Our modo iz "REVOLUTIONIZE EVERYTHING"!! We will be speaking on topics and subjects towards updating our CULTURE!!! BWTIII and Dicasso are the "Founding Fathers" of "BloodLine REVOLUTION", and are the hosts of the "PodKast". STAY TUNED for the next wave of Revolutionary Pioneers updating and upgrading the public to new heights!!! REVOLUTIONIZE EVERYTHING!!!
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BWTIII answers a question sent in regards to "Why do we need an update of our culture?" He provides a strong answer and brings proof and truth to the need. He also explains how we as people contribute to our own misery.
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Jasper Jenkinz joins the BloodLine REVOLUTION PodKast and rants about food, Donald Trump, and I95 Traffic.
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Hello WORLD!!! We want to introduce ourselves to everyone listening. Here iz a new platform for dialogue and new innovative ideas towards updating our CULTURE!!! STAY TUNED in to us for more REVOLUTIONIZED ENTERTAINMENT!!! THIS IZ JUST THE BEGINNING!!!
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