Hear what The New York Times calls "the future of musicals"... 36 Questions, a three-part podcast musical starring Jonathan Groff and Jessie Shelton. 36 Questions is produced by Two-Up, the producers of Limetown and The Wilderness. Thank you for listening.
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Juan and Tracy answer 36 questions that lead to an authentic close relationship. Use these same questions to draw close to those in your family and life!
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The 36 questions podcast is based on a study by psychologist Arthur Aron that explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions. In each episode, two strangers meet for the first time and open up their lives to our listeners.
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THE FINAL EPISODE! Goth Grandparents, Purple Cows and Saying You're A Banana. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 36 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode, we also review the best-selling book of all time and specifically focus on the digital YouVersion App. That's right, it's the Bible! #thebible #YouVe…
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Kite Surfing, Awkward Silence and Small Castles. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 35 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode, we also review the book Living On The Devil's Doorstep: From Kabul To Amsterdam by Floyd McClung. #ywampublishing #floydmcclung #allnations #livingondevilsdoorstep #juangalloway …
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Backyard Volcanos, Electric Guitars and Childhood Photos. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 34 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode, we also review the book The Awe of God by John Bevere. #theaweofgod #johnbevere #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship #ywa…
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Cyprus, Bar-Jesus and Racism. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 33 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode, we also review the book The Prodigal God by Tim Keller. #theprodigalgod #timkeller #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship #ywam #gallowaysonmission #yw…
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Weeble Wobbles, Old Dog Vegans and Dagnabit. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 32 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode, we also review the book The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. #theruthlesselemanationofhurry #johnmarkcomer #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraro…
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Triple-shot lattes, shark boats and brain science. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 31 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode we also review the book Communicating For Change by Andy Stanley. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship #ywam #gallowaysonmission …
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Hakas, Vision Boarding and an Orphan Spirit. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 30 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode we also review the book The Book That Transforms Nations by Loren Cunningham. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship #ywam #gallowaysonmi…
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Gangsters, Kryptonite and the Asbury Revival. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 29 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode we also review the book Killing Kryptonite by John Bevere. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship #ywam #gallowaysonmission #ywamkona #m…
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The Country of Samoa, Dad Bod and Prophecy. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 28 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode we also review the book Uncle John's Bathroom Reader. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship #ywam #gallowaysonmission #ywamkona #missions…
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Dancing in fountains, Big Pretzels and Home Exchange. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 27 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode we also review the audio book Surrender by Bono. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship #ywam #gallowaysonmission #ywamkona #mis…
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Down Syndrome, Hookah Bars and London Bobbys. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 26 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode we also review the book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day by Peter Scazerro. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship #ywam #gal…
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Ukrainian refugees, French tacos and feeling chubby. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 25 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode we also review the book Find Your People by Jennie Allen. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship #ywam #gallowaysonmission #ywamk…
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Spanking fail, flaming Doc Martens and estrogenic preachers. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 24 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode we also review the book Powerful & Free by Danny Silk. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship #ywam #gallowaysonmission #…
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Wild boars, spiritual dangers and Star Wars temptations. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 23 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode we also review the book The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good by Peter Greer. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship #ywam #thes…
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Mexico, armed robbery and pirating cassettes. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 22 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode we also review the book Keep Your Love On: Connection Communication And Boundaries by Danny Silk. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship…
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36 Questions is created by Two-Up. We’d like to tell you about our latest podcast, Shipworm. Shipworm is something new in podcasting. It’s a feature-length one-off audio movie. Like 36 Questions, it’s a high-stakes drama featuring serious Broadway talent. It stars Quentin Earl Darrington from Once on this Island and Ragtime, and Miriam Silverman fr…
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Flip flops, Crossroads and YWAM. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 21 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode we also review the book Is That Really You God? by Loren Cunningham. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship #ywam #crossroads #isthatreallyyougod #Lo…
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Slumber parties, Nuyoricans and zoom dates. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 20 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode we also review the book A New Thing by Lydia Lucas. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #friendship #lydialucas #anewthing #IF:Gathering #IF:Lead C…
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Saggy biceps, taking your thoughts captive and U2 praying in tongues. What do all of these things have to do with each other? Listen to Episode 19 of 36 Questions to find out. In this episode we also review the book The Process by Bill Hoffman. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #climbingmteverest #socialmediat…
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Empty Nest, Terrible Memories, and Scrabble. What do all these things have in common? Find out on Episode 18 of 36 QUESTIONS. In this episode we also review the book Empty Nest, Full Life by Jill Savage.. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #terriblememories #perseverance #emptynestfulllife #jillsavage Check out…
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COVID-19, Raising Arizona, and Burrito Baby. What do all these things have in common? Find out on Episode 17 of 36 QUESTIONS. In this episode we also review the book Unexpected by Christine Caine . #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #A21 #If:Gathering #UnexpectedBook #ChristineCaine #mothersday #stayingalive #g…
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When Mars Attacks, Isis and Giant Jenga. What do all these things have in common? Find out on Episode 16 of 36 QUESTIONS. In this episode we also review the book Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #gregmortenson #3cupsoftea #davidoliverrelin #giantj…
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Your greatest accomplishment, worry warts, and an itch that needs to be scratched. What do all these things have in common? Find out on Episode 15 of 36 QUESTIONS. In this episode we also review the book Desires In Conflict by Joe Dallas.. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #joedallas #desiresinconflict #living…
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Harley Davidson sidecars, female truck drivers and swinging from a helicopter in a basket. What do these things have in common? Find out on Episode 14 of 36 QUESTIONS. In this episode we also review the new book Buttercup: A Journey from Sexual Exploitation to True Love by Maarit Eronen. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #…
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Crystal balls, avocado toast and Peanut Butter Falcon. What do these things have in common? Find out on Episode 13 of 36 QUESTIONS. In this episode we also review the new book LIQUID CHURCH, 6 Powerful Currents To Saturate Your City For Christ by Tim Lucas and Warren Bird. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #ti…
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What do caring about the way you look, a summer of becoming a man and Mother Teresa have in common? Find out on Episode 12 of 36 QUESTIONS. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #winabook #summercontest #davidbornstein #howtochangetheworldbook #motherteresa #weightloss Check out our facebook page!…
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What do summer contests, temperament colors and 3...2...1... have in common? Find out on Episode 11 of 36 QUESTIONS. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #arthuraron #36questions #foursquare #winabook #summercontest #isaidthisyourheardthat #kathleenedelman #temperament #eq #lovelanguage #liquidchurch…
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XXX Church, growing up in a castle and kissing at the roller rink. What do all these things have in common? Find out on Episode 10 of 36 QUESTIONS. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #drkevinleman #thebirthorderbook #growingupfirstborn #arthuraron #36questions #piglatin #xxxchurch #covenanteyes #christianparenting…
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Ska music, smelling like smoke and gaining a new son. What do all these things have in common? Find out on Episode 9 of 36 QUESTIONS. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #themarriagejournal #jeremyandaudreyroloff #aloveletterlife #annvoskamp #onethousandgifts #supertones #theinsyderz
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Killers on the Appalachian Trail, teaching mime in a Muslim school in Uganda and piles of dirty dishes. What do all these things have in common? Find out on Episode 8 of 36 QUESTIONS.#juangalloway #tracygalloway #marriedinministry #housingworks #provokedthebook #freewalkingtours #irisministries #heidibaker…
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Morbid thoughts, grass in Heaven and marrying on the rebound. What do all these things have in common? Listen to the 7th episode of our podcast 36 QUESTIONS and find out. #juangalloway #tracygalloway #christianleadership #marriedinministry #imagineheaven #johnburke
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Bruce Lee, breakdancing and a brain in a jar. What do these things have in common? Listen to Question 6 and find out.
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What does death row, the mantra "soft and sweet" and praying for celebrities have in common? Find out on Episode 5 of 36 QUESTIONS! #justmercy #bryanstevenson #juangalloway #tracygalloway #centerforrelationalcare #bethel #hillsong #morningstarmusic #mistyedwards #leonardjones #willreagan #christianleadership #marriedinministry #conflictresolution…
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What do a Filipino beach prison, St Patrick and Mexican cave snorkeling have to do with each other? Find out on Episode 4.
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What do masculine goodbyes, avoiding confrontation and The Princess Bride have in common? Find out on Episode 3. #arthuraron #36questions #jennieallen #nothingtoprove #susanscott #fierceconversations #christianrelationships #christianleadership #christianpodcast #juangalloway #tracygalloway
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Butterfly rain boots, coffee shop ambushes and crying New Jersey housewives. Find out what these things have in common for episode 2 of 36 Questions with Juan and Tracy Galloway.
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Bono, The Salvation Army and staring into each other’s eyes for four minutes. Find out more by listening to the first episode of our new podcast, 36 Questions.
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Episode 19: "I Got a Little Alien in the Apartment"
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1:31:28“36 Questions” is based on a study by psychologist Arthur Aron that explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions. In this season, we've invited two people who are already in a relationship and record their conversation.In this episode of the podcast, Amber R…
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Episode 18: "Coconut Jelly, Coconut Man"
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1:15:55“36 Questions” is based on a study by psychologist Arthur Aron that explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions. In this season, we've invited two people who are already in a relationship and record their conversation.In this episode of the podcast, LaGina …
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Episode 17: "Eating Burgers 'til I Die"
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1:35:43“36 Questions” is based on a study by psychologist Arthur Aron that explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions. In this season, we've invited two people who are already in a relationship and record their conversation.In this episode of the podcast, Adam Ho…
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Episode 16 - "We're Like A British Panel Show"
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1:30:50“36 Questions” is based on a study by psychologist Arthur Aron that explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions. In this season, we've invited two people who are already in a relationship and record their conversation.In this episode of the podcast, Kate Si…
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Episode 15 - "My School Mascots Really Define Me"
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1:17:01“36 Questions” is based on a study by psychologist Arthur Aron that explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions. In this season, we've invited people who are already in a relationship and record their conversation.In this episode of the podcast, Nick and Ma…
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Episode 14 - "A 300-Year-Old Turtle Head Named Poseidon"
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1:07:32“36 Questions” is based on a study by psychologist Arthur Aron that explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions. In this season, we've invited people who are already in a relationship and record their conversation.In this episode of the podcast, Megan (http…
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Episode 13 - "It's Just Two Babes, And They're Doing It Together"
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1:17:31“36 Questions” is based on a study by psychologist Arthur Aron that explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions. In this season, we've invited people who are already in a relationship and record their conversation.In this episode of the podcast, Mehdi Barak…
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Episode 12: "What About Your First Wife?"
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1:24:28“36 Questions” is based on a study by psychologist Arthur Aron that explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions. In this season, we've invited people who are already in a relationship and record their conversation.In this episode of the podcast, Heather Apo…
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Episode 11: "Actual Human Birds"
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1:22:14“36 Questions” is based on a study by psychologist Arthur Aron that explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions.In the second season of the podcast, we invite a couple into the studio to find out more about each other and record their conversation.In this e…
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In Act 3 of the three-part podcast musical starring Jonathan Groff and Jessie Shelton, a couple attempts to bring their marriage back from the brink of divorce using 36 revealing questions designed to make strangers fall in love. Songs from Act 3 available on Bandcamp. Thanks for listening! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adcho…
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In Act 2 of the three-part podcast musical starring Jonathan Groff and Jessie Shelton, a couple attempts to bring their marriage back from the brink of divorce using 36 revealing questions designed to make strangers fall in love. Songs from Act 2 available on Bandcamp. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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