job. And we will be…
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Danish Bhatti: Hello and welcome to the MD podcast. I’m Danish Bhatti. This week’s podcast will focus on Tremor disorders and to talk about it today on our show we have Dr. Diego Torres-Russotto, the director of Movement Disorders Program and movement disorder fellowship at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). We’ll talk to him about h…
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Multiple Resting-State Networks Are Associated With Tremors and Cognitive Features in Essential Tremor
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Factor Analysis of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale Among a Huntington’s Disease Population
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Functional Assessment and Quality of Life in Essential Tremor With Bilateral or Unilateral DBS and Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy
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Cerebral Perfusion and Cortical Thickness Indicate Cortical Involvement in Mild Parkinson’s Disease
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Diffusion Imaging of Nigral Alterations in Early Parkinson’s Disease With Dopaminergic Deficits
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Clinicopathological Characteristics of Freezing of Gait in Autopsy-Confirmed Parkinson’s Disease
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The Severity and Pattern of Autonomic Dysfunction in Idiopathic Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder
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REM sleep behavior disorder, as assessed by questionnaire, in G2019S LRRK2 mutation PD and carriers
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Loss of EEG Network Efficiency Is Related to Cognitive Impairment in Dementia With Lewy Bodies
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Subthalamic deep brain stimulation differently alters striatal dopaminergic receptor levels in rats
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Eltoprazine prevents levodopa-induced dyskinesias by reducing striatal glutamate and direct pathway activity
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Cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with ataxia: A double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled study
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A randomized, double-blind phase I/IIa study of intranasal glutathione in Parkinson's disease
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A novel retinal biomarker for Parkinson's disease: Quantifying the foveal pit with optical coherence tomography
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Distinctive distribution of phospho-alpha-synuclein in dermal nerves in multiple system atrophy
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NBI-98854, a selective monoamine transport inhibitor for the treatment of tardive dyskinesia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
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Lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2 isoforms are differentially affected in early Parkinson's disease
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Plasma apolipoprotein A1 associates with age at onset and motor severity in early Parkinson's disease patients
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King's Parkinson's disease pain scale, the first scale for pain in PD: An international validation
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Movement Disorders Journal Volume 30 Issue 10 (October 2015) podcasts
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Ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid treatment in Huntington's disease: A placebo-controlled clinical trial
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Probable RBD and association with neurodegenerative disease markers: A population-based study
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