Podcast by Merri Creek Anglican
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Christ has the power to make things new. Beck explores what it means to be a new creation in ChristΑπό τον Merri Creek Anglican
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What does it mean to be a worker for God? Who is our example? Mark explores where we find our hope and joy being God's workers.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Jesus' teaching ministry was accompanied with his healing ministry. Why is that so? Peter explores the passage of Matthew 9:18-34Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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"Who is this man?" Beck explores the idea who Jesus is - He is not simply a teacher, or a good moral leader; He is God.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Jesus calls a wide range of people to build His Kingdom. Why would Jesus do this? Peter preaches on Jesus calling the unlikely.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Have we truly counted the cost of following Jesus? Rob Miller preaches on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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The message of hope resonates through a vision of unity, where faith bridges divides and empowers healing. By embracing humility and fostering mutual respect, Peter preaches how we can walk together as one, sharing in the hope of a future shaped by justice, grace, and love.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Jesus physically healed people - how does this point to his divinity? Beck explores why Jesus came to this world as the Messiah and the great healer.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Christmas is upon us. As Christians, what does it mean to "Tell It On The Mountain"? Peter explores how Christians can meaningfully engage with friends and family about the Christmas storyΑπό τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Chris Porter reflects on the divine message of hope and joy inspired by the carol "The First Noel."Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Where does our hope lie? Is it in governments, leaders and ideas? Tom French preaches on our where we must put our ultimate hope - which is found in Jesus.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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What do you say to yourself when you wake up? Is it the same things our God, the Creator and Lord, says about you? Beck shares the beautiful truths of His children in Psalm 103Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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God's name holds all power and authority, yet He has lowered Himself for a moment for our sake? Why would an all powerful God do this? Peter explores why an all powerful God would humble Himself for His glory, and for our good.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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If worshipping God does not change you, do we really know who we are worshipping? Peter explores what does it mean to worship God as Lord?Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Who is the Holy Spirit? How is the Holy Spirit shaping your life right now? Beck Miller explores the companion we all have in Christ - the Holy SpiritΑπό τον Merri Creek Anglican
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We live in a life full of distractions. How can we possibly keep our focus on Christ? Peter preaches on how we worship a God. who keeps His focus on His children.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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There are disciples; there is making disciples; and there is making disciple makers. Beck shares what it means to step into the commission.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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As Christians, we are considered holy in Christ, and set apart from the world - yet we are called to engage with it. Peter explores how Christians can effectively engage with our culture.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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In the world, but not of the world - what does this mean for you? Rob Miller explores what it means to be contrasting presence in a secular age.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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In a world that is seemingly more technologically advanced, why do we at times feel so isolated? Tom Cooper explores what it means to commit to community.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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There is a great reward now, and that is coming, for believers in Jesus. But it comes at a cost. Beck Miller explores the cost and reward for being a follower of Jesus.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Does Jesus wait for us to be qualified enough as Christians before calling us? Jesus calls Christians to follow Him, much like He did with the first disciples. Peter explores what it means to be called by Jesus.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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God created the world, and it was good. But we look around now and ask: "What happened it to?" Peter will explore how Creation will be fully restored and redeemed through the power of Jesus.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Our own local Mission. Peter speaks about Merri Creek Anglican's 3 strategic priorities in light of 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12: A flourishing Youth MInistry, Urban Discipleship and a permanent home for our Clifton HIll Congregation.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Jo Knight CEO shares with us the work of Anglican Overseas Aid, and encourages us to engage with the kingdom work of serving the poor.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Richard shares with us about the work of Prison Fellowship Victoria and reminds us that we all need Jesus the Bread of Life.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Wei Han encourages us to go or support the mission Jesus gives us to make disciples.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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In Christ, we become a new creation. How does a new creation compel others to follow Christ? Beck explores this in Titus 3.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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What does it mean to be part of a godly household? Tom French unpacks the idea of how even our households can bring God glory.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Who is qualified to lead the local church? Is anyone in this world good enough to be called to church leadership? Peter explores Paul's letter to Titus about church leadership.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Why does God allow chaos, behemoth and leviathan to live with His creation? What hope does His children have against such forces? Peter unpacks who God is, and where our hope is found in the midst of suffering.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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At times in our life, we are called by God to a life of adventure. In other times, we are called by God to a life of suffering. In both lives, how can we still bring glory to Him? Peter will be unpacking the mystery of suffering in the Book of JobΑπό τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Humans explore as high as space, and dig deep into the earth to discover truth. But where does wisdom come from? Beck shares where true wisdom can be found in the Book of Job.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Bishop Geneva talks about the importance of reconciliation through Jesus. Where do you see reconciliation most needed in your life today?Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Everyone suffers or will suffer. How are we to care for a friend who is experiencing great suffering? The second sermon in our series on Job.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Everyone suffers or will suffer. How are we to respond in relation to God when the securities of this world are taken away from us? The first sermon in our series on Job.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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The final sermon in this series, Peter speaks about these hard sayings of Jesus, and encourages us to be like the person who builds his/her house on the rock.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Without God's help we cannot live the life of love Jesus calls us to. So he exhorts us to pray persistently in the knowledge that God hears and answers our prayersΑπό τον Merri Creek Anglican
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As we near the end of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus speaks strongly to us about not being judgemental but relating in humility and with discernment in all our relationshipsΑπό τον Merri Creek Anglican
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We live in a culture where many of us suffer from anxiety and worry. But Jesus says "Do Not Worry"! How is this even possible? Peter unpacks Jesus teaching and encourages us to lean into the grace and strength of God in a world where we are not in control.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Peter continues our series on The Sermon on the Mount with the three sayings of Jesus about treasure in Heaven and the importance of an undivided heart.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Rob proclains the good news of Easter Sunday- Jesus is alive , and we are forever changed!Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Peter speaks about the story of Palm Sunday when Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, and is welcomed as God's promised King.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Jesus says to practice your devotional life in private and not show off your righteousness to others. But is that really our problem in western secular culture in 2024? What are the challenges for us as we desire to draw near to God, and how can we cultivate wonder and imagination in an era where the spiritual realm is rarely imagined or trusted.…
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Love for enemies is the non negotiable and high call of Jesus to us in this part of the Sermon on the Mount- and it lies at the heart of the christian message. But how can we activate this in our faith when it is so hard to do?Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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In this message from the sermon on the mount Peter focusses on the challenging words of Jesus along with other bible passages about the topic of marriage, divorce and remarriage - and speaks to the complexities and questions we may have today.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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Tom speaks about the 5 star righteousness that Jesus lived out in regards to anger, and he invites us to learn from him, laying down anger and seeking reconciliation.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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In this topical sermon Peter speaks from Paul's writing to the Corinthian church to encourage and remind us to give joyfully from the heart, knowing that it is God who pours out his grace upon us.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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These key verses in the Sermon on the Mount speak of Jesus who fulfils all we read in the Old Testament and whose perfect righteousness becomes our own.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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We continue on in the Sermon on the mount with these classic images Jesus uses to describe his followers. But what fears or concerns do we have about standing out in this world? Peter inspires us to think about what it looks like to be Jesus transformative presence in the world.Από τον Merri Creek Anglican
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