My name is Dan, and I'm a Lutheran Pastor in Chicagoland. This podcast is a way for me to reach out to you and share God’s Word through Sermons, conversations, and my thoughts.
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Will to Win Ministries with Rev. Daniel W Brown Sr. This podcast seeks to glorify Almighty God, by proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Here at Will to Win Ministries we are realizing God's purpose through total dependence on God.
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Why is false preaching bad? Why is Paul so preoccupied by it? Sexagesima Isaiah 55:10-13; Psalm 84; 2 Corinthians 11:19-12:9; Luke 8:4-15
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We are saved by God’s grace alone. But we cannot begrudge His generosity, lest He ask us to leave His vineyard. Septuagesima Exodus 17:1–7; Psalm 95:1–9; 1 Corinthians 9:24—10:5; Matthew 20:1–16
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Jesus reveals his Divine Nature so that we can hold to its promises in faith as we go into our trials. We will one day be glorified like Him at the Resurrection of all flesh. Exodus 34:29–35; Psalm 2; 2 Peter 1:16–21; Matthew 17:1–9
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Jesus builds up churches and towns and states and nations on the building blocks of faithful homes. The Holy Family teaches us today how to have these faithful homes. Jesus willingly offers himself up as the one atoning sacrifice for all sin, in place of us all. The Purification of Mary and Presentation of Our Lord 1 Samuel 1:21–28; Psalm 84; Hebre…
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Who was Titus and what did he do? What is a pastor? What is the Public Office of Holy Ministry? Acts 20:17–18a, 28–35; Psalm 71:1–14; Titus 1:1–9; Luke 10:1–9 Feast of St Titus, Pastor and Confessor of the Faith
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Jesus is the true Bridegroom of the cosmic wedding between Himself and His Church. He lays down His life for Her. The Church, His Bride, fears, loves and trusts in Him. She submits herself to Him and His Word to order the Household of God rightly. Amos 9:11–15; Ephesians 5:22–33; John 2:1–11
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The Word of God was the light that made those men wise to find Christ. The same with us. His Word guides us to Jesus in his Word and Sacraments. We also celebrated a double Baptism today, of a 10 and 3 year old girl. Isaiah 60:1–6; Ephesians 3:1–12; Matthew 2:1–12 Epiphany of our Lord
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King Herod is still looking for all Christians who share in Christ’s baptism. Go to Egypt, the trials of your life, with Jesus, for the LORD will deliver you out even from the belly of the beast through those trials. Genesis 46:1–7; Psalm 77:11–20; 1 Peter 4:12–19; Matthew 2:13–23 Second Sunday After Christmas…
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Luke 10:38–42; Psalm 23; Isaiah 40:6–11; Hebrews 4:6–11
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The perfect infant Jesus who kept God’s Commands for us perfectly, grew to be the perfect man Jesus who kept God’s commands for us perfectly, which makes him the one perfect sacrifice to pay the debt we’ve incurred for not being able to keep God’s commands perfectly. 2 Samuel 7:1–16; Psalm 89:1–8; Galatians 4:1–7; Luke 2:33–40 Christmas 1. First Su…
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Christmas Day 2024 John 1:1-14 Titus 3
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Christmas Eve 2024
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Jesus is greater, though he seems lesser. Jesus creates faith in you by his word. We are to magnify Him and live humbly. Deuteronomy 18:15–19; Psalm 111; Philippians 4:4–7; Luke 1:39–56 Advent 4. Fourth Sunday of Advent.
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Exodus 1:8, 22; 2:1-10, 23-25; Psalm 77:11-20; Hebrews 3:1-6; Matthew 2:13-21 Advent Midweek 3
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John believed in Jesus by the same means that you believe in Jesus: one of His messengers brought His Words to you. Isaiah 40:1-8 Psalm 85 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 Advent 3. Third Sunday of Advent.
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Joseph is one of the only people of the Bible who explicitly forgives. This makes him a powerful type of Jesus Christ. Psalm 105:16-22 Acts 7:9–16 Matthew 1:18–25 Advent Midweek 2
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We are in the last hour of history. Jesus tells us exactly what we can and cannot control about that. Lift up your heads and your hearts! Malachi 4:1-6 Psalm 50:1-15 Romans 15:4-13 Advent 2. Second Sunday of Advent.
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Advent Midweek 1 Learn from Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, and Mary as examples of believing God’s promises in faith. Luke 1:26-38 Genesis 17:15-19 Genesis 21:1-7
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It’s Spring in the Church, though it is Winter in the World. Jesus the King is coming again into the darkness of our hearts, Church, and nation. We prepare our hearts, casting off the desires of the flesh. We examine ourselves and long for Him wrapped up in the simple means: His forgiveness, baptism, Supper, and Word. Jesus looses/unties us from ou…
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What does it mean to have your lamp full of oil? How can I make sure my lamp is full of oil? Do I need to doubt if I’m saved or part of the Elect? What can I do to find assurance that I am saved? 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Last Sunday of the Church Year. Trinity 27. Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Trinity.
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Jesus will judge his church based on their faith expressed in how they treated the least of these His Brothers. He will sort out the scoffers from the wise and faithful. Trinity 26 Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Trinity
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What is the Abomination of Desolation? What does Jesus mean when he is apocalyptic in his preaching? Trinity 25 Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Trinity. End Times.
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What are my loved ones who have passed away in the Faith doing right now? How are we joined with them in Heavenly Worship? How do I make sure I remain in the Church so that one day I will join my loved ones in the Church Triumphant? All Saints Day. Other Scripture: 1 John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12
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Preached at St Paul Lutheran Church in Cullman, Alabama for their Reformation Day German Language Service. Texts chosen for the feast of the Reformation.
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Was Luther a troublesome monk, or a pastor and professor doing his job according to his vows? What is justification? How do we try to justify ourselves instead of trusting in Christ for our justification?Reformation Day 2024
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What does it mean to out on the Armor of God? How do I do it? What does it look like? How do I fight the lies of the Devil even today? 21st Twenty First Sunday after Trinity.
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Jesus wants us to make sure we’re wearing our wedding garment when we come to the Wedding Feast. What does that mean? How do we wear it? Paul and Solomon will give us some help. How to examine oneself daily and before receiving the Lord’s Supper. How to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Trinity 20 Twentieth Sunday after Trinity.…
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The Christian’s life is often not one of sunshine and rainbows, but rather fleeing the world and her temptations and trials. Be like Jacob and endure them through faith in God’s Promises. Trinity 19 nineteenth.
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The Angels were created to be fully in line with God’s Will, to deliver messages between man and God, to guts and protect Christians, and to perfectly worship God. May we ever repent and be more like them! The Feast of St Michael and All Angels.
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Jesus Christ wants His Christians to be humble. Trinity 17 Seventeenth
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Jesus continues to show the faithful that they should expect their God to raise the dead in glory. With this certain knowledge, you too, can be so bold to speak His Word. Trinity 16 Sixteen
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Don’t be anxious about tomorrow. Trinity 15
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Above all else, guard your heart. Good fruit comes from good trees. Bad fruit comes from bad trees. Trinity 14 fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.
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And who is my neighbor? Am I a good neighbor? Jesus the Good Samaritan Trinity 13 thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
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The Word of God has power to save, open, heal, and more. Our confidence is from Christ, not ourselves. Trinity 12 Twelve.
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Why did God accept Abel’s sacrifice but not Cain’s? How does Jesus teach similarly with the Pharisee and the Tax Collector? Trinity 11 Eleven
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What is a hardened heart? How can a heart become hardened? How can my heart be softened? Can Jesus be angry with me? Trinity 10 ten
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For the St Paul, Lockport, IL family retreat, “For signs and seasons.” The Sun, Moon, and Stars.Revelation 21 and Luke 21
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How are we to use what God has given us? Take the example of the dishonest manager! 9th Ninth Sunday After Trinity
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For the Feast of St Mary Magdalene.
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Christians make sacrifices of earthly things for eternal/spiritual things in thanksgiving and gratitude. Jesus looks with compassion on these Christians who seek his Word and respond in faith.7th Seventh Sunday after Trinity.
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Cohabitation. Homosexuality. Disorder. What did Jesus mean? That the 10 commandments can be perfectly followed but it’s even harder? That they cannot be followed so that you shouldn’t try? That they aren’t broken if no one finds out? 6th Sixth Sunday after Trinity
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Impossible outside of Christ. 4th Fourth Sunday After Trinity.
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Jesus receives and eats with repentant sinners, even now. Jesus does not eat with unrepentant sinners, aka Pharisees, for very long. Trinity 3. 3rd Third Sunday after Trinity
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Jesus doesn’t beg people to come to his banquet. He simply invites. Trinity 2 second 2nd Sunday after Trinity.
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A Christian household is rooted in the daily reading and sharing of God’s Word.
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Jesus heals the blind man to show the Feritti’s original the religious leaders the day, or are the main ones because they go to recognize who Jesus Christ is1
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Why does Pastor bow so much in church? Why did Isaiah? Why don’t I? Holy Trinity
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The day of Pentecost.
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Ascension Observed. Mark 16:14-20
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