Flock Talk with Brad & Thomas is a podcast dedicated to the Baltimore Psychedelic-Funk band, Pigeons Playing Ping Pong. We recap recent shows and festivals, discuss pertinent topics about the music, interview members of The Flock and play Pigeons songs from the archives.
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After All Is Said & Done - then we will know, won't we? But perhaps we can know now, if we choose to. The question then is, will we choose to?
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AAISAD 0304 – Neo-Hitler Putin’s Islamist Chechnyan’s serving Satan/Allah in monstrously preying upon Ukrainians!
Neo-Hitler Putin’s monstrous use of Chechnyan Kadyrovtsy Islamist terror squads to torture, gang-rape, and slaughter Ukrainian civilians, à la Hitler’s Wehrmacht, SS, during Nazi invasion of Russia in WWII.Taiwan, is it about chips?Uncle Joe’s Disinformation Governance Board, à la George Orwell’s ‘Ministry of Truth,’ circa 1984, morphs into Joe’s n…
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AAISAD 0303 – Putin’s Secret Weapon, Islamist Chechen Terrorist Commandos, murder Russian wounded, gang-rape torture murder Ukrainians!
Neo-Hitler fascist Vladimir Putin’s protégé Islamist Chechen Warlord Ramzan Kadyrov’s rapacious murderous Islamist Chechen Kadyrovtsy commandos murder Russian wounded, torture and massacre Ukrainians, gang-rape and murder Ukrainian women and girls.Putin’s protégé Islamist Chechen Warlord Ramzan Kadyrov threatens to terroristically invade Poland, “O…
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You've been asking, so here you go: Flock Talk Episode 67! Flock Talk makes its return to the airwaves for the first time in A LONG TIME! We're happy to be back, and in our return we give you updates on our lives, and we talk about Domefest last weekend and Red Rocks tonight. Pigeons' Songs Played:Walk Outside>Sir Real>Walk Outside - Red Rocks 5/2/…
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AAISAD 0302 – Commanders in Russian Total War Invasion of Ukraine murdering their wounded men. Communist China vs. Christians & Taiwan. President Biden’s AG Garland’s baldfaced… Democrats push all things ...
Russia’s Invasion Force Commanders murdering their wounded soldiers.Russian savagery to Ukraine civilians.Communist China’s regime vs. Chinese Christian Church, Chinese Christians, and Taiwan.President Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland and the escalating police state!California Governor Gavin Newsom using other people’s money (OPM) to push i…
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AAISAD 0301 - Fascist Gangster Putin's Criminal 'Total War' Invasion of Ukraine... Western Criminal Apathy.
Fascist Gangster Vladimir Putin's deliberately vicious utterly inhumane terrorist 'Total War' against godly Ukraine.The appalling failure of the Western nations' leaders, including of nuclear 'Super Powers.'Putin's propaganda.Biden's USA's rhetoric, promises, and appeasement...A godly leader, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, moves to educate youngste…
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AAISAD 0300 – Putin’s bloody invasion of Ukraine, redux of Hitler’s WWII segue; Ukraine’s mighty defense, redux of Israel May 1948!
Russian Pharaoh Putin’s imitation of Hitler’s segue into WWII; Hitler via invasion of Rhineland, Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Poland.Current western leaders redux of western leaders of 1938, 1939…Ukraine’s defenders redux of Israel’s defenders May 1948!Current western leaders redux of western leaders of 1946, 1947, 1948…God Almighty’s …
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Russia’s fascist Pharaoh and his bloody invasion of free Ukraine.The disgraceful western nations’ wicked cowardly leaders.WWI – WWIIWhat should the surrounding nations do?Communist China’s dictator for life et al. and their evil designs to invade free Taiwan.Whom God Almighty is most furious with.End game – what is coming – in the near future – the…
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AAISAD 0298 – Vladimir Putin’s imitation of Adolph Hitler! Sudetenland 2.0, Czechoslovakia 2.0, Poland 2.0
Vladimir Putin’s Russian Regime’s war against Ukraine, and beyond.Putin’s imitation of Adolph Hitler’s invasions! Sudetenland 2.0, Czechoslovakia 2.0, Poland 2.0.Από τον Brad Thomas
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AAISAD 0297 – Rome’s lesson for Home, Hitler & Children & Youths, Advertising, Hallmark…& Culture War
The Fall of the Roman Empire then, western civilization soon.Immigration as a tool of sea change for nations.US Census demographic information.Adolph Hitler’s command and control of children, young people, youths, and Germany, with indoctrination via propaganda.Joseph Pulitzer’s yesteryear message regarding Journalism, its application to media ente…
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AAISAD 0296 – R. BLM Kelly. President Biden & Team Biden Dishonorably Discharging Troops, making Border Patrol pay, coordinating with the Taliban against Afghans…
R&B’s R. BLM Kelly exceedingly belatedly to take a gig in prison.President Joseph Biden champions dishonorably discharging American troops for refusing vaccinations.President Joseph Biden declares slandered US Border Patrol agents will be made to pay for purported mistreatment of illegal Haitian immigrants.Twitter’s leftist war against all things n…
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AAISAD 0295 – Pres. Biden Admin. & Cartel Gang Rapes of little girls. Pres. Biden, Kerry, & Iran vs. Israel. Islamist Terrorist Hamas vs. Israel & Gaza. Colombia. The future.
The US-Mexico Border. President Joe Biden, VP Kamala Harris, and Mexican drug cartel gang rapes of little girls on American soil.Pres. Biden and John Kerry and the Islamist Iranian regime vs. Israel.Islamist Terrorist Hamas vs. Israel and Gaza.Colombia.The future.The Holy Bible – The Book of the Prophet/Priest Jeremiah, chapter 8.…
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AAISAD 0294 – PBS Drag Sodomites for toddlers & kiddies. Biden’s Title X abortion machinations. Leftist’s hatred of Israel.
Joe Biden’s Administration’s, New York City Dept. of Education, and Democrat’s, evil agenda using PBS, the Public Broadcasting System, to indoctrinate 3-year-old to 8-year-old children to embrace sexual perversionTitle X and President Joe Biden’s focus on illegally subverting it once again to fund induced abortion, and force Title X grantees, who a…
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AAISAD 0293 – Islam vs. Christianity. Lahore, Pakistan… Canada’s perversely anti-Christian regime. India. The coming total fall of the West.
Myriad Islamist evils, and its Christian victims.Islamist evils against Christians in Pakistan, particularly in Lahore. Christians, Nadeem Samson, Nadeem Joseph, Nurses Tabita, Mariam Lal, Nehwish Urooj, Sakina Bibi, Jessica Khurram, and Treeza Eric, 16-year-old Kiran Bashir, and 8-year-old Anum Bibi.Canada’s deportation of Pakistani Christians see…
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AAISAD 0292 – Immigration Laws. India’s Anti-Christian Conversion Laws. Islamist Pakistan. US Supreme Ct., SCOTUS, & the Constitutional Right to Keep & Bear Arms.
AAISAD 0292 – Immigration Laws. India’s Anti-Christian Conversion Laws. Islamist Pakistan. US Supreme Ct., SCOTUS, & the Constitutional Right to Keep & Bear Arms.What would a godly immigration law be based upon? How would it differ from what is currently used in the USA, and recommended for the USA?America and Communist Russia during and after WWII…
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AAISAD 0291 – Race baiting, whipping up race riots, Murder by riot. Canada & India vs. Christianity. The coming end of western civilization.
Retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn’s widow Ann speaks out against violence against whites generally, and white police particularly, incited by political leaders and VIPs.Canada’s persecution of GraceLife Church of Edmonton, Alberta, and pastor James Coates.India’s persecution of Christianity via it’s anti-conversion laws, to remake India i…
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AAISAD 0290 – Islamist Mass Murderer in Boulder, CO. Sweden’s Greta Thunberg dictates to US House. Canadian Regime vs. Christian Church, incl. GraceLife Church.
Islamist Mass Murderer of ten, attempted murderer of many, many tens, ‘taken into custody’ by Boulder, CO police and SWAT team, unbelievable! US House of Representatives once again panders to Greta Thunberg. The ironies in her demands of Congress. Canada’s Despotic Regime’s war against Christian Churches generally, but especially GraceLife Church o…
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AAISAD 0289 – Time Running Out? Better Red than Dead? Coming Regime. War against God, Christ, Christianity.
Prince Philip’s WWF, “Time’s running out for our precious planet!”?Dying planet, or dying civilization?Whom is time actually running out for?Do no harm?Better Red than Dead, leads to Death by Reds.Indoctrination, Propaganda, lies, endless lies, and loss of freedoms in the West, the death of the free West.The coming world-wide regime which will over…
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AAISAD 0288 – WWF. Khrushchev. Justification for governments. Life, Liberty, & ? Regimes vs. God & man. 2nd Amendment, 9th Circuit US Court of Appeals.
WWF ad copy: “Time’s running out for our precious planet!” – or – “It’s never too late.”?Pre-Nazi Germany, Russia, …Indoctrination and propaganda. What’s in a name, a word, a phrase?Communist, Fascist, and Islamist regimes.US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit en banc decision vs. 2nd Amendment and people of the US.Jeremiah 2:10-13, 19, 21.…
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AAISAD 0287 – April Fool’s Day, USA & Western Nations, Legacies, Hallmark Channel, Christ’s Crucifixion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, & Return
April Fool’s Day – Fools of us all.Nikita Khrushchev, evil ruler, and master of understatement, and the “decadent USA and Western Nations.”Legacies: Hallmark Corp., Crown Media, Hallmark Channel, and the leftist activist demise of the USA.The World Planners and the coming world-wide regime. The capitulation of the west, the stand of Israel and the …
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AAISAD 0286 - St. Patrick's Day? Dark Ages? Today's truly Dark Ages, and the coming Rise & Fall of the Last Grecian-Roman Empire.
Saint Patrick's Day? Patricius, aka Patrick, & the times in which he lived & served God, aka "the Dark Ages."Today's new and improved truly Dark Ages!The coming fall of the decadent existing remnants of the Roman Empire, and the empire which shall supplant them and the rest of the world's regimes.Revisiting Joseph Pulitzer and his thoughts on the A…
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AAISAD 0285 – State of America… Entertainment Media, Journalism, Broadcasting, Publishing. Centuries of Leftist Conspiracy to destroy free nations & supplant them with worldwide Regime.
The true state of affairs in the USA, UK, Europe, the ‘free world,’ …What criteria are determinate in selection of screenplays, teleplays, and scripts to produce movies streaming series, TV shows, and TV movies from? What criteria are determinate in selection of prospective authors to represent, prospective books to publish traditionally, and what …
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AAISAD 0284 – Joe Biden’s Unity, National & International Unity. Communist China vs. Taiwan, & Putin’s regime vs. Europe, Britain…what will Western Leaders do?
President Joe Biden peddling “unity.” National Unity & Global Solidarity?Xi Jinping’s Communist Chinese Regime’s designs on Free China, aka Taiwan; “timing is everything.”Vladimir Putin’s masterplan? Putin’s regime’s marching orders and timetable?What will the mighty leaders of the western nations, aka the “free nations,” do? What can they do? Impo…
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AAISAD 0283 – UK’s PM Boris & coronavirus variant. Roe v. Wade, US Supreme Court & ‘settled law.’ ‘Christian’ US Congress? President Biden Admin? Unity! WW Regime!
AAISAD 0283 – UK’s PM Boris & coronavirus variant. Roe v. Wade, US Supreme Court & ‘settled law.’ ‘Christian’ US Congress? President Biden Admin? Unity! WW Regime!UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s virus warning.48th ‘Anniversary’ of US Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton rulings.‘Settled Law,’ or institutionalized evil?US Congress 88% ‘Chris…
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AAISAD 0282 – Voting Fraud, Politics, Democrats. USA & Saudi Arabia. Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Chief & Israel’s survival. Coming World Regime. Leftist propaganda & behavior modification.
Voting Fraud via new, and improved voting methodologies, technologies…Democrat’s concerted calls for “Unity” / capitulation by non-Democrats.Democrat governance – none dare call it tyranny!Trump Administration plan to further empower Islamist Saudi Arabian Air Force.Islamist Iranian Regime’s nuclear weapons program chief & Israel’s defense.World pl…
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AAISAD 0281 – Presidential Race 2020 & General Elections, Stakes, Ramifications, America’s Past & Future, Leftism, Lies, Propaganda, & Destruction
Presidential Race 2020 – General Elections 2020 – Pres. Trump vs. former VP Joe Biden.What are the stakes, what will be the ramifications of these elections?The Evil Party, and the Stupid Party – and their legacies.Putin’s Totalitarian Russian Regime – Nuclear reminders, and Communist Chinese Regime – military exercises in the Four Seas.Dr. Josef M…
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AAISAD 0280 – SCOTUS, Helloween, Reformation, Sodomite Agenda’s child-victims, Nazi Doctor Josef Mengele SS Captain
Confirmation of US Supreme Court Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett.Hell-oween – or – Reformation?Roman Catholic Pope’s promotion of sodomite agenda.US Courts, Hospitals, Medical Professionals…enablement of Sodomite Agenda, and it’s damnably evil fruit – horrific destruction of children.Forerunner, Auschwitz Concentration Camp Dr. Josef Mengele, S…
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AAISAD 0279 – Communist China. Belarus’ Lukashenko. Putin Regime’s Assassination attempts, Alexei Navalny. Joe & Kamala. Evil Women vs James Younger. The soon-coming Fall of America.
Xi Jinping’s Communist Chinese Regime’s strategic maneuvering vis-a-vis the Philippines…Alexander Lukashenko’s totalitarian Belarus – Elections, Belarus doesn’t need stinking elections!Putin’s Totalitarian Russian Regime’s latest attempted assassination of opponent Alexei Navalny.Tell us Joe, why Kamala? “…most importantly who we want to be.”Evil f…
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We're dropping Flock Talk Episode 66 to you on the night of the Philly Drive-In show to give you a run down of the events that happened last weekend in Cape Cod and Auburn! The Flock Talk Boys give their two cents on what went down with in-depth looks at songs like Offshoot and Sunny Day. Pigeons are sounding great during quarantine and we hope the…
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AAISAD 0278 – Complementary Currency. Lemonade to Lemons. Government! Wicked Agendas & World Regime Master Plans. Coming Evil Worldwide Regime!
From the Great Depression with love, “Don’t take any wooden nickels?” Complementary Currency.When life won’t let you make and sell lemonade – Lemonade to Lemons.Federal Government, Legislative Branch, incompetence.Vladimir Putin’s Russian Regime, Xi Jinping’s Communist Chinese Regime, Islamist Regimes… and WWIII, followed by the coming Evil One-Wor…
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AAISAD 0277 – “One People, One Nation-Empire, One Leader”? Conform, Resistance is Futile! Hitler…& Evil Regimes. Who shall resist? Faith in God & Christ. Israel
Political speeches, notably Presidential addresses, such as State of the Union addresses and campaign “stump speeches.” “Our” this and that.Hitler’s Fascist Regime, Lenin’s Communist Regime, Stalin’s Communist Regime, Mao tse Dung’s/Tsung’s Communist Regime, Kim’s Communist Regime, and all Evil Regimes, be they Socialist – Communist or Fascist, or …
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AAISAD 0276 – Sharks or people? Kidnapper-rapists…or girls like Linda Stoltzfoos? Putin or Alexei Navalny, Ukraine’s Jamala, Crimea & the Tatars? Einstein or God, the Bible, & even Jewry?
Sharks, including Great White Sharks, or people? How is it that the US Federal Government under Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham-Clinton decided sharks’s lives were more important than people’s lives?How is it that in America and all ‘western’ nations/’free’ nations, the lives of kidnapper-rapists…are deemed more precious than those of kidnapped, ra…
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AAISAD 0275 – Great White Sharks…& wicked government. US European Command, Germany to Belgium with NATO Military HQ. US Military redeployment in EU. Putin’s Russian Regime…
Julie Dimperio Holowach destroyed by Great White Shark 20 yards from shore of Bailey Island, Harpswell, southern Maine, while swimming with daughter.1997 – date the National Marine Fisheries Service banned fishing for great white sharks in US territorial waters.US Defense Secretary Mark Esper – moving 1/3 of US Military Forces from Germany to USA a…
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AAISAD 0274 – Presidential Race 2020 X-Factors – Part 2. Communist Chinese Regime and Taiwan. Putin’s Russian Regime. Coming Worldwide Regime.
Presidential Race 2020 X-Factors, Part 2.Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, his words regarding Communist China, former President Richard M. Nixon…(Dr. Henry Kissinger).Communist Chinese Regime vs. Taiwan…USA.Putin’s Russian Regime vs. USA.The coming world-wide regime to end all regimes.Από τον Brad Thomas
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AAISAD 0273 – Presidential Race 2020 X-Factors – Part 1. “Full Shutdown”? Gov’t. power seizures … regime building. Communist Chinese Regime & Putin’s Russian Regime. Coming one-world regime.
Presidential Race 2020 home-stretch or stretch-run – what could change the outcome? Part 1.“Full Shutdown” versus “moderate program” of frequent hand-washing, “social distancing,” and “mask wearing”?Las Vegas… in a world of hurt.Republican versus Republican over statewide… executive orders to wear masks….“We are at war!” – so-called “Wartime Presid…
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AAISAD 0272 – Confederate Flag Ban. Piracy & Africa. South Korea – assault, rape, & sexual crimes resulting in murder by suicide of girls & young women. AI Wars.
What’s in a flag? “Common mission, common histories…?” Acceptable flags vs. unacceptable?Piracy and Africa and Blacktivist narrative.South Korea, sports coaching regimes, spy cam porn, a microcosm of a world of persistent vicious assault, rape, and video recording of girls and young women, even resulting in Murder by suicide – K-pop stars Sulli and…
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AAISAD 0271 – Putin’s Russian Regime. Democrat-sponsored Blacktivism & Anarchy & Crime surge. Old but vital template for world domination.
Vladimir Putin’s Russian Regime, Xi Jinping’s Communist Chinese Regime – and the world planners’ coming World-wide regime.Democrat Party-sponsored Blacktivism, Anarchy, violent crime… and the coming General Elections.Vanessa Guillen.14-Point Plan for World Domination, circa 1773 – Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschild) – more relevant than ever, and bein…
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AAISAD 0270 – Jinping’s Communist Chinese Regime, Putin’s Russian Regime, Leftists’ aka Democrats’ regime-building in USA, & 4th of July bloodworks.
Xi Jinping’s Communist Chinese Regime versus Chinese in Hong Kong and abroad. UK PM Boris Johnson, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, suspending extradition treaties, offering visas, and paths to UK citizenship for Hong Kong Chinese citizens.Vladimir Putin’s Russian Regime versus Russians, including Khabarovsk Governor Sergey Furgal, and former defense jo…
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AAISAD 0269 – Islamist Terror in UK. Police – who needs them? Hollywood’s Racist Narrative. NY, NY. Washington, DC & 51st state? Leftists & Red Rules 1919, Communist Manifesto…NWO.
Islamist Terror in UK – Glascow, Scotland June 26th, Reading, England June 20th.Minneapolis, MN – Police, who needs police? not the City Council. What about firearms?Hollywood purge of non-blacks for purportedly making “racist” comments sometime, somewhere.None dare call it deliberate discrimination against Christianity and Jewry, by Democrat NY Go…
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AAISAD 0268 – Linda Stoltzfoos. Saharan Dust storm. Earthquake in Huatulco, MX. Biden. Blacktivism, mobs. Violent Crime. Ayn Rand & Atlas Shrugged. Burning Man…
Linda Stoltfoos, 18-yrs-of-age, missing in Lancaster County since Sunday, June 21, 12:30pm.Massive dust storm from Saharan Africa pervades Caribbean, moves on to continental USA.Huatulco, Mexico – Earthquake 7.4 magnitude, lives lost.Joe Biden Jr. pandering and demagoguing his way to the White House. Socialism.Blacktivism – Only Black Lives Matter,…
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AAISAD 0267 – WHO’s second wave… Steroid dexamethasone reduces COVID-19 deaths. Disbanding, defunding of police departments. North Korea. Dying Civilization…Regime Changes.
WHO’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan on risk of second wave… of coronavirus.Age newborn to 19 years – only 1/2 the risk of contracting coronavirus vs. 20 years and up.Readily available, inexpensive, steroid drug dexamethasone found to reduce deaths of severely ill COVID-19 patients.Blactivism & demise of republic in Minneapolis, NYC, LA… a…
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AAISAD 0266 – Blacktivism, “Black Lives Matter”? “Government-sanctioned racist terror”? Leftism, The Red Rules, Communist Manifesto… The Most Dangerous Man in the World – Part 3.
Blacktivism, Only “Black Lives Matter,” or “Black Lives Matter” Most? Whose black lives, which black lives? Drexel University Associate Professor’s lust for “White Genocide!” “Hate speech”?Role played by the Entertainment Capitol of the World, Los Angeles, Hollywood…the media elites, print media, academia, and the Democrat party.1919 – Communist Ru…
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FT65: Homefest
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1:12:20It's been a while, but the Flock Talk boys are back and happy to bring you Episode 65 on Homefest Eve! We give you an update on what's been up with us, breakdown the Homefest schedule and give you an in depth discussion on what we believe will happen this weekend from the Funk E P set Friday to how no themes will benefit the shows. We're very excit…
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AAISAD 0265 – The Most Dangerous Man In The World, Part 2. Leftism, Socialism, Democrat Politics 101, Elections 2020.
The Most Dangerous Man in the World – Part 2.Leftism, Socialism, Revolution… Democrat Party Politics 101. Presidential Race 2020.Leftist Narratives – Blacktivism, Blackout Tuesday, Black Lives Matter, …Subversion of Intelligence Agencies, Law Enforcement Agencies, and Military.Από τον Brad Thomas
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AAISAD 0264 – Presidential Primaries? Blacktivism, Blackout Tuesday. Trump, Law & Order President. State of the Union?
Presidential Primaries – originally scheduled: MT, NM, SD, Washington, D.C.; postponed primaries: PA, MD, IN, RI.Blacktivism & Blackout Tuesday, across the nation, spurred by the entertainment industry.President Trump – “the President of law and order”? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Trump to imitate “fanner of the flame” Barack Hussein Obama and no…
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Who is the Most Dangerous Man in the World – Part 1.Από τον Brad Thomas
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AAISAD 0262 – Pompeo, ‘Hong Kong not autonomous.’ Marxist admirer Bill de Blasio’s police state NYC! Amy Cooper’s frightening ordeal on Memorial Day in Central Park’s Ramble area, & afterwards.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo decries Communist China’s usurpation of Hong Kong’s autonomy.NYC mayor Bill de Blasio and his love affair with the Marxist Sandinista regime of Nicaragua, and his “progressive” command & control regime in New York City, threaten to close NYC churches permanently. One of the instruments of de Blasio’s oppression, th…
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AAISAD 0261 – ‘Open up ASAP.’ Joe Biden, “Uncle Toms”; US Rep. Clyburn & pragmatism. UK’s Cummings & Johnson. COVID-19 Vaccines & India. Afghanistan & Islamist Taliban Terror!
Trump tweets, states ‘should open up ASAP.’ US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upholds California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s stay-at-home order prohibiting church services.New Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe. US Rep. James Clyburn on Joe Biden’s ‘Uncle Tom’ narrative.UK – Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings.COVID-19 vaccines, including AZD12…
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AAISAD 0260 – Jinping’s Chinese Communist Regime vs. the people of Hong Kong. UK & EU, SIS II. Islamist Terror in TX. Iran Islamist Regime vs. Israel. Trump & Biden. Sweden’s example.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Communist Chinese Regime’s act against Hong Kong.Xi Jinping’s Communist Chinese Regime’s prelude to violent suppression of Hong Kong dissent.Post-Brexit UK and EU spar over access to cooperative crime database, Schengen Info. System.Naval Air Station Corpus Christi attacked by homegrown Islamist terrorist.Presid…
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AAISAD 0259 – Al Qaeda & attack at Pensacola Naval Stn. China & “mass worldwide killing.” Pompeo & coronavirus inquiry. Ignorance of Trump, Pompeo, & Team Trump re: Communist Chinese regime….
Proof Al Qaeda was behind Islamist Terror attack at US Naval Station Pensacola, December 2019.Trump blames Communist China of incompetence for unleashing coronavirus pandemic.Pompeo – the US stands with Australia on inquiry of coronavirus origins.Trump, Pompeo, and Team Trump’s unconscionable ignorance and stupidity re: the Communist Regime of Chin…
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AAISAD 0258 – Masks NOT allowed. White House and CDC. Navajo Nation. Murdered darlings. Murder by vehicle, and uneven “Justice.” In Technology we Trust?
Wisconsin Supreme Court overturns “stay-at-home” order. Annie’s Campground disallows masks to discourage violent criminals.“There’s trouble in River City.” Conflict between Trump Administration, including the President’s Coronavirus Task Force and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention over the CDC’s data gathering of coronavirus cases and …
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