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Atvērtie faili

Latvijas Radio 1

No politikas līdz biznesam, par sociālo dzīvi un krimināldrāmām – pētnieciskais raidījums “Atvērtie faili” iedziļinās mūsu laika svarīgākajos notikumos. Katrs raidījums ir dokumentāls audiostāsts par procesiem un cilvēkiem, kas veido mūsu sabiedrisko dzīvi. Ja vēlies ar mums sazināties, raksti uz vai sūti balss ziņas WhatsApp vai Signal lietotnēs uz numuru 28001144.
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ATV-TALK A Motorsport Podcast

Leonard Duncan

Join host Leonard Duncan, a seasoned Racer/Mechanic with over 30 years of experience in the ATV industry, as he shares his unparalleled perspective and invites your favorite motorsports heroes to engage in captivating discussions. Embark on an exhilarating journey through the episodes of this extraordinary podcast, where the thrilling storyline unfolds, exploring all things related to the world of motorsports.
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Looking for an open/honest opinion on the new 2024 Beta 450 RX? Let Keefer break it all down for you and if this machine could be the correct one in your garage. From the beginning stages of production to the final product, this episode will walk you through what it's like to get a bike to market that is actually well made.…
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To grow awareness among people who are unaware that many warriors come home with not only physical injuries but also mental scars. To spread the word to more than a third of the population that these men and women need our support. Remember, these men and women have volunteered for service in the military to ensure our freedom. We need to dedicate …
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Keefer walks you through the changes that are made to Honda's new 2025 CRF250R, if those changes are better on the track than the 24' version and if Honda is on its way to becoming a more comfortable chassis for the masses. Of course there are always other off-track topics that pop up so give this show a listen.…
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Vairāki uzņēmumi un organizācijas Latvijā aicina iedzīvotājus nodot drēbes un apavus, kas pašiem vairs nav vajadzīgi. Tekstila vācēji sola mantām dot otro dzīvi, kā arī — tās ziedot labdarībai. Beāte Bēvalde, biedrības „Tavi draugi” mārketinga vadītāja: “Te ir viss, ko tu redzi — gan kleitas, krekli, apavi. Te ir bērnu drēbītes.” Nosacījumi visur i…
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Setting the plan for college life and a professional career in racing. Using the men’s 450 A class to gain experience and speed needed to advance her level. Breaking the ceiling in motorsports, Lindsey is making her way in a sport dominated by men. High school sports were cool and fun, but racing is at the heart of this young lady's goals. Making h…
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Randy Richardson just qualified for his first Loretta Lynn's and we call him up to talk about his Regional at Echeconnee. From riding a two stroke, how Matt Walker's track shaped up, why he has never gone to LLs, why everyone that has a story has a purpose, plus a lot of Randy-isms in this episode. If you plan on going to LLs or maybe just want to …
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Pirms četriem gadiem Nodokļu un muitas policija aizturēja vairākas personas aizdomās par desmitiem miljonu nodokļu nemaksāšanu kuģu apgādāšanā ar degvielu jeb bunkurēšanas biznesā. Fragments no TV3 ziņu izlaidums 2020. gada 14. februārī: „Skandalozi jaunumi! VID aizdomas par nelegālu shēmu degvielas tirdzniecībā valstī. Miljoni zaudējumu. Ticis aiz…
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Julian never would have guessed after riding the Ironman in Vegas to Reno that he would be in Mexico riding a YZ 450 3-Wheeler for the first time. Racing flat-track 3-wheelers and 4-wheelers for most of his life, desert racing was not on Julian's radar until it became a reality. The 3-wheeler industry is small but consists of a devoted group of loy…
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Keefer and Chase Cook from RMATVMC break down five different top tier level motocross boots and compare them to one another. Fit, protection, break in time, flexibility, sole life, durability and lots of other talking points in this podcast. If you're in the market for boots, listen to this show before you buy.…
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Uz Latviju gadiem brauc trešo valstu pilsoņi, piemēram, no Indijas, Uzbekistānas, Šrilankas un citām, tostarp, eksotiskām zemēm, lai šeit iegūtu izglītību. Jogešs Šarma, Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes students: „Man bija interese mācīties ārpus Indijas, protams, jo ārpus Indijas izglītība ir laba. Vēl arī man papildu būs prasmes, ko var iegūt, tāpēc…
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Megan Van Cleve grew up with a father who raced in the desert and volunteered for Best in the Desert. She shares her love for the Nevada desert and her experiences. In this episode, Megan discusses what the organization plans to do about entries and their strategy to grow their reach on social media. The main goal is to explore the organization's p…
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Kris, Heather, Darkside, Fireman Dave sit down and recap the weekend that was the SW Regional Qualifier and all that went down. If you're in need of some laughs as well as how the races unfolded, this episode covers all of that and more.
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Latvijā ir vairāki simti valstij un pašvaldībām piederoši īpašumi, kas gadiem ilgi stāv tukši. Iļja Odegovs, jaunietis: „Rīgā apmēram 100 pamestās vietās dažu gadu laikā esmu bijis.” Kaut arī pastāv vienota sistēma, kurā uzskaita valstij piederošus nekustamos īpašumus, tajā neiekļauj datus par tukšiem namiem. Inga Vilka, Valsts kontroles padomes lo…
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Jason Zittel was introduced to motocross (MX) at a young age, during the end of the 250R era, where he learned to build 2-stroke engines on a budget. Coming from a military family, Jason followed the tradition and started learning to ride ATVs at a farm in New York, which helped foster his love for ATV riding. At the age of 12, Jason raced his firs…
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Keefer gets Aden, Heather and Darkside in studio to talk about the LL Regionals coming up the next few weeks. Talks include what the preparation has been like, how the bank is looking, what bikes are being raced, as well as some phone calls to some Loretta Lynn's newbies/hopefuls, Randy Richardson and David Martinez. Sit back and relax to the bante…
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Ar Krievijas diktatoru Vladimiru Putinu cieši saistīti uzņēmēji daudzus gadus izvērsa plašu biznesu Latvijā. Viņu vidū ir gan oligarhi un politiķi, gan arī Krievijai stratēģiski svarīgu uzņēmumu akcionāri. Baiba Vītoliņa, Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības centra direktore: “Mūsu skatījumā galvenā problēma varbūt bija tieši tā, ka šim uzņēmumam bija ļ…
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Cynthia Prefontaine's life was once dominated by racing quads, a time when living, sleeping, and racing these vehicles shaped her everyday existence. Her experience working with one of the largest shock manufacturers gave her a unique insight into the world of motorsports. In 2021, during Episode 46, Cynthia discussed a rally in Morocco known as th…
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Divus gadus un trīs mēnešus pēc Krievijas iebrukuma Ukrainā, Latvijā joprojām nav izveidota uzticama zāļu rezervju sistēma. Juris Raudovs, Veselības ministrijas Nozares krīzes vadības nodaļas vadītājs: „Tas ir tāds jautājums ar daudzpunktu atbildēm. Es tiešām negribētu ņemt atbildībā, ka tiešām pateikt, ka mēs būtu jau gatavi nākamajā gadā.” Ja rīt…
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Wrangell Gubler burst onto the three-wheeler scene by winning the Vegas to Reno race on a Honda ATC 350X, completing the event solo—an achievement previously thought impossible. In 2023, Wrangell was invited to join a team for the Norra, a staged rally race in Baja California, Mexico, resembling a traditional rally. Following the event, Wrangell an…
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Pēdējo piecu gadu laikā Latvijā ir teju trīskāršojies to jauniešu skaits, kas pēc tīša paškaitējuma izdarīšanas ir nonākuši Bērnu klīniskās universitātes slimnīcā. Karīna Beinerte, bērnu psihiatre BKUS Bērnu un jauniešu psihiskās veselības centrā: „Mūsu nodaļa stacionārā ir pilna ar šiem jauniešiem, kuri vai nu ir mēģinājuši izdarīt pašnāvību, vai …
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David Ham, a champion three-wheeler racer, has spent countless hours exploring the Arizona and Nevada deserts. His experience spans across various off-road vehicles, including ATCs, ATVs, and UTVs. After a standout 2022 season with three championship titles and another two in 2023, David is preparing for a unique approach in 2024. For David, there …
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Eric went in and stole my 2024 KTM 350 SX-F and hasn't returned it so I called him up to discuss why he hasn't given it back. Get the details on what has ben going on with the bike since it left, where it's been great, where it hasn't, what mods he has made, does he plan on purchasing one, as well as a little back story on Works Connection, the bra…
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Jūrmalā pēdējos septiņos gados uzbūvēti vai pārbūvēti desmitiem viesu namu, tomēr vairums ēku viesus tā arī neuzņem. Uldis Kronblūms, Jūrmalas aizsardzības biedrības valdes loceklis, Jūrmalas domes opozīcijas deputāts: „Šeit nekas neliecina, ka šeit būtu viesu nams. Neredzam nekādas reklāmas.” Lielu daļu no ēkām pēc to uzbūvēšanas pārdod pa domājam…
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Jacob Stevens, a former MX and off-road racer, retired earlier than anticipated—a story all too common among professional athletes facing life-altering injuries. Racing, inherently risky, exposes participants to potential injuries that can be life-changing. Before relocating to the East Coast, Jacob Stevens competed in WORCS races. After moving, he…
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Keefer talks about living with the 2024 KTM 450 Factory Edition on the east coast and what is different about this machine compared to riding it on the west. Learn about suspension settings, chassis measurements, engine set up tips as well as what to watch out for when it comes to putting the hours on the orange brigade.…
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Rīgas Centrāltirgū brīvi strādā divi uzņēmumi, kuri vairāku gadu garumā pieķerti tirgojam pārtikas preces ar viltotiem derīguma termiņiem. Laura Bagātā, SIA “Orkla Latvija” komunikācijas vadītāja: “Bija arī atsevišķi produkti, kuri principā netiek ražoti no 2022. gada. [..] Līdz ar to, cik vecs ir tas produkts, mums pat nav īsti sajēgas.” Par spīti…
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Ian Thomas grew up in the northeastern United States where ATVs were essential tools for hunting and property maintenance. As a youth, Ian and his cousins would sneak away to ride the 4x4 utility quads, joyously navigating them through mud repeatedly. College and a serendipitous connection through football introduced Ian to sport ATVs. A teammate's…
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Keefer gets the man behind Twisted Development to talk engines, ECU's, VP's bad batches of fuel, Roczen's Suzuki engine, most reliable machines as well as some of the worst he has seen. Oh and of course some two stroke talk for all you smokers out there! Get the notepad out, make some notes, this one is a learning lesson for us all.…
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Valdībai drīzumā jāpieņem lēmums par to, kurus no dabas skaitīšanā atklātajiem Eiropas nozīmes biotopiem mēs turpmāk sargāsim. Par vienu no Latvijas dabas bagātībām – mežiem, arvien pieaug spriedze starp vides aizstāvjiem un mežsaimniecības biznesu, kas cenšas kavēt politiķu lēmumu. Jānis Rozītis, Pasaules Dabas fonda direktors: „Mēs atkal redzam, …
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A casual discussion about shock setups on a 700 Raptor evolves into a captivating story about building a new machine tailored for Jason's son. While the 700 Raptor was enjoyable on trails, it didn’t meet Jason’s expectations for cross-country (XC) style trails or country trails featuring motocross-style jumps. Jason Blunt and I explored many differ…
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Pēc uzvaras tiesā, pētnieciskās žurnālistikas centra "Re:Baltica" rīcībā pirms dažiem mēnešiem nonāca iepriekš plašākai publikai nepieejami materiāli no Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas biroja. Tie atklāj, kā nelikumīgi tika finansēta partija "Latvijas attīstībai". Ineta Cīrule, KNAB vadītāja vietniece izmeklēšanas darbību jautājumos: "Mēs sāko…
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This episode delves into the essence of what makes a legend and explores who gets to decide that status. It poses the question: In the world of motocross, can Joe Byrd return to competitive racing form? Is it possible to achieve the race weight, and if so, will his mental strength match his physical revival? Motocross is a sport that demands both p…
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Sit back, relax and listen to the Keefers break down the Vurb Moto World Mini GP from Mesquite MX Park. Aden, Heather and Kris will talk about how the event was ran, if it is worth going to, the cost, the rider turnout, how Aden's races were, what classes Kris raced as well as special standouts that they all witnessed from the desert. Of course thi…
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Kamēr Ukraina jau trešo gadu ik dienas kara laukā cīnās ar Krievijas militāro mašinēriju, Latvijas tranzīta bizness un politiķi nav aizvēruši vārtus mangāna rūdas kravu plūsmām uz agresorvalsti. Šo izejmateriālu Krievija pielieto kara tehnikas ražošanai. Juris Maklakovs, atvaļināts ģenerālmajors, bijušais Latvijas Nacionālo bruņoto spēku komandieri…
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In this exhilarating episode, we delve into Braxton Grosse's remarkable journey across the competitive terrains of WORCS and GNCC racing. Kicking off his season on the West Coast with the WORCS race in January 2024, Braxton quickly made waves by securing a podium finish—2nd place—early in March. Despite a harrowing incident in WORCS Round 2, his re…
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Kris and Aden Keefer sit down to talk about the new 2024 KTM 250 SX-F and how the updated frame as well as KTM Connectivity Unit perform. Does the new frame make the KTM more comfortable when it gets rough? Does the Connectivity Unit really work? Is the price tag worth it over the standard version? All of these questions answered on this episode.…
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Latvijā vairāki desmiti nekustamo īpašumu pieder Krievijai un Baltkrievijai — valstīm, kurās valda agresīvi noskaņoti diktatori. Tie ir vēsturiski nami, zemesgabali un dzīvokļi daudzu miljonu eiro vērtībā. Baiba Kļava: “Vai jūs gadījumā nezināt, kas dzīvo 44. dzīvoklī? Kaimiņiene nr.1: Es nezinu...” Mūsu valstī atrodas sanatorijas, kas pieder gan K…
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This episode uncovers the origins of Michael Seger's journey in the 4x4 quad racing world. Starting by building and repairing friends' quads to offset costs, Michael found his calling in racing and modifying UTVs, marking the true beginning of his career. Unlike many enthusiasts who drift towards sport quads, Michael remains true to his roots as a …
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Keefer sits down with Eddie Laret to go over their 2024 Yamaha YZ450F Garage Build as well as what settings and mods have been working with their bLU cRU. Also, Keefer will go over some weak points within the 23/24 YZ450F and what you can do to ensure your Yamaha is more reliable.
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Gada sākumā ģenerālprokurors Juris Stukāns Rīgas domei nosūtīja iesniegumu, lai pašvaldība atceļ gandrīz 6 miljonu vērtu darījumu ar lietuviešu investoru par lidostai pieguļošu zemes gabalu pārdošanu. Nauda sen jau iztērēta, reputācija sabojāta, turklāt daļai deputātu un ierēdņu tagad draud lielas nepatikšanas. Armīns Reinis, Ģenerālprokuratūras pr…
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In the mid-1980s, the 200X emerged as a legendary machine, unparalleled in handling and durability, requiring only minor modifications to stand out. This episode dives into the era's shift from 3-wheelers to 4-stroke quads, spotlighting the 250X - a model not extensively covered in literature or discussions. Riders of this era were pioneers, crafti…
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Chad Braun from XPR joins Keefer to discuss all things engine and ECU. Learn about oil intervals, valves as well as valve guide questions, Ducati engine talk, Vortex ECU facts/myths, which bike is most reliable, which bike has weak engine parts/areas, throttle bodies and everything in between. This episode covers A LOT! You tech riders will love th…
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Visā Latvijā var sastapt vienu no mūsu vērtīgākajiem derīgajiem izrakteņiem – kūdru. Vairums no purviem, kur to iegūst, pieder valstij, kas šīs vietas iznomā kūdras produktu ražotājiem. Maksis Apinis, biedrības „Zaļā brīvība” darbinieks: „Tradicionāli kūdra tiek tiešām uzskatīta kā tāds nacionālais lepnums. Tas ir tāds, kā pat Latvijas ogles.” Kaut…
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Wrestling might have been Steven Harrell's life, but his heart was always set on the thrill of riding and a deep-seated desire to race. Despite his father's emphasis on academics and school sports, an unexpected turn of events during the COVID-19 pandemic provided Steven with an opportunity to chase his dreams. The narrative explores how Steven's f…
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Kris, Heather and Aden sit down to talk Spring Nationals at Freestone and all the things that happened over the week of racing. Between gate pick arguments, great racing in a lot of classes, WMX fever, Aden's horrible starts, family bets made, as well as how the track was, race bike specs and a lot of other info you may not have wanted but we give …
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Pirms gada bērnu namā „Ezermala,” kas atrodas Mežaparkā, no narkotiku pārdozēšanas naktī nomira jaunietis. Elīna Kariņa, Rīgas Bērnu, jauniešu un ģimeņu sociālā atbalsta centra struktūrvienības "Ezermala" vadītāja: „Tad viņa sazinājās ar medicīniskās palīdzības dienestu un šai brīdī viņa konstatēja, ka puisis vairs neelpo.” Rehabilitācijas iestādē,…
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Coming off the best season of his life in 2023, Bryce Ford is looking to improve upon it in 2024. In 2022, being selected for Team USA and winning the Invitational out west set the stage for his successful 2023 season. In 2023, with two wins, a second-place finish in points, and another selection for Team USA in Italy, Bryce seemed to glide effortl…
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