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Simple English News Daily


Simple English News Daily is a 7-minute podcast which tells today’s news in clear, simple, British English. Start your day by listening to 7 minutes of the most important stories from everywhere in the world. With SEND7, you can stay up-to-date with world news, and improve your English at the same time. SEND7 is aimed at intermediate and advanced English learners and teachers, and people with English as a second language, as well as native English speakers who want a fast, daily summary of w ...
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DVB English News

Democratic Voice of Burma

English language news service from Myanmar's largest independent media network: The Democratic Voice of Burma. Newscast goes behind the headlines on What's happening in Myanmar. Newsroom shines a spotlight on under-reported stories through interviews with decision makers. Watch DVB English News on YouTube or Spotify. Listen on Apple Podcasts, YouTube Music, Audible, Amazon Music, or wherever you get podcasts. https://www.youtube.com/@dvbenglish/podcasts
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Formosa English News

Formosa TV

Since its launch in 1997, Formosa News has been a leading source for news affecting Taiwan. One of its primary objectives is to reach a broader audience by broadcasting in multiple languages, including Mandarin and Taiwanese. It is also one of the few stations to offer a local news program in English. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Learn American English online with us! In our course we emphasize all aspects of language learning from listening comprehension, rapid vocabulary expansion, exposure to English grammar and common idiomatic expressions, to pronunciation practice and interactive grammar exercises. In our program we discuss the Weekly News, English grammar, and English expressions, and much more in simplified English at a slow pace so that you can understand almost every word and sentence.
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Sit back and lean Enlgish with a native English teacher. You will listen to some new vocabulary and there definitions as well as example sentences. Then I will read a current news story using these new vocabulary words. The material comes from engoo.com.
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English News Pod

English Teacher Caroline

Do you want to learn English but don’t have a lot of time? Listening to the news in English is a great way to build your fluency by learning common vocabulary and phrases associated with various topics. The best news (no pun intended), is that with this podcast, you can learn from anywhere! This podcast is great for students of all levels, from beginners trying to expand their listening and vocabulary skills to advanced students looking to build a regular practice. Subscribe and follow for b ...
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Easy English AI News

Easy English AI News

"Easy English AI News" is your go-to podcast for exploring the world of AI while enhancing your English listening comprehension. With clear explanations and simple vocabulary, you'll stay up-to-date on the latest AI developments. Join us today!
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Easy English Crypto News

Easy English Crypto News

Discover the world of cryptocurrency without the complexity at Easy English Crypto News. Our unique platform offers engaging dialogues between two characters who explore both the latest crypto(Web3) trends and foundational concepts—all in simple, accessible English. Whether you're new to crypto(Web3) or looking to strengthen your understanding, Easy English Crypto News makes learning about digital currencies straightforward and enjoyable. Perfect for English learners and crypto(Web3) enthusi ...
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ICRT English in the News

ICRT/Jane Lee

Improve your English with the ICRT News Team! Here you will find useful expressions and vocabulary from the news to help you better understand what's happening around the world, and speak like a pro. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Stay informed and improve your English with the Phrasal Verb News Podcast! Each episode dives into recent global news stories, breaking them down with real-life examples of phrasal verbs, idioms, and business expressions. Perfect for intermediate to advanced English learners, this podcast helps you master natural, everyday language while staying up to date on current events. After summarizing each story, we explain the vocabulary in-depth, show how it’s used in context, and provide practical ...
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A podcast for people who need to speak and read about the economy in English. Alan Robert has been teaching business English to economists for 20 years. Join him for these weekly business English lessons that include news and headlines you can use to learn the English vocabulary you need to read, write and speak about the economy. These business English podcast lessons focus on current events and teach you English vocabulary for economics finance, business, banking, and government.
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Brazilian News in English

Brazilian News Network

Brazilian News in English é o podcast perfeito para brasileiros que desejam aprimorar seu inglês de forma prática e envolvente. Se você já estuda o idioma ou quer melhorar suas habilidades, aqui você encontra um conteúdo que combina o melhor dos dois mundos: notícias relevantes sobre o Brasil, comentadas e discutidas em inglês. Nossos hosts trazem tópicos atuais, que variam de política a cultura, sempre conectando os acontecimentos ao contexto brasileiro, o que facilita o entendimento e o ap ...
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会談を前に握手する岩屋毅外相と英国のラミー外相、7日午後、東京都港区の外務省飯倉公館岩屋毅外相は7日、英国のラミー外相と東京都内の外務省飯倉公館で会談した。 Japanese Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya and his British counterpart, David Lammy, agreed Friday that the two countries will work together closely for a fair and lasting peace in Ukraine, while U.S. President Donald Trump is moving closer to Russia.…
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This week we lend our feed to Myanmar's Resilient Voices season 7 episode 3 Resisting Harmful Narratives: The Power of Film in the LGBTQIA+ Struggle. In this episode, a filmmaker reflects on the traumatic impact of derogatory portrayals of the LGBTQIA+ community in Myanmar’s media. Drawing from personal experiences, the speaker delves into how toxi…
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World news in 7 minutes. Friday 7th March 2025. Today: EU defence boost. Ukraine update. Germany coup sentencing. US Mexico Canada tariffs. Argentina pensions. Syria fighting. Bangladesh rations cut. South Korea accidental bombing. Lesotho exists. Nigeria allegation suspension. And a woolly mouse. SEND7 is supported by our amazing listeners like yo…
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全球AI商機蓄勢待發,2025如何投資更有效? 野村投信ETF「台美研發大聯盟」帶您一次掌握! 00935 獨家研發費用選股,鎖定台灣創新科技好股 00971 嚴選美國全產業研發龍頭,聚焦美股大廠爆發力 00935、00971 你投資世界的優質首選 https://fstry.pse.is/789wh9 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckbrc9xz33pse0918wxz4pc5w 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckbrc9xz33pse0918wxz4pc5w/comments Powered by Firstory …
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More than half of all adults and a third of children, teenagers and young adults around the world are predicted to be overweight or obese by 2050. Find full subtitles and a worksheet for this episode at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/learning-english-from-the-news_2025/250305 FIND BBC LEARNING ENGLISH HERE: Visit our websit…
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Japanese Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya and his British counterpart, David Lammy, agreed Friday that the two countries will work together closely for a fair and lasting peace in Ukraine, while U.S. President Donald Trump is moving closer to Russia.Από τον 時事通信社
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全国がん患者団体連合会などから「高額療養費制度」に関するアンケートを受け取る石破茂首相、7日午後、首相官邸石破茂首相は7日、医療費が高額となった場合に患者負担を抑える「高額療養費制度」見直しを巡り、今年8月に予定していた患者負担上限額の引き上げを見送ると表明した。 The Japanese government is considering shelving a plan to raise the ceiling of out-of-pocket expenses for high-cost medical care in August, it was learned Friday.Από τον 時事通信社
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日英の経済版2プラス2閣僚会合を終え、共同記者発表に臨む英国のレイノルズ・ビジネス貿易相、ラミー外相、岩屋毅外相、武藤容治経済産業相、7日午後、東京都港区の飯倉公館日英両政府は7日、外務・経済閣僚による「経済版2プラス2」会合を東京都内で開いた。 Japanese and British foreign and economy ministers on Friday affirmed the importance of free and fair trade at a time when the international economic order has been shaken by U.S. President Donald Trump's tariffs.…
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SBI新生銀行本店、東京都中央区SBI新生銀行は7日、政府と公的資金約3300億円の完済方法について合意したと発表した。 SBI Shinsei Bank said Friday it has reached an agreement with the Japanese government on measures to repay some 330 billion yen in remaining public funds.Από τον 時事通信社
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内田誠日産自動車社長日産自動車が11日に開く取締役会で内田誠社長の進退を協議することが7日、分かった。 The board of Nissan Motor Co. is expected to meet as early as Tuesday to discuss the fate of President and CEO Makoto Uchida, people familiar with the matter said Friday.Από τον 時事通信社
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参院予算委員会で答弁する石破茂首相、7日午後、国会内参院予算委員会は7日、石破茂首相と関係閣僚が出席し、2025年度予算案に関する一般質疑を行った。 Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba made counterarguments Friday after U.S. President Donald Trump complained about the Japan-U.S. security treaty unilaterally requiring the United States to defend Japan.Από τον 時事通信社
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福岡高裁、福岡市中央区「1票の格差」が最大2.06倍だった昨年10月の衆院選は投票価値の平等を定めた憲法に違反するとして、二つの弁護士グループが選挙無効を求めて全国14の高裁・支部に起こした計16件の訴訟の判決が7日、出そろった。 Japan's House of Representatives election in October last year was found to be constitutional in terms of vote-value disparities by a total of 16 high court and high court branch rulings issued by Friday.…
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記者会見をする鈴木馨祐法相、7日午前、法務省政府は7日、民事訴訟の全判決を収録したデータベースを創設するための法案を閣議決定した。 The Japanese government Friday adopted a bill to create a database that would store all rulings in civil lawsuits in digital form, hoping to put it into service by summer 2027.Από τον 時事通信社
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林芳正官房長官、5日、首相官邸林芳正官房長官は7日の記者会見で、トランプ米大統領が日米安全保障条約の対日防衛義務に不満を表明したことに関し、「政府として米国が核を含むあらゆる種類の能力を用いて義務を果たすことに全幅の信頼を置いている」と述べた。 The Japanese government has the utmost confidence in the United States fulfilling its obligation to defend Japan under the bilateral security treaty, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said Friday.…
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トランプ米大統領、4日、ワシントン【ワシントン時事】トランプ米大統領は6日、日米同盟関係について「われわれは日本を守らなければならないが、日本はわれわれを守らない」と不満を表明した。 U.S. President Donald Trump voiced fresh dissatisfaction with the Japan-U.S. security treaty Thursday.Από τον 時事通信社
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日本学術会議事務局、東京都港区政府は7日、日本学術会議を現行の「国の特別の機関」から切り離し、特殊法人への改編を柱とした新しい日本学術会議法案を閣議決定した。 The Japanese government Friday adopted a bill to convert the Science Council of Japan from a special organization of the state into a special corporation.Από τον 時事通信社
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【図解】悪質ホストクラブ対策を巡る風営法改正案の柱政府は7日、悪質ホストクラブ対策を柱とする風営法改正案を閣議決定した。 The Japanese government adopted at a cabinet meeting Friday a bill aimed at regulating debt-collection activities by malicious host clubs.Από τον 時事通信社
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日銀本店、東京都中央区【ワシントン時事】国際通貨基金のコザック報道官は6日の定例記者会見で、日銀の追加利上げに関し、インフレを巡るリスクを踏まえれば、「時間の経過とともに、緩やかなペースで進めるべきだ」と勧告した。 An International Monetary Fund official said Thursday that the Bank of Japan should raise interest rates gradually, based on incoming economic data.Από τον 時事通信社
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An explosion occurred at a plant of Chuo Spring Co., a Toyota Motor Corp. affiliate, in Aichi Prefecture, central Japan, at around 8 a.m. on Thursday, killing a 40-year-old male worker, according to local fire officials and other sources.Από τον 時事通信社
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Japan Football Association President Tsuneyasu Miyamoto said Thursday that FIFA's decision to only accept applications to host the 2031 Women's World Cup from member countries in Africa, North America, Central America and the Caribbean was extremely disappointing.Από τον 時事通信社
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【図解】セブン&アイを巡る動きセブン&アイ・ホールディングスは6日、企業価値向上に向けた新たな経営戦略を発表した。 Seven & i Holdings Co. said Thursday it has named Stephen Hayes Dacus, 64, an outside director of the major Japanese retail group, as its new president and CEO to replace Ryuichi Isaka, 67.Από τον 時事通信社
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