Podcast Rabies adalah obrolan sehari-hari yang ngebahas soal pengalaman hidup Rakyat Bieasa.
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A podcast that looks at current issues surrounding a very old disease. Created and produced by United Against Rabies. Hosted by Professor Katie Hampson of the University of Glasgow with guests from around the world. Find out more at www.unitedagainstrabies.org
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A dumb podcast not worth listening to.
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The battle against rabies is complex and difficult. But imagine having to fight rabies in a country at war. In this episode, we meet three people working in enormously challenging circumstances in Afghanistan, South Sudan and Ukraine. From Ukraine we learn that soldiers on the front line are being put at risk of rabies as abandoned animals reproduc…
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South African rabies expert Kevin Le Roux told colleages at the United Against Rabies Forum in Cape Town that rabies data will never be perfect, so what is vital is to act to control the disease and save lives. Meanwhile Dr Joseph Nkhoma of Malawi points out that lack of data is a huge impediment to getting political and financial support for rabie…
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World Rabies Day is September 28th, an important day for community mobilization around dog vaccination and raising public awareness. But what's really successful when working with communities? And what is happening at national and international levels around World Rabies Day? This episode introduces the new Chair of United Against Rabies, Dr Lucill…
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Rabies still kills at least 25,000 people each year in Africa, many of them children. It also kills huge numbers of livestock animals at great cost to farming and pastoral communities. In this episode, Katie Hampson reports from northern Tanzania where there has been some progress in bringing rabies under control, but also meets a family whose son …
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Human rabies vaccines for PEP save lives by stopping the deadly virus reaching the central nervous system. But these lifesaving vaccines are often unavailable or unaffordable, especially in marginalized communities in Asia and Africa where rabies is still a significant public health problem. On 12 June 2024, Gavi begins the rollout of a new program…
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Dog-mediated rabies is on the rise in Southeast Asia, including in areas that were previously rabies free. Could a new ASEAN strategy finally turn the tide in the region to address low dog vaccination rates, insufficient provision of human rabies vaccines for PEP and lack of resources? And how are rabies concerns driving regulation of the dog meat …
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Professor Katie Hampson will be back soon with a new series of Rabies Today. Stay tuned! Send us a text We would love to hear from you. You can find us on X/Twitter: UARForum LinkedIn: United Against Rabies Instagram: UnitedAgainstRabies_ Facebook: United Against Rabies Join the conversation by using the hashtag #RabiesToday. Rabies Today is produc…
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"Zero by 30" is the Global Strategic Plan to achieve zero human deaths from dog- mediated rabies by 2030. It was published in 2018, well before the pandemic. With just 7 years to go, can “Zero by 30” still be achieved? What progress has been made since the goal was set? Does it need to be extended? Join host Prof Katie Hampson and her expert guests…
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In the Americas, canine rabies variants have infected several wildlife species which now maintain independent cycles of transmission. In Namibia, kudu have emerged as unlikely species to be especially vulnerable to rabies transmission within the herd. Join Professor Katie Hampson and her guests in a fascinating conversation about rabies, dogs and w…
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Professor Katie Hampson and guests discuss the diverse strategies they employ at local level to tackle rabies. From education to religion and local customs to politics, context is critical. With Dr Kenneth Chawinga, Senior Inspectorate and Regulatory Officer of Veterinary Public Health, Lusaka, Zambia, Dr Rey del Napoles, Division Chief, Animal Car…
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Dogs and people have lived together for thousands of years. As the main source of rabies infections in humans (over 90%), controlling rabies in dogs is essential to ending human rabies deaths. In this episode we’re discussing how different concepts of dog ownership in Asia and Africa affect mass dog vaccination, testing and disease surveillance. We…
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Only a fraction of human rabies cases are reported to the WHO's Global Health Observatory and the quality of national data on rabies deaths is extremely variable. In Episode 2 in this series, Professor Katie Hampson explores the barriers to effective rabies reporting and what that means for rabies control efforts. Katie's guests are Dr Ryan Wallace…
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We've had life-saving vaccines to prevent rabies from killing people for over 100 years, yet millions of people, mainly in Africa and Asia, still lack access to these essential medicines. Join Professor Katie Hampson and her guests as they hear what happens to many dog bite victims in countries like Burkina Faso, and the potential for investment by…
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Sadar atau enggak, kalian pasti pernah terjebak ke dalam kondisi kerja yang bernama "Hustle Culture". Apa sih itu?
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Hidup minimalis tuh gampang-gampang susah buat diterapin. Jujur, kami berdua pun masih dalam tahap belajar. Di episode 8 ini Rabies mau bahas soal hidup minimalis yang mungkin aja berguna bagi kaum urban lyke us.
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Yap! FOMO atau Fear Of Missing Out ini relate banget sama kehidupan millenials apalagi kalo disangkut pautin sama social media. Kamu nggak sendirian kok :') karena kami juga ngalamin hal yang sama.
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Jangan pernah ngerasa Lo tuh sendirian di dunia ini. Rabies akan bahas mental illness dan gimana sih cara mengontrolnya. Tentunya dengan versi kami.
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Sabar... Kadang ada aja temen kantor yang bikin kita istigfar setiap hari
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Ketika Lo ngeliat hal-hal yang bikin hati terenyuh dan bikin Lo lebih semangat lagi ngejalanin hidup. Tsssaaah!
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Obrolan sehari-hari yang ngebahas soal pengalaman hidup Rakyat Bieasa. Episode 3 bakal ngomongin gimana sikap si Introvert saat ada di lingkungan baru dan how to face it!
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Obrolan sehari-hari yang ngebahas soal pengalaman hidup Rakyat Bieasa. Episode 2 bakal ngomongin "Plus Minus Kuliah Sambil Kerja". Buat yang ngalamin kuliah sambil kerja, pasti ngerasain gimana suka dukanya. Nah disini kita mau sharing enak dan gak enaknya kuliah sambil kerja menurut pengalaman kita. Semoga bermanfaat!…
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Obrolan sehari-hari yang ngebahas soal pengalaman hidup Rakyat Bieasa. Episode 1 bakal ngomongin "pilih D3 atau S1?" Semua ada plus minusnya, kita cuma kasih pandangan dari apa yang pernah kita alamin.
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HDM #002: Two dogs by Radio RabiesΑπό τον Radio Rabies
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The Hairy Dairy Man Show by Radio RabiesΑπό τον Radio Rabies
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My Shitty Week by Radio RabiesΑπό τον Radio Rabies
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I hate the media by Radio RabiesΑπό τον Radio Rabies
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Neighbours by Radio RabiesΑπό τον Radio Rabies
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Distance by Radio RabiesΑπό τον Radio Rabies
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Brexit Day. Who will get the blame if it goes wrong?Από τον Radio Rabies
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There Are Too Many Of Us by Radio RabiesΑπό τον Radio Rabies
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If you're not angry, you're not paying attention.Από τον Radio Rabies
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There's a reason why independent places shut down.Από τον Radio Rabies
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Bloody hacked and I became a spam bot. Join me in the quest to clean up my name...Από τον Radio Rabies
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