The Menders: Lead from Within podcast engages real-world healthcare leaders in conversation to explore innovative and emotionally intelligent approaches to addressing the most complex challenge facing healthcare leaders today: how to take better care of their people. Each episode features thought leaders in healthcare innovation, inclusive leadership, employee engagement, communication strategy, and healthy organizational practices.
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Pay attention to the personal and organizational factors that erode well-being, drive burnout, and make strategic changes to nourish yourself and your team. “I’ve finally found my passion!” Not every day, my patients walk into my office smiling, but it’s delightful when it happens. I’d been working with this guy for a while, focusing on mindful sel…
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Earn employees' trust by giving them a life-giving workplace. I’d been waiting to catch the attention of my chief of staff all morning. I finally had her on my screen. With my headphones on, I didn’t notice the office door creak open until a glitter-encrusted wand was thrust in my face. I was mortified, but she responded graciously, “I have kids to…
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If you’re a woman in leadership struggling to prioritize yourself, try Intuitive Eating as a first step to honoring yourself. You can't be the woman in leadership your people need you to be without prioritizing self-care. One of the things that women leaders mention is the difficulty they have prioritizing taking time for themselves, especially whe…
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Lead with self-awareness and mindfulness to keep your leadership presence in difficult times. As a psychologist, much of my time is spent teaching people how to regulate their emotions. You could call this skill learning how to manage stress, distress tolerance, or create breathing space under pressure. Leaders need three skills to stay calm and ma…
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Leaders Are Trained Not Born. It is time to include leadership development as a core component of healthcare training. Our trainees may have innate leadership skills and qualities, but leadership can also be taught. And as we work to create institutions that reflect our communities, we must equip trainees from diverse backgrounds with the leadershi…
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Address structural bias to elevate underrepresented employees as leaders within healthcare organizations. There is a representation gap in healthcare leadership. People with diverse identities and historically marginalized tend to be underrepresented in the pool of applicants presenting for executive positions in healthcare organizations. Many thin…
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Invest in employee engagement. You don’t have to compromise your bottom line to create a healthy workplace. You can create change in your healthcare organization when your employees have disengaged. It takes persistent effort, but it’s possible. And the time and energy you invest in employee engagement won’t negatively impact your bottom line. Not …
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Mindful leaders know that forcing mindfulness on their employees won’t solve burnout in healthcare. There is a common misconception about mindfulness popular with healthcare clinicians and leadership. We have gotten caught up in believing that mindfulness will help us be calmer, nicer, handle stress better, and recover from burnout faster. Mindfuln…
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Engage your Employees by Prioritizing Internal Communication. Carley Trotman is the founder of The CarTam Project. She’s a communication strategist, a cake lover, expat in the South of France. She brings a wealth of experience working with healthcare organizations on organizational communication and internal messaging to promote employee engagement…
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Reduce physician workload by prioritizing administrative professionals with Amanda Forrester
Becoming a Voice for Change. Highly trained administrative leaders are becoming more challenging to find. But suppose you're lucky enough to hire someone like Amanda Forrester. In that case, you'll be able to transform your healthcare system by learning to prioritize the well-being of administrative professionals within your healthcare system. It i…
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Leadership and the Volume to Value challenge with Dr. Letitia Anderson
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1:01:31Transitioning care from volume to value challenges us to completely transform how we think about financial incentives in healthcare. If you're struggling with transitioning from being a clinician to a healthcare executive leader, this episode is for you! Dr. Letitia Anderson, MD, is a practicing cardiologist and a Chief of Staff. She's been in your…
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Aligning Your Actions with Your Values for DEI & Inclusive Leadership If you’ve been wondering how to put your core values into practice and help your healthcare organization transition away from old habits and towards inclusive leadership values. Look no further. Sarah Bettman shares practical ideas about how to align your healthcare system with d…
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You can reclaim your courage, all you need is a map. Courage shows up in places of pain, transition, challenge, and uncertainty! And while women are not socialized to be courageous, we are born into spaces that demand courage and leadership. Did you know that boys keep a steady level of courage as they age, but girls don't? Girls lose their courage…
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Neuroscience and Networking Go Hand in Hand for Women Leaders. Neuroscience sounds complex, and it is, but the fundamentals of neuroscience come down to caring for your brain in the simplest ways. Have you ever stopped to think about how your brain health impacts your ability to do your job as a leader in healthcare? Maybe you have, maybe you haven…
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Lead with Your Whole Life as a Whole Person and as a Woman. Self-awareness is the core of effective leadership. And I'm talking about leadership that goes beyond any particular role you may hold. You are a leader in your life as much as you are a leader in your healthcare system. Women who are aware of their need for boundaries and self-care are be…
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Leadership takes courage. Being a young healthcare CEO is a tough job. But it can be even more challenging (and isolating) for young BIPOC women. Natalie Lamberton shares the lessons she learned through this experience as a young black female CEO. She found mentors and models who inspired and empowered her to take ownership of this role. And she us…
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Take Small Steps to Model Self Care & Sustain Your Team. Your sustainability as a leader or manager is critical to the well-being and resilience of your team. Don't think your well-being, health behaviors, or self-care routine matters to your team? Think again. Your people are watching you and taking your lead. When leaders model health boundaries …
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Client Spotlight: An Example of How To Create Organizational Well-Being. Whatever the size or complexity of your organization, I hope that you feel empowered to make small changes to start the process of cultural transformation. The most effective and lasting changes start with the smallest actions. Take the time to consider what tiny action you ca…
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Create a Responsive Feedback Cycle. Congratulations! You've taken the time to engage, listen, and respond to your employees. Now it is time to ensure that your changes to promote well-being continue making an impact over the long term. The good news is that your policy changes will pay dividends in employee engagement and workplace satisfaction as …
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Empower Your Frontline Employees To Create Change. It is tempting to push the responsibility for organizational change into employees. And, while they play a vital role in this process, employees can only create change when you lead the way. So how do you get this right? Take the time to invest in a systemic response. And then empower your employee…
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Align Organizational Policies with Employee Needs & Well-Being. Okay, you've invested time and energy in listening to your employees. And you're asking, "now what?" Good news, now it's time for action! It's time to evaluate your organizational policies and realign them with your employees' needs. All that listening helped you rebuild relationships …
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Validate Distress & Desires. Listening is easy, right? You know it's more complicated. Especially when you listen to the perspectives of many people who see things differently. Taking the time to validate the emotions beneath what you hear will help you to build trust. It also helps establish safety within your team and organizational community. Yo…
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Commit to a Consistent Listening Rhythm. Guess what? Communication is tricky. We probably can't get our messaging right every time. But when we show up consistently for our teams ready to listen and provide information, we create a robust communication pathway. Showing up at regularly scheduled intervals and in consistent ways allows us to build tr…
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Develop a Diverse Listening Toolkit. Learning to listen to your whole team requires you to create many opportunities for your team to share their experiences and provide feedback. Don't mistake an annual survey for an adequate communication plan. Build redundancy into your communication with all of your people by creating many different opportuniti…
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Elevate Employees with Diverse Perspectives & Backgrounds. Teams with more psychological safety make fewer errors and have better communication! And coming to work is a lot more fun and engaging when you feel safe. So how do we create psychological safety? I recommend you identify the team members who have historically had less power and elevate th…
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Cultivate Community Engagement. Creating meaningful community engagement starts with building shared values in your interactions. Getting your people to listen to you and invest in your community is much easier when you have a shared foundation. It is worth taking the time to build engagement before you introduce big changes. The secret of employee…
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Maximize Leadership Buy-in. You know you've got a relationship problem when you're motivated to create positive changes by you get stuck trying to convince your team (or your boss) that change is a good thing. "What, a relationship problem?" You ask, "I thought this was about how to manage up?" Well, that's true. But the reality is that building re…
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Sustain Your Momentum. When you learn to value your basic needs as a human, it will supercharge your sustainability as a leader. Your sustainability as a leader is critical to keeping your team afloat. Your team can't do it without you. If you're struggling to make the impact you'd hope to create as a healthcare leader. Stop. Listen to your body. A…
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Connect with Your Why. If workplace burnout is getting the better of you and you're wondering why you can't seem to get yourself and your team out of the endless cycle of productivity and fatigue, it may be time to reconnect with your why. And it may also be time to make some systemic changes. Take a moment to ask yourself. Why am I doing this work…
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If you've been enjoying Menders season one, get excited, because seasons 2 and 3 are on their way! Take a quick listen to hear a preview of what you can expect! Season 2: How to create cultural transformation in your organization - you'll hear my personal stories and challenges creating change - you'll get bite-sized ideas about what you can do to …
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Connecting with loved ones over the holidays can be a beautiful way to sustain and nourish ourselves. But these times can also be challenging and bring up difficulties related to past losses, interpersonal conflict with family and colleagues, overworking, and exhaustion. Taking a moment to connect with gratitude and joy during beautiful and challen…
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Healing burnout & moral injury through radical community. How do we put care back in healthcare? How do we stop taking advantage of clinicians’ professionalism? These are just two of the essential questions raised by David Kopacz, MD. We’re all talking about well-being and how to address burnout more effectively. And if you’ve ever found yourself m…
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Leadership is Simple, when you use a PERSON centered approach I know you’ve read all the books about what to do differently to become a better leader, but Michele Thomson is here to tell us why we already have what it takes to be the leaders our teams and healthcare systems need. Our teams need leaders who are willing to engage in the tough busines…
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Act responsibly without taking on others' responsibility. Erin Gibb shares her philosophy of caring for and nourishing her healthcare organization as a living organism, before turning her attention to the well-being of the clinicians working in her organization, and, finally, to the well-being of the people who receive care in her clinic. While her…
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For Menders episode 27, I had the privilege to sit down and talk with Ramses Rodriguez, an anxiety master coach, who shared how we can learn to use anxiety as a tool when we allow ourselves to be 100% honest about how it’s serving us in our lives. In this episode, Ramses shares his journey from nurse’s assistant to master coach and the life lessons…
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For Menders episode 26, I had the opportunity to explore values-based innovation and team leadership with Dr. Dan Drozd, the Chief Medical Officer of Picnic Health. In this episode, Dan shares his non-linear career journey from English major to software engineer, infectious disease physician, and now to CMO. And he shares the leadership lessons he’…
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I recently had the opportunity to sit down and speak with Jennifer O’Brien. It was a pleasure and a personally moving experience for me. I hope you enjoy listening! After spending her career in healthcare as a changemaker and traveling executive, Jennifer became a family caregiver to her late husband Bob, a palliative care physician. Now Jennifer i…
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For Menders episode 24, I had the opportunity to chat with Jenn Cochran, a Nurse Coach and the founder of Happy Whole Life. Jenn shared some of the lessons she’s learned from her years as a nurse and how she’s grown past some of the less helpful elements of the self-sacrificing nursing culture as she’s learned to care for her whole self. Jenn share…
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For Menders episode 23, I had the opportunity to sit down with Daniel Hoang, a man of many talents who was willing to do a deep dive on change management, parenting, self-care, and how we can bring love into healthcare relationships to promote change on a human scale. Daniel spent much of his career as a change management consultant working for hea…
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For Menders’ episode 22, I had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Khara Jefferson, a functional wellness consultant and the owner of KAJ Wellness. I found this conversation fun and joyful, and I hope you feel the same way! Khara brought her functional medicine perspective and her history as an emergency medicine practitioner to our conversation. …
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Menders episode 21 is out now, and it is a treat! I sat down with Adele Wang, and while we had intended to think through the mind-body impacts of stress and burnout, we found ourselves deep in conversation about calling and what nourishes us as humans and healers. I loved this conversation and am still reverberating with Adele’s ideas. Adele shared…
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Menders episode 20 is gracing the airwaves! In this episode, Dr. Liz Dykhouse highlights the differences between wellness and well-being. She shares how she has integrated well-being into the core curriculum of her family medicine residency. And she provides a framework for how well-being naturally leads to systemic advocacy in healthcare. Liz and …
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In this episode of Menders, Dr. Julia Mackaronis, a licensed clinical psychologist and the lead mental health clinician for the Quinault Indian Nation, shares her experiences learning to acknowledge the reality of the blind spots inherent within her cultural frame as a white Western psychologist. We explore the process of learning to be in a good r…
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Leaving your day job as a physician may be the only way forward if you are stuck in a toxic healthcare environment. Dr. Cindy Rubin shares her story of taking a leap of faith from the traditional healthcare system into her practice as a direct primary care pediatrician. For Cindy, making this transition allowed her to create a fulfilling work life …
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Healthcare organizations are complex organisms—you have the power to create a healthier environment for yourself and your employees intentionally. Explore the impacts of toxic environments on the well-being of physicians and healthcare systems as complex living organisms. When we see teams and elements of our institutions crumbling, we can be sure …
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Pay attention to how public health policy changes impact daily life in your healthcare organization and take action to advocate for change consistent with your values. Aaron Katz shares his view of healthcare from the zoomed-out 30,000-foot public policy level. Take a step back to look at the world of healthcare and consider how the daily lives of …
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Setting boundaries will help you to model personal leadership strategies for your employees and keep you sustainable in a challenging healthcare environment. Dr. Mari Yamamoto shares some challenges of navigating full-time roles as a clinician, parent, and partner. She shares how her values guide her daily decision-making and prompt her to set boun…
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Transformational leaders use challenges created by our shift to a virtual care environment to invest in relationships with their teams and create sustainable employee engagement. Dr. Maia Carter shares how she has learned to slow down and enjoy her life’s journey as she has shifted her focus to succeeding in life and not just striving for the next …
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Paying attention to equity in education and training will help you to diversify and empower the workforce entering your healthcare organization. Dr. Scott Michael shares the challenges to equity in healthcare training that have an outsized impact on trainees from marginalized backgrounds. He recently joined Lyra Health and is excited to share about…
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Creating psychological safety for women of color and other BIPOC individuals creates an inclusive environment that promotes the well-being of your entire employee community. Dr. Jessica Chen shares her experiences as a woman of color navigating the challenges of academic medicine and other healthcare spaces not designed to empower women of color. L…
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