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¡Hola amigos! This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A - Week 10) we are learning words for family members in Spanish. Remember it really helps your brain to learn the words if you have a picture to look at or an action to do that goes with the word. And be sure to practice saying the words OUT LOUD! (: Today's words are: primo | (PREE-moh) | boy co…
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¡Hola amigos! This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A - Week 10) we are learning words for family members in Spanish. Remember it really helps your brain to learn the words if you have a picture to look at or an action to do that goes with the word. And be sure to practice saying the words OUT LOUD! (: Today's words are: tío | (TEE-oh) | uncle tía …
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¡Hola amigos! This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A - Week 10) we are learning words for family members in Spanish. Remember it really helps your brain to learn the words if you have a picture to look at or an action to do that goes with the word. And be sure to practice saying the words OUT LOUD! (: Today's words are: hermano | (ehr-MAH-noh) | b…
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¡Hola amigos! This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A - Week 10) we are learning words for family members in Spanish. Remember it really helps your brain to learn the words if you have a picture to look at or an action to do that goes with the word. And be sure to practice saying the words OUT LOUD! (: Today's words are: padre | (PAH-dray) | father…
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¡Hola amigos! This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A - Week 10) we are learning words for family members in Spanish. Remember it really helps your brain to learn the words if you have a picture to look at or an action to do that goes with the word. And be sure to practice saying the words OUT LOUD! (: Today's words are: niño | (NEEN-yoh) | boy niñ…
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This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A, Week 9) we are learning words for clothing in Spanish! Today's words are: vestido | (beh-STEE-doh) | dress vaqueros | (bah-KEH-rohs) | jeans medias | (MAY-dee-ahs) | tights mallas, leggings, calzas | (MAH-yahs)(leggings)(KAHL-sahs) | leggings calcetines | (kahl-say-TEE-nays) | socks zapatos | (sah-PAH-tohs) …
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This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A, Week 9) we are learning words for clothing in Spanish! Today's words are: anillo | (ah-NEE-yoh) | ring cinturón | (seen-too-ROHN) | belt ropa interior, braga, calzón | (ROH-pah een-teh-ree-OHR)(BRAH-gah)(kahl-SOHN) | underwear camiseta interior | (kah-mee-SAY-tah een-teh-ree-OHR) | undershirt pantalón | (pah…
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This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A, Week 9) we are learning words for clothing in Spanish! Today's words are: gafas del sol | (GAH-fahs dehl sohl) | sunglasses lentes | (LEHN-tays) | glasses aretes, pendientes | (ah-RAY-tays)(pehn-dee-EHN-tays) | earrings collar | (koh-YAHR) | necklace pulsera | (pool-SEH-rah) | bracelet Check out this Spanish…
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This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A, Week 9) we are learning words for clothing in Spanish! Today's words are: el paliacate, el pañuelo | (pah-lee-ah-KAH-tay)(pahn-yoo-AY-loh) | bandana la camisa | (kah-MEE-sah) | shirt la blusa | (BLOO-sah) | blouse el suéter, el jersey, la chompa | (SWEH-tehr)(JEHR-see)(CHOHM-pah) | sweater chaqueta de punto …
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This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A, Week 9) we are learning words for clothing in Spanish! Today's words are all things you can put on your head. el gorro | (GOHR-roh) | hat (usually winter hat) la gorra | (GOHR-rah) | baseball cap las orejeras | (oh-reh-HEH-rahs) | ear muffs la cinta para la cabeza | (SEEN-tah PAH-rah lah kah-BAY-sah) | headb…
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This week in Jump Into Spanish we are learning Spanish words about going on vacation! Today's words are: el coche | (KOH-chay) | car el carro (MX) | (KAHR-roh) | car la licencia de conducir | (lee-SEHN-see-ah day kohn-doo-SEER) | driver’s license la autovía | (ah-oo-toh-BEE-ah) | highway la carretera | (kahr-ray-TEH-rah) | highway la autopista | (a…
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This week in Jump Into Spanish we are learning Spanish words about going on vacation! Today's words are: la estación de ferrocarril | (eh-stah-see-OHN day fehr-roh-kahr-REEL) | railroad station la estación de tren | (eh-stah-see-OHN day trehn) | train station el tren | (trehn) | train el tiquete de tren | (tee-KEH-tay day trehn) | train ticket el b…
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This week in Jump Into Spanish we are learning Spanish words about going on vacation! Today's words are: el/la piloto | (pee-LOH-toh) | pilot el/la sobrecargo | (soh-bray-KAHR-goh) | chief flight attendant la azafata | (ah-sah-FAH-tah) | (f) flight attendant el azafato | (ah-sah-FAH-toh) | (m) flight attendant el/la asistente de vuelo | (ah-see-STE…
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This week in Jump Into Spanish we are learning Spanish words about going on vacation! Today's words are: el mostrador | (mohs-trah-DOHR) | check-in desk el billete de avión | (bee-YEH-tay day ah-bee-OHN) | plane ticket el pasaje de avión | (pah-SAH-hay day ah-bee-OHN) | plane ticket el pasaje | (pah-SAH-hay) | boarding pass la tarjeta de embarque |…
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This week in Jump Into Spanish we are learning Spanish words about going on vacation! Today's words are: el viaje | (bee-AH-hay) | trip el mapa | (MAH-pah) | map la maleta | (mah-LAY-tah) | suitcase el equipaje | (eh-kee-PAH-hay) | baggage/luggage el equipaje de mano | (eh-kee-PAH-hay day MAH-noh) | carry-on bag el aeropuerto | (ah-ehr-oh-PWEHR-toh…
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This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A, Week 7) we are learning Spanish words for all the fruits & vegetables. Here are today's words: guineo | (gee-NAY-oh) | banana naranja | (nah-RAHN-hah) | orange frambuesa | (frahm-BWAY-sah) | raspberry kiwi | (KEE-wee) | kiwi mango | (MAHN-goh) | mango piña | (PEEN-yah) | pineapple coco | (KOH-koh) | coconut …
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This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A, Week 7) we are learning Spanish words for all the fruits & vegetables. Here are today's words: berenjena | (beh-rehn-HAY-nah) | eggplant bok choy | (bahk choy) | bok choy champiñón | (chahm-peen-YOHN) | mushroom hongo | (OHN-goh) | mushroom frutas | (FROO-tahs) | fruits arándano | (ah-RAHN-dah-noh) | blueber…
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This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A, Week 7) we are learning Spanish words for all the fruits & vegetables. Here are today's words: cebolleta | (say-boh-YAY-tah) | green onion, chives endivia | (ehn-DEE-bee-ah) | endive cilantro | (see-LAHN-troh) | cilantro perejil | (peh-ray-HEEL) | parsley pepino | (peh-PEE-noh) | cucumber calabacín | (kah-la…
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This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A, Week 7) we are learning Spanish words for all the fruits & vegetables. Here are today's words: tomates verdes | (toh-MAH-tays BEHR-days) | tomatillo jitomates | (HEE-toh-mah-tays) | tomato salsa | (SAHL-sah) | sauce, salsa hay | (eye) | there is, there are judías verdes | (hoo-DEE-ahs BEHR-days) | green bean…
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This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A, Week 7) we are learning Spanish words for all the fruits & vegetables. Here are today's words: mercado | (mehr-KAH-doh) | market verduras | (behr-DOOH-rahs) | vegetables brócoli | (BROH-koh-lee) | broccoli cebollas | (say-BOH-yahs) | onions papas | (PAH-pahs) | potatoes patatas | (pah-TAH-tahs) | potatoes le…
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¡Hola amigos! Esta semana estamos aprendiendo palabras sobre el verano. Hi friends! This week we are learning words about summer. Today's words are: la camiseta | (kah-mee-SAY-tah) | t-shirt los pantalones cortos | (pahn-tah-LOH-nehs KOHR-tohs) | shorts la camiseta sin mangas | (kah-mee-SAY-tah seen MAHN-gahs) | tank top, sleeveless shirt la falda …
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¡Hola amigos! Esta semana estamos aprendiendo palabras sobre el verano. Hi friends! This week we are learning words about summer. Today's words are: las gafas de bucear | (GAH-fahs day boo-say-AHR) | (snorkeling) goggles las gafas para nadar | (GAH-fahs PAH-rah nah-DAHR) | goggles las aletas | (ah-LAY-tahs) | fins, flippers el tubo de buceo | (TOO-…
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¡Hola amigos! Esta semana estamos aprendiendo palabras sobre el verano. Hi friends! This week we are learning words about summer. Today's words are: el castillo de arena | (kah-STEE-yoh de ah-RAY-nah) | sandcastle la concha | (KOHN-chah) | shell las conchas marinas | (KOHN-chah mah-REE-nah) | seashell la concha de mar | (KOHN-chah day mahr) | seash…
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¡Hola amigos! Esta semana estamos aprendiendo palabras sobre el verano. Hi friends! This week we are learning words about summer. Today's words are: el balón de playa | (bah-LOHN day PLAH-yah) | beach ball la pelota de playa | (pay-LOH-tah day PLAH-yah) | beach ball el flotador | (floh-tah-DOHR) | floatie la tumbona | (toom-BOH-nah) | deck chair la…
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¡Hola amigos! Esta semana estamos aprendiendo palabras sobre el verano. Hi friends! This week we are learning words about summer. Today's words are: la playa | (lah PLAH-yah) | beach el mar | (mahr) | sea el océano | (oh-SAY-ah-noh) | ocean la piscina | (lah pee-SEE-nah) | pool el traje de baño | (TRAH-hay day BAHN-yoh) | swimsuit, swim trunks el b…
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¡Hola amigos! - Hi friends! For Week 4 and Week 5 of Term 2A we will be learning words for ALLL the animals! We'll be going by category and today's theme is AT THE ZOO. Choose 5 that you want to learn each day and practice, and then come back in a few days to learn words in Spanish for FOREST ANIMALS. Here are today's words: la vaca | (BAH-kah) | c…
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¡Hola amigos! - Hi friends! For Week 4 and Week 5 of Term 2A we will be learning words for ALLL the animals! We'll be going by category and today's theme is BUGS. Choose 5 that you want to learn each day and practice, and then come back in a few days to learn words in Spanish for FARM ANIMALS. Here are today's words: el grillo | (GREE-yoh) | cricke…
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¡Hola amigos! - Hi friends! For Week 4 and Week 5 of Term 2A we will be learning words for ALLL the animals! We'll be going by category and today's theme is AT THE ZOO. Choose 5 that you want to learn each day and practice, and then come back in a few days to learn words in Spanish for FOREST ANIMALS. Here are today's words: el delfín | (dehl-FEEN)…
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¡Hola amigos! - Hi friends! For Week 4 and Week 5 of Term 2A we will be learning words for ALLL the animals! We'll be going by category and today's theme is IN THE POND. Choose 5 you want to learn and practice, and then come back tomorrow to learn words in Spanish for OCEAN ANIMALS. Here are today's words: la rana | (RAH-nah) | frog el sapo | (SAH-…
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¡Hola amigos! - Hi friends! For Week 4 and Week 5 of Term 2A we will be learning words for ALLL the animals! We'll be going by category and today's theme is FOREST ANIMALS. Choose 5 that you want to learn each day and practice, and then come back next week to learn words in Spanish for POND ANIMALS. Here are today's words: la ardilla | (ahr-DEE-yah…
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¡Hola amigos! - Hi friends! For Week 4 and Week 5 of Term 2A we will be learning words for ALLL the animals! We'll be going by category and today's theme is AT THE ZOO. Choose 5 that you want to learn each day and practice, and then come back in a few days to learn words in Spanish for FOREST ANIMALS. Here are today's words: el elefante | (ehl-ay-F…
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¡Hola amigos! - Hi friends! For Week 4 and Week 5 of Term 2A we will be learning words for ALLL the animals! We'll be going by category and today's theme is PETS. Choose 5 that you want to learn and practice, and then come back tomorrow to learn words in Spanish for ZOO ANIMALS. Here are today's words: el perro | (PEHR-roh) | dog el gato | (GAH-toh…
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¡Hola! For Week 2 & Week 3 of Term 2A in Jump Into Spanish we are learning words from the story Caperucita roja. Make sure you have a picture for each of the words below to point at while you practice saying the words out loud. Or you can also come up with an action for each one to act out while you practice saying the word. Today's words are: sol …
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¡Hola! For Week 2 & Week 3 of Term 2A in Jump Into Spanish we are learning words from the story Caperucita roja. Make sure you have a picture for each of the words below to point at while you practice saying the words out loud. Or you can also come up with an action for each one to act out while you practice saying the word. Today's words are: cuch…
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¡Hola! For Week 2 & Week 3 of Term 2A in Jump Into Spanish we are learning words from the story Caperucita roja. Make sure you have a picture for each of the words below to point at while you practice saying the words out loud. Or you can also come up with an action for each one to act out while you practice saying the word. Today's words are: ovej…
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¡Hola! For Week 2 & Week 3 of Term 2A in Jump Into Spanish we are learning words from the story Caperucita roja. Make sure you have a picture for each of the words below to point at while you practice saying the words out loud. Or you can also come up with an action for each one to act out while you practice saying the word. Today's words are: somb…
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¡Hola! For Week 2 & Week 3 of Term 2A in Jump Into Spanish we are learning words from the story Caperucita roja. Make sure you have a picture for each of the words below to point at while you practice saying the words out loud. Or you can also come up with an action for each one to act out while you practice saying the word. Today's words are: cama…
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¡Hola! For Week 2 & Week 3 of Term 2A in Jump Into Spanish we are learning words from the story Caperucita roja. Make sure you have a picture for each of the words below to point at while you practice saying the words out loud. Or you can also come up with an action for each one to act out while you practice saying the word. Today's words are: cora…
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¡Hola! For Week 2 & Week 3 of Term 2A in Jump Into Spanish we are learning words from the story Caperucita roja. Make sure you have a picture for each of the words below to point at while you practice saying the words out loud. Or you can also come up with an action for each one to act out while you practice saying the word. Today's words are: piso…
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¡Hola! We are on Week 2 of Term 2A in Jump Into Spanish. Our story this term is Caperucita roja (Little Red Riding Hood). We are learning words from the story this week. Today's words are: viaje | (bee-AH-hay) | trip, voyage palabras | (pah-LAH-brahs) | words parcela | (pahr-SAY-lah) | plot (of land) fresas | (FRAY-sahs) | strawberries árbol | (AHR…
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¡Buenos días! Good morning! Or ¡Buenas tardes! Good afternoon! We are learning 5 more words today from our story: Caperucita roja (Little Red Riding Hood). Make sure you have a picture in front of you of each of these words: cocina | (koh-SEE-nah) | kitchen abuela | (ah-BWAY-lah) | grandmother canasta | (kah-NAH-stah) | basket pasteles | (pah-STEH-…
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¡Hola amigos! This week we are doing our story vocab. So as we learn all these words this week and next we are going to start feeling like pros when we listen to or read the story. Make sure you are looking at a picture or doing an action to help your brain think of what the word means while you practice saying it out loud. bosque | (BOH-skay) | fo…
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¡Hola! This week in Term 2A of Jump Into Spanish we are reviewing basic vocabulary. Monday we went over colors in Spanish. Tuesday we went over letters in Spanish. Wednesday we went over numbers in Spanish. And today we are reviewing shapes in Spanish! círculo | (SEER-koo-loh) | circle triángulo | (tree-AHN-goo-loh) | triangle cuadro | (KWAH-droh) …
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¡Hola! We are in Week 01 of Term 2A of Jump Into Spanish! This week is all about review, and today we are practicing our numbers in Spanish by learning how to ask someone how old they are and how to answer the questions "How old are you?" ¿Cuántos años tienes? (KWAHN-tohs AHN-yohs tee-EHN-ace) How old are you? Tengo ___ años. (TAYN-goh ___ AHN-yohs…
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¡Hola amigos! Hi friends! If today's episode doesn't make you giggle, I don't know what will. My daughter joins me in this episode where we learn the letters of the Spanish alphabet! a | (ah) b | (beh) c | (seh) d | (deh) e | (a mix between “eh” and “ay”) f | (EH-fay) g | (hay) h | (AH-chay) i | (ee) j | (HOH-tah) k | (kah) l | (EHL-ay) m | (EHM-ay…
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¡Hola! We are starting a new term in Jump Into Spanish! This is the final term for me to post here on the podcast. (We have already posted Term 3A, 1B, 2B, 3B, & 1A.) Our first week for Term 2A is all about review. Today's words: COLORS! When you listen to the audio make sure you are repeating the word after me OUT LOUD. And BONUS if you can point …
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¡Hola chicos! Hoy es Día cinco de la Semana doce. ¡Es el último día de la última semana de Term 1A¡ Hi guys! Today is Day Five of Week Twelve. It is the last day of the last week of Term 1A. Today we are still learning los opuestos -- opposites in Spanish. Today's words are: adentro | (ah-DEHN-troh) | in afuera | (ah-FWEH-rah) | out frío/fría | (FR…
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¡Hola chicos! Hoy es Día cuatro de la Semana doce. Estamos aprendiendo los opuestos. Hi guys! Today is Day Four of Week Twelve (in Term 1A of Jump Into Spanish) and we are learning opposites! Today's words are: frente | (FREHN-tay) | front detràs | (deh-TRAHS) | back cerrado/cerrada | (sehr-RAH-doh/sehr-RAH-dah) | closed abierto/abierta | (ah-bee-E…
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¡Hola amigos! Today is Day Three. -- Hoy es Día tres. We are in Week Twelve. -- Semana doce (in Term 1A of Jump Into Spanish). We are learning los opuestos -- opposites. Today's words are: rizado/rizada | (ree-SAH-doh/ree-SAH-dah) | curly lacio/lacia | (LAH-see-oh/LAH-see-ah) | straight (hair) liso/lisa | (LEE-soh/LEE-sah) | straight (hair) lento/l…
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Hello! -- ¡Hola! Hoy es Día dos de la Semana doce. -- Today is Day Two of Week Twelve. We are learning los opuestos -- opposites. Today's words are: grande | (GRAHN-day) | big pequeño/pequeña | (peh-KAYN-yoh/peh-KAYN-yah) | little feliz | (feh-LEECE) | happy triste | (TREECE-teh) | sad duro/dura | (DOO-roh/DOO-rah) | hard suave | (SWAH-beh) | soft …
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